In 2000 the GOP had a chance to balance the Budget, they chose Otherwise

Bill Clinton was the reason for the balanced budget and projected surplus.

As soon Clinton was gone, and the GOP gained the Executive branch they instantly enacted their budget busting agenda of massive tax cuts for the ultra wealthy, and massive spending bills for the cronnies.

The GOP had a chance to solidify the future finances of America and they fucked it up big time. They made numerous policy mistakes that decimated the finances of America and left the country in massive recession 7 years later.

Looking back 20 years later you can really see how bad the GOP was in 2000-2008, and how they put America on the path for major fiscal problems due to their terrible economic policies, and wild spending bills that did little benefit to America.

More troubling was that Trump did the exact same thing as Bush and spent even more wildly.

Biden is going to spend a lot like Bush and Trump, but he is doing it in a much more effective way, leading to much better growth. Biden will do what Bush and Trump failed to do, achieve great GDP growth.

View attachment 481350

So Clinton got Newt elected to tell him no to his endless cockamamie spending proposals? Sure he did, fascist. Sure he did ...
You didn't read this and was a bubble that blew up.
Seems there is always an excuse on the Republican side: covid, dot com, housing. You know what the Democratic excuse will always be? Republicans fucked up the economy and we have to fix again. Thanks Joe/Obama/Bill for your leadership.

You didn't read this and was a bubble that blew up.
Seems there is always an excuse on the Republican side: covid, dot com, housing. You know what the Democratic excuse will always be? Republicans fucked up the economy and we have to fix again. Thanks Joe/Obama/Bill for your leadership.

Ahhh you don't know how wrong and ignorant you are since here is what happened:

Smart Investing

Lessons from the dot-com era…20 years later

by Barry Randall| January 22, 2020


Stock market booms and busts are only truly visible in hindsight. We never know if a given week’s broad market decline is just a “pullback” or the start of something bigger. Perhaps much bigger.

I was reminded of this recently when – in the midst of some housecleaning – I unearthed a trove of about 800 stock prospectuses. I’d accumulated these earlier in my career when I worked for other companies as a technology analyst and portfolio manager. Most of these related to the initial public offerings of tech companies between 1998 and 2001.

Thumbing through these prospectuses was a head trip. A journey with a few familiar names like eBay and Yahoo and many, many more names long forgotten. Click Commerce. Bindview. BAM! Entertainment. Don’t feel bad: I’d forgotten them too. Normally when you mention a public company in a column like this, the lawyers make sure you mention a company’s ticker symbol and price. Mostly unnecessary here: virtually no company represented via these prospectuses still exists, let alone are still publicly traded.

20 Years Ago

So here we are, coming up on 20 years since an infamous market top. The puncturing of the dot-com bubble. It took more than 2 ½ years for the tech-heavy NASDAQ Composite index to fall from 5048.62 on March 10, 2000 to 1114.11 on October 9, 2002, an astounding 78% decline.



That is a massive downturn for the economy.

Bush had nothing to with it you ignorant fella!


The next lesson to reduce your ignorance


The Impact Of 9/11 On Business


Updated Jul 7, 2020


When America was attacked by terrorists on September 11, 2001, the entire business community felt the blow. Stock markets immediately nosedived, and almost every sector of the economy was damaged economically. The U.S. economy was already suffering through a moderate recession following the dotcom bubble, and the terrorist attacks added further injury to the struggling business community.



Bush had nothing to do with this either.

I am NOT a "Trumper" or a republican, have many times stated that I am a free thinking independent.

Your partisan views are why you are dishonest and misleading in your claims.
So basically you just posted a bunch of partisan nonsense to justify your partisan claims.

The factual numbers refute what you say.

Bush inherited a balanced budget, with a projected surplus.
Bush and the GOP spent like crazy and enacted big spending bill after big spending bill, maybe you were just a little kid back then and don't remember what happened????? Maybe you forgot about all these big spending bills, that were terrible and wasteful??

You seem to forget history and want to rewrite it to support your partisan views.

Maybe you need to do some homework and studying here???


I was NOT talking about budget surplus or deficits at all.

I was pointing out 2 of 3 massive economic downturns during his time in my post., that will have a big impact on the tax revenue. The mere fact you ignored that distinction shows you are ignorant of the times or just another highly partisan fuckwit.

You didn't refute anything I said, man you are stupid.
Yea I know. You're making excuses for Bush's failure and ignoring the bad policy decisions he made.
Typical partisan BS. par for the course with you.


You ignored the two articles I posted of events that were beyond Bush control. Heck you so ignored it, you came right back to the tired partisan attack on me, an Independent, nowhere have I made excuses because what I posted are REAL, it was too much for you since your replies are empty deivel and stupid.

You are trolling your own thread, that is galaxy class stupidity.

No that is FUNNY!
Yes I ignored your lame excuses for Bush's failure.

You are an independent, you just make excuses for all of Bush's failure and all of Trump's super failure, AND make excuses for all of Clinton's sucess, and Biden's success...

Enjoy the Biden boom, I know you will hate it as a you are a partisan hack.

There is no Biden Boom.

There is a Trump Boom.

But it won't last.

Thanks to Joes spending, we'll be in the tank soon enough.
yea. You said the same thing about Obama until Trump crashed the economy.
Bill Clinton was the reason for the balanced budget and projected surplus.

