Another record! June was the hottest month ever recorded on Earth

The Evidence Is Clear, Denying It Isn't Helping Anyone.

This is terrifying news. We need to take action now before it's too late.

Our planet is in trouble and we are all responsible for fixing it.
Governments aren't doing enough.

Individual actions matter too. We should reduce our carbon footprint by using public transportation or electric cars instead of gasoline ones, reducing energy consumption at home etc.

The transition to electric cars is threatened if Donald Trump becomes president because he lives in the 20th century. He advocates gasoline cars only.
He came out against electric cars last week.

If you believe humans have a significant impact in a global warming, Donald Trump is not your candidate.

What are you personally doing to fight global warming?
So, you cannot prove those two things are false. I assumed you would not be able, but it was worth a try. You should not make claims you cannot support.

For what it is worth, I 100% agree that soccer moms driving SUVs are not destroying the earth. I do not think mankind is the main cause of the climate changing, but I do not rule out we could be exacerbating it.

But really it is a moot point. We humans would not give up our lifestyles even if it could be proven that we were the cause.

So, the smart thing to do would be to work on ways to adapt to the changes, mitigate the damage they will do and take advantage of the benefits.

But we cannot do that because both sides would rather stand there and throw shit at each other like monkeys at the zoo.
man is polluting the air and water, but there is no proven direct link between pollution and climate. I just do not understand why you libs can't pursue the real problem of pollution and forget the AGW bullshit. Could it be that the left is so tied to the biggest polluter on earth, China?
man is polluting the air and water, but there is no proven direct link between pollution and climate.
There are no proofs in the natural sciences. There are, however, absolute mountains of evidence that CO2 emitted by humans is the primary cause of the warming observed over the past 150 years.
I just do not understand why you libs can't pursue the real problem of pollution and forget the AGW bullshit. Could it be that the left is so tied to the biggest polluter on earth, China?
No, it could not be. And, as I have told you before, you are creating a false dichotomy. There is no reason that we cannot work on AGW and pollution at the same time and the two issues have an enormous amount of overlap. Exhaust from ICE vehicles and fossil fuel power plants is a MAJOR portion of the Earth's air pollution.
There are no proofs in the natural sciences. There are, however, absolute mountains of evidence that CO2 emitted by humans is the primary cause of the warming observed over the past 150 years.

No, it could not be. And, as I have told you before, you are creating a false dichotomy. There is no reason that we cannot work on AGW and pollution at the same time and the two issues have an enormous amount of overlap. Exhaust from ICE vehicles and fossil fuel power plants is a MAJOR portion of the Earth's air pollution.
your inconsistency is, that you on the one hand claim that climate change is caused by man made pollution and then claim that pollution and AGW are different things. you make zero sense. pollution is bad for the planet and humanity, the USA pollutes less than any other large country, and yet you think we can fix the entire world if we "sacrifice" your "logic" is fatally flawed.
man is polluting the air and water, but there is no proven direct link between pollution and climate. I just do not understand why you libs can't pursue the real problem of pollution and forget the AGW bullshit.
False dichotomy fallacy. We clearly do both, and anyone who claims otherwise is lying very badly.

Could it be that the left is so tied to the biggest polluter on earth, China?
Nah. It's that you're kind of addled in the head, and you fail hard at basic logic. You've been brainwashed into becoming an imbecile.
There are no proofs in the natural sciences. There are, however, absolute mountains of evidence that CO2 emitted by humans is the primary cause of the warming observed over the past 150 years.

No, it could not be. And, as I have told you before, you are creating a false dichotomy. There is no reason that we cannot work on AGW and pollution at the same time and the two issues have an enormous amount of overlap. Exhaust from ICE vehicles and fossil fuel power plants is a MAJOR portion of the Earth's air pollution.

There is no reason that we cannot work on AGW and pollution at the same time and the two issues have an enormous amount of overlap.

We could, but the greens hate nuclear more than they hate CO2.
Governments aren't doing enough.

That is precisely what they have manipulated you to say and want. It's called "Problem – Reaction – Solution."

Here's the CliffsNotes version. I'll put it in step form, to try to make this as clear as possible.
  1. the government has a specific goal or agenda (always involving power grabs)
  2. so they create a "problem"
  3. which elicits a "reaction" from the public (fear, panic)
  4. then the government comes to the rescue with their "solution".... and that "solution" just so happens to be their goal in the first place
  5. they get what they wanted with the consent of the public, because you did precisely what they manipulated you to do... they manipulated you to cry out "Governments aren't doing enough! Do more, government, save us!" problem - reaction - solution.
The powers-that-shouldn't-be LOVE when people fall for this tactic, it makes their job so much easier, so don't allow yourself to be manipulated! You're welcome. ;)
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your inconsistency is, that you on the one hand claim that climate change is caused by man made pollution and then claim that pollution and AGW are different things.
I do not typically refer to CO2 or methane emissions as pollution. However, I have made no distinction between them. My concern with those two gases is in their greenhouse potential, not any "polluting" they might be doing.
you make zero sense.
I disagree.
pollution is bad for the planet and humanity
I agree. And we should try to do as little of it as humanly possible.
the USA pollutes less than any other large country
Enough that you would say we don't need to do any more? I thought not.
and yet you think we can fix the entire world if we "sacrifice" your "logic" is fatally flawed.
I never said anything about fixing the entire world. In regards to AGW, the whole world needs to bring its consumption of fossil fuels to zero. I do not ask the world to revert to a stone age existence. I ask them to spend some of the money they might be spending on building bombs et al to converting our energy and transportation technology into non-emitting ones. Since I am a citizen of one of these nations, it is here I can vote and here where my opinion has the most effect and so I vote and I express in an attempt to convince others and my government that this is a serious threat that require committed and immediate action.
It's all hegelian dialect. They convince you there's a problem...they come up with a solution and the solution is worse than the problem to begin with.
It's all hegelian dialect. They convince you there's a problem...they come up with a solution and the solution is worse than the problem to begin with.
Hegelian is capitalized.

A problem is discovered. The general direction of a solution is obvious but it will eventually destroy the industry that is creating the problem. They try to convince everyone that its all a scam so they won't be put out of business. The ignorant are convinced.
The Evidence Is Clear, Denying It Isn't Helping Anyone.

This is terrifying news. We need to take action now before it's too late.

Our planet is in trouble and we are all responsible for fixing it.
Governments aren't doing enough.

Individual actions matter too. We should reduce our carbon footprint by using public transportation or electric cars instead of gasoline ones, reducing energy consumption at home etc.

The transition to electric cars is threatened if Donald Trump becomes president because he lives in the 20th century. He advocates gasoline cars only.
He came out against electric cars last week.

If you believe humans have a significant impact in a global warming, Donald Trump is not your candidate.

Ever recorded...

The Earth is billions of years old and we've been keeping records how long?

You idiots can't be this stupid....or can you?

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