Another record! June was the hottest month ever recorded on Earth

The Evidence Is Clear, Denying It Isn't Helping Anyone.

This is terrifying news. We need to take action now before it's too late.

Our planet is in trouble and we are all responsible for fixing it.
Governments aren't doing enough.

Individual actions matter too. We should reduce our carbon footprint by using public transportation or electric cars instead of gasoline ones, reducing energy consumption at home etc.

The transition to electric cars is threatened if Donald Trump becomes president because he lives in the 20th century. He advocates gasoline cars only.
He came out against electric cars last week.

If you believe humans have a significant impact in a global warming, Donald Trump is not your candidate.

July is likely to be hotter. Its a tragedy for our kids that so many remedials are in positions of authority,
The Evidence Is Clear, Denying It Isn't Helping Anyone.

This is terrifying news. We need to take action now before it's too late.

Our planet is in trouble and we are all responsible for fixing it.
Governments aren't doing enough.

Individual actions matter too. We should reduce our carbon footprint by using public transportation or electric cars instead of gasoline ones, reducing energy consumption at home etc.

The transition to electric cars is threatened if Donald Trump becomes president because he lives in the 20th century. He advocates gasoline cars only.
He came out against electric cars last week.

If you believe humans have a significant impact in a global warming, Donald Trump is not your candidate.

Chain yourself to the Chinese Embassy! They emit more planet killing CO2 than anyone!
July is likely to be hotter. Its a tragedy for our kids that so many remedials are in positions of authority,
Hmmmm July being hotter than June. Oh what a great wizard you are, Commie. Who would have ever thought that July, and maybe even August, would be warmer than June?
Better open up that welfare checkbook and buy some carbon credits quickly!
"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy..." Ottmar Edenhofer, IPCC

Why before the invention of the Internal Combustion Engine, Death Valley was know as Seasonably Mild Valley!
arctic dipole

Yes, Old Rock, this is indeed a Crisis inside a Catastrophe wrapped around an Emergency. There is only one real permanent solution and I've contact my friend at Goodwin Proctor about a patent on it.


See those sunglasses?

I'm making a pair of Gargoyles 500 miles long and putting them in geosynchronous orbit. They will be tied into a computer that monitors "Dire ManMade Global Warming!!!!" Posts on Internet sites and whenever a Warmer posts a "Dire ManMade Global Warming!!! the glasses will flip down to repel the suns rays and cool down the affect area.

I estimate the glaciers will return in about 5 years burying everything north of the Ohio River under 60 feet of ice
arctic dipole

Yes, Old Rock, this is indeed a Crisis inside a Catastrophe wrapped around an Emergency. There is only one real permanent solution and I've contact my friend at Goodwin Proctor about a patent on it.


See those sunglasses?

I'm making a pair of Gargoyles 500 miles long and putting them in geosynchronous orbit. They will be tied into a computer that monitors "Dire ManMade Global Warming!!!!" Posts on Internet sites and whenever a Warmer posts a "Dire ManMade Global Warming!!! the glasses will flip down to repel the suns rays and cool down the affect area.

I estimate the glaciers will return in about 5 years burying everything north of the Ohio River under 60 feet of ice

Had they listened to me in 2009 Manmade Global Climate Warming Change would be a thing of the past -- kind of like snow
Al Gore said it would be completely gone years ago. Your Cult has ZERO credibility.

Al Gore misrepresented the data at one time.
But in the 2006 documentary, correctly cited the data.
Polar ice caps are melting as global warming causes climate change. We lose Arctic sea ice at a rate of almost 13% per decade, and over the past 30 years, the oldest and thickest ice in the Arctic has declined by a stunning 95%.
If emissions continue to rise unchecked, the Arctic could be ice-free in the summer by 2040. But what happens in the Arctic does not stay in the Arctic. Sea ice loss has far-reaching effects around the world.
Yeah, right.

Al Gore forecast that the Arctic would be ice-free by 2013.

Now what?

Thread summary:

Conservatives tend to be very cowardly trolls, who all march in lockstep.

Notice how not a single one off them was willing to renounce party propaganda and address the issue? The party gives them talking points and orders them to deflect, so they obey TheParty. No independent thought is allowed.

If left-wing politics vanished, climate science wouldn't change a bit, because it's actual science.

If right-wing politics vanished, denialism would instantly vanish with it, because denialism is entirely political and religious.

I'd love to address the issue.

How many new nuclear power plants should we build?
So you can prove these two things to be false...

The sun's output declined as the earth warmed, so it's not the sun.

The orbital factors are trying to drive earth into another ice age, so it's not orbital factors.
the radiation from the sun varies over time, it always has. soccer moms driving SUVs are not destroying the earth, we are all polluting it but there is no proven link between pollution and climate changes, why don't you libs focus on the real problem of pollution? Oh I know, that would offend your masters in China right?
I'd love to address the issue.

How many new nuclear power plants should we build?
As many as you'd like to pay for. Not you alone, but all those who say nuclear power is the mostest awesome thing.

More practical people point out that costs matter, and nuclear power is ungodly expensive. You can get far more bang for the buck with renewables.
As many as you'd like to pay for. Not you alone, but all those who say nuclear power is the mostest awesome thing.

More practical people point out that costs matter, and nuclear power is ungodly expensive. You can get far more bang for the buck with renewables.
its only expensive because of the regulations that you "climate freaks" put on it. France gets most of its power from nukes and somehow the frogs are surviving.
As many as you'd like to pay for. Not you alone, but all those who say nuclear power is the mostest awesome thing.

More practical people point out that costs matter, and nuclear power is ungodly expensive. You can get far more bang for the buck with renewables.
why does the government have to subsidize renewable energy???? could it be that it is not financially vialble YET? hopefully some day it will be, but in the meantime we have to rely of what works, oil, gas, and coal.

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