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Another screw up by Trump and the GOP!

Millions are going to lose their unemployment, thanks to the Trump/GOP bulshit.
Read and weep for all those who are effected by this bullshit incompetence!

Ok Skippy, the first line of your link says: "Tens of millions of laid-off American workers will go weeks without federal jobless aid — because Congress hasn’t renewed the benefits." There also appears to be a number of references as to how the state(s) have failed to keep up due to antiquated systems. But what the hell, it must be Trump's fault...dumbass.
Of coure it's tRump's fault. The buck stops at the oval office. There were weeks and weeks of wasted time where tRump and his little butt-buddy Moscow Mitch sat on their hands and did nothing

Remember, with the big job comes the big responsibility.

Get back to me after you learn how the U.S. government works.
I already know. It appears you're having difficulties though.

Alrighty then, quick quiz, who controls the purse strings?
Who's in charge, friend? Who's "administration" is this?

As far as purse strings the house had a bill on Moscow Mitch's desk a month ago.

So your answer is Trump because he's in charge?
Did you not read my post?

I did read your post. One line suggests it Trump then you go with Moscow Mitch. You appear to be your normal confused as hell self.

Your reading comprehension skills are whack. His post was clear and concise. Trump did nothing for months - again, and Mitch McConnell let the Heros' Act languish on his desk for 9 weeks and then started over like it didn't exist.

Once Moscow Mitch, who is foolishly negotiating with the White House, but not the Democrats, actually makes a deal with the White House, he's going to have to take it to the floor of the Senate. There, Senate Republicans will vote down any Democratic amendments. Once the Senate passes the bill, McConnell is going to have to then go hat in hand to Nancy Pelosi and ask the House to pass whatever he and the White House cooks up.

Good luck with that.
Millions are going to lose their unemployment, thanks to the Trump/GOP bulshit.
Read and weep for all those who are effected by this bullshit incompetence!

Ok Skippy, the first line of your link says: "Tens of millions of laid-off American workers will go weeks without federal jobless aid — because Congress hasn’t renewed the benefits." There also appears to be a number of references as to how the state(s) have failed to keep up due to antiquated systems. But what the hell, it must be Trump's fault...dumbass.
Of coure it's tRump's fault. The buck stops at the oval office. There were weeks and weeks of wasted time where tRump and his little butt-buddy Moscow Mitch sat on their hands and did nothing

Remember, with the big job comes the big responsibility.

Get back to me after you learn how the U.S. government works.
I already know. It appears you're having difficulties though.

Alrighty then, quick quiz, who controls the purse strings?
Who's in charge, friend? Who's "administration" is this?

As far as purse strings the house had a bill on Moscow Mitch's desk a month ago.

So your answer is Trump because he's in charge?
Did you not read my post?

I did read your post. One line suggests it Trump then you go with Moscow Mitch. You appear to be your normal confused as hell self.

Your reading comprehension skills are whack. His post was clear and concise. Trump did nothing for months - again, and Mitch McConnell let the Heros' Act languish on his desk for 9 weeks and then started over like it didn't exist.

Once Moscow Mitch, who is foolishly negotiating with the White House, but not the Democrats, actually makes a deal with the White House, he's going to have to take it to the floor of the Senate. There, Senate Republicans will vote down any Democratic amendments. Once the Senate passes the bill, McConnell is going to have to then go hat in hand to Nancy Pelosi and ask the House to pass whatever he and the White House cooks up.

Good luck with that.
Ya instead the Senate and Trump MUST according to you JUST accept what the house says, doesn't work like that dumb ass. And as I recall there are SEVERAL deal killers in that bill and it is not just about what the OP is about.
Millions are going to lose their unemployment, thanks to the Trump/GOP bulshit.
Read and weep for all those who are effected by this bullshit incompetence!

Not paying people more to not work than to work is going to put a kink in your plan to wreck the economy for November 3, huh?

I cannot believe the idiocy of the right. If this is what you truly believe is happening, you deserve to go broke and have your country destroyed. The economy is ALREADY WRECKED.

People cannot go back to work until YOU GET THE FUCKING VIRUS UNDER CONTROL.



Yes, your plan is to wreck the economy ... until November 3. This is not new information. The rest is your ridiculous hysteria over a virus that kills less than 1% of the people and is little threat to children. Screaming about it just shows all the more what a whack job you are.

Yes, those deaths are tragic. But so are is the domestic violence, suicides, depression, drug and alcohol abuse, destruction of lives, businesses and retirements and the developmental impact of children we're suffering by keeping us caged up.

I've pointed this out to you a bunch of times at this point and you keep ignoring it. Stop just being a hysterical woman running in circles and screaming like your hair is on fire and engage in discussion by actually addressing my points on the other side. Grow the fuck up. You're hysterical. I got it


It is utterly laughable that you're claiming massive rates of "domestic violence, suicide, depression, drug and alcohol abuse, the destruction of lives and businesses and returedment and developmental impact on children" on no evidence, and you're calling ME hysterical.

