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Another screw up by Trump and the GOP!

Millions are going to lose their unemployment, thanks to the Trump/GOP bulshit.
Read and weep for all those who are effected by this bullshit incompetence!
*yawn* The administration already has a fixit for that, but I saw it on tv a few hours ago...
This pos has made a joke out of our laws and morons here jump up and down with joy Yeah ,you know who I'm talking about Tex
ANd assholes like you celebrate Cuomo killing the elderly. You’re the joke here moron,
I'd celebrate if it was you and a few of your pals here
Wishing death on posters. Yeah, go fuck yourself asshole.
And soon You're an asshole and one reason America could never be great again with scum like you here
I should report you. But watching you melt down is so enjoyable. Again, change your diaper baby. America is great despite scumbags like you. Fuck off.
Great lantern ?? Just how great are we with this hated world wide POS in charge ?... and I really don't wish death upon you ,just lots of pain
We're better than we've been in a long time. Hated worldwide? Boo hoo other nations can't mooch off us anymore. Tough shit. You want me in pain? Come try it bitch. I'll laugh at you.
How good are we having it now ?? Soon ALL nations will supercede us Trump has turned this nation into something most people laugh at And you'll get plenty of pain if your ah gets 4 more My days of fighting are over I took some and gave more

We have the choice of two people who will lead this country out of this, hopefully. We have Dementia Joe, and we have Donald Trump who proved to handle the economy very well. Donald achieved quit a bit in his 3.5 years as President. Creepy Joe accomplished nothing in his over 40 years of service as Senator and VP. That is of course unless you consider making family members rich while VP an accomplishment.

At some point, this virus will be behind us. Then it's up to whoever the President is to reconstruct the economy. If and when that day comes, we better have the best person to do that job in the White House.
so you want the one who led us into this mess with his utter disregard of the virus for months ,,who gave away money to the 1% like it was gum balls to lead us out?? LOL you give that pos 4 more years and you'll see what a bottom looks like...Meanwhile that crook will be making money hand over fist

Yeah, that's Trump's goal, making money hand over fist. Donald Trump lost over a billions dollars of personal net worth since he announced his candidacy for the President of the United States. That's not somebody in it for the money. In fact, President Trump is probably the first President to step down into the White House instead of stepping up. Every presidential paycheck was donated to some charitable cause. He didn't collect a dime from them.

President Trump acted on the advice from his experts like Fauci, Brix and the CDC. He took action when they stated action was needed, and didn't take action when they didn't think this would be a problem.
Donated and will take a generous deduction At least he's not stealing from his own charity AGAIN And losing billions LOL Making $$$ hand over fist Even went to the British Ambassador to try and get the British open moved to his golf course The emolument clause means nothing to that cheating POS

Damn you're one stupid little piece of shit. Golf tournaments are private companies, the emoluments clause wouldn't apply. Do you think the US Open is owned and operated by the US government? Are you really this stupid?

Your pos ,stupid is trying to enrich himself Nothing new

Funny how easily you pivoted from your emoluments argument, but I bet you'll throw it out there again when you think no one will notice.

What pivot ?The man has gone against everything we hold dear Our laws...You really think he hasn't broken the emolument part of the law? You really think folks from foreign lands aren't using his hotels to gain entrance into his ability to enrich them?

There's nothing wrong about people form foreign lands staying in his hotels, he keeps no profits if foreign officials do. You're just an ignorant speck on the ass of a fly.

Yeah his son does And where do you think it winds up??

His son does what?

His son is in charge of Trumps holdings

I'm aware of that, still doesn't say what you claim he does.

Pot heads bake.
It's the acid freaks that fry.
Yeah, you're a Democrat, you don't support politicians who have a different standard for their own kids. No limousine liberals in the Democrat party. No private schools for Democrat politicians. No Democrats use political leverage to get into schools like Stanford or the Ivy Leagues. No siree, you have principles.

Even Democrats laugh when they see yo coming you're so gullible. You'll believe anything
And you believe trumps daddy didn't buy him in and out of college and bail him out many times , and yes it's good to be rich for both sides But people like Trump abuse people and the law , and as I've said before Trump wouldn't pi$$ on you if you were on fire

You're stoned again. We never discussed that
Not in 30 years stoned ,,,,,,But I did make a mistake Trump WOULD pi$$ on you if you were on fire See? I can correct myself

Booze, drugs, whatever. But you're tripping and imagining things
It's almost time for my closing bell drink

I just booked my first fitness swim of the summer. I was so looking forward to starting swimming on June 15th. Better late than never.

