Republicans introduce plan to balance the budget in 5 years.

The 152-member House Republican Study Committee (RSC) released its alternative budget last week, and it was both a doozy and a political gift to Democrats. In that vein, House Republicans are now proposing slashing spending by $14 trillion over the next decade in order to balance the federal budget. Apparently, House Republicans forgot they were also the party that helped Trump single-handedly add nearly $8 trillion to the national debt during his four years in office, which was also pretty unprecedented.

House Republicans—nearly three-quarters of whom signed off on this plan—definitely have electoral advantages heading into next year, their ideas aren't one of them.

I'm sure plan B will be equally as inspiring.
and do tell ,, what is the dem plan to balance the budget??

To start with, no spending without taxation. Democrats have always taxed before they spend.
Democrats in which country? Because that certainly hasn't been the case for the Democrats in the United States for the last several decades, they've engaged in deficit spending with as much gusto as the drunken sailors on the Republican side of the aisle have, which probably explains why we haven't had a balanced budget since 1969.

Democrats only held the House for the last 2 years of W's Administration, and the first 2 years of the Obama Administration, prior to 2018, and in both cases (2006, and 2018), they were saddled with MASSIVE Republican deficits when they walked in the door.

Under Bill Clinton, there were budget surpluses because of the success of the Clinton Agenda passed in the first two years of his Administration. Democrats held the House for 2 years before the Republicans took over, and Republicans held the House for the next 12 years, by which time, the fiscal gains of the Clinton Presidency were wiped out in unfunded programs like MediCare, Part D, two unfunded wars, and of course, the Bush tax cuts.

Bush's policies lead to the second Republican economic crash, and Democrats undid as much damage as possible before the Tea Party loons in the Gerrymandered House took over in 2012, and spent another 6 years refusing to tax, but spending on corporations continued unabated.

Obama reduced spending and increased taxes as best he could, created the most successful economic recovery in history, so of course Republicans had to crash that too.
So your theory is that the Democrats have just been innocent bystanders to the deficit spending that's been going on since 1969? If that's the case, why do we even bother sending them to Washington if the Republicans have such pervasive control over the purse strings? They might as well stay at home.

You also still have not managed to demonstrate a single instance of Democrats "Taxing before spending" even though it's the Democrats that are at least half-responsible for the state of Federal Finances in the United States and allow me to give you a hint: simply listing Presidents and which party controlled which House of Congress isn't supporting your original argument.

If you had any integrity, you'd recognize that both the major crime families share responsibility for deficit spending and the cumulative operating deficit (aka the "National Debt") as well as the enormous pile of future unfunded liabilities we're collectively facing, but I already know that your integrity is questionable so I fully expect that you'll just slap together yet another pile of propaganda in the hopes that nobody will notice that it's just non-sequitur BS.

Maybe you're just trying to convince yourself that your perception has some sort of a connection to reality?
The 152-member House Republican Study Committee (RSC) released its alternative budget last week, and it was both a doozy and a political gift to Democrats. In that vein, House Republicans are now proposing slashing spending by $14 trillion over the next decade in order to balance the federal budget.
Until they are back in the majority at which point they'll increase the debt by $30 trillion. The Republicans are complete frauds when it comes to living within our means.

I was all for a balanced budget until George W. Bush destroyed everything Bill Clinton had achieved to that point.

Remember. We had a budget surplus at the end of the Clinton administration, along with the debt on it's way to start going down. Not to mention the strongest economy in recorded history, and that includes every President after him. Which resulted from raising taxes on the wealthy.

Then Republicans get elected in 2000.

And after the Obama administration, Republicans have zero credibility on anything fiscally, or economically, ever again with me. As far as the debt or the budget go, Republicans can just sit down and STFU.

Biden is playing it exactly right. All of the spending now will go to the working class, and not one single dime will be left for any tax cuts, or subsidies to the wealthy, or corporations.

And the next Democratic administration needs to double, no triple down on that. If the wealthy don't like it, they can all move their worthless asses to Belarus. We'll take real good care of their assets after they leave.
The 152-member House Republican Study Committee (RSC) released its alternative budget last week, and it was both a doozy and a political gift to Democrats. In that vein, House Republicans are now proposing slashing spending by $14 trillion over the next decade in order to balance the federal budget. Apparently, House Republicans forgot they were also the party that helped Trump single-handedly add nearly $8 trillion to the national debt during his four years in office, which was also pretty unprecedented.