No one is "caged up". And if you are, you are utterly lacking in imagination. People were out walking their dogs, cutting their lawns, working in their gardens, and generally living their lives, throughout the shut down. They just did it with their immediate familys. Many people have said that they've finally gotten a lot of things done around the house they never had time for when they were working.


Your federal government response has been a clusterfuck since day one and has done nothing to shut the virus down, but is now everything possible to push helpless low wage workers, with no health insurance, back into the work force with no protections.

Let's calculate the cost to the economy of 70,000 people per day testing positive, in perpetuity, shall we. Because it's NOT just the number of people dying which is problematic, it's the impact of tens of thousands of people getting sick every day that is the problem.

20% of those who test postive get REALLY sick and require hospitalization. That's 14,000 people per day who will require hospitalization. When they go to hospital, they're in hospital for weeks, so you're not churning beds quickly. So how long will it be before you have no beds left in hospitals? Texas, Florida and Arizona are already there. If 14,000 people are going to hospital every day and staying for weeks, who is paying for their treatment - which is currently around $1 milllion per patient, if they survive? Or are you just going to stop treating them as well.

If 70,000 people test positive every day for a year, that's 25.1 million sick people per year, and 5.1 million hospitalizations based on a 20% hospitalization rate. You only have 1 million hospital beds in total. Where are going to put them, and who is going to care for them in hospital, because health care workers are in crisis.

You're all hysterical about people getting depressed and suicidal and yet you ignore the impact on health care workers who have to deal with all of these really sick people. Health care workers are dying while caring for the sick.

Health care workers are afraid to go home and spend time with their families. You worry about people being "caged up", what is happening to health care workers who are being pushed to the breaking point, sobbing on YouTube about how difficult it is to deal with this virus. Who in their right mind is going to want to be a doctor or a nurse after this? How many will people will leave the health care professions after this?

Currently, 6.7% of those who test positive in the USA, die. Not 1%. You have 2,190,000 closed cases, and 147,000 of those people have died. that's 6.7% of closed cases, not 1%. If 70,000 people get sick every day for a year, 5.1 million are hospitalized, and 342,000 Americans will die.

Your position ignores all of these facts and numbers, and then claims that I'm hysterical.

Leftists crack me up. You run around in a constant hysterical fit, then you lecture people as if you're somehow balanced.

The damage done by the lockdown far outweighs the benefit. But you not only know that, it's your goal
My goal is to send Rump packing and allow the Republican Party to rebuild into what it once was when it was known as Grand Old Party instead of the Party of the Rump.
Millions are going to lose their unemployment, thanks to the Trump/GOP bulshit.
Read and weep for all those who are effected by this bullshit incompetence!

Ok Skippy, the first line of your link says: "Tens of millions of laid-off American workers will go weeks without federal jobless aid — because Congress hasn’t renewed the benefits." There also appears to be a number of references as to how the state(s) have failed to keep up due to antiquated systems. But what the hell, it must be Trump's fault...dumbass.
Of coure it's tRump's fault. The buck stops at the oval office. There were weeks and weeks of wasted time where tRump and his little butt-buddy Moscow Mitch sat on their hands and did nothing

Remember, with the big job comes the big responsibility.

Get back to me after you learn how the U.S. government works.
I already know. It appears you're having difficulties though.

Alrighty then, quick quiz, who controls the purse strings?
Who's in charge, friend? Who's "administration" is this?

As far as purse strings the house had a bill on Moscow Mitch's desk a month ago.

So your answer is Trump because he's in charge?
Did you not read my post?

I did read your post. One line suggests it Trump then you go with Moscow Mitch. You appear to be your normal confused as hell self.

Your reading comprehension skills are whack. His post was clear and concise. Trump did nothing for months - again, and Mitch McConnell let the Heros' Act languish on his desk for 9 weeks and then started over like it didn't exist.

Once Moscow Mitch, who is foolishly negotiating with the White House, but not the Democrats, actually makes a deal with the White House, he's going to have to take it to the floor of the Senate. There, Senate Republicans will vote down any Democratic amendments. Once the Senate passes the bill, McConnell is going to have to then go hat in hand to Nancy Pelosi and ask the House to pass whatever he and the White House cooks up.

Good luck with that.
Ya instead the Senate and Trump MUST according to you JUST accept what the house says, doesn't work like that dumb ass. And as I recall there are SEVERAL deal killers in that bill and it is not just about what the OP is about.

They don't have to just accept what the House said. They just have to get Nancy Pelosi to do what THEY want.
I means last time she got a continuation of the federal unemployment payments, money for testing, money for the states, and a whole bunch more money for small businesses that McConnell and Trump both said was NEVER going to happen.

Neither Trump nor McConnell has ever gotten the best of Pelosi. She PWNS both their asses whenever they get near her. Trump is so scared of her he sends Mnuchin to negotiate with her.