As soon Clinton was gone, and the GOP gained the Executive branch they instantly enacted their budget busting agenda of massive tax cuts for the ultra wealthy, and massive spending bills for the cronnies.

The GOP had a chance to solidify the future finances of America and they fucked it up big time. They made numerous policy mistakes that decimated the finances of America and left the country in massive recession 7 years later.

Looking back 20 years later you can really see how bad the GOP was in 2000-2008, and how they put America on the path for major fiscal problems due to their terrible economic policies, and wild spending bills that did little benefit to America.

More troubling was that Trump did the exact same thing as Bush and spent even more wildly.

Biden is going to spend a lot like Bush and Trump, but he is doing it in a much more effective way, leading to much better growth. Biden will do what Bush and Trump failed to do, achieve great GDP growth.

View attachment 481350

So Clinton got Newt elected to tell him no to his endless cockamamie spending proposals? Sure he did, fascist. Sure he did ...
You didn't read this and was a bubble that blew up.
Seems there is always an excuse on the Republican side: covid, dot com, housing. You know what the Democratic excuse will always be? Republicans fucked up the economy and we have to fix again. Thanks Joe/Obama/Bill for your leadership.

You didn't read this and was a bubble that blew up.
Seems there is always an excuse on the Republican side: covid, dot com, housing. You know what the Democratic excuse will always be? Republicans fucked up the economy and we have to fix again. Thanks Joe/Obama/Bill for your leadership.

Ahhh you don't know how wrong and ignorant you are since here is what happened:

Smart Investing

Lessons from the dot-com era…20 years later

by Barry Randall| January 22, 2020


Stock market booms and busts are only truly visible in hindsight. We never know if a given week’s broad market decline is just a “pullback” or the start of something bigger. Perhaps much bigger.

I was reminded of this recently when – in the midst of some housecleaning – I unearthed a trove of about 800 stock prospectuses. I’d accumulated these earlier in my career when I worked for other companies as a technology analyst and portfolio manager. Most of these related to the initial public offerings of tech companies between 1998 and 2001.

Thumbing through these prospectuses was a head trip. A journey with a few familiar names like eBay and Yahoo and many, many more names long forgotten. Click Commerce. Bindview. BAM! Entertainment. Don’t feel bad: I’d forgotten them too. Normally when you mention a public company in a column like this, the lawyers make sure you mention a company’s ticker symbol and price. Mostly unnecessary here: virtually no company represented via these prospectuses still exists, let alone are still publicly traded.

20 Years Ago

So here we are, coming up on 20 years since an infamous market top. The puncturing of the dot-com bubble. It took more than 2 ½ years for the tech-heavy NASDAQ Composite index to fall from 5048.62 on March 10, 2000 to 1114.11 on October 9, 2002, an astounding 78% decline.



That is a massive downturn for the economy.

Bush had nothing to with it you ignorant fella!


The next lesson to reduce your ignorance


The Impact Of 9/11 On Business


Updated Jul 7, 2020


When America was attacked by terrorists on September 11, 2001, the entire business community felt the blow. Stock markets immediately nosedived, and almost every sector of the economy was damaged economically. The U.S. economy was already suffering through a moderate recession following the dotcom bubble, and the terrorist attacks added further injury to the struggling business community.



Bush had nothing to do with this either.

I am NOT a "Trumper" or a republican, have many times stated that I am a free thinking independent.

Your partisan views are why you are dishonest and misleading in your claims.
So basically you just posted a bunch of partisan nonsense to justify your partisan claims.

The factual numbers refute what you say.

Bush inherited a balanced budget, with a projected surplus.
Bush and the GOP spent like crazy and enacted big spending bill after big spending bill, maybe you were just a little kid back then and don't remember what happened????? Maybe you forgot about all these big spending bills, that were terrible and wasteful??

You seem to forget history and want to rewrite it to support your partisan views.

Maybe you need to do some homework and studying here???


I was NOT talking about budget surplus or deficits at all.

I was pointing out 2 of 3 massive economic downturns during his time in my post., that will have a big impact on the tax revenue. The mere fact you ignored that distinction shows you are ignorant of the times or just another highly partisan fuckwit.

You didn't refute anything I said, man you are stupid.
Yea I know. You're making excuses for Bush's failure and ignoring the bad policy decisions he made.
Typical partisan BS. par for the course with you.


You ignored the two articles I posted of events that were beyond Bush control. Heck you so ignored it, you came right back to the tired partisan attack on me, an Independent, nowhere have I made excuses because what I posted are REAL, it was too much for you since your replies are empty deivel and stupid.

You are trolling your own thread, that is galaxy class stupidity.

No that is FUNNY!
Yes I ignored your lame excuses for Bush's failure.

You are an independent, you just make excuses for all of Bush's failure and all of Trump's super failure, AND make excuses for all of Clinton's sucess, and Biden's success...

Enjoy the Biden boom, I know you will hate it as a you are a partisan hack.

There is no Biden Boom.

There is a Trump Boom.

But it won't last.

Thanks to Joes spending, we'll be in the tank soon enough.
yea. You said the same thing about Obama until Trump crashed the economy.


It was COVID-19 restrictions through the states that damaged the economy.
Bill Clinton was the reason for the balanced budget and projected surplus.

As soon Clinton was gone, and the GOP gained the Executive branch they instantly enacted their budget busting agenda of massive tax cuts for the ultra wealthy, and massive spending bills for the cronnies.

