Another record! June was the hottest month ever recorded on Earth

Because we prefer to do things that matter.

The more intelligent people understand the concept of LEADING BY EXAMPLE. You can't expect someone else to do something uncomfortable if you don't do it yourself.
oh, right, sacrifice for the common good------------like Oprah, Lebron, Beyonce, Biden, Obozo etc. oh and lets add the druggies Madonna, Cher, and most of hollywood.
As many as you'd like to pay for. Not you alone, but all those who say nuclear power is the mostest awesome thing.

More practical people point out that costs matter, and nuclear power is ungodly expensive. You can get far more bang for the buck with renewables.
Now that's funny, name one reneable enegy source that is reliable as nuclear.
how exactly are oil, coal and gas subsidized? you don't know what you are talking about. if you fools had your way we would all be living in trees or caves and eating leaves. how is it intelligent to take someones hard earned money and give it to some company solar panel company that folds in a week? makes as much sense as sending billions to Ukraine to keep them from exposing the Biden family corruption.
I know the government makes more off gas than the companies do.
The Evidence Is Clear, Denying It Isn't Helping Anyone.

This is terrifying news. We need to take action now before it's too late.

Our planet is in trouble and we are all responsible for fixing it.
Governments aren't doing enough.

Individual actions matter too. We should reduce our carbon footprint by using public transportation or electric cars instead of gasoline ones, reducing energy consumption at home etc.

The transition to electric cars is threatened if Donald Trump becomes president because he lives in the 20th century. He advocates gasoline cars only.
He came out against electric cars last week.

If you believe humans have a significant impact in a global warming, Donald Trump is not your candidate.

Better go turn off your AC. While your at it--you waste far too much energy with your online activities. Please log off now.
Gore Rule invoked. Thread over.

The first person to invoke Gore forfeits the thread for their own side, because they've admitted they have nothing.

Those who can, they talk about the issues. Those who can't, they deflect by bringing up politics.
I'm sorry to disrupt your day.

Truth is, Gore film has 9 errors, British judge rules

Originally published October 12, 2007 at 12:00 am Updated October 12, 2007 at 6:53 am

A British judge has ruled the Oscar-winning film on global warming, "An Inconvenient Truth," contains "nine errors. " High Court Judge Michael...

It's been pointed out to Frank multiple times that this is a faked quote.

He knows it. He repeats it anyways. Because that's how deniers behave. That's why everyone correctly assumes anything a denier says is a lie, unless independent evidence indicates otherwise.


Deniers really are the dumbest pissheads on the planet, in addition to being the most dishonest.
Faked quote? You’ve tried everything to explain it away, and only make yourself look sillier each time
As many as you'd like to pay for. Not you alone, but all those who say nuclear power is the mostest awesome thing.

More practical people point out that costs matter, and nuclear power is ungodly expensive. You can get far more bang for the buck with renewables.
What’s the cost of not being able to provide baseline electricity?
I will never understand why the left won't deal with the real problem of air and water pollution instead of making up bullshit about climate change.

I am not sure how old you are, but if you were around in the 70s you would know that air and water pollution now is is 100 times better than it was back then. It has been dealt with, and you normally whine about the regulations for doing so.
And there's the "It's the UHI" fable repeated again.

And there''s the "It's the sun" fable.

And there's the "BECAUSE I SAY SO!" fallacy.

And the "DERP! IF YOU CAN"T FORCE CHINA TO OBEY INSTANTLY, GLOBAL WARMING IS HOAX, DEEEERRRRRRRP!" whining, ironically spouting commie propaganda.

Deniers just have a very limited number of dumb talking points in their arsenal, and we've seen all of those dumb talking points here. It doesn't matter if they see their dumb talking points get debunked over and over, they still repeat them. It's not like they can be honest, so that forces them to deflect with the dumb talking points.
Just because you label something a fable doesn’t make it a fable, manboob.
I am not sure how old you are, but if you were around in the 70s you would know that air and water pollution now is is 100 times better than it was back then. It has been dealt with, and you normally whine about the regulations for doing so.
As many as you'd like to pay for. Not you alone, but all those who say nuclear power is the mostest awesome thing.

More practical people point out that costs matter, and nuclear power is ungodly expensive. You can get far more bang for the buck with renewables.

More practical people point out that costs matter, and nuclear power is ungodly expensive.

It's expensive because there is no standard design and because greentards like to sue.

If we had 2 standard designs and eliminated endless lawsuits, they'd be much cheaper to build.

But they provide reliable, CO2 free power, so I see why the greens hate them.

You can get far more bang for the buck with renewables.

Until you figure out that when you include the cost of the backup for your unreliable wind
and solar, they really aren't that cheap.
Well first, because they subsidize fossil fuels and nuclear much, much more.

And second, because it's an intelligent thing to do. Left to its own devices, the free market would fail hard here. Markets respond too slowly to a crisis. It's the job of government to look ahead.

If deniers had their way, humanity would be left shivering in the dark, forever.

Well first, because they subsidize fossil fuels and nuclear much, much more.

But they don't.

Markets respond too slowly to a crisis. It's the job of government to look ahead.

Look ahead, and create a new crisis.

If deniers had their way, humanity would be left shivering in the dark, forever.

Shivering in the dark, like what happens when the sun sets and the wind slows?
Or are you counting on coal, natural gas and nuclear backup for your "green" energy?
It's been pointed out to Frank multiple times that this is a faked quote.

He knows it. He repeats it anyways. Because that's how deniers behave. That's why everyone correctly assumes anything a denier says is a lie, unless independent evidence indicates otherwise.


Deniers really are the dumbest pissheads on the planet, in addition to being the most dishonest.
Prior to 1850, the climate never changed!!!

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