Another record! June was the hottest month ever recorded on Earth

yep and 50 years ago those weather stations were in forests, today they are on blacktopped parking lots, and you wonder why they read hotter
And there's the "It's the UHI" fable repeated again.

he radiation from the sun varies over time, it always has

And there''s the "It's the sun" fable.

soccer moms driving SUVs are not destroying the earth, we are all polluting it but there is no proven link between pollution and climate changes,

And there's the "BECAUSE I SAY SO!" fallacy.

why don't you libs focus on the real problem of pollution? Oh I know, that would offend your masters in China right?

And the "DERP! IF YOU CAN"T FORCE CHINA TO OBEY INSTANTLY, GLOBAL WARMING IS HOAX, DEEEERRRRRRRP!" whining, ironically spouting commie propaganda.

Deniers just have a very limited number of dumb talking points in their arsenal, and we've seen all of those dumb talking points here. It doesn't matter if they see their dumb talking points get debunked over and over, they still repeat them. It's not like they can be honest, so that forces them to deflect with the dumb talking points.
And there's the "It's the UHI" fable repeated again.

And there''s the "It's the sun" fable.

And there's the "BECAUSE I SAY SO!" fallacy.

And the "DERP! IF YOU CAN"T FORCE CHINA TO OBEY INSTANTLY, GLOBAL WARMING IS HOAX, DEEEERRRRRRRP!" whining, ironically spouting commie propaganda.

Deniers just have a very limited number of dumb talking points in their arsenal, and we've seen all of those dumb talking points here. It doesn't matter if they see their dumb talking points get debunked over and over, they still repeat them. It's not like they can be honest, so that forces them to deflect with the dumb talking points.
you are an idiot, end of story.
why does the government have to subsidize renewable energy????
Well first, because they subsidize fossil fuels and nuclear much, much more.

And second, because it's an intelligent thing to do. Left to its own devices, the free market would fail hard here. Markets respond too slowly to a crisis. It's the job of government to look ahead.

If deniers had their way, humanity would be left shivering in the dark, forever.
the radiation from the sun varies over time, it always has. soccer moms driving SUVs are not destroying the earth, we are all polluting it but there is no proven link between pollution and climate changes, why don't you libs focus on the real problem of pollution? Oh I know, that would offend your masters in China right?

So, you cannot prove those two things are false. I assumed you would not be able, but it was worth a try. You should not make claims you cannot support.

For what it is worth, I 100% agree that soccer moms driving SUVs are not destroying the earth. I do not think mankind is the main cause of the climate changing, but I do not rule out we could be exacerbating it.

But really it is a moot point. We humans would not give up our lifestyles even if it could be proven that we were the cause.

So, the smart thing to do would be to work on ways to adapt to the changes, mitigate the damage they will do and take advantage of the benefits.

But we cannot do that because both sides would rather stand there and throw shit at each other like monkeys at the zoo.
"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy..." Ottmar Edenhofer, IPCC
It's been pointed out to Frank multiple times that this is a faked quote.

He knows it. He repeats it anyways. Because that's how deniers behave. That's why everyone correctly assumes anything a denier says is a lie, unless independent evidence indicates otherwise.

Why before the invention of the Internal Combustion Engine, Death Valley was know as Seasonably Mild Valley!

Deniers really are the dumbest pissheads on the planet, in addition to being the most dishonest.
Even our garden was slow growing this spring. Way behind. Considering the number of conspiracy theories turning into reality these past couple might be a good time to take a look at those contrails/chemtrails. they've already admitted to putting heavy metals in the clouds over us.I
Well first, because they subsidize fossil fuels and nuclear much, much more.

And second, because it's an intelligent thing to do. Left to its own devices, the free market would fail hard here. Markets respond too slowly to a crisis. It's the job of government to look ahead.

If deniers had their way, humanity would be left shivering in the dark, forever.
how exactly are oil, coal and gas subsidized? you don't know what you are talking about. if you fools had your way we would all be living in trees or caves and eating leaves. how is it intelligent to take someones hard earned money and give it to some company solar panel company that folds in a week? makes as much sense as sending billions to Ukraine to keep them from exposing the Biden family corruption.
So, you cannot prove those two things are false. I assumed you would not be able, but it was worth a try. You should not make claims you cannot support.

For what it is worth, I 100% agree that soccer moms driving SUVs are not destroying the earth. I do not think mankind is the main cause of the climate changing, but I do not rule out we could be exacerbating it.

But really it is a moot point. We humans would not give up our lifestyles even if it could be proven that we were the cause.

So, the smart thing to do would be to work on ways to adapt to the changes, mitigate the damage they will do and take advantage of the benefits.

But we cannot do that because both sides would rather stand there and throw shit at each other like monkeys at the zoo.
Cool your jets lol as they used to say. No one is going to destroy the earth except God. You should take relief in that.

Isaiah 24:1-23 ESV /​

Behold, the Lord will empty the earth and make it desolate, and he will twist its surface and scatter its inhabitants. And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the slave, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the creditor, so with the debtor. The earth shall be utterly empty and utterly plundered; for the Lord has spoken this word. The earth mourns and withers; the world languishes and withers; the highest people of the earth languish. The earth lies defiled under its inhabitants; for they have transgressed the laws, violated the statutes, broken the everlasting covenant. ...
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Even our garden was slow growing this spring. Way behind. Considering the number of conspiracy theories turning into reality these past couple might be a good time to take a look at those contrails/chemtrails. they've already admitted to putting heavy metals in the clouds over us.I
contrails are water vapor, is water now a pollutant?
It's been pointed out to Frank multiple times that this is a faked quote.

He knows it. He repeats it anyways. Because that's how deniers behave. That's why everyone correctly assumes anything a denier says is a lie, unless independent evidence indicates otherwise.


Deniers really are the dumbest pissheads on the planet, in addition to being the most dishonest.
your prophet, the great all-knowing algore said that florida and most of the east coast would be under water by now and there would be no ice at either pole------------did those things happen?
Cool your jets lol as they used to say. No one is going to destroy the earth except God. You should take relief in that.

Thank goodness I never said that we were.

Do you even bother to read what you respond to or do you just have pretyped replies you paste
I will never understand why the left won't deal with the real problem of air and water pollution instead of making up bullshit about climate change. Could it be that they cannot offend their masters in China? China is the biggest polluter on earth and not one lib is protesting at any Chinese embassy------------why?
I will never understand why the left won't deal with the real problem of air and water pollution instead of making up bullshit about climate change. Could it be that they cannot offend their masters in China? China is the biggest polluter on earth and not one lib is protesting at any Chinese embassy------------why?
Because we prefer to do things that matter.

The more intelligent people understand the concept of LEADING BY EXAMPLE. You can't expect someone else to do something uncomfortable if you don't do it yourself.

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