The GOP had a chance to solidify the future finances of America and they fucked it up big time. They made numerous policy mistakes that decimated the finances of America and left the country in massive recession 7 years later.

Looking back 20 years later you can really see how bad the GOP was in 2000-2008, and how they put America on the path for major fiscal problems due to their terrible economic policies, and wild spending bills that did little benefit to America.

More troubling was that Trump did the exact same thing as Bush and spent even more wildly.

Biden is going to spend a lot like Bush and Trump, but he is doing it in a much more effective way, leading to much better growth. Biden will do what Bush and Trump failed to do, achieve great GDP growth.

View attachment 481350

So Clinton got Newt elected to tell him no to his endless cockamamie spending proposals? Sure he did, fascist. Sure he did ...
You didn't read this and was a bubble that blew up.
Seems there is always an excuse on the Republican side: covid, dot com, housing. You know what the Democratic excuse will always be? Republicans fucked up the economy and we have to fix again. Thanks Joe/Obama/Bill for your leadership.

You didn't read this and was a bubble that blew up.
Seems there is always an excuse on the Republican side: covid, dot com, housing. You know what the Democratic excuse will always be? Republicans fucked up the economy and we have to fix again. Thanks Joe/Obama/Bill for your leadership.

Ahhh you don't know how wrong and ignorant you are since here is what happened:

Smart Investing

Lessons from the dot-com era…20 years later

by Barry Randall| January 22, 2020


Stock market booms and busts are only truly visible in hindsight. We never know if a given week’s broad market decline is just a “pullback” or the start of something bigger. Perhaps much bigger.

I was reminded of this recently when – in the midst of some housecleaning – I unearthed a trove of about 800 stock prospectuses. I’d accumulated these earlier in my career when I worked for other companies as a technology analyst and portfolio manager. Most of these related to the initial public offerings of tech companies between 1998 and 2001.

Thumbing through these prospectuses was a head trip. A journey with a few familiar names like eBay and Yahoo and many, many more names long forgotten. Click Commerce. Bindview. BAM! Entertainment. Don’t feel bad: I’d forgotten them too. Normally when you mention a public company in a column like this, the lawyers make sure you mention a company’s ticker symbol and price. Mostly unnecessary here: virtually no company represented via these prospectuses still exists, let alone are still publicly traded.

20 Years Ago

So here we are, coming up on 20 years since an infamous market top. The puncturing of the dot-com bubble. It took more than 2 ½ years for the tech-heavy NASDAQ Composite index to fall from 5048.62 on March 10, 2000 to 1114.11 on October 9, 2002, an astounding 78% decline.



That is a massive downturn for the economy.

Bush had nothing to with it you ignorant fella!


The next lesson to reduce your ignorance


The Impact Of 9/11 On Business


Updated Jul 7, 2020


When America was attacked by terrorists on September 11, 2001, the entire business community felt the blow. Stock markets immediately nosedived, and almost every sector of the economy was damaged economically. The U.S. economy was already suffering through a moderate recession following the dotcom bubble, and the terrorist attacks added further injury to the struggling business community.



Bush had nothing to do with this either.

I am NOT a "Trumper" or a republican, have many times stated that I am a free thinking independent.

Your partisan views are why you are dishonest and misleading in your claims.
So basically you just posted a bunch of partisan nonsense to justify your partisan claims.

The factual numbers refute what you say.

Bush inherited a balanced budget, with a projected surplus.
Bush and the GOP spent like crazy and enacted big spending bill after big spending bill, maybe you were just a little kid back then and don't remember what happened????? Maybe you forgot about all these big spending bills, that were terrible and wasteful??

You seem to forget history and want to rewrite it to support your partisan views.

Maybe you need to do some homework and studying here???


I was NOT talking about budget surplus or deficits at all.

I was pointing out 2 of 3 massive economic downturns during his time in my post., that will have a big impact on the tax revenue. The mere fact you ignored that distinction shows you are ignorant of the times or just another highly partisan fuckwit.

You didn't refute anything I said, man you are stupid.
Yea I know. You're making excuses for Bush's failure and ignoring the bad policy decisions he made.
Typical partisan BS. par for the course with you.


You ignored the two articles I posted of events that were beyond Bush control. Heck you so ignored it, you came right back to the tired partisan attack on me, an Independent, nowhere have I made excuses because what I posted are REAL, it was too much for you since your replies are empty deivel and stupid.

You are trolling your own thread, that is galaxy class stupidity.

No that is FUNNY!
Yes I ignored your lame excuses for Bush's failure.

You are an independent, you just make excuses for all of Bush's failure and all of Trump's super failure, AND make excuses for all of Clinton's sucess, and Biden's success...

Enjoy the Biden boom, I know you will hate it as a you are a partisan hack.

There is no Biden Boom.

There is a Trump Boom.

But it won't last.

Thanks to Joes spending, we'll be in the tank soon enough.
yea. You said the same thing about Obama until Trump crashed the economy.


It was COVID-19 restrictions through the states that damaged the economy.
:rolleyes: It was Trump’s incompetent reaction to covid that damaged the economy.
You didn't read this and was a bubble that blew up.
Seems there is always an excuse on the Republican side: covid, dot com, housing. You know what the Democratic excuse will always be? Republicans fucked up the economy and we have to fix again. Thanks Joe/Obama/Bill for your leadership.

