Another reason to abandon the demorat party

This lady who cancelled singing at Trump's inauguration because of threats and racial insults from demorats and anti Trumpers. Not a word of moderation from the present occupant in the white house of course, because this is what he set out to accomplish, I do believe. How decent people can remain Democrat is beyond me. They need to abandon it in droves by either going republican or independent or forming a new party.

Black singer withdraws from Trump Inauguration after blacks call her ‘house n*gger’ and tell her to ‘kill yourself’

It's like my pappy used to say, "I did not leave the party, the party left the human race"
It's like my pappy used to say, "I did not leave the party, the party left the human race"

dimocrap scum are irrelevant. In about an hour and a half, we're going to be reminded just how irrelevant they are.

No more Mr Nice Guy. Trump is coming for them.

Run Forrest, Run!!
come to california and i will show you some....i worked with a few....and none of them will hide their feelings....

So they beat you up and throw batteries at you?
geezus you are a ditz....try answering the post i put up...

Talk about logic fallacies -- One of our resident dead-enders not only pulls a tu quoque fallacy out of his ass, it's a HYPOTHETICAL tu quoque fallacy.

"Well, geez, Beaver. dimocrap scum are really bad and, yeah, they been doing this shit for DECADES, but Republicans got some real meanies too and they might, someday, do the same thing"

I really do hate dimocraps
which is why as a far righty you aint no different then the far lefties........and yea i hate you die hard righties just as much as i hate your brothers and sisters on the die hard left deserve each other.....and im a "dead-ender"?.....i have read your posts dont seem to have too much going for you do you?...

And you still try to point fingers to deflect from your violent brethren.
As far as what I have going? I retired at 46 and do whatever the hell I want when I want.
you are so stupid you cant even reply to the right must be getting pissed....typical die hard....go have lunch with dean again,you need more seasoning if you want to be a lefty in disguise....
So they beat you up and throw batteries at you?
geezus you are a ditz....try answering the post i put up...

Talk about logic fallacies -- One of our resident dead-enders not only pulls a tu quoque fallacy out of his ass, it's a HYPOTHETICAL tu quoque fallacy.

"Well, geez, Beaver. dimocrap scum are really bad and, yeah, they been doing this shit for DECADES, but Republicans got some real meanies too and they might, someday, do the same thing"

I really do hate dimocraps
which is why as a far righty you aint no different then the far lefties........and yea i hate you die hard righties just as much as i hate your brothers and sisters on the die hard left deserve each other.....and im a "dead-ender"?.....i have read your posts dont seem to have too much going for you do you?...

And you still try to point fingers to deflect from your violent brethren.
As far as what I have going? I retired at 46 and do whatever the hell I want when I want.
you are so stupid you cant even reply to the right must be getting pissed....typical die hard....go have lunch with dean again,you need more seasoning if you want to be a lefty in disguise....

More incoherent babbling.
And you still try to point fingers to deflect from your violent brethren.
As far as what I have going? I retired at 46 and do whatever the hell I want when I want.

He doesn't even have the courage of his convictions. Typical dimocrap
yea sure i i said i have read your posts.....not much there but the same mantra in everyone...."i hate dimocraps"......thanks for backing up what i have said about you die hard assholes...
geezus you are a ditz....try answering the post i put up...

Talk about logic fallacies -- One of our resident dead-enders not only pulls a tu quoque fallacy out of his ass, it's a HYPOTHETICAL tu quoque fallacy.

"Well, geez, Beaver. dimocrap scum are really bad and, yeah, they been doing this shit for DECADES, but Republicans got some real meanies too and they might, someday, do the same thing"

I really do hate dimocraps
which is why as a far righty you aint no different then the far lefties........and yea i hate you die hard righties just as much as i hate your brothers and sisters on the die hard left deserve each other.....and im a "dead-ender"?.....i have read your posts dont seem to have too much going for you do you?...

And you still try to point fingers to deflect from your violent brethren.
As far as what I have going? I retired at 46 and do whatever the hell I want when I want.
you are so stupid you cant even reply to the right must be getting pissed....typical die hard....go have lunch with dean again,you need more seasoning if you want to be a lefty in disguise....

More incoherent babbling.
is it?.....did you reply to a post about you or someone else?...take your time,i know this will be a tough one to answer...
And you still try to point fingers to deflect from your violent brethren.
As far as what I have going? I retired at 46 and do whatever the hell I want when I want.

He doesn't even have the courage of his convictions. Typical dimocrap
yea sure i i said i have read your posts.....not much there but the same mantra in everyone...."i hate dimocraps"......thanks for backing up what i have said about you die hard assholes...

You haven't backed up shit.
You lefties are violent shitheads and we have the videos to prove it.
So no comment on the violence at the Deploraball eh Harry?
I called it,of course with the history of liberal violence it was an easy call.
They even had to break out the tear gas. Seems kinda redundant since they were probably all crying anyway.
and what did i say earlier about if they get violent?...if they open fire and kill them it would mean less far lefties on the planet,no big loss....

