Another Repub heads for exit.

I don't think the board's conservatives fully appreciate the extent to which the beliefs they hold are unpopular with the majority of Americans. Every major issue like abortion, the environment, immigration, gun control, they find themselves in the minority.
It's the media bubble that they live in.

Imagine actually believing Sean Hannity. On anything!
There are no fiscal conservatives in either party. We could cut 70% of the budget simply be enforcing Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. THST is what I consider fiscal conservatism.

Your opinion of what qualifies as a fiscal necessity for the nation, bears no semblance to the realities of living in a first world country. The Constitution begins:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution".

"We the people, in order to form a more perfect union". A nation is created for the people, first and foremost. The purpose of the Constitution isn't to ascribe more rights or obligations to the individual, but rather to call the people to come together and unite as one nation. E pluribus unum. Out of many, one.

Your libertarian interpretation of the Consitution is most definitely an Anathema to the Founders stated intentions.
So no one was forced to mask up, distance or get the Vax?

I live in the dumbfuck South. Do you know how many times I went into stores - especially convenience stores - at the height of the pandemic, only to be surrounded by rednecks not wearing masks? I don't think I saw a single construction worker type, or lawn care monkey, wearing a mask.
Whatever his intentions were when Murdoch first launched Faux it has become the media source most responsible for widespread disinformation among conservatives. To the point where they have stopped being able to see reality in its true form.
When I watch Fox news, most of it is comfortable and family friendly. Progs control most of our nation. They tell us the craziness of their agendas which we see questionable results. And Republicans have theirs also. Fox has to many commentators who are not conservative. And there is a view of direction and not pinpoint like Progs are in agendas. So Republican voters can have different views on certain subjects. It makes no difference to Progs. What they vote in will carry the Prog torch.
I wasn’t allowed to board a plane without vax proof — but Progs now tell us we weren’t coerced or forced
Imagine he's walking away singing to the tune of Marshall Tucker Band,
Can't You See,
Can't you See,

What The Donald,
Is doing to me.

Perhaps a lot of Democrats looking at the polls in October will be singing likewise about What that Biden is doing to them.

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