I would celebrate at 4:20 except I have nothing but twigs and seeds. There’s a dispensary opening in town, but the sign on the window says “opening soon”. Define “soon”!

Our stores, what you call dispensaries, stayed open through the shutdown. At least the medical ones did.

The stores are all open here. In fact I went to one of them yesterday.

If the border was open I would invite you to come on down. LOL.

So now we know what's wrong with both of you, fried brains. Figures.


Sounds like experience speaking, I wouldn't know on either.

Conservatives are all so tight they squeak when they walk.
Pot heads bake.
It's the acid freaks that fry.
Yeah, you're a Democrat, you don't support politicians who have a different standard for their own kids. No limousine liberals in the Democrat party. No private schools for Democrat politicians. No Democrats use political leverage to get into schools like Stanford or the Ivy Leagues. No siree, you have principles.

Even Democrats laugh when they see yo coming you're so gullible. You'll believe anything
And you believe trumps daddy didn't buy him in and out of college and bail him out many times , and yes it's good to be rich for both sides But people like Trump abuse people and the law , and as I've said before Trump wouldn't pi$$ on you if you were on fire

You're stoned again. We never discussed that
Not in 30 years stoned ,,,,,,But I did make a mistake Trump WOULD pi$$ on you if you were on fire See? I can correct myself

Booze, drugs, whatever. But you're tripping and imagining things
It's almost time for my closing bell drink

I just booked my first fitness swim of the summer. I was so looking forward to starting swimming on June 15th. Better late than never.

I would celebrate at 4:20 except I have nothing but twigs and seeds. There’s a dispensary opening in town, but the sign on the window says “opening soon”. Define “soon”!

Our stores, what you call dispensaries, stayed open through the shutdown. At least the medical ones did.

The stores are all open here. In fact I went to one of them yesterday.

If the border was open I would invite you to come on down. LOL.

So now we know what's wrong with both of you, fried brains. Figures.


Sounds like experience speaking, I wouldn't know on either.

Conservatives are all so tight they squeak when they walk.

It's called being law abiding.

Pot heads bake.
It's the acid freaks that fry.
Yeah, you're a Democrat, you don't support politicians who have a different standard for their own kids. No limousine liberals in the Democrat party. No private schools for Democrat politicians. No Democrats use political leverage to get into schools like Stanford or the Ivy Leagues. No siree, you have principles.

Even Democrats laugh when they see yo coming you're so gullible. You'll believe anything
And you believe trumps daddy didn't buy him in and out of college and bail him out many times , and yes it's good to be rich for both sides But people like Trump abuse people and the law , and as I've said before Trump wouldn't pi$$ on you if you were on fire

You're stoned again. We never discussed that
Not in 30 years stoned ,,,,,,But I did make a mistake Trump WOULD pi$$ on you if you were on fire See? I can correct myself

Booze, drugs, whatever. But you're tripping and imagining things
It's almost time for my closing bell drink

I just booked my first fitness swim of the summer. I was so looking forward to starting swimming on June 15th. Better late than never.

I would celebrate at 4:20 except I have nothing but twigs and seeds. There’s a dispensary opening in town, but the sign on the window says “opening soon”. Define “soon”!

Our stores, what you call dispensaries, stayed open through the shutdown. At least the medical ones did.

The stores are all open here. In fact I went to one of them yesterday.

If the border was open I would invite you to come on down. LOL.

So now we know what's wrong with both of you, fried brains. Figures.


Sounds like experience speaking, I wouldn't know on either.

Conservatives are all so tight they squeak when they walk.

It's called being law abiding.

I can hear it from here.

<Squeak.... Squeak>
Pot heads bake.
It's the acid freaks that fry.
Yeah, you're a Democrat, you don't support politicians who have a different standard for their own kids. No limousine liberals in the Democrat party. No private schools for Democrat politicians. No Democrats use political leverage to get into schools like Stanford or the Ivy Leagues. No siree, you have principles.