You didn't read this and was a bubble that blew up.
Seems there is always an excuse on the Republican side: covid, dot com, housing. You know what the Democratic excuse will always be? Republicans fucked up the economy and we have to fix again. Thanks Joe/Obama/Bill for your leadership.

Ahhh you don't know how wrong and ignorant you are since here is what happened:

Smart Investing

Lessons from the dot-com era…20 years later

by Barry Randall| January 22, 2020


Stock market booms and busts are only truly visible in hindsight. We never know if a given week’s broad market decline is just a “pullback” or the start of something bigger. Perhaps much bigger.

I was reminded of this recently when – in the midst of some housecleaning – I unearthed a trove of about 800 stock prospectuses. I’d accumulated these earlier in my career when I worked for other companies as a technology analyst and portfolio manager. Most of these related to the initial public offerings of tech companies between 1998 and 2001.

Thumbing through these prospectuses was a head trip. A journey with a few familiar names like eBay and Yahoo and many, many more names long forgotten. Click Commerce. Bindview. BAM! Entertainment. Don’t feel bad: I’d forgotten them too. Normally when you mention a public company in a column like this, the lawyers make sure you mention a company’s ticker symbol and price. Mostly unnecessary here: virtually no company represented via these prospectuses still exists, let alone are still publicly traded.

20 Years Ago

So here we are, coming up on 20 years since an infamous market top. The puncturing of the dot-com bubble. It took more than 2 ½ years for the tech-heavy NASDAQ Composite index to fall from 5048.62 on March 10, 2000 to 1114.11 on October 9, 2002, an astounding 78% decline.



That is a massive downturn for the economy.

Bush had nothing to with it you ignorant fella!


The next lesson to reduce your ignorance


The Impact Of 9/11 On Business


Updated Jul 7, 2020


When America was attacked by terrorists on September 11, 2001, the entire business community felt the blow. Stock markets immediately nosedived, and almost every sector of the economy was damaged economically. The U.S. economy was already suffering through a moderate recession following the dotcom bubble, and the terrorist attacks added further injury to the struggling business community.



Bush had nothing to do with this either.

I am NOT a "Trumper" or a republican, have many times stated that I am a free thinking independent.

Your partisan views are why you are dishonest and misleading in your claims.
So basically you just posted a bunch of partisan nonsense to justify your partisan claims.

The factual numbers refute what you say.

Bush inherited a balanced budget, with a projected surplus.
Bush and the GOP spent like crazy and enacted big spending bill after big spending bill, maybe you were just a little kid back then and don't remember what happened????? Maybe you forgot about all these big spending bills, that were terrible and wasteful??

You seem to forget history and want to rewrite it to support your partisan views.

Maybe you need to do some homework and studying here???


I was NOT talking about budget surplus or deficits at all.

I was pointing out 2 of 3 massive economic downturns during his time in my post., that will have a big impact on the tax revenue. The mere fact you ignored that distinction shows you are ignorant of the times or just another highly partisan fuckwit.

You didn't refute anything I said, man you are stupid.
Yea I know. You're making excuses for Bush's failure and ignoring the bad policy decisions he made.
Typical partisan BS. par for the course with you.


You ignored the two articles I posted of events that were beyond Bush control. Heck you so ignored it, you came right back to the tired partisan attack on me, an Independent, nowhere have I made excuses because what I posted are REAL, it was too much for you since your replies are empty deivel and stupid.

You are trolling your own thread, that is galaxy class stupidity.

No that is FUNNY!
Yes I ignored your lame excuses for Bush's failure.

You are an independent, you just make excuses for all of Bush's failure and all of Trump's super failure, AND make excuses for all of Clinton's sucess, and Biden's success...

Enjoy the Biden boom, I know you will hate it as a you are a partisan hack.

Your trolling is fun to watch, you create a thread then ignore all replies with the same unsupported "excuses" crap. You are not here to debate, just behave like a child is the best you have to offer.

My articles stands as it is,
Yes you're right, it wasn't Bush's fault, it was 911's fault.

Let's just ignore all the mistakes Bush made across a multitude of policies domestically, internationally, and militarily and blame 911. It was Clinton's fault the idiot GOP couldn't win a war in Iraq and fucked up the world and it is Clinton's fault that Bush squandered the surplus with idiot GOP mega spending bills.

Let's just blame 911 ie Bill Clinton. It was Clinton's fault Bush squandered the surplus and stupidly went to war in Iraq and then didn't even win that war...

Let's ignore the most important reason's and divert blame and excuses to minor issues that don't matter...

Bill Clinton was the reason for the balanced budget and projected surplus.

As soon Clinton was gone, and the GOP gained the Executive branch they instantly enacted their budget busting agenda of massive tax cuts for the ultra wealthy, and massive spending bills for the cronnies.

The GOP had a chance to solidify the future finances of America and they fucked it up big time. They made numerous policy mistakes that decimated the finances of America and left the country in massive recession 7 years later.

Looking back 20 years later you can really see how bad the GOP was in 2000-2008, and how they put America on the path for major fiscal problems due to their terrible economic policies, and wild spending bills that did little benefit to America.

More troubling was that Trump did the exact same thing as Bush and spent even more wildly.

Biden is going to spend a lot like Bush and Trump, but he is doing it in a much more effective way, leading to much better growth. Biden will do what Bush and Trump failed to do, achieve great GDP growth.

