Another reason to not vote for Biden...he will surrender space to the Chinese...something we do not want...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Apparently, joe biden, who has gone into business with the Spy Chief of China, according to the information from Tony Bobulinski, would surrender space to the Chinese.....and that is something the U.S. and the World can't allow to happen...

The U.K. Express this week uncovered an ominous statement from Biden's failed 2008 presidential run. He had expressed the insane desire "to make China a full partner in space exploration, rather than a frustrated new entrant that had to catch up to the United States." This terrible idea has horrified experts, who note PRC plans to defeat American global military power through space dominance.

Then commanding United States Strategic Command, Admiral Cecil D. Haney in 2016 warned that China seeks to "exploit" American space dependencies "by turning them into vulnerabilities." "China, like Russia, has advanced 'directed energy' capabilities that could be used to track or blind satellites, and like Russia, has demonstrated the ability to perform complex maneuvers in space," he added. He gravely warned that this development "potentially threatens national sovereignty and survival."

China has already ominously developed a space force to advance PRC ambitions. The International Assessment and Strategy Center's Senior Asia Fellow, Richard Fisher, has noted the force's mission "'to achieve control of low earth orbit in order to defeat the United States on Earth." Major Liane Zivitski, a visiting military analyst at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, has likewise observed Beijing's determination "to replace the U.S. as the dominant power in space."

According to Zivitski's threat assessment, China's "track record of deviation from international norms leaves the U.S. no choice but to prepare to defend itself." Similarly, last week, former NASA administrator Daniel Goldin urged the next president to take China's "light speed" space development extremely seriously. The "survival of democracy on our planet" depends on stopping Chicom space conquest.

None of these dangers indicates that China is interested in Biden's partnership, and, thankfully, most American leaders are raising the alarm over PRC space threats. For example, Senator Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) recently introduced two amendments to a NASA appropriations bill that would protect American space technology from China's claws. His amendments would require review of all contractors for possible ties to the PRC.

I guess America is really going to decide whether to remain a free, independent nation, or submit to China so a handful like Biden can become insanely wealthy.

The paid Chinese trolls are ecstatic at the possibilities.

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