Where has it been "debunked"? That Gateway Pundit? Trump has publically admitted to firing the pandemic team. And the White House has admitted that Obama left a "pandemic playbook". Let's "debunk" your false claim that the pandemic team wasn't fired.

Your source is Snopes. My source is Factcheck. Now, both are very left leaning, but Snopes is as far left as left can get, and caught on several occasions of false reporting.

According to my source, Factcheck, the pandemic team was not dismantled by Trump, it was dismantled by Bolton, and reorganized by him as well. Only one person from the original team resigned, but the rest stayed.

As for the "depleted supplies", Trump was President for 3 years BEFORE the pandemic hit. Why didn't he restock the the National Stockpile if it was depleted? And why did he let the maintenance contract for the ventilators expire in 2018? That's just bad, sloppy management

The US has over 140 agencies in our government. Do you really think the President has time to oversee every aspect of each department, yet alone do inventory of each one? DumBama depleted the sources, DumBama should have replenished them. President Trump likely didn't know a thing about it. That's why we have these agencies, to take care of the situation or problems they are assigned to handle.

Trump didn't let any maintenance contract expire on ventilators. You have him confused with DeBlasio.

Nobody "murdered" old people, but once again, nice try. Where exactly were these patients supposed to go once they were discharged from hospital? Home to their families who couldn't care for them before they got sick?

He was supposed to send those patients to the facilities Trump created for them, including the ship that our military retrofitted just for them, plus the Javits Center that Trump also retrofitted. The Javits center was never used, and only about five patients ever went on the ship for treatment.
Leftists crack me up. You run around in a constant hysterical fit, then you lecture people as if you're somehow balanced.

The damage done by the lockdown far outweighs the benefit. But you not only know that, it's your goal
Ask people in Fla or Texas about that

Not following the news much, are you? We've been the ones pushing to open. I live in Florida, BTW
Yeah you want schools open but afraid to have RNC there?? Trump punks out

As I said, you're really not following the news, are you? Trump pulled out, Florida didn't.

And you really are a dick. If Trump had it you'd attack him now you're attacking him for not having it

He's not attacking Trump. He's attacking the notion that schools in Florida are in position to open in a couple of weeks. If it's not safe to hold the Republican convention in Florida, how is it safe to force teachers, administrators, bus drivers, and children back to school?

You're really not very bright, are you.

Children are at very low risk for catching the virus, and in Europe where they did send their kids back to school, no known cases of a teacher catching the virus from a student.

I talked to a Bus DRiver who is going back to work. No matter if the child is sick or not, if they are the bus stop, they get picked up. And yes, the drivers have voiced their fears and were told to either shut up or not show up for work.No temp checks, nothing. Let's face it, the Schools are a giant pietri dish. If one student goes to class with Covid, you just infected almost every student. And it's going to be passed off in the Hallways and on the buses. And it's going to be taken home. Hey, let's kill all the older drivers and the Grand Parents.
Where has it been "debunked"? That Gateway Pundit? Trump has publically admitted to firing the pandemic team. And the White House has admitted that Obama left a "pandemic playbook". Let's "debunk" your false claim that the pandemic team wasn't fired.

Your source is Snopes. My source is Factcheck. Now, both are very left leaning, but Snopes is as far left as left can get, and caught on several occasions of false reporting.

According to my source, Factcheck, the pandemic team was not dismantled by Trump, it was dismantled by Bolton, and reorganized by him as well. Only one person from the original team resigned, but the rest stayed.

As for the "depleted supplies", Trump was President for 3 years BEFORE the pandemic hit. Why didn't he restock the the National Stockpile if it was depleted? And why did he let the maintenance contract for the ventilators expire in 2018? That's just bad, sloppy management

The US has over 140 agencies in our government. Do you really think the President has time to oversee every aspect of each department, yet alone do inventory of each one? DumBama depleted the sources, DumBama should have replenished them. President Trump likely didn't know a thing about it. That's why we have these agencies, to take care of the situation or problems they are assigned to handle.

Trump didn't let any maintenance contract expire on ventilators. You have him confused with DeBlasio.

Nobody "murdered" old people, but once again, nice try. Where exactly were these patients supposed to go once they were discharged from hospital? Home to their families who couldn't care for them before they got sick?

He was supposed to send those patients to the facilities Trump created for them, including the ship that our military retrofitted just for them, plus the Javits Center that Trump also retrofitted. The Javits center was never used, and only about five patients ever went on the ship for treatment.

Maybe the quack....Fauci, should have been restocking the supplies in his decades of time at the NIH and CDC.....you know, his job...
Leftists crack me up. You run around in a constant hysterical fit, then you lecture people as if you're somehow balanced.

The damage done by the lockdown far outweighs the benefit. But you not only know that, it's your goal
Ask people in Fla or Texas about that

Not following the news much, are you? We've been the ones pushing to open. I live in Florida, BTW
Yeah you want schools open but afraid to have RNC there?? Trump punks out

As I said, you're really not following the news, are you? Trump pulled out, Florida didn't.