View attachment 481350

So Clinton got Newt elected to tell him no to his endless cockamamie spending proposals? Sure he did, fascist. Sure he did ...
You didn't read this and was a bubble that blew up.
Seems there is always an excuse on the Republican side: covid, dot com, housing. You know what the Democratic excuse will always be? Republicans fucked up the economy and we have to fix again. Thanks Joe/Obama/Bill for your leadership.

You didn't read this and was a bubble that blew up.
Seems there is always an excuse on the Republican side: covid, dot com, housing. You know what the Democratic excuse will always be? Republicans fucked up the economy and we have to fix again. Thanks Joe/Obama/Bill for your leadership.

Ahhh you don't know how wrong and ignorant you are since here is what happened:

Smart Investing

Lessons from the dot-com era…20 years later

by Barry Randall| January 22, 2020


Stock market booms and busts are only truly visible in hindsight. We never know if a given week’s broad market decline is just a “pullback” or the start of something bigger. Perhaps much bigger.

I was reminded of this recently when – in the midst of some housecleaning – I unearthed a trove of about 800 stock prospectuses. I’d accumulated these earlier in my career when I worked for other companies as a technology analyst and portfolio manager. Most of these related to the initial public offerings of tech companies between 1998 and 2001.

Thumbing through these prospectuses was a head trip. A journey with a few familiar names like eBay and Yahoo and many, many more names long forgotten. Click Commerce. Bindview. BAM! Entertainment. Don’t feel bad: I’d forgotten them too. Normally when you mention a public company in a column like this, the lawyers make sure you mention a company’s ticker symbol and price. Mostly unnecessary here: virtually no company represented via these prospectuses still exists, let alone are still publicly traded.

20 Years Ago

So here we are, coming up on 20 years since an infamous market top. The puncturing of the dot-com bubble. It took more than 2 ½ years for the tech-heavy NASDAQ Composite index to fall from 5048.62 on March 10, 2000 to 1114.11 on October 9, 2002, an astounding 78% decline.



That is a massive downturn for the economy.

Bush had nothing to with it you ignorant fella!


The next lesson to reduce your ignorance


The Impact Of 9/11 On Business


Updated Jul 7, 2020


When America was attacked by terrorists on September 11, 2001, the entire business community felt the blow. Stock markets immediately nosedived, and almost every sector of the economy was damaged economically. The U.S. economy was already suffering through a moderate recession following the dotcom bubble, and the terrorist attacks added further injury to the struggling business community.



Bush had nothing to do with this either.

I am NOT a "Trumper" or a republican, have many times stated that I am a free thinking independent.

Your partisan views are why you are dishonest and misleading in your claims.
So basically you just posted a bunch of partisan nonsense to justify your partisan claims.

The factual numbers refute what you say.

Bush inherited a balanced budget, with a projected surplus.
Bush and the GOP spent like crazy and enacted big spending bill after big spending bill, maybe you were just a little kid back then and don't remember what happened????? Maybe you forgot about all these big spending bills, that were terrible and wasteful??

You seem to forget history and want to rewrite it to support your partisan views.

Maybe you need to do some homework and studying here???


I was NOT talking about budget surplus or deficits at all.

I was pointing out 2 of 3 massive economic downturns during his time in my post., that will have a big impact on the tax revenue. The mere fact you ignored that distinction shows you are ignorant of the times or just another highly partisan fuckwit.

You didn't refute anything I said, man you are stupid.
Yea I know. You're making excuses for Bush's failure and ignoring the bad policy decisions he made.
Typical partisan BS. par for the course with you.


You ignored the two articles I posted of events that were beyond Bush control. Heck you so ignored it, you came right back to the tired partisan attack on me, an Independent, nowhere have I made excuses because what I posted are REAL, it was too much for you since your replies are empty deivel and stupid.

You are trolling your own thread, that is galaxy class stupidity.

No that is FUNNY!
Yes I ignored your lame excuses for Bush's failure.

You are an independent, you just make excuses for all of Bush's failure and all of Trump's super failure, AND make excuses for all of Clinton's sucess, and Biden's success...

Enjoy the Biden boom, I know you will hate it as a you are a partisan hack.

There is no Biden Boom.

There is a Trump Boom.

But it won't last.

Thanks to Joes spending, we'll be in the tank soon enough.
yea. You said the same thing about Obama until Trump crashed the economy.


It was COVID-19 restrictions through the states that damaged the economy.
:rolleyes: It was Trump’s incompetent reaction to covid that damaged the economy.
These so called independents have pathetic excuses for all of Trump's fuck ups.

It was Bill Clinton's fault Trump fucked up covid on a grand scale, no wait it was HRCs fault...
You didn't read this and was a bubble that blew up.
Seems there is always an excuse on the Republican side: covid, dot com, housing. You know what the Democratic excuse will always be? Republicans fucked up the economy and we have to fix again. Thanks Joe/Obama/Bill for your leadership.

You didn't read this and was a bubble that blew up.
Seems there is always an excuse on the Republican side: covid, dot com, housing. You know what the Democratic excuse will always be? Republicans fucked up the economy and we have to fix again. Thanks Joe/Obama/Bill for your leadership.

Ahhh you don't know how wrong and ignorant you are since here is what happened:

Smart Investing

Lessons from the dot-com era…20 years later

by Barry Randall| January 22, 2020


Stock market booms and busts are only truly visible in hindsight. We never know if a given week’s broad market decline is just a “pullback” or the start of something bigger. Perhaps much bigger.

