Another record! June was the hottest month ever recorded on Earth

All anyone has to do is not help anyone who needs it if anything not good happens unless you know them. Getting even with oppressors and charlatans is the way to do it peaceably.
The Evidence Is Clear, Denying It Isn't Helping Anyone.

This is terrifying news. We need to take action now before it's too late.

Our planet is in trouble and we are all responsible for fixing it.
Governments aren't doing enough.

Individual actions matter too. We should reduce our carbon footprint by using public transportation or electric cars instead of gasoline ones, reducing energy consumption at home etc.

The transition to electric cars is threatened if Donald Trump becomes president because he lives in the 20th century. He advocates gasoline cars only.
He came out against electric cars last week.

If you believe humans have a significant impact in a global warming, Donald Trump is not your candidate.

How many new nuclear reactors should we build?
The Evidence Is Clear, Denying It Isn't Helping Anyone.

This is terrifying news. We need to take action now before it's too late.

Our planet is in trouble and we are all responsible for fixing it.
Governments aren't doing enough.

Individual actions matter too. We should reduce our carbon footprint by using public transportation or electric cars instead of gasoline ones, reducing energy consumption at home etc.

The transition to electric cars is threatened if Donald Trump becomes president because he lives in the 20th century. He advocates gasoline cars only.
He came out against electric cars last week.

If you believe humans have a significant impact in a global warming, Donald Trump is not your candidate.

Liar we only have a about 150 years worth of records of temperatures.
Wait until 2024 around November....that's when the Dims are really going to feel the heat.
Blue wave time, given how disgusting all of your candidates and positions are, and given how good the economy is.

The only hope for Republicans is cheating at a scale never seen before in the history of planet earth. How do you plan to do that? I mean, it's obvious you do plan to do that. The only question is exactly how.
The Evidence Is Clear, Denying It Isn't Helping Anyone.

This is terrifying news. We need to take action now before it's too late.

Our planet is in trouble and we are all responsible for fixing it.
Governments aren't doing enough.

Individual actions matter too. We should reduce our carbon footprint by using public transportation or electric cars instead of gasoline ones, reducing energy consumption at home etc.

The transition to electric cars is threatened if Donald Trump becomes president because he lives in the 20th century. He advocates gasoline cars only.
He came out against electric cars last week.

If you believe humans have a significant impact in a global warming, Donald Trump is not your candidate.

I don't know but maybe Canada being on fire screwed up the numbers.
The Evidence Is Clear, Denying It Isn't Helping Anyone.

This is terrifying news. We need to take action now before it's too late.

Our planet is in trouble and we are all responsible for fixing it.
Governments aren't doing enough.

Individual actions matter too. We should reduce our carbon footprint by using public transportation or electric cars instead of gasoline ones, reducing energy consumption at home etc.

The transition to electric cars is threatened if Donald Trump becomes president because he lives in the 20th century. He advocates gasoline cars only.
He came out against electric cars last week.

If you believe humans have a significant impact in a global warming, Donald Trump is not your candidate.

Hottest JUNE, not hottest month,. Try again. Were I live, we had one of the coolest Junes though.
I can remember when it was said Lake Erie was dead, from pollution. It certainly was polluted. They said it would take centuries to recover. Yet in a matter of a few decades it did recover.

The only thing they’ve been consistent about is being wrong.
Lake Erie is now considered one of the best Walleye fishing habitats. Monster Perch also.
Thread summary:

Conservatives tend to be very cowardly trolls, who all march in lockstep.

Notice how not a single one off them was willing to renounce party propaganda and address the issue? The party gives them talking points and orders them to deflect, so they obey TheParty. No independent thought is allowed.

If left-wing politics vanished, climate science wouldn't change a bit, because it's actual science.

If right-wing politics vanished, denialism would instantly vanish with it, because denialism is entirely political and religious.
Blue wave time, given how disgusting all of your candidates and positions are, and given how good the economy is.

The only hope for Republicans is cheating at a scale never seen before in the history of planet earth. How do you plan to do that? I mean, it's obvious you do plan to do that. The only question is exactly how.
We are living the Blue Wave already...
download (11).jpeg
Again? :rolleyes:

The globe set a record for the warmest June since at least 1940, new and emerging climate data shows, obliterating the previous milestone from 2019. Separately, the globe set new single day records for the hottest day yet measured, on July 3 and 4.

In addition, the NOAA single-day numbers come from a computer modeling system that takes into account surface, satellite and other measurements, rather than purely ground-based instruments.


So what? where is the proof that man is causing it and not ole man sun?

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