Even Democrats laugh when they see yo coming you're so gullible. You'll believe anything
And you believe trumps daddy didn't buy him in and out of college and bail him out many times , and yes it's good to be rich for both sides But people like Trump abuse people and the law , and as I've said before Trump wouldn't pi$$ on you if you were on fire

You're stoned again. We never discussed that
Not in 30 years stoned ,,,,,,But I did make a mistake Trump WOULD pi$$ on you if you were on fire See? I can correct myself

Booze, drugs, whatever. But you're tripping and imagining things
It's almost time for my closing bell drink

I just booked my first fitness swim of the summer. I was so looking forward to starting swimming on June 15th. Better late than never.

I would celebrate at 4:20 except I have nothing but twigs and seeds. There’s a dispensary opening in town, but the sign on the window says “opening soon”. Define “soon”!

Our stores, what you call dispensaries, stayed open through the shutdown. At least the medical ones did.

The stores are all open here. In fact I went to one of them yesterday.

If the border was open I would invite you to come on down. LOL.

So now we know what's wrong with both of you, fried brains. Figures.


Sounds like experience speaking, I wouldn't know on either.

Conservatives are all so tight they squeak when they walk.

It's called being law abiding.

I can hear it from here.

<Squeak.... Squeak>

That's your altered state you're hearing. I've heard you junkies tend to have hallucinations. Ever thought that might explain your ignorant political views? You do know they have professional help for people like you, right?

  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Professional help? While you support a tv host ,a low life lying lout? a scum that takes America down a few notches?
Because you file a more honest return and don't lie to the Banks about your worth and income to get loans.

People like Donald Trump get audited all the time. It's a constant thing with them. If anybody is encouraged to cheat on their taxes, it would be people like me that the IRS doesn't even bother with, and I have a lot of deductions every single year.
Remember his excuse for not showing his taxes?? He was getting audited What a load of fine trump bullshit He still could have showed them

What were you looking for in Trump's taxes that would have made you vote for him?
I wasn't looking for anything I'm a New Yorker and know him to be a cheating lying swine Every President since I believe Nixon ,showed their taxes Need to prove they weren't doing anything illegal Trump couldn't show his and you guys can't figure out why?? I'd guess because he might end up in jail instead of the WH

If the IRS can't catch him doing anything illegal, what makes you think that you can find what they didn't?

We know why President Trump didn't show his taxes. The only reason you want him to release his returns is so you can find something to bash him on like being cheap to charity or paying a low percentage compared to other Americans. It has nothing to do with you thinking you can find out if he's cheating or not.

The IRS isn't looking for things that are "illegal". They look at whether or not the figures are accurate and you declared ALL of your income, and your deductions are proper. They don't look at who you're borrowing money from or where you income came from. Al Capone was convicted of tax evasion - failure to disclose his bootlegging income. He wasn't convicted of being a bootlegger or a murder, or any other of the crimes he committed.

Trump tax returns will likely reveal that he's not a billionaire, or even close to it. Former Deutches Banke employees who worked on his account, have said he's worth $300 million, at best, which is the amount Fred left him, and which is still held in a family trust with his siblings. Trump has tried to get his siblings to sell Fred's properties and they have steadfastly refused. Those properties are the only business investments that have kept Trump solvent all these years.

American banks stopped lending to Trump after his 4th bankruptcy, and they still won't give him any money. Trump initially promised that his company wouldn't buy or build outside the USA during his Presidency, but he ran into a brick wall with US bankers who still refuse to lend to him. Given that he's presided over 3 more international bankrupcies since the first 4, their wisdom in avoiding his scams has been wise.

So who does Trump owe money to. A contractor who worked on Trump Tower in Toronto said that the Trump Corporation called the shots, but the Saudi's signed the checks. Is that why Trump is offering the Saudi's nuclear technology? Because he owes them massive amounts of money?

Who Trump owes money to is of no import to the IRS, but it sure as hell is important to the American people. THAT's why Americans need to see Trump's taxes.

Do you have bets with your friends on how gullible you think Americans are? Your post is one lie after another.

First off, yes, the IRS does look at where your income came from. I have to state (and provide evidence) of where all my money came from that I earned. Yes, they do look at bank loans because interest on business bank loans are tax deductible. The banks even send you statements for tax purposes.

Fred did not leave Donald 300 million. Need the factcheck link, just ask, I have it right here in my folder. Where is this evidence that banks (until this day) will not lend Donald Trump any money? Please post a reliable site for this phony claim. Oh, and your other claim, 4 more international bankruptcies? This is a first I ever heard of that one. So again, backup your claim there.

If Trump only had 300 million, can you explain how he lost a billion dollars of personal worth since he announced his candidacy for the presidency?