And you really are a dick. If Trump had it you'd attack him now you're attacking him for not having it

He's not attacking Trump. He's attacking the notion that schools in Florida are in position to open in a couple of weeks. If it's not safe to hold the Republican convention in Florida, how is it safe to force teachers, administrators, bus drivers, and children back to school?

You're really not very bright, are you.

Children are at very low risk for catching the virus, and in Europe where they did send their kids back to school, no known cases of a teacher catching the virus from a student.

I talked to a Bus DRiver who is going back to work. No matter if the child is sick or not, if they are the bus stop, they get picked up. And yes, the drivers have voiced their fears and were told to either shut up or not show up for work.No temp checks, nothing. Let's face it, the Schools are a giant pietri dish. If one student goes to class with Covid, you just infected almost every student. And it's going to be passed off in the Hallways and on the buses. And it's going to be taken home. Hey, let's kill all the older drivers and the Grand Parents.

Moron, the Europeans have opened their schools, Sweden has no social distancing and no masks in their schools and they are just fine. Kids are not spreading the Chinese flu to each other or adults, you doofus....

The democrats want the schools shut down to hamstring parents trying to return to work.....it is all about hurting Trump, and they don't care how many kids they have to damage to do it.

I know a school bus driver too..........they are fine with going back to work....you dumb ass.
Where has it been "debunked"? That Gateway Pundit? Trump has publically admitted to firing the pandemic team. And the White House has admitted that Obama left a "pandemic playbook". Let's "debunk" your false claim that the pandemic team wasn't fired.

Your source is Snopes. My source is Factcheck. Now, both are very left leaning, but Snopes is as far left as left can get, and caught on several occasions of false reporting.

According to my source, Factcheck, the pandemic team was not dismantled by Trump, it was dismantled by Bolton, and reorganized by him as well. Only one person from the original team resigned, but the rest stayed.

As for the "depleted supplies", Trump was President for 3 years BEFORE the pandemic hit. Why didn't he restock the the National Stockpile if it was depleted? And why did he let the maintenance contract for the ventilators expire in 2018? That's just bad, sloppy management

The US has over 140 agencies in our government. Do you really think the President has time to oversee every aspect of each department, yet alone do inventory of each one? DumBama depleted the sources, DumBama should have replenished them. President Trump likely didn't know a thing about it. That's why we have these agencies, to take care of the situation or problems they are assigned to handle.

Trump didn't let any maintenance contract expire on ventilators. You have him confused with DeBlasio.

Nobody "murdered" old people, but once again, nice try. Where exactly were these patients supposed to go once they were discharged from hospital? Home to their families who couldn't care for them before they got sick?

He was supposed to send those patients to the facilities Trump created for them, including the ship that our military retrofitted just for them, plus the Javits Center that Trump also retrofitted. The Javits center was never used, and only about five patients ever went on the ship for treatment.

Maybe the quack....Fauci, should have been restocking the supplies in his decades of time at the NIH and CDC.....you know, his job...

Exactly. These jokers who know nothing about our government think that the President is totally knowledgeable of every agencies and bureaucracy we have in this country. A President simply doesn't have time for that shit. He's too busy trying to do his job.
Leftists crack me up. You run around in a constant hysterical fit, then you lecture people as if you're somehow balanced.

The damage done by the lockdown far outweighs the benefit. But you not only know that, it's your goal
Ask people in Fla or Texas about that

Not following the news much, are you? We've been the ones pushing to open. I live in Florida, BTW
Yeah you want schools open but afraid to have RNC there?? Trump punks out

As I said, you're really not following the news, are you? Trump pulled out, Florida didn't.

And you really are a dick. If Trump had it you'd attack him now you're attacking him for not having it

He's not attacking Trump. He's attacking the notion that schools in Florida are in position to open in a couple of weeks. If it's not safe to hold the Republican convention in Florida, how is it safe to force teachers, administrators, bus drivers, and children back to school?

You're really not very bright, are you.

Children are at very low risk for catching the virus, and in Europe where they did send their kids back to school, no known cases of a teacher catching the virus from a student.

I talked to a Bus DRiver who is going back to work. No matter if the child is sick or not, if they are the bus stop, they get picked up. And yes, the drivers have voiced their fears and were told to either shut up or not show up for work.No temp checks, nothing. Let's face it, the Schools are a giant pietri dish. If one student goes to class with Covid, you just infected almost every student. And it's going to be passed off in the Hallways and on the buses. And it's going to be taken home. Hey, let's kill all the older drivers and the Grand Parents.

Very few kids catch this virus for one. The kids that do don't have a great track record of passing it to others. The theory is that the receptors that this virus clings onto are not developed enough in most children. Therefore it affects very few of them.

Some studies have suggested that older children don't have the same pattern. If that's true, why not open up facilities to grammar school grades as the teens can take care of themselves at home without parental supervision and still learn over the internet?

I'll tell you what. Do you want to see a big change in attitude of the Democrat party and their buddies in the teachers unions? Tell them that they are going to go all online, but since we don't need one teacher for every 25 students, and one teacher can teach 500 students on the net, we can layoff those remaining teachers we don't need!