:lmao: So that's supposed to make things all better?
You dumb fucks are violent and you prove it on a regular basis.
So what do you think the chances are that there will be more violence from the left today?
yea for me it would be a whole lot better....when we get you die hard righties in the same area as your die hard lefty brethren...all of you gone at the same time....what a thought....

Then you'd just have a bunch of dead lefties.
But since the vast majority of republicans aren't violent we both know thats not going to happen.
yea that vast majority are the more moderate least you are starting to admit the die-hard far righties can lose it.....
Talk about logic fallacies -- One of our resident dead-enders not only pulls a tu quoque fallacy out of his ass, it's a HYPOTHETICAL tu quoque fallacy.

"Well, geez, Beaver. dimocrap scum are really bad and, yeah, they been doing this shit for DECADES, but Republicans got some real meanies too and they might, someday, do the same thing"

I really do hate dimocraps
which is why as a far righty you aint no different then the far lefties........and yea i hate you die hard righties just as much as i hate your brothers and sisters on the die hard left deserve each other.....and im a "dead-ender"?.....i have read your posts dont seem to have too much going for you do you?...

And you still try to point fingers to deflect from your violent brethren.
As far as what I have going? I retired at 46 and do whatever the hell I want when I want.
you are so stupid you cant even reply to the right must be getting pissed....typical die hard....go have lunch with dean again,you need more seasoning if you want to be a lefty in disguise....

More incoherent babbling.
is it?.....did you reply to a post about you or someone else?...take your time,i know this will be a tough one to answer...

Oh that one. So I missed it.
That doesnt change the fact that you are a liar and refuse to acknowledge the violent tendencies of the left even though there's video proof of it.
And you still try to point fingers to deflect from your violent brethren.
As far as what I have going? I retired at 46 and do whatever the hell I want when I want.

He doesn't even have the courage of his convictions. Typical dimocrap
yea sure i i said i have read your posts.....not much there but the same mantra in everyone...."i hate dimocraps"......thanks for backing up what i have said about you die hard assholes...

You haven't backed up shit.
You lefties are violent shitheads and we have the videos to prove it.
are you edges spokes person?...thats 2 posts in a row you have answered for the guy....
which is why as a far righty you aint no different then the far lefties........and yea i hate you die hard righties just as much as i hate your brothers and sisters on the die hard left deserve each other.....and im a "dead-ender"?.....i have read your posts dont seem to have too much going for you do you?...

And you still try to point fingers to deflect from your violent brethren.
As far as what I have going? I retired at 46 and do whatever the hell I want when I want.
you are so stupid you cant even reply to the right must be getting pissed....typical die hard....go have lunch with dean again,you need more seasoning if you want to be a lefty in disguise....

More incoherent babbling.
is it?.....did you reply to a post about you or someone else?...take your time,i know this will be a tough one to answer...

Oh that one. So I missed it.
That doesnt change the fact that you are a liar and refuse to acknowledge the violent tendencies of the left even though there's video proof of it.
i havent acknowledged the violence of the far lefties? have i said anything good about them? did i not say a few posts ago if they were dead i could care less?.........and yet here you are basically telling me that the righties are just people that cannot conceive of being assholes.....they are just perfect angels.....but im the liar here?....
And you still try to point fingers to deflect from your violent brethren.
As far as what I have going? I retired at 46 and do whatever the hell I want when I want.
you are so stupid you cant even reply to the right must be getting pissed....typical die hard....go have lunch with dean again,you need more seasoning if you want to be a lefty in disguise....

More incoherent babbling.
is it?.....did you reply to a post about you or someone else?...take your time,i know this will be a tough one to answer...

Oh that one. So I missed it.
That doesnt change the fact that you are a liar and refuse to acknowledge the violent tendencies of the left even though there's video proof of it.
i havent acknowledged the violence of the far lefties? have i said anything good about them? did i not say a few posts ago if they were dead i could care less?.........and yet here you are basically telling me that the righties are just people that cannot conceive of being assholes.....they are just perfect angels.....but im the liar here?....

99% of political violence is committed by democrats.
you are so stupid you cant even reply to the right must be getting pissed....typical die hard....go have lunch with dean again,you need more seasoning if you want to be a lefty in disguise....

More incoherent babbling.
is it?.....did you reply to a post about you or someone else?...take your time,i know this will be a tough one to answer...

Oh that one. So I missed it.
That doesnt change the fact that you are a liar and refuse to acknowledge the violent tendencies of the left even though there's video proof of it.
i havent acknowledged the violence of the far lefties? have i said anything good about them? did i not say a few posts ago if they were dead i could care less?.........and yet here you are basically telling me that the righties are just people that cannot conceive of being assholes.....they are just perfect angels.....but im the liar here?....

99% of political violence is committed by democrats.
oh now its political you moved the goal posts from just "violence" to "political" violence....same kind of shit dean

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