Another right wing paper dumps on Obamacare

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
We all know how the Chicago Tribune has always hated Obama and everything he has done, especially Obamacare.

If you've tried to sign up online for health coverage under the problem-plagued Obamacare exchange, our sympathies. Many people have tried to create accounts and shop for insurance under the new law. Few have succeeded. Those that have enrolled have found that the system is prone to mistakes. Some applications have been sent to the wrong insurance company.
Wait. It gets worse. Those who have managed to browse the marketplace have often been hit by sticker shock. Take Adam Weldzius, a nurse practitioner and single father from Carpentersville. He sought the same level of coverage on the exchange as he and his 7-year-old daughter have now, with the same insurer and the same network of doctors and hospitals. At best, Weldzius found, his monthly premium of $233 would more than double. If he chose a plan priced at the same level, the annual deductible would be $12,700, more than three times his current $3,500 deductible.
"I believe everybody should be able to have health insurance, but at the same time, I'm being penalized. And for what?" Weldzius told the Tribune's Peter Frost. "For someone who's always had insurance, who's always taken care of myself, now I have to change my plan?"
Last spring, President Barack Obama said "there will still be, you know, glitches and bumps" in the rollout of the new system. But what we're seeing now is no glitch or bump. There is a growing mountain of evidence that Obamacare has fundamental problems in design and implementation.

Chicago Tribune
Why are you looking if you already have insurance...hater have insurance on your exactly ARE you getting this all wrong...are you forgetting your employer contribution or your gov't subsidy...

Pure Pubcrappe....I thought the exchanges weren't working lol...etc etc etc
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That's great until your employer figures out it's cheaper to pay the fine than to keep your plan and just cuts you loose insurance-wise and you make too much for a subsidy. Then what?

That's right, the wonderful exchanges.:doubt:

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