You'll see how fast the Democrats promote opening schools back up again. What they really want is a gift to their supporters in the union to sit on their ass at home and teach kids online instead of going into work.
Millions are going to lose their unemployment, thanks to the Trump/GOP bulshit.
Read and weep for all those who are effected by this bullshit incompetence!

Not paying people more to not work than to work is going to put a kink in your plan to wreck the economy for November 3, huh?

I cannot believe the idiocy of the right. If this is what you truly believe is happening, you deserve to go broke and have your country destroyed. The economy is ALREADY WRECKED.

People cannot go back to work until YOU GET THE FUCKING VIRUS UNDER CONTROL.



Yes, your plan is to wreck the economy ... until November 3. This is not new information. The rest is your ridiculous hysteria over a virus that kills less than 1% of the people and is little threat to children. Screaming about it just shows all the more what a whack job you are.

Yes, those deaths are tragic. But so are is the domestic violence, suicides, depression, drug and alcohol abuse, destruction of lives, businesses and retirements and the developmental impact of children we're suffering by keeping us caged up.

I've pointed this out to you a bunch of times at this point and you keep ignoring it. Stop just being a hysterical woman running in circles and screaming like your hair is on fire and engage in discussion by actually addressing my points on the other side. Grow the fuck up. You're hysterical. I got it


It is utterly laughable that you're claiming massive rates of "domestic violence, suicide, depression, drug and alcohol abuse, the destruction of lives and businesses and returedment and developmental impact on children" on no evidence, and you're calling ME hysterical.

No one is "caged up". And if you are, you are utterly lacking in imagination. People were out walking their dogs, cutting their lawns, working in their gardens, and generally living their lives, throughout the shut down. They just did it with their immediate familys. Many people have said that they've finally gotten a lot of things done around the house they never had time for when they were working.


Your federal government response has been a clusterfuck since day one and has done nothing to shut the virus down, but is now everything possible to push helpless low wage workers, with no health insurance, back into the work force with no protections.

Let's calculate the cost to the economy of 70,000 people per day testing positive, in perpetuity, shall we. Because it's NOT just the number of people dying which is problematic, it's the impact of tens of thousands of people getting sick every day that is the problem.

20% of those who test postive get REALLY sick and require hospitalization. That's 14,000 people per day who will require hospitalization. When they go to hospital, they're in hospital for weeks, so you're not churning beds quickly. So how long will it be before you have no beds left in hospitals? Texas, Florida and Arizona are already there. If 14,000 people are going to hospital every day and staying for weeks, who is paying for their treatment - which is currently around $1 milllion per patient, if they survive? Or are you just going to stop treating them as well.

If 70,000 people test positive every day for a year, that's 25.1 million sick people per year, and 5.1 million hospitalizations based on a 20% hospitalization rate. You only have 1 million hospital beds in total. Where are going to put them, and who is going to care for them in hospital, because health care workers are in crisis.

You're all hysterical about people getting depressed and suicidal and yet you ignore the impact on health care workers who have to deal with all of these really sick people. Health care workers are dying while caring for the sick.

Health care workers are afraid to go home and spend time with their families. You worry about people being "caged up", what is happening to health care workers who are being pushed to the breaking point, sobbing on YouTube about how difficult it is to deal with this virus. Who in their right mind is going to want to be a doctor or a nurse after this? How many will people will leave the health care professions after this?

Currently, 6.7% of those who test positive in the USA, die. Not 1%. You have 2,190,000 closed cases, and 147,000 of those people have died. that's 6.7% of closed cases, not 1%. If 70,000 people get sick every day for a year, 5.1 million are hospitalized, and 342,000 Americans will die.

Your position ignores all of these facts and numbers, and then claims that I'm hysterical.

Leftists crack me up. You run around in a constant hysterical fit, then you lecture people as if you're somehow balanced.

The damage done by the lockdown far outweighs the benefit. But you not only know that, it's your goal
My goal is to send Rump packing and allow the Republican Party to rebuild into what it once was when it was known as Grand Old Party instead of the Party of the Rump.

Would it be better to just burn is down and start a new conservative party WITHOUT the baggage of the racism, misogynism, classism and the religous right? I'm a fiscal conservative but a social liberal. I'm in favour of smaller government and balanced budgets. But I would never vote for the Republican Party as long as it opposes the Equal Rights Amendment, women's reproductive rights, equal pay for equal work, maternity leave and family leave, and mandated vacations for all workers, and neither will my American friends.

These are bread and butter issues for working women and their families, and the Republican Party calls them "women's issues", and treats them like secondary to the important stuff like the "economy", and foreign policy, completely ignoring that the basic economic unit of the American economy, is the American family.

