Another reason why Tea Party Republicans aren't fit to govern

The main reason they aren't fit to govern, essentially, is that they hate government. They are de facto anarchists that want to prove that government doesn't work by making not work.

Since the Tea Party has seized control of the lower house..since 2010 they passed about 42 bills.

That's about a third of what was passed in the previous 2 years.

Sad but true :(

They hate science
They hate the lessons learned in the 20th century that the hybrid system is the best.
They don't even want to fund our noaa, nws and nhc that protects people from extreme weather...

This is why I'm fighting for moderates in 2014-2016. Both extremes have lost their cookie eating minds.

Since when did government agencies protect people from extreme weather?

They can't even freaking fix pot holes and you expect them to protect you from a snow storm or a tornado?

What drugs are you taking?
is Bucs rdeans sock? or his inbred cousin?

dear gawd the whiny over something so petty that happened in a state most people here don't live in..

This thread is so stupid it's almost funny the Tea Party which came about in 2010 it has been decided by some in 2013 is not fit govern but the Democrats and Republicans who have run the country into the fucking ground for over 200 years are fit to govern. Maybe the Tea Party isn't fit to govern but at this point they dam sure deserve the benefit of the doubt far more than either the Democrat or Republican party does.
The Post and Courier | Charleston SC, News, Sports, Entertainment

Go find the article about Murrells Inlet, and the reality TV show. See, Murrells Inlet is a sleepy little beach town, nestled south of Myrtle Beach and north of Charleston, in Georgetown County. Apparently the folks who produced Jersey Shore are making a new reality show called "Party Down South", and rented out a beach front home to film. Neighbors are pissed off at the noise and filthy lifestyles going on next door.

They went to Georgetown County Council, and packed the place to complain.

OOOPS!!!! For years now, the Gtown council has been right leaning, and they buy into the Tea Party "Smaller government" philosophy.

Theres nothing they can do. That's right. The People are pissed at something they don't like. And the government......a small government, like they wanted.......has to tell them "Sorry folks, we cant do anything". Their county doesn't have a noise ordinance. Or a zoning law against it. Or a morality law.

See........government got "too big" for a reason. Because people went to the govt to bitch about a problem, so, the government created a law or agency to respond to it. ANd LOTS of people complain about LOTS of stuff.

And that's the GOP and TP's problem. Laws and agencies were created to answer a problem that the people bitched about. So, when they say they want smaller what cost? What laws and agencies are you gonna dissolved, and then, what do you tell the folks to do about the problems that those laws/agencies were created to fix once they reappear?

Im sure someone in Georgetown County who wants a seat on council is gonna run a campaign on the idea of creating a zoning law that would prevent reality TV shows, created a noise ordinance to solve loud party problems, etc, etc. But then they'll need more employees to enforce and implement those laws.


And then the same people bitching about the govt not being able to do anything about this.......will be bitching about having to pay for a government with tax money.

People are incapable of working out problems without the interference of government.

That's science, right?
This thread is so stupid it's almost funny the Tea Party which came about in 2010 it has been decided by some in 2013 is not fit govern but the Democrats and Republicans who have run the country into the fucking ground for over 200 years are fit to govern. Maybe the Tea Party isn't fit to govern but at this point they dam sure deserve the benefit of the doubt far more than either the Democrat or Republican party does.

you would think..but their Elected Democrat MASTERS have done nothing but run the Tea party down, so it seems their base MUST follow..

If they only knew how foolish they look and it makes them look like sheep..
The Post and Courier | Charleston SC, News, Sports, Entertainment

Go find the article about Murrells Inlet, and the reality TV show. See, Murrells Inlet is a sleepy little beach town, nestled south of Myrtle Beach and north of Charleston, in Georgetown County. Apparently the folks who produced Jersey Shore are making a new reality show called "Party Down South", and rented out a beach front home to film. Neighbors are pissed off at the noise and filthy lifestyles going on next door.

They went to Georgetown County Council, and packed the place to complain.

OOOPS!!!! For years now, the Gtown council has been right leaning, and they buy into the Tea Party "Smaller government" philosophy.

Theres nothing they can do. That's right. The People are pissed at something they don't like. And the government......a small government, like they wanted.......has to tell them "Sorry folks, we cant do anything". Their county doesn't have a noise ordinance. Or a zoning law against it. Or a morality law.

See........government got "too big" for a reason. Because people went to the govt to bitch about a problem, so, the government created a law or agency to respond to it. ANd LOTS of people complain about LOTS of stuff.

And that's the GOP and TP's problem. Laws and agencies were created to answer a problem that the people bitched about. So, when they say they want smaller what cost? What laws and agencies are you gonna dissolved, and then, what do you tell the folks to do about the problems that those laws/agencies were created to fix once they reappear?

