another refugee from PF

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Another poster who will be frequenting this board from PF - though I plan to be there as well. I like the 'feel' of this board - freer and more real. It gets tedious having to mind my P's & Q's over at PF and never knowing when I will run afoul of a.. ah.. um... mercurial mod.

Fuck off you stupid Dinosaur
I agree. It's interesting to me the allegations that started being made about me as soon as I didn't immediately fall into lock step with the new regime. Now, the claim is being made that I left because they told the "truth"
that I was going to be kicked off the mod squad. Patently false, and they've never provided a shred of proof to substantiate that claim.

In actuality, I left because I got tired of the hypocrisy. I watched Senax insult other users while infracting them for returning his insults, and called him out on it on the mod board. I watched 12thMan reverse a (very fair) infraction that ABNS had given Billybob, because she liked him, and then cover up what she'd done.

There was a clear expectation that the mods would cover for the other mods, even if the other mod had broken the rules. I think that's bullshit. If anything, having more power in a situation like that requires you to live ABOVE the rules.

I never had a vendetta against users when I modded. Even Sunni Man or Just a Bubba would tell you that I was fair and impartial, and we almost never agreed on anything. I did make fun of people in edits, but that's preferable to being infracted and/or banned for most people. I could have infracted Sky a dozen times, and never did. I let people insult me, and didn't retaliate.

Ah, fuck em. That's why I left. Because it stopped being fun, and started being about having to defend my character against attacks from people who don't have the ethics of pond scum.
I did notice 12th's reversal, and Senax has seemed to me to be a snake in the grass for a long time, Sue made some decisions where at first, I thought 'It's about time that that garbage is taken care of,' but then he just went too far and he was not the PF mod that satisfied the honor and tradition that I felt in the past. You as a mod were very fun to watch, I particularly enjoyed your edits (even though you never edited me, except for one deletion of a PA against Sunni Man, of all people).
you just did it, didn't you?! this way, although he can see it, he can't reply!

Well, I suppose he can reply on PF, and probably is reading this as I type it.

But, now that I think about it, I'm oddly grateful. This board is a far better fit, so perhaps I owe Chubby, Sue, and Venom a round of applause :clap2: and a sincere thank you for being such dickwads.
All you new guys need to ask me if you can leave this thread and post on the other boards before proceeding otherwise I will square you up:evil:
SexlessFlatulence gave me a pair of infractions for the most mild "insults" I had ever seen. The first one was "Your reasoning abilities have decreased from their already low level" and the other was "Your trolling abilities could really use some work" after i.helletesri mentioned the pedophilia thread to try and discredit me.
Well, I suppose he can reply on PF, and probably is reading this as I type it.

But, now that I think about it, I'm oddly grateful. This board is a far better fit, so perhaps I owe Chubby, Sue, and Venom a round of applause :clap2: and a sincere thank you for being such dickwads.

he can't call you out on PF, because you're still a member there, and you haven't done anything wrong according to TOS. if he starts to call you out, he has broken the law himself. isn't it just nice? :lol:
SexlessFlatulence gave me a pair of infractions for the most mild "insults" I had ever seen. The first one was "Your reasoning abilities have decreased from their already low level" and the other was "Your trolling abilities could really use some work" after i.helletesri mentioned the pedophilia thread to try and discredit me.

He's such a pretentious wanker. God, I hated modding with him. He did almost no work, went around quibbling with everything the other mods did, and infracted people in threads where he'd insulted them first.

There is such freedom in being able to say this.
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