House Republicans—nearly three-quarters of whom signed off on this plan—definitely have electoral advantages heading into next year, their ideas aren't one of them.

I'm sure plan B will be equally as inspiring.
and do tell ,, what is the dem plan to balance the budget??

To start with, no spending without taxation. Democrats have always taxed before they spend.
Democrats in which country? Because that certainly hasn't been the case for the Democrats in the United States for the last several decades, they've engaged in deficit spending with as much gusto as the drunken sailors on the Republican side of the aisle have, which probably explains why we haven't had a balanced budget since 1969.

Democrats only held the House for the last 2 years of W's Administration, and the first 2 years of the Obama Administration, prior to 2018, and in both cases (2006, and 2018), they were saddled with MASSIVE Republican deficits when they walked in the door.

Under Bill Clinton, there were budget surpluses because of the success of the Clinton Agenda passed in the first two years of his Administration. Democrats held the House for 2 years before the Republicans took over, and Republicans held the House for the next 12 years, by which time, the fiscal gains of the Clinton Presidency were wiped out in unfunded programs like MediCare, Part D, two unfunded wars, and of course, the Bush tax cuts.

Bush's policies lead to the second Republican economic crash, and Democrats undid as much damage as possible before the Tea Party loons in the Gerrymandered House took over in 2012, and spent another 6 years refusing to tax, but spending on corporations continued unabated.

Obama reduced spending and increased taxes as best he could, created the most successful economic recovery in history, so of course Republicans had to crash that too.
under clinton they used illegal book keeping and there was no surplus but an increase in debt,,

do tell us more how you a person that doesnt live here how would should run our policies,,,
The 152-member House Republican Study Committee (RSC) released its alternative budget last week, and it was both a doozy and a political gift to Democrats. In that vein, House Republicans are now proposing slashing spending by $14 trillion over the next decade in order to balance the federal budget. Apparently, House Republicans forgot they were also the party that helped Trump single-handedly add nearly $8 trillion to the national debt during his four years in office, which was also pretty unprecedented.

House Republicans—nearly three-quarters of whom signed off on this plan—definitely have electoral advantages heading into next year, their ideas aren't one of them.

I'm sure plan B will be equally as inspiring.
and do tell ,, what is the dem plan to balance the budget??
Trump Increase the Deficit
Obama Decreased the Deficit
Bush Increased the Deficit
Clinton Decreased the Deficit

Can you see a pattern...
By the way Biden will reduce the Deficit....

GOP just talk shit but their actions are to increase borrowing....
Can you tell the last time Tax Cuts paid for themselves?
Trumps deficits increased after Dimwingers took Congress.
Barrys deficits decreases after Reps took Congress
Bushs deficits increases after Dimwingers took Congress
Slick Willys deficits decreased after Republicans took Congress.

Congress controls the purse strings.

I think I see a pattern.
The 152-member House Republican Study Committee (RSC) released its alternative budget last week, and it was both a doozy and a political gift to Democrats. In that vein, House Republicans are now proposing slashing spending by $14 trillion over the next decade in order to balance the federal budget. Apparently, House Republicans forgot they were also the party that helped Trump single-handedly add nearly $8 trillion to the national debt during his four years in office, which was also pretty unprecedented.

House Republicans—nearly three-quarters of whom signed off on this plan—definitely have electoral advantages heading into next year, their ideas aren't one of them.

I'm sure plan B will be equally as inspiring.
and do tell ,, what is the dem plan to balance the budget??

To start with, no spending without taxation. Democrats have always taxed before they spend.
Democrats in which country? Because that certainly hasn't been the case for the Democrats in the United States for the last several decades, they've engaged in deficit spending with as much gusto as the drunken sailors on the Republican side of the aisle have, which probably explains why we haven't had a balanced budget since 1969.

Democrats only held the House for the last 2 years of W's Administration, and the first 2 years of the Obama Administration, prior to 2018, and in both cases (2006, and 2018), they were saddled with MASSIVE Republican deficits when they walked in the door.

Under Bill Clinton, there were budget surpluses because of the success of the Clinton Agenda passed in the first two years of his Administration. Democrats held the House for 2 years before the Republicans took over, and Republicans held the House for the next 12 years, by which time, the fiscal gains of the Clinton Presidency were wiped out in unfunded programs like MediCare, Part D, two unfunded wars, and of course, the Bush tax cuts.

