In 2000 the GOP had a chance to balance the Budget, they chose Otherwise

Bill Clinton was the reason for the balanced budget and projected surplus.

As soon Clinton was gone, and the GOP gained the Executive branch they instantly enacted their budget busting agenda of massive tax cuts for the ultra wealthy, and massive spending bills for the cronnies.

The GOP had a chance to solidify the future finances of America and they fucked it up big time. They made numerous policy mistakes that decimated the finances of America and left the country in massive recession 7 years later.

Looking back 20 years later you can really see how bad the GOP was in 2000-2008, and how they put America on the path for major fiscal problems due to their terrible economic policies, and wild spending bills that did little benefit to America.

More troubling was that Trump did the exact same thing as Bush and spent even more wildly.

Biden is going to spend a lot like Bush and Trump, but he is doing it in a much more effective way, leading to much better growth. Biden will do what Bush and Trump failed to do, achieve great GDP growth.

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You're leaving out Newt Gingrich?

You also forgot about 9/11
It's not democrat, it's not Republicans; it's good vs. evil.

In 2000, we were on the brink of world peace and paying down debt.

Then Evil people planned and carried out 9/11, got us into massive debt and erected the surveillance State. Sure

Dubya and his Dad were the Chief America implementers, but they had a lot of help on both sides of the aisle
“In 2000 the GOP had a chance to balance the Budget, they chose Otherwise “

Thats not a good argument against balancing the budget now
“In 2000 the GOP had a chance to balance the Budget, they chose Otherwise “

Thats not a good argument against balancing the budget now
And I don't know of many here who think the Republicans are significantly better than the Democrats.
Bill Clinton was the reason for the balanced budget and projected surplus.

As soon Clinton was gone, and the GOP gained the Executive branch they instantly enacted their budget busting agenda of massive tax cuts for the ultra wealthy, and massive spending bills for the cronnies.

The GOP had a chance to solidify the future finances of America and they fucked it up big time. They made numerous policy mistakes that decimated the finances of America and left the country in massive recession 7 years later.

Looking back 20 years later you can really see how bad the GOP was in 2000-2008, and how they put America on the path for major fiscal problems due to their terrible economic policies, and wild spending bills that did little benefit to America.

More troubling was that Trump did the exact same thing as Bush and spent even more wildly.

Biden is going to spend a lot like Bush and Trump, but he is doing it in a much more effective way, leading to much better growth. Biden will do what Bush and Trump failed to do, achieve great GDP growth.

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Every time the GOP gets all the power, they break all previous spending and deficit records.

Bush doubled the debt. Trump almost matched Obama's debt record. It took Obama eight years, Trump only FOUR.

And yet the rube herd continues to claim only the Dems are the big government big spenders. :lol:
You're leaving out Newt Gingrich?

You also forgot about 9/11
Newt Gingrich and John Kasich. Kasich was the architect of the balanced budget.

Then he went home state and was elected governor of Ohio and brought that state from a deficit to a surplus.
In 2000? Lefties only whine about the debit during republican administrations.
In 2000? Lefties only whine about the debit during republican administrations.
Actually, I have never heard a leftie complain about debt. They are honest about their love of big government.

I only see pseudocons whining about the debt when a D is in office.
Actually, I have never heard a leftie complain about debt. They are honest about their love of big government.

I only see pseudocons whining about the debt when a D is in office.
I guess its human nature to see the bad in the other side more than ourselves

I bet the usual Tweeners here think they are perfect too

At least I know one who does

Are you listening Mac1958 ?

Conservatives tend to see the danger of deficit spending more than libs

The problem (at least as far as our message goes) is that our dire warnings of disaster never come true

And I am happy it hasnt yet

But it will

Sooner or later debt will kill the goose that lays the golden eggs
I’m one who does

And I suspect many other people here do
Both parties are captured by special interests, and both believe in big government and big spending.

The only things which differentiate Republicans from Democrats these days are guns and abortion.

I guess its human nature to see the bad in the other side more than ourselves

I bet the usual Tweeners here think they are perfect too

At least I know one who does

Are you listening Mac1958 ?

Conservatives tend to see the danger of deficit spending more than libs

The problem (at least as far as our message goes) is that our dire warnings of disaster never come true

And I am happy it hasnt yet

But it will

Sooner or later debt will kill the goose that lays the golden eggs
"Conservatives tend to see the danger of deficit spending more than libs."

That's true of conservatives. But we haven't seen any for a very long time.

Trump and the GOP bleev in massive overspending. They pay lip service to fiscal conservatism, but that just makes them stark raving hypocrites. At least the Dems are honest about their love of big government.

I believe the federal debt is the single greatest threat to the security of our country and to our economic prosperity.
I guess its human nature to see the bad in the other side more than ourselves
I wanted to address this comment separately.

I have said before that if your neighbor had a guest who shit all over their furniture, you would think very poorly of that guest.

If YOU had a guest who shit all over YOUR furniture, you would detest that person far more.

That's how I am with Trump. That's why I hate Trump with a passion. He has shit all over the conservative Republican furniture.

I wish he would die.
In 2000? Lefties only whine about the debit during republican administrations.

Republicans only care about the debt when Dems are in power. How many times have we heard "Deficits don't matter" or simply ignored the deficit when passing taxcuts?
Bill Clinton was the reason for the balanced budget and projected surplus.

As soon Clinton was gone, and the GOP gained the Executive branch they instantly enacted their budget busting agenda of massive tax cuts for the ultra wealthy, and massive spending bills for the cronnies.

The GOP had a chance to solidify the future finances of America and they fucked it up big time. They made numerous policy mistakes that decimated the finances of America and left the country in massive recession 7 years later.

Looking back 20 years later you can really see how bad the GOP was in 2000-2008, and how they put America on the path for major fiscal problems due to their terrible economic policies, and wild spending bills that did little benefit to America.

More troubling was that Trump did the exact same thing as Bush and spent even more wildly.

Biden is going to spend a lot like Bush and Trump, but he is doing it in a much more effective way, leading to much better growth. Biden will do what Bush and Trump failed to do, achieve great GDP growth.

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Clinton wasn’t the reason. The .com boom and a conservative controlled legislature was the reason. But I agree with you that more should have been done. Both parties spend like drunken sailors when they have unfettered power. They have learned that buying votes is easier than having principals and telling people we can’t afford to give away billions of dollars every year.
Both parties are captured by special interests, and both believe in big government and big spending.
You confuse the corrupt professional politicians with the party base

Particularly the republican base but dem voters have their good points too

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