Im sure someone in Georgetown County who wants a seat on council is gonna run a campaign on the idea of creating a zoning law that would prevent reality TV shows, created a noise ordinance to solve loud party problems, etc, etc. But then they'll need more employees to enforce and implement those laws.


And then the same people bitching about the govt not being able to do anything about this.......will be bitching about having to pay for a government with tax money.

The most awesome post ever!!

Thank You.

thank you.

Thank you.

Like the teabagger senior citizen getting all ginned up watching Fox News complaining about the debt, then running out to the mailbox to get his government pension, VA benefits and/or social security check.

Lying hypocrites all.
The main reason they aren't fit to govern, essentially, is that they hate government. They are de facto anarchists that want to prove that government doesn't work by making not work.

Only serfs want to be governed. Mature freedom loving people just want to be left alone. They don't want a pack of busybody toadies running around making all kinds of oppressive rules for everyone to follow.

Since the Tea Party has seized control of the lower house..since 2010 they passed about 42 bills.

That's about a third of what was passed in the previous 2 years.

Good news! Now if they could start repealing about 95% of the shit Congress passed in the last 200 years.

Let me guess, you're a member of the Sovereign Citizen Cult.
The Post and Courier | Charleston SC, News, Sports, Entertainment

Go find the article about Murrells Inlet, and the reality TV show. See, Murrells Inlet is a sleepy little beach town, nestled south of Myrtle Beach and north of Charleston, in Georgetown County. Apparently the folks who produced Jersey Shore are making a new reality show called "Party Down South", and rented out a beach front home to film. Neighbors are pissed off at the noise and filthy lifestyles going on next door.

They went to Georgetown County Council, and packed the place to complain.

OOOPS!!!! For years now, the Gtown council has been right leaning, and they buy into the Tea Party "Smaller government" philosophy.

Theres nothing they can do. That's right. The People are pissed at something they don't like. And the government......a small government, like they wanted.......has to tell them "Sorry folks, we cant do anything". Their county doesn't have a noise ordinance. Or a zoning law against it. Or a morality law.

See........government got "too big" for a reason. Because people went to the govt to bitch about a problem, so, the government created a law or agency to respond to it. ANd LOTS of people complain about LOTS of stuff.

And that's the GOP and TP's problem. Laws and agencies were created to answer a problem that the people bitched about. So, when they say they want smaller what cost? What laws and agencies are you gonna dissolved, and then, what do you tell the folks to do about the problems that those laws/agencies were created to fix once they reappear?

Im sure someone in Georgetown County who wants a seat on council is gonna run a campaign on the idea of creating a zoning law that would prevent reality TV shows, created a noise ordinance to solve loud party problems, etc, etc. But then they'll need more employees to enforce and implement those laws.


And then the same people bitching about the govt not being able to do anything about this.......will be bitching about having to pay for a government with tax money.

So people have no right to self governance? Fuck you. IF the citizens of that town want a noise ordinance, like almost every other place, then they can have one. If something violates community standards they can legislate it. That's why the Founders left most powers to state and local government, because they were more responsive to individual citizens than the federal gov't.
Another ignorant rant from the new troll on the block.
It's pretty cool that you can go to this town, rent a beach house, party your ass off, disturb the neighbors for day at a time.........and there ain't jack shit the local government can do about it.

Is this the kind of "government" the Tea par-tiers are all about? Well ok then. Party on.
What a stupid thread, and a bunch of lefties chime in with more stupidity. Billo adds nothing but another insult. Wow, how great is that! You get Sallow the typical "anarchist" BS. Bucs just being plain stupid and unreasonable, and then other stupid liberals chiming in acting like they know something. All of them ASSuming they know anything of what they talk about. Reminds me of a bunch of old nosey bitties sitting around and gossiping they think they are so much better than others. In reality they know nothing, they just think they know. Then add that the OP can't figure out how to link the article.
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What's wrong with local cities passing town ordinances?

Being for a limited Federal government doesn't mean you have to limit the local governments on the same matters. By design the States were given general police powers. Those powers have been delegated to the local levels to some degree.

The Founders believed the best government was self government. Absent that, the best government is the one closest to the people because that's the government the people can control the easiest.

If you want to pass a local noise ordinance. Go ahead. But just dont try to pass some Federal noise ordinance. Until you do that, you have absolutely nothing to complain about when people do things that are legal.
The Post and Courier | Charleston SC, News, Sports, Entertainment

Go find the article about Murrells Inlet, and the reality TV show. See, Murrells Inlet is a sleepy little beach town, nestled south of Myrtle Beach and north of Charleston, in Georgetown County. Apparently the folks who produced Jersey Shore are making a new reality show called "Party Down South", and rented out a beach front home to film. Neighbors are pissed off at the noise and filthy lifestyles going on next door.