Bush's policies lead to the second Republican economic crash, and Democrats undid as much damage as possible before the Tea Party loons in the Gerrymandered House took over in 2012, and spent another 6 years refusing to tax, but spending on corporations continued unabated.

Obama reduced spending and increased taxes as best he could, created the most successful economic recovery in history, so of course Republicans had to crash that too.
Slick had “budget surpluses”, and yet the debt went up every year.

Weird, huh?
The 152-member House Republican Study Committee (RSC) released its alternative budget last week, and it was both a doozy and a political gift to Democrats. In that vein, House Republicans are now proposing slashing spending by $14 trillion over the next decade in order to balance the federal budget. Apparently, House Republicans forgot they were also the party that helped Trump single-handedly add nearly $8 trillion to the national debt during his four years in office, which was also pretty unprecedented.

House Republicans—nearly three-quarters of whom signed off on this plan—definitely have electoral advantages heading into next year, their ideas aren't one of them.

I'm sure plan B will be equally as inspiring.
and do tell ,, what is the dem plan to balance the budget??

To start with, no spending without taxation. Democrats have always taxed before they spend.
Democrats in which country? Because that certainly hasn't been the case for the Democrats in the United States for the last several decades, they've engaged in deficit spending with as much gusto as the drunken sailors on the Republican side of the aisle have, which probably explains why we haven't had a balanced budget since 1969.

Democrats only held the House for the last 2 years of W's Administration, and the first 2 years of the Obama Administration, prior to 2018, and in both cases (2006, and 2018), they were saddled with MASSIVE Republican deficits when they walked in the door.

Under Bill Clinton, there were budget surpluses because of the success of the Clinton Agenda passed in the first two years of his Administration. Democrats held the House for 2 years before the Republicans took over, and Republicans held the House for the next 12 years, by which time, the fiscal gains of the Clinton Presidency were wiped out in unfunded programs like MediCare, Part D, two unfunded wars, and of course, the Bush tax cuts.

Bush's policies lead to the second Republican economic crash, and Democrats undid as much damage as possible before the Tea Party loons in the Gerrymandered House took over in 2012, and spent another 6 years refusing to tax, but spending on corporations continued unabated.

Obama reduced spending and increased taxes as best he could, created the most successful economic recovery in history, so of course Republicans had to crash that too.
Slick had “budget surpluses”, and yet the debt went up every year.

Weird, huh?
almost like they were using illegal book keeping that would put any average person in jail,,,
The 152-member House Republican Study Committee (RSC) released its alternative budget last week, and it was both a doozy and a political gift to Democrats. In that vein, House Republicans are now proposing slashing spending by $14 trillion over the next decade in order to balance the federal budget. Apparently, House Republicans forgot they were also the party that helped Trump single-handedly add nearly $8 trillion to the national debt during his four years in office, which was also pretty unprecedented.

House Republicans—nearly three-quarters of whom signed off on this plan—definitely have electoral advantages heading into next year, their ideas aren't one of them.

I'm sure plan B will be equally as inspiring.
and do tell ,, what is the dem plan to balance the budget??

To start with, no spending without taxation. Democrats have always taxed before they spend.
Democrats in which country? Because that certainly hasn't been the case for the Democrats in the United States for the last several decades, they've engaged in deficit spending with as much gusto as the drunken sailors on the Republican side of the aisle have, which probably explains why we haven't had a balanced budget since 1969.

Democrats only held the House for the last 2 years of W's Administration, and the first 2 years of the Obama Administration, prior to 2018, and in both cases (2006, and 2018), they were saddled with MASSIVE Republican deficits when they walked in the door.

Under Bill Clinton, there were budget surpluses because of the success of the Clinton Agenda passed in the first two years of his Administration. Democrats held the House for 2 years before the Republicans took over, and Republicans held the House for the next 12 years, by which time, the fiscal gains of the Clinton Presidency were wiped out in unfunded programs like MediCare, Part D, two unfunded wars, and of course, the Bush tax cuts.

Bush's policies lead to the second Republican economic crash, and Democrats undid as much damage as possible before the Tea Party loons in the Gerrymandered House took over in 2012, and spent another 6 years refusing to tax, but spending on corporations continued unabated.

Obama reduced spending and increased taxes as best he could, created the most successful economic recovery in history, so of course Republicans had to crash that too.
Slick had “budget surpluses”, and yet the debt went up every year.