I was reminded of this recently when – in the midst of some housecleaning – I unearthed a trove of about 800 stock prospectuses. I’d accumulated these earlier in my career when I worked for other companies as a technology analyst and portfolio manager. Most of these related to the initial public offerings of tech companies between 1998 and 2001.

Thumbing through these prospectuses was a head trip. A journey with a few familiar names like eBay and Yahoo and many, many more names long forgotten. Click Commerce. Bindview. BAM! Entertainment. Don’t feel bad: I’d forgotten them too. Normally when you mention a public company in a column like this, the lawyers make sure you mention a company’s ticker symbol and price. Mostly unnecessary here: virtually no company represented via these prospectuses still exists, let alone are still publicly traded.

20 Years Ago

So here we are, coming up on 20 years since an infamous market top. The puncturing of the dot-com bubble. It took more than 2 ½ years for the tech-heavy NASDAQ Composite index to fall from 5048.62 on March 10, 2000 to 1114.11 on October 9, 2002, an astounding 78% decline.



That is a massive downturn for the economy.

Bush had nothing to with it you ignorant fella!


The next lesson to reduce your ignorance


The Impact Of 9/11 On Business


Updated Jul 7, 2020


When America was attacked by terrorists on September 11, 2001, the entire business community felt the blow. Stock markets immediately nosedived, and almost every sector of the economy was damaged economically. The U.S. economy was already suffering through a moderate recession following the dotcom bubble, and the terrorist attacks added further injury to the struggling business community.



Bush had nothing to do with this either.

I am NOT a "Trumper" or a republican, have many times stated that I am a free thinking independent.

Your partisan views are why you are dishonest and misleading in your claims.
So basically you just posted a bunch of partisan nonsense to justify your partisan claims.

The factual numbers refute what you say.

Bush inherited a balanced budget, with a projected surplus.
Bush and the GOP spent like crazy and enacted big spending bill after big spending bill, maybe you were just a little kid back then and don't remember what happened????? Maybe you forgot about all these big spending bills, that were terrible and wasteful??

You seem to forget history and want to rewrite it to support your partisan views.

Maybe you need to do some homework and studying here???


I was NOT talking about budget surplus or deficits at all.

I was pointing out 2 of 3 massive economic downturns during his time in my post., that will have a big impact on the tax revenue. The mere fact you ignored that distinction shows you are ignorant of the times or just another highly partisan fuckwit.

You didn't refute anything I said, man you are stupid.
Yea I know. You're making excuses for Bush's failure and ignoring the bad policy decisions he made.
Typical partisan BS. par for the course with you.


You ignored the two articles I posted of events that were beyond Bush control. Heck you so ignored it, you came right back to the tired partisan attack on me, an Independent, nowhere have I made excuses because what I posted are REAL, it was too much for you since your replies are empty deivel and stupid.

You are trolling your own thread, that is galaxy class stupidity.

No that is FUNNY!
Yes I ignored your lame excuses for Bush's failure.

You are an independent, you just make excuses for all of Bush's failure and all of Trump's super failure, AND make excuses for all of Clinton's sucess, and Biden's success...

Enjoy the Biden boom, I know you will hate it as a you are a partisan hack.

There is no Biden Boom.

There is a Trump Boom.

But it won't last.

Thanks to Joes spending, we'll be in the tank soon enough.
I'm loaded up for the Biden boom.

I'm confident in my analysis. Time will tell in 12+ months.
Bill Clinton was the reason for the balanced budget and projected surplus.

As soon Clinton was gone, and the GOP gained the Executive branch they instantly enacted their budget busting agenda of massive tax cuts for the ultra wealthy, and massive spending bills for the cronnies.

The GOP had a chance to solidify the future finances of America and they fucked it up big time. They made numerous policy mistakes that decimated the finances of America and left the country in massive recession 7 years later.

Looking back 20 years later you can really see how bad the GOP was in 2000-2008, and how they put America on the path for major fiscal problems due to their terrible economic policies, and wild spending bills that did little benefit to America.

More troubling was that Trump did the exact same thing as Bush and spent even more wildly.

Biden is going to spend a lot like Bush and Trump, but he is doing it in a much more effective way, leading to much better growth. Biden will do what Bush and Trump failed to do, achieve great GDP growth.

View attachment 481350

Newt Gingrich and the "Contract with America" were the reasons for the balanced budget and projected surplus.

There, fixed it for you
Bill Clinton was the reason for the balanced budget and projected surplus.

As soon Clinton was gone, and the GOP gained the Executive branch they instantly enacted their budget busting agenda of massive tax cuts for the ultra wealthy, and massive spending bills for the cronnies.

The GOP had a chance to solidify the future finances of America and they fucked it up big time. They made numerous policy mistakes that decimated the finances of America and left the country in massive recession 7 years later.

Looking back 20 years later you can really see how bad the GOP was in 2000-2008, and how they put America on the path for major fiscal problems due to their terrible economic policies, and wild spending bills that did little benefit to America.

More troubling was that Trump did the exact same thing as Bush and spent even more wildly.

Biden is going to spend a lot like Bush and Trump, but he is doing it in a much more effective way, leading to much better growth. Biden will do what Bush and Trump failed to do, achieve great GDP growth.

View attachment 481350

What happened Sept 11, 2001?
Bill Clinton was the reason for the balanced budget and projected surplus.

