Another reason to support Newt~ Balance the budget in 5 yrs

Maria Bartiromo cleaned Newt clock. When he said he couldn't answer questions about the economy because 30 seconds wasn't enough time, she told him to take all the time he needed. It was a "Rick Perry" moment that almost no one in the press picked up on because of the twin Perry and Cain "Sideshow Fiasco Fiestas". But Newt's answer was that corporations clean the park. WTF???? Corporations clean the park????

She doesn't have to take that shit from him. He needs to stop talking in bumper stickers all the time and say something substantive.

Arrogant lardass.

*sniffle sniffle* Cry baby LOL Newt doesn't take shit from the liberal media .. too damn bad.. get use to it.. we're over the entire Main Sleaze Media.
Maria Bartiromo cleaned Newt clock. When he said he couldn't answer questions about the economy because 30 seconds wasn't enough time, she told him to take all the time he needed. It was a "Rick Perry" moment that almost no one in the press picked up on because of the twin Perry and Cain "Sideshow Fiasco Fiestas". But Newt's answer was that corporations clean the park. WTF???? Corporations clean the park????

She doesn't have to take that shit from him. He needs to stop talking in bumper stickers all the time and say something substantive.

Arrogant lardass.

*sniffle sniffle* Cry baby LOL Newt doesn't take shit from the liberal media .. too damn bad.. get use to it.. we're over the entire Main Sleaze Media.

You know, you're even too stupid to waste a neg on.
The trolls are coming out of the woodwork which means they're noticing Newt on the rise and scared. :) "You ain't seen nothin yet."

Helvering, et al v Davis, 301 U.S. 619

The issue is a closed one. It was fought out long ago. When money is spent to promote the general welfare, the concept of welfare or the opposite is shaped by Congress, not the states. So the concept be not arbitrary, the locality must yield. Constitution, Art. VI, Par. 2.

The New Deal: Supreme Court Cases | Faculty Research | School of Public Policy | Pepperdine University

This is the LEFTIST's answer. SPEND SPEND SPEND with money we no longer have.. Support and prop up MILLIONS of people who now claim to be disabled, SOCIAL SECURITY FRAUD, and we all know it exists.. those people who soak the taxpayer and yet are perfectly able to work. STEAL MONEY from hard working people in order to give it to lazy bums like skank here.. No thanks..we reject that.

actually, idiota, that is simply the law in this country.

no one really cares if you "reject" it or not.

learn it, live it, love it.

This is the LEFTIST's answer. SPEND SPEND SPEND with money we no longer have.. Support and prop up MILLIONS of people who now claim to be disabled, SOCIAL SECURITY FRAUD, and we all know it exists.. those people who soak the taxpayer and yet are perfectly able to work. STEAL MONEY from hard working people in order to give it to lazy bums like skank here.. No thanks..we reject that.

actually, idiota, that is simply the law in this country.

no one really cares if you "reject" it or not.

learn it, live it, love it.

The only thing being rejected in our nation today is LIBERALISM.. It's a beautiful morning in America.. 2012 is around the corner. Makes ya wanna sing, hmm? lol
This is the LEFTIST's answer. SPEND SPEND SPEND with money we no longer have.. Support and prop up MILLIONS of people who now claim to be disabled, SOCIAL SECURITY FRAUD, and we all know it exists.. those people who soak the taxpayer and yet are perfectly able to work. STEAL MONEY from hard working people in order to give it to lazy bums like skank here.. No thanks..we reject that.

actually, idiota, that is simply the law in this country.

no one really cares if you "reject" it or not.

learn it, live it, love it.

The only thing being rejected in our nation today is LIBERALISM.. It's a beautiful morning in America.. 2012 is around the corner. Makes ya wanna sing, hmm? lol

it's great... you have no answers so resort to stock insults. are you this useless in real life?

i understand you don't know anything and actually learning something about the constitution is beyond you. but at least make an effort.

i'm thinking that the good people of mississippi and wisconsin did a good job rejecting you wingnut idiots the other day.

just sayin
actually, idiota, that is simply the law in this country.

no one really cares if you "reject" it or not.

learn it, live it, love it.

The only thing being rejected in our nation today is LIBERALISM.. It's a beautiful morning in America.. 2012 is around the corner. Makes ya wanna sing, hmm? lol

it's great... you have no answers so resort to stock insults. are you this useless in real life?

i understand you don't know anything and actually learning something about the constitution is beyond you. but at least make an effort.

i'm thinking that the good people of mississippi and wisconsin did a good job rejecting you wingnut idiots the other day.

just sayin

Stating it's a new morning in America is an insult? ROFL! Any time you want to debate the Constitution, here I am.. Your interpretation of providing welfare, ie handouts IS NOT in the Constitution.. A well armed militia is. Next?
Hi, you have received -335 reputation points from Sarah G.
Reputation was given for this post.

I\'m betting it does.

Sarah G

roflmao!!! Thank you.. that cracked me up.. I want to share it with everyone else.
Hi, you have received -335 reputation points from Sarah G.
Reputation was given for this post.

I\'m betting it does.

Sarah G

roflmao!!! Thank you.. that cracked me up.. I want to share it with everyone else.

You're welcome.
In Newt News:

A Super Pac was started for Newt last night.. raised more than 10,000.00 ...

Oooo, pretty soon he'll catch up with Obama's billion. In 2008, Ron Paul sometimes brought in 1,000,000 overnight online.

And here we all thought Barry hated money and yet you sit bragging about it? Which is it? Newt is right.. The liberal media has dumbed down lefties and their cohorts.. this response from Sarah G is proof.. ie, money is great to have when it benefits us , bad when it benefits conservatives.
Newt has a proven track record of being a deficit hawk. Newt states he will balance the budget in 5 years.

Newt Gingrich Estimates Budget Could Be Balanced in 5 Years - ABC News

Newt brought Bubba kicking and screaming to the table regarding welfare reform and a balanced budget.
Yeah......that's what happened.......


"The tax increase will…lead to a recession…and will actually increase the deficit."

- Rep. Newt Gingrich (Republican, Georgia)


1993 Deficit Reduction:
A Lesson on Tax Policy

You Teabaggers really SHOULD swear-OFF those Texas-approved History text-books.


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In Newt News:

A Super Pac was started for Newt last night.. raised more than 10,000.00 ...

Oooo, pretty soon he'll catch up with Obama's billion. In 2008, Ron Paul sometimes brought in 1,000,000 overnight online.

And here we all thought Barry hated money and yet you sit bragging about it? Which is it? Newt is right.. The liberal media has dumbed down lefties and their cohorts.. this response from Sarah G is proof.. ie, money is great to have when it benefits us , bad when it benefits conservatives.

Fundraising is very important to a campaign, or do you not comprehend this either. You need at least 30,000,000 to even be considered viable at this point.

10,000? Pffffttt
Everyone wants to be Ron Paul these days.

I like Ron Paul.. if he gets the nod he will have my support.. but my guy is Newt to get the job done.

It's possible in 2 montsh from now it will be between Newt and Paul... All others I think will go away.
You forgot Part II.

Barack Obama WILL be re-elected, and.......Hill & Bill will maintain the Dems momentum.....

clintonhillbillwave4.jpg 2016!!!!!!

:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:

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