He gets it back by making sure that his Resources are used by the Government. Just one of his "Golfing" trip brings in north of 360K profit for Rump Industries. Care to count the number of times he's used his own resources and bill the US Government? His Company has made millions.
Millions are going to lose their unemployment, thanks to the Trump/GOP bulshit.
Read and weep for all those who are effected by this bullshit incompetence!

Ok Skippy, the first line of your link says: "Tens of millions of laid-off American workers will go weeks without federal jobless aid — because Congress hasn’t renewed the benefits." There also appears to be a number of references as to how the state(s) have failed to keep up due to antiquated systems. But what the hell, it must be Trump's fault...dumbass.

Sorry but congress passed it ages ago... This was the Democratic proposal.

The GOP and Trump had an argument about it and could continue negotiations with Democrats.

Sorry but this is all on GOP

Yep, that's Democrats...all about negotiations, dumbass.
Millions are going to lose their unemployment, thanks to the Trump/GOP bulshit.
Read and weep for all those who are effected by this bullshit incompetence!

Ok Skippy, the first line of your link says: "Tens of millions of laid-off American workers will go weeks without federal jobless aid — because Congress hasn’t renewed the benefits." There also appears to be a number of references as to how the state(s) have failed to keep up due to antiquated systems. But what the hell, it must be Trump's fault...dumbass.

Sorry but congress passed it ages ago... This was the Democratic proposal.

The GOP and Trump had an argument about it and could continue negotiations with Democrats.

Sorry but this is all on GOP

Yep, that's Democrats...all about negotiations, dumbass.
I bet the relative who forgot to ensure that the system was updated for such a scenario will get a raise.
Yeah, you're a Democrat, you don't support politicians who have a different standard for their own kids. No limousine liberals in the Democrat party. No private schools for Democrat politicians. No Democrats use political leverage to get into schools like Stanford or the Ivy Leagues. No siree, you have principles.

Even Democrats laugh when they see yo coming you're so gullible. You'll believe anything
And you believe trumps daddy didn't buy him in and out of college and bail him out many times , and yes it's good to be rich for both sides But people like Trump abuse people and the law , and as I've said before Trump wouldn't pi$$ on you if you were on fire

You're stoned again. We never discussed that
Not in 30 years stoned ,,,,,,But I did make a mistake Trump WOULD pi$$ on you if you were on fire See? I can correct myself

Booze, drugs, whatever. But you're tripping and imagining things
It's almost time for my closing bell drink

I just booked my first fitness swim of the summer. I was so looking forward to starting swimming on June 15th. Better late than never.

I would celebrate at 4:20 except I have nothing but twigs and seeds. There’s a dispensary opening in town, but the sign on the window says “opening soon”. Define “soon”!

Our stores, what you call dispensaries, stayed open through the shutdown. At least the medical ones did.

The stores are all open here. In fact I went to one of them yesterday.

If the border was open I would invite you to come on down. LOL.

So now we know what's wrong with both of you, fried brains. Figures.

Those of us who smoke, are in much better company than you are:

  1. Barack Obama. “When I was a kid, I inhaled frequently.”
  2. Jay-Z. “That record was, like, a process. ...
  3. Bill Maher. “I have never made a secret of the fact that I have tried marijuana. ...
  4. Bill Gates. ...
  5. George Clooney. ...
  6. Lady Gaga. ...
  7. Steve Jobs. ...
  8. Carl Sagan
  9. George Washington
  10. Bob Marley
  11. Willie Nelson
  12. Abraham Lincoln
  13. Michael Phelps
  14. David Letterman
  15. Morgan Freeman
  16. Martha Stewart
  17. Hugh Hefner
  18. Miley Cyrus
  19. Rihanna
  20. Snoop Dogg
  21. Hunter S. Thompson
  22. Alexander Dumas - French writer
  23. Herodotus - Greek historian
  24. Stephen King
  25. Jimi Hendrix
  26. Jerry Garcia
  27. Janis Joplin
  28. Cheech
  29. & Chong
  30. Lil Wayne
  31. Kristen Stewart
  32. Johnny Depp
  33. Kirsten Dunst
  34. Brad Pitt
  35. Jennifer Aniston
  36. Woody Harrelson
  37. Shakespeare - Researchers found clay pipes with traces of cannabis in the garden of Shakespeare’s home in Stratford-on-Avon, which have been dated to the 17th century, contemporary with Shakespeare himself.
  38. Arnold Schwarzenegger
  39. Bob Dylan
  40. Madonna
Those who smoke pot are some of the greatest and most productive geniuses of our time, and throughout history. Dana and I are in good company.
Because you file a more honest return and don't lie to the Banks about your worth and income to get loans.