I must say that I am appreciating our Parliamentary Democracy a whole lot more these days, watching what is happening in the US. If Trudeau had mismanaged the pandemic as badly as Trump has, the Conservatives and the NDP or the Block Quebecois would call a for a "non-confidence" vote against the government, and Trudeau would be out of a job.
Yet Trump CLAIMS that he ONLY hires the "BEST" people!
The BEST people would ahve known to check the supply closets!
The BEST people would know that a pandemic was possible, especially
since Obama left a plan about what to do when the pandemic hits in a
Big Red Folder for them!
Only a totally inept and incompetent administration would blow this.
Millions are going to lose their unemployment, thanks to the Trump/GOP bulshit.
Read and weep for all those who are effected by this bullshit incompetence!
Nobody's losing their unemployment. They are trying to work out how much EXTRA GIFT will be given. This is PRINTED MONEY. I think this extra is a huge mistake for the country, but I'm nobody.
Millions are going to lose their unemployment, thanks to the Trump/GOP bulshit.
Read and weep for all those who are effected by this bullshit incompetence!

Not paying people more to not work than to work is going to put a kink in your plan to wreck the economy for November 3, huh?

I cannot believe the idiocy of the right. If this is what you truly believe is happening, you deserve to go broke and have your country destroyed. The economy is ALREADY WRECKED.

People cannot go back to work until YOU GET THE FUCKING VIRUS UNDER CONTROL.



Yes, your plan is to wreck the economy ... until November 3. This is not new information. The rest is your ridiculous hysteria over a virus that kills less than 1% of the people and is little threat to children. Screaming about it just shows all the more what a whack job you are.

Yes, those deaths are tragic. But so are is the domestic violence, suicides, depression, drug and alcohol abuse, destruction of lives, businesses and retirements and the developmental impact of children we're suffering by keeping us caged up.

I've pointed this out to you a bunch of times at this point and you keep ignoring it. Stop just being a hysterical woman running in circles and screaming like your hair is on fire and engage in discussion by actually addressing my points on the other side. Grow the fuck up. You're hysterical. I got it


It is utterly laughable that you're claiming massive rates of "domestic violence, suicide, depression, drug and alcohol abuse, the destruction of lives and businesses and returedment and developmental impact on children" on no evidence, and you're calling ME hysterical.

No one is "caged up". And if you are, you are utterly lacking in imagination. People were out walking their dogs, cutting their lawns, working in their gardens, and generally living their lives, throughout the shut down. They just did it with their immediate familys. Many people have said that they've finally gotten a lot of things done around the house they never had time for when they were working.


Your federal government response has been a clusterfuck since day one and has done nothing to shut the virus down, but is now everything possible to push helpless low wage workers, with no health insurance, back into the work force with no protections.

Let's calculate the cost to the economy of 70,000 people per day testing positive, in perpetuity, shall we. Because it's NOT just the number of people dying which is problematic, it's the impact of tens of thousands of people getting sick every day that is the problem.

20% of those who test postive get REALLY sick and require hospitalization. That's 14,000 people per day who will require hospitalization. When they go to hospital, they're in hospital for weeks, so you're not churning beds quickly. So how long will it be before you have no beds left in hospitals? Texas, Florida and Arizona are already there. If 14,000 people are going to hospital every day and staying for weeks, who is paying for their treatment - which is currently around $1 milllion per patient, if they survive? Or are you just going to stop treating them as well.

If 70,000 people test positive every day for a year, that's 25.1 million sick people per year, and 5.1 million hospitalizations based on a 20% hospitalization rate. You only have 1 million hospital beds in total. Where are going to put them, and who is going to care for them in hospital, because health care workers are in crisis.

You're all hysterical about people getting depressed and suicidal and yet you ignore the impact on health care workers who have to deal with all of these really sick people. Health care workers are dying while caring for the sick.

Health care workers are afraid to go home and spend time with their families. You worry about people being "caged up", what is happening to health care workers who are being pushed to the breaking point, sobbing on YouTube about how difficult it is to deal with this virus. Who in their right mind is going to want to be a doctor or a nurse after this? How many will people will leave the health care professions after this?

Currently, 6.7% of those who test positive in the USA, die. Not 1%. You have 2,190,000 closed cases, and 147,000 of those people have died. that's 6.7% of closed cases, not 1%. If 70,000 people get sick every day for a year, 5.1 million are hospitalized, and 342,000 Americans will die.

Your position ignores all of these facts and numbers, and then claims that I'm hysterical.

Leftists crack me up. You run around in a constant hysterical fit, then you lecture people as if you're somehow balanced.

The damage done by the lockdown far outweighs the benefit. But you not only know that, it's your goal
My goal is to send Rump packing and allow the Republican Party to rebuild into what it once was when it was known as Grand Old Party instead of the Party of the Rump.

Would it be better to just burn is down and start a new conservative party WITHOUT the baggage of the racism, misogynism, classism and the religous right? I'm a fiscal conservative but a social liberal. I'm in favour of smaller government and balanced budgets. But I would never vote for the Republican Party as long as it opposes the Equal Rights Amendment, women's reproductive rights, equal pay for equal work, maternity leave and family leave, and mandated vacations for all workers, and neither will my American friends.

