Another record! June was the hottest month ever recorded on Earth

Damn! The hottest in like 170 years!
ZOMG We are all doomed!
The Evidence Is Clear, Denying It Isn't Helping Anyone.

This is terrifying news. We need to take action now before it's too late.

Our planet is in trouble and we are all responsible for fixing it.
Governments aren't doing enough.

Individual actions matter too. We should reduce our carbon footprint by using public transportation or electric cars instead of gasoline ones, reducing energy consumption at home etc.

The transition to electric cars is threatened if Donald Trump becomes president because he lives in the 20th century. He advocates gasoline cars only.
He came out against electric cars last week.

If you believe humans have a significant impact in a global warming, Donald Trump is not your candidate.

More people die during heat waves than by any other natural disaster.....but it's too late to do anything about it but pay the cost.
Of course there are 1000s of sites. We use current weather data and forecast for our work and just one of the sites we use has hundreds of reporting stations throughout just the Mid-West states.

Look, I get it, your tribe will not allow you to admit the earth is warming, but it is. I am not blaming humans for it, but to pretend it is not happening is a stupid as saying humans are the singular cause for it.
Nobody denies the earth warms and cools, Simp.
The Evidence Is Clear, Denying It Isn't Helping Anyone.

This is terrifying news. We need to take action now before it's too late.

Our planet is in trouble and we are all responsible for fixing it.
Governments aren't doing enough.

Individual actions matter too. We should reduce our carbon footprint by using public transportation or electric cars instead of gasoline ones, reducing energy consumption at home etc.

The transition to electric cars is threatened if Donald Trump becomes president because he lives in the 20th century. He advocates gasoline cars only.
He came out against electric cars last week.

If you believe humans have a significant impact in a global warming, Donald Trump is not your candidate.

The Evidence Is Clear, Denying It Isn't Helping Anyone.

This is terrifying news. We need to take action now before it's too late.

Our planet is in trouble and we are all responsible for fixing it.
Governments aren't doing enough.

Individual actions matter too. We should reduce our carbon footprint by using public transportation or electric cars instead of gasoline ones, reducing energy consumption at home etc.

The transition to electric cars is threatened if Donald Trump becomes president because he lives in the 20th century. He advocates gasoline cars only.
He came out against electric cars last week.

If you believe humans have a significant impact in a global warming, Donald Trump is not your candidate.

Still skiing here in July. So no, yet more AGW cultist claptrap brought to you by the computer model fraud specialists at CLIMATE REANALYZER.

In other words, the world isn't doing what we claimed it was, so we will alter the data sets to make it happen anyway.
your mind has been completely taken over by the left liars, you are their bitch now. nothing in your post is true, but you believe it because your masters told you to. very sad.

So you can prove these two things to be false...

The sun's output declined as the earth warmed, so it's not the sun.

The orbital factors are trying to drive earth into another ice age, so it's not orbital factors.
Sure thing all the other planets are heating up, but it wasn't the sun, right?

I am not claiming they are true or not, just asking the fish to support his claim they are false.

But, since you jumped in, do you have the data showing all the other planets warming up also?
So you can prove these two things to be false...

The sun's output declined as the earth warmed, so it's not the sun.

The orbital factors are trying to drive earth into another ice age, so it's not orbital factors.

YOU have to prove YOUR extraordinary claims, dumbass.

That's how science works.

As usual you have it backwards.

Polar ice caps are melting as global warming causes climate change. We lose Arctic sea ice at a rate of almost 13% per decade, and over the past 30 years, the oldest and thickest ice in the Arctic has declined by a stunning 95%.
If emissions continue to rise unchecked, the Arctic could be ice-free in the summer by 2040. But what happens in the Arctic does not stay in the Arctic. Sea ice loss has far-reaching effects around the world.
Polar ice caps are melting as global warming causes climate change. We lose Arctic sea ice at a rate of almost 13% per decade, and over the past 30 years, the oldest and thickest ice in the Arctic has declined by a stunning 95%.
If emissions continue to rise unchecked, the Arctic could be ice-free in the summer by 2040. But what happens in the Arctic does not stay in the Arctic. Sea ice loss has far-reaching effects around the world.
Al Gore said it would be completely gone years ago. Your Cult has ZERO credibility.
The Evidence Is Clear, Denying It Isn't Helping Anyone.

This is terrifying news. We need to take action now before it's too late.

Our planet is in trouble and we are all responsible for fixing it.
Governments aren't doing enough.

Individual actions matter too. We should reduce our carbon footprint by using public transportation or electric cars instead of gasoline ones, reducing energy consumption at home etc.

The transition to electric cars is threatened if Donald Trump becomes president because he lives in the 20th century. He advocates gasoline cars only.
He came out against electric cars last week.

If you believe humans have a significant impact in a global warming, Donald Trump is not your candidate.

Do you think there are magic elves that produce the electricity to power your electric cars?

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