People like Donald Trump get audited all the time. It's a constant thing with them. If anybody is encouraged to cheat on their taxes, it would be people like me that the IRS doesn't even bother with, and I have a lot of deductions every single year.
Remember his excuse for not showing his taxes?? He was getting audited What a load of fine trump bullshit He still could have showed them

What were you looking for in Trump's taxes that would have made you vote for him?
I wasn't looking for anything I'm a New Yorker and know him to be a cheating lying swine Every President since I believe Nixon ,showed their taxes Need to prove they weren't doing anything illegal Trump couldn't show his and you guys can't figure out why?? I'd guess because he might end up in jail instead of the WH

If the IRS can't catch him doing anything illegal, what makes you think that you can find what they didn't?

We know why President Trump didn't show his taxes. The only reason you want him to release his returns is so you can find something to bash him on like being cheap to charity or paying a low percentage compared to other Americans. It has nothing to do with you thinking you can find out if he's cheating or not.

The IRS isn't looking for things that are "illegal". They look at whether or not the figures are accurate and you declared ALL of your income, and your deductions are proper. They don't look at who you're borrowing money from or where you income came from. Al Capone was convicted of tax evasion - failure to disclose his bootlegging income. He wasn't convicted of being a bootlegger or a murder, or any other of the crimes he committed.

Trump tax returns will likely reveal that he's not a billionaire, or even close to it. Former Deutches Banke employees who worked on his account, have said he's worth $300 million, at best, which is the amount Fred left him, and which is still held in a family trust with his siblings. Trump has tried to get his siblings to sell Fred's properties and they have steadfastly refused. Those properties are the only business investments that have kept Trump solvent all these years.

American banks stopped lending to Trump after his 4th bankruptcy, and they still won't give him any money. Trump initially promised that his company wouldn't buy or build outside the USA during his Presidency, but he ran into a brick wall with US bankers who still refuse to lend to him. Given that he's presided over 3 more international bankrupcies since the first 4, their wisdom in avoiding his scams has been wise.

So who does Trump owe money to. A contractor who worked on Trump Tower in Toronto said that the Trump Corporation called the shots, but the Saudi's signed the checks. Is that why Trump is offering the Saudi's nuclear technology? Because he owes them massive amounts of money?

Who Trump owes money to is of no import to the IRS, but it sure as hell is important to the American people. THAT's why Americans need to see Trump's taxes.

Do you have bets with your friends on how gullible you think Americans are? Your post is one lie after another.

First off, yes, the IRS does look at where your income came from. I have to state (and provide evidence) of where all my money came from that I earned. Yes, they do look at bank loans because interest on business bank loans are tax deductible. The banks even send you statements for tax purposes.

Fred did not leave Donald 300 million. Need the factcheck link, just ask, I have it right here in my folder. Where is this evidence that banks (until this day) will not lend Donald Trump any money? Please post a reliable site for this phony claim. Oh, and your other claim, 4 more international bankruptcies? This is a first I ever heard of that one. So again, backup your claim there.

If Trump only had 300 million, can you explain how he lost a billion dollars of personal worth since he announced his candidacy for the presidency?

He gets it back by making sure that his Resources are used by the Government. Just one of his "Golfing" trip brings in north of 360K profit for Rump Industries. Care to count the number of times he's used his own resources and bill the US Government? His Company has made millions.

They have? Then why don't you list them with evidence. We'll go through them one by one.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Pot heads bake.
It's the acid freaks that fry.
Yeah, you're a Democrat, you don't support politicians who have a different standard for their own kids. No limousine liberals in the Democrat party. No private schools for Democrat politicians. No Democrats use political leverage to get into schools like Stanford or the Ivy Leagues. No siree, you have principles.

Even Democrats laugh when they see yo coming you're so gullible. You'll believe anything
And you believe trumps daddy didn't buy him in and out of college and bail him out many times , and yes it's good to be rich for both sides But people like Trump abuse people and the law , and as I've said before Trump wouldn't pi$$ on you if you were on fire

You're stoned again. We never discussed that
Not in 30 years stoned ,,,,,,But I did make a mistake Trump WOULD pi$$ on you if you were on fire See? I can correct myself

Booze, drugs, whatever. But you're tripping and imagining things
It's almost time for my closing bell drink

I just booked my first fitness swim of the summer. I was so looking forward to starting swimming on June 15th. Better late than never.

