Another "Responsible" Gun Owner

But you folks keep telling us that it's OK that we have so many guns in our society because gun owners are "responsible"

99.999% of them are.

So why are you holding them responsible for the bad acts of the .0001%

Can I hold you responsible for other people who rape children?
99.999% of them are.

So why are you holding them responsible for the bad acts of the .0001%

Can I hold you responsible for other people who rape children?
I don't know how accurate or honest your stats are...but it's clear that an awful lot of irreversible damage can be done by what ever per cent of gun owners who are NOT responsible...because of how dangerous guns are...
I don't know how accurate or honest your stats are...but it's clear that an awful lot of irreversible damage can be done by what ever per cent of gun owners who are NOT responsible...because of how dangerous guns are...

Again so what?

I am not responsible for the bad acts of other people.

Are you tasking responsibility for all the child molestations in this country? After all if you want me to be responsible for crimes I didn't commit it's only right that you are held responsible for crimes you might not have committed.
Seems to be a rash of this kinda thing

More like a rash of crocodile tears from assorted deviants rooting around for some propaganda filler to divert attention away from the violent criminal peer groups that their political base caters to is all. Sounds like some Yankee Darwin Award Winner baited a neighbor he was feuding with one time too many is all. A tragedy but not noteworthy as a national story, unless you're a ideologue deviant desperately hoping to sell some imaginary 'point'.
More like a rash of crocodile tears from assorted deviants rooting around for some propaganda filler to divert attention away from the violent criminal peer groups that their political base caters to is all. Sounds like some Yankee Darwin Award Winner baited a neighbor one time too many is all. A tragedy but not noteworthy as a national story, unless you're a ideologue deviant desperately hoping to sell some imaginary 'point'.
This is Lesh cherry-picking as usual
Man you really have to wonder about some people. There are people everyday that are killed in an automobile. There are people killed every day in house fires. There are people robbed and beaten some dying from the beating. Not one person suggests outlawing automobiles, not one person suggests we should outlaw houses or fire. Some places are allowing criminals back on the streets before the body even makes it to the morgue. But let one mentally ill person fire a gun and you get people all excited to outlaw guns.
Very hard to take these people seriously if they refuse to outlaw cars or other means of people being killed. Hard to take them serious when they refuse to understand the the real reason of the shooting is mental health issues and not everyone is the exact same.
I don't know how accurate or honest your stats are...but it's clear that an awful lot of irreversible damage can be done by what ever per cent of gun owners who are NOT responsible...because of how dangerous guns are...
The same can be said of knives, hammer, cars, crowbars, and thousands of other objects.

Don't blame the actions of the few on the many.

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