These are bread and butter issues for working women and their families, and the Republican Party calls them "women's issues", and treats them like secondary to the important stuff like the "economy", and foreign policy, completely ignoring that the basic economic unit of the American economy, is the American family.

I must say that I am appreciating our Parliamentary Democracy a whole lot more these days, watching what is happening in the US. If Trudeau had mismanaged the pandemic as badly as Trump has, the Conservatives and the NDP or the Block Quebecois would call a for a "non-confidence" vote against the government, and Trudeau would be out of a job.

The racism, misogyny, classism, violence and hate are in the democrat party, not the republican party...you are just too stupid to understand that......you sit there, slack jawed and drooling as the last thing a democrat party hack injects into your brain becomes the only thing you know......

We have equal pay for equal work..in fact, single women with a college degree make more money than their male counterparts...... so really, single men need to get some help, and equality....

Moron.....black lives matter wants to end the American Family...it is in their core demands...you doofus....
Yet Trump CLAIMS that he ONLY hires the "BEST" people!
The BEST people would ahve known to check the supply closets!
The BEST people would know that a pandemic was possible, especially
since Obama left a plan about what to do when the pandemic hits in a
Big Red Folder for them!
Only a totally inept and incompetent administration would blow this.

He didn't hire fauci, you dumb shit.....obama didn't leave anything for anyone, he used up all the supplies and didn't replace them, and even biden's own aide says the only reason the H1N1 wasn't a complete disaster is they got lucky because they didn't do anything to stop it...

A Coronavirus Chart The Mainstream Media Doesn't Want You To See

Ron Klain, who was Biden’s chief of staff at the time of the H1N1 pandemic and is currently advising his campaign, says it was mere luck that H1N1 wasn’t more deadly. “It is purely a fortuity that this isn’t one of the great mass casualty events in American history,” Klain said of H1N1 in 2019. “It had nothing to do with us doing anything right. It just had to do with luck. If anyone thinks that this can’t happen again, they don’t have to go back to 1918, they just have to go back to 2009, 2010, and imagine a virus with a different lethality, and you can just do the math on that.”
The war on H1N1 suffered significant setbacks because of the Obama-Biden administration’s failures, particularly when it came to vaccine shortages.

The Obama-Biden administration had predicted in the summer of 2009 that they would have 160 million H1N1 vaccine doses by late October but ended up with fewer than 30 million. According to a study by Purdue University scholars, this failure cost lives because the H1N1 vaccine would arrive “too late to help most Americans who will be infected during this flu season.” The study determined that the CDC’s planned vaccination campaign would “likely not have a large effect on the total number of people ultimately infected by the pandemic H1N1 influenza virus.”

The coronavirus is more deadly and more infectious than H1N1, and containment and mitigation efforts have so far succeeded in preventing the widespread infection that we experienced with H1N1. One can only imagine how much worse the coronavirus pandemic would be had the Obama-Biden administration been handling it.
Yet Trump CLAIMS that he ONLY hires the "BEST" people!
The BEST people would ahve known to check the supply closets!
The BEST people would know that a pandemic was possible, especially
since Obama left a plan about what to do when the pandemic hits in a
Big Red Folder for them!
Only a totally inept and incompetent administration would blow this.

President Trump didn't replace everybody in all 140 agencies in the US Government. No President does. You guys had a shit-fit when he got rid of Comey.
But I would never vote for the Republican Party as long as it opposes the Equal Rights Amendment, women's reproductive rights, equal pay for equal work, maternity leave and family leave, and mandated vacations for all workers, and neither will my American friends.

Oh yeah, now that's what we call fiscally conservative. :laughing0301:
Millions are going to lose their unemployment, thanks to the Trump/GOP bulshit.
Read and weep for all those who are effected by this bullshit incompetence!

Ok Skippy, the first line of your link says: "Tens of millions of laid-off American workers will go weeks without federal jobless aid — because Congress hasn’t renewed the benefits." There also appears to be a number of references as to how the state(s) have failed to keep up due to antiquated systems. But what the hell, it must be Trump's fault...dumbass.
Of coure it's tRump's fault. The buck stops at the oval office. There were weeks and weeks of wasted time where tRump and his little butt-buddy Moscow Mitch sat on their hands and did nothing

Remember, with the big job comes the big responsibility.

Get back to me after you learn how the U.S. government works.
I already know. It appears you're having difficulties though.

Alrighty then, quick quiz, who controls the purse strings?
Who's in charge, friend? Who's "administration" is this?

As far as purse strings the house had a bill on Moscow Mitch's desk a month ago.

So your answer is Trump because he's in charge?
Did you not read my post?

I did read your post. One line suggests it Trump then you go with Moscow Mitch. You appear to be your normal confused as hell self.

Your reading comprehension skills are whack. His post was clear and concise. Trump did nothing for months - again, and Mitch McConnell let the Heros' Act languish on his desk for 9 weeks and then started over like it didn't exist.