As soon Clinton was gone, and the GOP gained the Executive branch they instantly enacted their budget busting agenda of massive tax cuts for the ultra wealthy, and massive spending bills for the cronnies.

The GOP had a chance to solidify the future finances of America and they fucked it up big time. They made numerous policy mistakes that decimated the finances of America and left the country in massive recession 7 years later.

Looking back 20 years later you can really see how bad the GOP was in 2000-2008, and how they put America on the path for major fiscal problems due to their terrible economic policies, and wild spending bills that did little benefit to America.

More troubling was that Trump did the exact same thing as Bush and spent even more wildly.

Biden is going to spend a lot like Bush and Trump, but he is doing it in a much more effective way, leading to much better growth. Biden will do what Bush and Trump failed to do, achieve great GDP growth.

View attachment 481350

What happened Sept 11, 2001?
Bushed began the slow downward spiral of GOP stupidity and failure that has crushed America, including starting 2 wars and not winning them, crashing the economy, and ending with Trump fucking up covid and inciting an insurrection on the Capitol based on lies of voter fraud that never happened.
That's what happened...
Bill Clinton was the reason for the balanced budget and projected surplus.

As soon Clinton was gone, and the GOP gained the Executive branch they instantly enacted their budget busting agenda of massive tax cuts for the ultra wealthy, and massive spending bills for the cronnies.

The GOP had a chance to solidify the future finances of America and they fucked it up big time. They made numerous policy mistakes that decimated the finances of America and left the country in massive recession 7 years later.

Looking back 20 years later you can really see how bad the GOP was in 2000-2008, and how they put America on the path for major fiscal problems due to their terrible economic policies, and wild spending bills that did little benefit to America.

More troubling was that Trump did the exact same thing as Bush and spent even more wildly.

Biden is going to spend a lot like Bush and Trump, but he is doing it in a much more effective way, leading to much better growth. Biden will do what Bush and Trump failed to do, achieve great GDP growth.

View attachment 481350

What happened Sept 11, 2001?
Bushed began the slow downward spiral of GOP stupidity and failure that has crushed America, including starting 2 wars and not winning them, crashing the economy, and ending with Trump fucking up covid and inciting an insurrection on the Capitol based on lies of voter fraud that never happened.
That's what happened...

So 9/11 never happened, right?
Excellent analysis. Republican are fiscally irresponsible. They want to cut $15B from the mouths of the poor and give $1.5T in tax breaks to rich people to offset it with the lie that the economy will magically pay it back. Then you get giant deficits. Republicans are fiscally irresponsible.
demonRATS are fiscally irresponsible..... 90% of the chinese flu bill went out of AMERICA.... thanx for helping the AMERICAN people beijing xiden...NOT
Bill Clinton was the reason for the balanced budget and projected surplus.

As soon Clinton was gone, and the GOP gained the Executive branch they instantly enacted their budget busting agenda of massive tax cuts for the ultra wealthy, and massive spending bills for the cronnies.

The GOP had a chance to solidify the future finances of America and they fucked it up big time. They made numerous policy mistakes that decimated the finances of America and left the country in massive recession 7 years later.

Looking back 20 years later you can really see how bad the GOP was in 2000-2008, and how they put America on the path for major fiscal problems due to their terrible economic policies, and wild spending bills that did little benefit to America.

More troubling was that Trump did the exact same thing as Bush and spent even more wildly.

Biden is going to spend a lot like Bush and Trump, but he is doing it in a much more effective way, leading to much better growth. Biden will do what Bush and Trump failed to do, achieve great GDP growth.

View attachment 481350

What happened Sept 11, 2001?
Bushed began the slow downward spiral of GOP stupidity and failure that has crushed America, including starting 2 wars and not winning them, crashing the economy, and ending with Trump fucking up covid and inciting an insurrection on the Capitol based on lies of voter fraud that never happened.
That's what happened...
the slow downward spiral of demonRAT stupidity and failure that has crushed America, including barrags , continuing wars and not winning them, crashing the economy, and still going , with xiden fucking up AMERICA, and inciting an insurrection on the Capitol
That's what happened...
Excellent analysis. Republican are fiscally irresponsible. They want to cut $15B from the mouths of the poor and give $1.5T in tax breaks to rich people to offset it with the lie that the economy will magically pay it back. Then you get giant deficits. Republicans are fiscally irresponsible.
MORE crap from you
All you do is post one or two liners saying you’re wrong and then name calling. The day you put out an intelligent argument will be the first. I look forward to that day.
i look forward to the day you stop parroting cnn, msm, or any 1 sided, biased publisher
Bill Clinton was the reason for the balanced budget and projected surplus.

As soon Clinton was gone, and the GOP gained the Executive branch they instantly enacted their budget busting agenda of massive tax cuts for the ultra wealthy, and massive spending bills for the cronnies.

The GOP had a chance to solidify the future finances of America and they fucked it up big time. They made numerous policy mistakes that decimated the finances of America and left the country in massive recession 7 years later.

Looking back 20 years later you can really see how bad the GOP was in 2000-2008, and how they put America on the path for major fiscal problems due to their terrible economic policies, and wild spending bills that did little benefit to America.

More troubling was that Trump did the exact same thing as Bush and spent even more wildly.

Biden is going to spend a lot like Bush and Trump, but he is doing it in a much more effective way, leading to much better growth. Biden will do what Bush and Trump failed to do, achieve great GDP growth.

