Another Repub Primary candidate to drop out

They should all drop out and donate their money to a worthy cause, seeing how the dems have this thing sewn up. The GOP won`t even carry all of the slave states this time although they`ll do well in the backward fake Christian hick states and the unimportant prairie dog states where prairie dogs outnumber the voters. The GOP nominee will take a considerably worse beating than Romney did when he lost to a black guy with an Arabic sounding name and a lousy economy.
They should all drop out and donate their money to a worthy cause, seeing how the dems have this thing sewn up. The GOP won`t even carry all of the slave states this time although they`ll do well in the backward fake Christian hick states and the unimportant prairie dog states where prairie dogs outnumber the voters. The GOP nominee will take a considerably worse beating than Romney did when he lost to a black guy with an Arabic sounding name and a lousy economy.
Pretty ironic that it is a given they need the hispanic minority vote to win & they kick out the only guy who isn't a war corporatist reaching out to non-whites in their party
Rand Paul was the only candidate I would have maybe voted for in either party. He's not his father, but he's a hell of a lot better of a choice than any of the others.
This time a libertarian. I'm no fan of pipe dream libertarian ideas but I think the guy was shunned from the Primaries because he was doing the opposite of what Trump is doing- reaching out to minorities. Sad state of affairs for Repubs :( Happy state of affairs for me :)

Rand Paul may end campaign if he misses debate cut

So are you still going to vote for Hillary when Sanders drops out?
This time a libertarian. I'm no fan of pipe dream libertarian ideas but I think the guy was shunned from the Primaries because he was doing the opposite of what Trump is doing- reaching out to minorities. Sad state of affairs for Repubs :( Happy state of affairs for me :)

Rand Paul may end campaign if he misses debate cut

So are you still going to vote for Hillary when Sanders drops out?
dottie will vote for whoever he is told to vote for......even if he despises that person,he doesnt have a say....
Rand Paul was the only candidate I would have maybe voted for in either party. He's not his father, but he's a hell of a lot better of a choice than any of the others.

Same here. If this does happen, I'll be voting third party again.
I never saw much evidence of Rand Paul "reaching out to minorities". That's a left wing pipe dream. His phony libertarianism was annoying and his message was confusing. He just wasn't popular enough with republicans.
This time a libertarian. I'm no fan of pipe dream libertarian ideas but I think the guy was shunned from the Primaries because he was doing the opposite of what Trump is doing- reaching out to minorities. Sad state of affairs for Repubs :( Happy state of affairs for me :)

Rand Paul may end campaign if he misses debate cut

So are you still going to vote for Hillary when Sanders drops out?
I will do a "write-in" in that instance
sure you will.....
A vote for Hillary is a vote for four more years of corruption, scandal, and people dying conveniently so they can't testify against Hillary.
I never saw much evidence of Rand Paul "reaching out to minorities". That's a left wing pipe dream. His phony libertarianism was annoying and his message was confusing. He just wasn't popular enough with republicans.
So you, a con, haven't been keeping up w/ current events? Why am i not surprised?

OH!!! And extremist hack low-info types like yourself don't speak for Republicans
They should all drop out and donate their money to a worthy cause, seeing how the dems have this thing sewn up. The GOP won`t even carry all of the slave states this time although they`ll do well in the backward fake Christian hick states and the unimportant prairie dog states where prairie dogs outnumber the voters. The GOP nominee will take a considerably worse beating than Romney did when he lost to a black guy with an Arabic sounding name and a lousy economy.
Says one retard to the other.

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