Another record! June was the hottest month ever recorded on Earth

Because we prefer to do things that matter.

The more intelligent people understand the concept of LEADING BY EXAMPLE. You can't expect someone else to do something uncomfortable if you don't do it yourself.

The more intelligent people understand the concept of LEADING BY EXAMPLE. You can't expect someone else to do something uncomfortable if you don't do it yourself.

We've reduced our CO2 emissions since 2000.
Has China followed our example?
The Evidence Is Clear, Denying It Isn't Helping Anyone.

This is terrifying news. We need to take action now before it's too late.

Our planet is in trouble and we are all responsible for fixing it.
Governments aren't doing enough.

Individual actions matter too. We should reduce our carbon footprint by using public transportation or electric cars instead of gasoline ones, reducing energy consumption at home etc.

The transition to electric cars is threatened if Donald Trump becomes president because he lives in the 20th century. He advocates gasoline cars only.
He came out against electric cars last week.

If you believe humans have a significant impact in a global warming, Donald Trump is not your candidate.

Your buddy Sleepy Joe Biden is in charge , CFG.

Any blame goes strictly with him and his socialist pals. They need to get the weather in order.
Thread summary:

Conservatives tend to be very cowardly trolls, who all march in lockstep.

Notice how not a single one off them was willing to renounce party propaganda and address the issue? The party gives them talking points and orders them to deflect, so they obey TheParty. No independent thought is allowed.

If left-wing politics vanished, climate science wouldn't change a bit, because it's actual science.

If right-wing politics vanished, denialism would instantly vanish with it, because denialism is entirely political and religious.
odd how the only propaganda was the OP that lied and claimed June was the hottest month ever.
odd how the only propaganda was the OP that lied and claimed June was the hottest month ever.
I believe that was a report of fact. Where do you see information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view"? That description would far more accurately describe your posts.
I believe that was a report of fact. Where do you see information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view"? That description would far more accurately describe your posts.
it’s not facts it was the hottest June according to the article not the hottest month
it’s not facts it was the hottest June according to the article not the hottest month
But you have no evidence of that whatsoever. When you start believing things solely because you want to and despite the evidence is when things will start going downhill for you personally at a rapid rate.
If we had 2 standard designs and eliminated endless lawsuits, they'd be much cheaper to build.
We've been hearing that for 50 years now. When will the free market make it happen?

Oh, that's right. Nuke backers want the government to do it, to subsidize it massively, to implement socialism on a scale never seen before.

Not complete socialism, of course. They embrace the standard conservative belief of "socialize the costs, privatize the profits."
Faked quote? You’ve tried everything to explain it away, and only make yourself look sillier each time
I linked to where I showed exactlly how the faked Ottmar quote was faked. You had no response then to being busted as a fraud, just as you have no response now.

Not all deniers are frauds ... oh wait, they are. Every single one, without exception. Denialism is entirely based on fraud. Anyone who isn't a fraud is assumed to be a dirty liberal, and gets cast out of the cult.
I linked to where I showed exactlly how the faked Ottmar quote was faked. You had no response then to being busted as a fraud, just as you have no response now.

Not all deniers are frauds ... oh wait, they are. Every single one, without exception. Denialism is entirely based on fraud. Anyone who isn't a fraud is assumed to be a dirty liberal, and gets cast out of the cult.

Nuh uh you didn't! Ottmar said it
Nuh uh you didn't! Ottmar said it
No, he didn't. The bogus translation you use is faked. Since you're asking to be humiliated again, I'll oblige you.

A good translation:
Fundamentally, it is a big mistake to discuss climate politics separately from the big issues of globalization. The climate summit in Cancún at end of the month is not a climate conference, but one of the largest economic conferences since the Second World War. Why? Because we have 11,000 gigatons of carbon in the coal reserves under our feet – and we can only add 400 gigatons more to the atmosphere if we want to stay within the 2 °C target. 11,000 to 400 – we have to face the fact that a large part of the fossil reserves must remain in the ground.

De facto, this is the expropriation of the countries with these natural resources. This leads to an entirely different development than the one that has been initiated with development policy.

First of all, we as industrialized countries have quasi-expropriated the atmosphere of the world community. But one must explicitly say: We de facto redistribute the world’s wealth due to climate politics. That the owners of coal and oil are not enthusiastic about this is obvious. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate politics is environmental politics. This has almost nothing to do any more with environmental politics, [as is was with] with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole.

Compare that to Frank's fake translation, which is just wrong.


"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy... This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore...." Ottmar Edenhofer, IPCC

Mr. Edenhofer was clearly describing the _current_ economic situation, where poor nations subsidize rich nations by allowing them to pollute the world's atmosphere. Some denier liar twisted the words about and pretended that Mr. Edenhofer was calling for global monetary wealth distribution.

That is, Frank's translation, with Frank's approval, deliberately lies by pretending that a statement of the current situation -- poor nations subsidizing rich nations -- is a recommendation for the future, that rich nations subsidize poor nations.

Now Frank is going to play dumb and pretend that didn't happen. Frank, please proceed.
But you have no evidence of that whatsoever. When you start believing things solely because you want to and despite the evidence is when things will start going downhill for you personally at a rapid rate.
hahah what are you talking about? the link in the OP literally says it was the hottest JUNE, not hottest month
We've been hearing that for 50 years now. When will the free market make it happen?

Oh, that's right. Nuke backers want the government to do it, to subsidize it massively, to implement socialism on a scale never seen before.

Not complete socialism, of course. They embrace the standard conservative belief of "socialize the costs, privatize the profits."

We've been hearing that for 50 years now.

When did you hear we need standard designs and fewer lawsuits?

When will the free market make it happen?

The government allows the lawsuits, the government needs to limit them.

Oh, that's right. Nuke backers want the government to do it, to subsidize it massively, to implement socialism on a scale never seen before.

Subsidize them? Nah.

They embrace the standard conservative belief of "socialize the costs, privatize the profits."

Nah, that's green energy.

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