Once Moscow Mitch, who is foolishly negotiating with the White House, but not the Democrats, actually makes a deal with the White House, he's going to have to take it to the floor of the Senate. There, Senate Republicans will vote down any Democratic amendments. Once the Senate passes the bill, McConnell is going to have to then go hat in hand to Nancy Pelosi and ask the House to pass whatever he and the White House cooks up.

Good luck with that.
Millions are going to lose their unemployment, thanks to the Trump/GOP bulshit.
Read and weep for all those who are effected by this bullshit incompetence!

Ok Skippy, the first line of your link says: "Tens of millions of laid-off American workers will go weeks without federal jobless aid — because Congress hasn’t renewed the benefits." There also appears to be a number of references as to how the state(s) have failed to keep up due to antiquated systems. But what the hell, it must be Trump's fault...dumbass.
Of coure it's tRump's fault. The buck stops at the oval office. There were weeks and weeks of wasted time where tRump and his little butt-buddy Moscow Mitch sat on their hands and did nothing

Remember, with the big job comes the big responsibility.

Get back to me after you learn how the U.S. government works.
I already know. It appears you're having difficulties though.

Alrighty then, quick quiz, who controls the purse strings?
Who's in charge, friend? Who's "administration" is this?

As far as purse strings the house had a bill on Moscow Mitch's desk a month ago.

So your answer is Trump because he's in charge?
Did you not read my post?

I did read your post. One line suggests it Trump then you go with Moscow Mitch. You appear to be your normal confused as hell self.

Your reading comprehension skills are whack. His post was clear and concise. Trump did nothing for months - again, and Mitch McConnell let the Heros' Act languish on his desk for 9 weeks and then started over like it didn't exist.

Once Moscow Mitch, who is foolishly negotiating with the White House, but not the Democrats, actually makes a deal with the White House, he's going to have to take it to the floor of the Senate. There, Senate Republicans will vote down any Democratic amendments. Once the Senate passes the bill, McConnell is going to have to then go hat in hand to Nancy Pelosi and ask the House to pass whatever he and the White House cooks up.

Good luck with that.

Yep, the Hero's Act, the one asking for $3 Trillion, the one used to bail out Cities and States. Better stick to policies in the Canadian shithole you live in.
Leftists crack me up. You run around in a constant hysterical fit, then you lecture people as if you're somehow balanced.

The damage done by the lockdown far outweighs the benefit. But you not only know that, it's your goal
Ask people in Fla or Texas about that

Not following the news much, are you? We've been the ones pushing to open. I live in Florida, BTW
Yeah you want schools open but afraid to have RNC there?? Trump punks out

As I said, you're really not following the news, are you? Trump pulled out, Florida didn't.

And you really are a dick. If Trump had it you'd attack him now you're attacking him for not having it

He's not attacking Trump. He's attacking the notion that schools in Florida are in position to open in a couple of weeks. If it's not safe to hold the Republican convention in Florida, how is it safe to force teachers, administrators, bus drivers, and children back to school?

You're really not very bright, are you.

Children are at very low risk for catching the virus, and in Europe where they did send their kids back to school, no known cases of a teacher catching the virus from a student.

I talked to a Bus DRiver who is going back to work. No matter if the child is sick or not, if they are the bus stop, they get picked up. And yes, the drivers have voiced their fears and were told to either shut up or not show up for work.No temp checks, nothing. Let's face it, the Schools are a giant pietri dish. If one student goes to class with Covid, you just infected almost every student. And it's going to be passed off in the Hallways and on the buses. And it's going to be taken home. Hey, let's kill all the older drivers and the Grand Parents.

Very few kids catch this virus for one. The kids that do don't have a great track record of passing it to others. The theory is that the receptors that this virus clings onto are not developed enough in most children. Therefore it affects very few of them.

Some studies have suggested that older children don't have the same pattern. If that's true, why not open up facilities to grammar school grades as the teens can take care of themselves at home without parental supervision and still learn over the internet?

I'll tell you what. Do you want to see a big change in attitude of the Democrat party and their buddies in the teachers unions? Tell them that they are going to go all online, but since we don't need one teacher for every 25 students, and one teacher can teach 500 students on the net, we can layoff those remaining teachers we don't need!

You'll see how fast the Democrats promote opening schools back up again. What they really want is a gift to their supporters in the union to sit on their ass at home and teach kids online instead of going into work.

You seem to know facts that the Scientist don't know. They think this, they think that but no one really knows. Until yesterday, Mesa Country had zero deaths for Covid 19. WE now have one. It's a state mandate that if you go into a business now, you must be wearing a mask. And we still have a few Party of the Rumpers that refuse to wear a mask in a business and dare ANYONE to not give them service. Right now, it's not mandantory but you give it time and enough deaths it will become mandantory. While, overall, we have played according to the rules, some didn't and we lost a life. While Colorado is not being called a disaster area, one life lost is too many. And the Schools still want to open up. It's trading lives for commerce.

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