Weird, huh?
almost like they were using illegal book keeping that would put any average person in jail,,,
Unfortunately it’s not illegal for the Federal Government, if they had to follow the same GAAP rules that the rest of us have to go by, the Federal books would look A LOT worse then they already do. Just start with the fact that they would have to amortize the future liabilities of SS, Medicare and Federal Pensions annually and just imagine what the deficit would look like…..:omg:
The 152-member House Republican Study Committee (RSC) released its alternative budget last week, and it was both a doozy and a political gift to Democrats. In that vein, House Republicans are now proposing slashing spending by $14 trillion over the next decade in order to balance the federal budget. Apparently, House Republicans forgot they were also the party that helped Trump single-handedly add nearly $8 trillion to the national debt during his four years in office, which was also pretty unprecedented.

House Republicans—nearly three-quarters of whom signed off on this plan—definitely have electoral advantages heading into next year, their ideas aren't one of them.

I'm sure plan B will be equally as inspiring.
Abolish right winger's alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror, or vote blue not red!
This should be an issue that everybody agrees with.

Published 3 hours ago

House Republicans reveal answer to Biden's budget, say it could eliminate deficit in 5 years​

RSC Chair Banks says budget will help Republicans 'reclaim the mantle of fiscal responsibility'​

EXCLUSIVE – House Republicans on Wednesday are unveiling their answer to President Biden's 2022 budget, putting forward a document that they say can balance the federal budget in five years while cutting taxes by $1.9 trillion.

The summary of the proposal by the Republican Study Committee (RSC), first obtained by Fox News, would slash a litany of discretionary programs, reform federal programs like Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) into block grants, institute "zero-baseline budgeting," and more.

These cuts, combined with reduced regulations, increases in the retirement age for Social Security and eligibility age for Medicare, among other things, the RSC says, would bring the United States to a balanced budget in five years.

"The Democrats are introducing socialism and radically expanding the role of government, and in just a short amount of time, we’re already seeing the negative effects of their agenda on our economy. We're seeing a spike in the cost of living and slower than expected job growth. And this is just the beginning," Rep. Jim Banks, R-Ind., the RSC chairman, said in a statement.

"Republicans introduce plan to balance the budget in 5 years."​

Now it remains to be seen what the democrats will do when presented with a plan to balance the budget. Does anyone with an above room temperature IQ believe for a moment they will actually go along with anything at all?
The majority wasn’t 60 and there was no way democrats were going to cut the spending. I’m sure you can remember them all over TV crying how we were all going to die.
None of them cut funding & bet there getting ready to ask for a raise for them self's

"Republicans introduce plan to balance the budget in 5 years."​

Did the Dimwingers incorporate any of the Republican plan in there budget busting spending spree?

Thanks for the thread bump, Dipshit. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Now it remains to be seen what the democrats will do when presented with a plan to balance the budget. Does anyone with an above room temperature IQ believe for a moment they will actually go along with anything at all?
If it doesn't include any tax increases on corporations and the wealthy along with closing a lot of the high end loopholes..and if it includes massive cuts to already threadbare government assistance programs..then yes, I believe Democrats will reject it as they should. Big differences between Republican "balancing" a budget and a Democrat doing the same. At least with a Democrat, I know that they are going to raise my taxes and then spend like a drunken sailor. With a Republican, they'll spend like drunken sailors...and then offer generous tax cuts to corporations and their wealthy know..TRICKLE DOWN! :)
That's not how the game is played, you don't propose balanced budget plans when you're in power since if you do people will expect you to pass it and balancing budgets hampers your ability to buy votes.

You propose them when the opposition is in power so you can blame the other side when your "plans" goes nowhere.
/——/ Sad, but true.
If it doesn't include any tax increases on corporations and the wealthy along with closing a lot of the high end loopholes..and if it includes massive cuts to already threadbare government assistance programs..then yes, I believe Democrats will reject it as they should. Big differences between Republican "balancing" a budget and a Democrat doing the same. At least with a Democrat, I know that they are going to raise my taxes and then spend like a drunken sailor. With a Republican, they'll spend like drunken sailors...and then offer generous tax cuts to corporations and their wealthy know..TRICKLE DOWN! :)
/—-/ Corporations pass taxes on to the consumers in the form of higher prices. And don’t confuse RINOs with Conservatives.

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