They went to Georgetown County Council, and packed the place to complain.

OOOPS!!!! For years now, the Gtown council has been right leaning, and they buy into the Tea Party "Smaller government" philosophy.

Theres nothing they can do. That's right. The People are pissed at something they don't like. And the government......a small government, like they wanted.......has to tell them "Sorry folks, we cant do anything". Their county doesn't have a noise ordinance. Or a zoning law against it. Or a morality law.

See........government got "too big" for a reason. Because people went to the govt to bitch about a problem, so, the government created a law or agency to respond to it. ANd LOTS of people complain about LOTS of stuff.

And that's the GOP and TP's problem. Laws and agencies were created to answer a problem that the people bitched about. So, when they say they want smaller what cost? What laws and agencies are you gonna dissolved, and then, what do you tell the folks to do about the problems that those laws/agencies were created to fix once they reappear?

Im sure someone in Georgetown County who wants a seat on council is gonna run a campaign on the idea of creating a zoning law that would prevent reality TV shows, created a noise ordinance to solve loud party problems, etc, etc. But then they'll need more employees to enforce and implement those laws.


And then the same people bitching about the govt not being able to do anything about this.......will be bitching about having to pay for a government with tax money.

The most awesome post ever!!

Thank You.

thank you.

Thank you.

Like the teabagger senior citizen getting all ginned up watching Fox News complaining about the debt, then running out to the mailbox to get his government pension, VA benefits and/or social security check.

Lying hypocrites all.

You have a low standard for awesome.
The main reason they aren't fit to govern, essentially, is that they hate government. They are de facto anarchists that want to prove that government doesn't work by making not work.

Since the Tea Party has seized control of the lower house..since 2010 they passed about 42 bills.

That's about a third of what was passed in the previous 2 years.

Sad but true :(

They hate science
They hate the lessons learned in the 20th century that the hybrid system is the best.
They don't even want to fund our noaa, nws and nhc that protects people from extreme weather...

This is why I'm fighting for moderates in 2014-2016. Both extremes have lost their cookie eating minds.

Since when did government agencies protect people from extreme weather?

They can't even freaking fix pot holes and you expect them to protect you from a snow storm or a tornado?

What drugs are you taking?

Wait, the government is protecting us from extreme weather? How are they doing that?

Seriously, if someone has the ability to do that, why would they turn that power over to the Federal government? You could make billions controlling the weather.

Of course, it's all nonsense. There are so many variables involved with the climate that it would be impossible for human activity to have a significant effect on the weather if we wanted it to. We can't even predict it accurately. Weathermen are the only people who get paid despite being completely wrong very frequently.

Tell the people who have their lives destroyed in the next hurricane or tornado that the government is protecting people from extreme weather. Im sure they would really appreciate the effort.
The main reason they aren't fit to govern, essentially, is that they hate government. They are de facto anarchists that want to prove that government doesn't work by making not work.

Since the Tea Party has seized control of the lower house..since 2010 they passed about 42 bills.

That's about a third of what was passed in the previous 2 years.

Well, it depends on the day Sallow. When I worked for APD, I got assigned to the Buckhead area for a while. A VERY wealthy suburb of Atlanta. Many Republican leaning folks. This was in the Clinton years, so I saw and heard it all there, especially since they were living under a Democrat run City of Atlanta government.

You'd think as right wingers, they'd NEVER call the freakin' government for shit. They don't need no dadgum government.

But oh no. They'd call 911 because their neighbors dog was barking. Or because they couldn't get their 10 year old to do his homework (yep, I actually went to that call). Or because they had their 500th false burglar alarm of the year on their mansion- and needed the government to come check out the house and yard to be sure no intruders were around.

They consumed FAR more government as far as calling and asking for the government than anywhere else in the city.

So, I think the right wingers are a bit bipolar on this.

They hate the government until they need it. Its like they want a small so small that it doesn't answer to anyone's needs except THAT right wing voters needs haha!!! Make everyone else pay taxes, to fund a government that answers only to the concerns of the right wing residents- because God knows they call the police for all sorts of non-criminal bullshit.


During the big snow in NYC and because of a RIF with the Department of Sanitation, the snow removal was hampered. The big conservative paper in town postulated there was a slow down on the part of the workers, which was a complete lie. Additionally they went around taking pictures of those guys that were napping in the trucks.

Turns out that all the people that use to do snow removal were part of the RIF (Reduction in in Force) and managers, who never did the work before, were pulling double and sometimes triple shifts to get the work done.

One of the guys on the board, who shall remain nameless (But his moniker rhymes with "tense" like "in") complained that snow wasn't removed from his block.

It was hilarious.

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