View attachment 481350

What happened Sept 11, 2001?
Bushed began the slow downward spiral of GOP stupidity and failure that has crushed America, including starting 2 wars and not winning them, crashing the economy, and ending with Trump fucking up covid and inciting an insurrection on the Capitol based on lies of voter fraud that never happened.
That's what happened...

So 9/11 never happened, right?
Yes it happened, and it started everything. It started the demise of America because Bush fucked up everything so epically bad after 911, then Trump fucked up everything so bad after covid.

Yes they were tricky situations to deal with, but both Bush and trump made every wrong move possible and the results speak for themselves.
The GOP is a total failure. Their policy mistakes are the problem. They are the ones fucking up a lot more than the Dems fuck up, and the GOP fucks up on a grand scale.
Bill Clinton was the reason for the balanced budget and projected surplus.

As soon Clinton was gone, and the GOP gained the Executive branch they instantly enacted their budget busting agenda of massive tax cuts for the ultra wealthy, and massive spending bills for the cronnies.

The GOP had a chance to solidify the future finances of America and they fucked it up big time. They made numerous policy mistakes that decimated the finances of America and left the country in massive recession 7 years later.

Looking back 20 years later you can really see how bad the GOP was in 2000-2008, and how they put America on the path for major fiscal problems due to their terrible economic policies, and wild spending bills that did little benefit to America.

More troubling was that Trump did the exact same thing as Bush and spent even more wildly.

Biden is going to spend a lot like Bush and Trump, but he is doing it in a much more effective way, leading to much better growth. Biden will do what Bush and Trump failed to do, achieve great GDP growth.

View attachment 481350

LOL Clinton signed that balanced budget after weeks of refusing and causing a shutdown of the government. He signed it with gnashing teeth.

Now that Dems own all chambers, they are welcomed to show us a balanced budget. I’ll give them credit if they ever do, even if I hate what they spend the money on.

But we both know that ain’t happening.
They won't have a balanced budget, but they will get a much better return on their debt than Trump did.

Trump had low growth, Biden will stimulate growth with his plans and the US will grow at a fast pace for the next few years and maybe beyond.

Which of BIdens tax increases will stimulate the economy?

And please post the numbers of the Clinton balanced budget. Thanks.
Bill Clinton was the reason for the balanced budget and projected surplus.

As soon Clinton was gone, and the GOP gained the Executive branch they instantly enacted their budget busting agenda of massive tax cuts for the ultra wealthy, and massive spending bills for the cronnies.

The GOP had a chance to solidify the future finances of America and they fucked it up big time. They made numerous policy mistakes that decimated the finances of America and left the country in massive recession 7 years later.

Looking back 20 years later you can really see how bad the GOP was in 2000-2008, and how they put America on the path for major fiscal problems due to their terrible economic policies, and wild spending bills that did little benefit to America.

More troubling was that Trump did the exact same thing as Bush and spent even more wildly.

Biden is going to spend a lot like Bush and Trump, but he is doing it in a much more effective way, leading to much better growth. Biden will do what Bush and Trump failed to do, achieve great GDP growth.

View attachment 481350

Every year the political class has the opportunity to balance the budget.

Banker? Hardly
Bill Clinton was the reason for the balanced budget and projected surplus.

As soon Clinton was gone, and the GOP gained the Executive branch they instantly enacted their budget busting agenda of massive tax cuts for the ultra wealthy, and massive spending bills for the cronnies.

The GOP had a chance to solidify the future finances of America and they fucked it up big time. They made numerous policy mistakes that decimated the finances of America and left the country in massive recession 7 years later.

Looking back 20 years later you can really see how bad the GOP was in 2000-2008, and how they put America on the path for major fiscal problems due to their terrible economic policies, and wild spending bills that did little benefit to America.

More troubling was that Trump did the exact same thing as Bush and spent even more wildly.

Biden is going to spend a lot like Bush and Trump, but he is doing it in a much more effective way, leading to much better growth. Biden will do what Bush and Trump failed to do, achieve great GDP growth.

View attachment 481350

it was a surplus only of taxed collected for social security. W or Gore had the opportunity to make the program solvent. I voted for W. Not that it matters in my state. But he was a horrible president. Forbes was the guy.
Bill Clinton was the reason for the balanced budget and projected surplus.

As soon Clinton was gone, and the GOP gained the Executive branch they instantly enacted their budget busting agenda of massive tax cuts for the ultra wealthy, and massive spending bills for the cronnies.

The GOP had a chance to solidify the future finances of America and they fucked it up big time. They made numerous policy mistakes that decimated the finances of America and left the country in massive recession 7 years later.

Looking back 20 years later you can really see how bad the GOP was in 2000-2008, and how they put America on the path for major fiscal problems due to their terrible economic policies, and wild spending bills that did little benefit to America.

More troubling was that Trump did the exact same thing as Bush and spent even more wildly.

Biden is going to spend a lot like Bush and Trump, but he is doing it in a much more effective way, leading to much better growth. Biden will do what Bush and Trump failed to do, achieve great GDP growth.

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You are full of shit. democRats never had a budget clown.


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Do republicans realize this budget. this debt ceiling that the AH McConnell is voting against is for THE LARGEST debt ever given to America by Trump and his morons They vote against paying THEIR own debt
:rolleyes: It was Trump’s incompetent reaction to covid that damaged the economy.
It was the politicians/entertainers/media who did that. Trump was harried 24 hours a day. He has his ways. However the swamp is real.

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