I would celebrate at 4:20 except I have nothing but twigs and seeds. There’s a dispensary opening in town, but the sign on the window says “opening soon”. Define “soon”!

Our stores, what you call dispensaries, stayed open through the shutdown. At least the medical ones did.

The stores are all open here. In fact I went to one of them yesterday.

If the border was open I would invite you to come on down. LOL.

So now we know what's wrong with both of you, fried brains. Figures.


Sounds like experience speaking, I wouldn't know on either.

Conservatives are all so tight they squeak when they walk.

It's called being law abiding.

I can hear it from here.

<Squeak.... Squeak>

That's your altered state you're hearing. I've heard you junkies tend to have hallucinations. Ever thought that might explain your ignorant political views? You do know they have professional help for people like you, right?

Getting so tight you're going supersonic.
Because you file a more honest return and don't lie to the Banks about your worth and income to get loans.

People like Donald Trump get audited all the time. It's a constant thing with them. If anybody is encouraged to cheat on their taxes, it would be people like me that the IRS doesn't even bother with, and I have a lot of deductions every single year.
Remember his excuse for not showing his taxes?? He was getting audited What a load of fine trump bullshit He still could have showed them

What were you looking for in Trump's taxes that would have made you vote for him?
I wasn't looking for anything I'm a New Yorker and know him to be a cheating lying swine Every President since I believe Nixon ,showed their taxes Need to prove they weren't doing anything illegal Trump couldn't show his and you guys can't figure out why?? I'd guess because he might end up in jail instead of the WH

If the IRS can't catch him doing anything illegal, what makes you think that you can find what they didn't?

We know why President Trump didn't show his taxes. The only reason you want him to release his returns is so you can find something to bash him on like being cheap to charity or paying a low percentage compared to other Americans. It has nothing to do with you thinking you can find out if he's cheating or not.

The IRS isn't looking for things that are "illegal". They look at whether or not the figures are accurate and you declared ALL of your income, and your deductions are proper. They don't look at who you're borrowing money from or where you income came from. Al Capone was convicted of tax evasion - failure to disclose his bootlegging income. He wasn't convicted of being a bootlegger or a murder, or any other of the crimes he committed.

Trump tax returns will likely reveal that he's not a billionaire, or even close to it. Former Deutches Banke employees who worked on his account, have said he's worth $300 million, at best, which is the amount Fred left him, and which is still held in a family trust with his siblings. Trump has tried to get his siblings to sell Fred's properties and they have steadfastly refused. Those properties are the only business investments that have kept Trump solvent all these years.

American banks stopped lending to Trump after his 4th bankruptcy, and they still won't give him any money. Trump initially promised that his company wouldn't buy or build outside the USA during his Presidency, but he ran into a brick wall with US bankers who still refuse to lend to him. Given that he's presided over 3 more international bankrupcies since the first 4, their wisdom in avoiding his scams has been wise.

So who does Trump owe money to. A contractor who worked on Trump Tower in Toronto said that the Trump Corporation called the shots, but the Saudi's signed the checks. Is that why Trump is offering the Saudi's nuclear technology? Because he owes them massive amounts of money?

Who Trump owes money to is of no import to the IRS, but it sure as hell is important to the American people. THAT's why Americans need to see Trump's taxes.

Do you have bets with your friends on how gullible you think Americans are? Your post is one lie after another.

First off, yes, the IRS does look at where your income came from. I have to state (and provide evidence) of where all my money came from that I earned. Yes, they do look at bank loans because interest on business bank loans are tax deductible. The banks even send you statements for tax purposes.

Fred did not leave Donald 300 million. Need the factcheck link, just ask, I have it right here in my folder. Where is this evidence that banks (until this day) will not lend Donald Trump any money? Please post a reliable site for this phony claim. Oh, and your other claim, 4 more international bankruptcies? This is a first I ever heard of that one. So again, backup your claim there.

If Trump only had 300 million, can you explain how he lost a billion dollars of personal worth since he announced his candidacy for the presidency?

He gets it back by making sure that his Resources are used by the Government. Just one of his "Golfing" trip brings in north of 360K profit for Rump Industries. Care to count the number of times he's used his own resources and bill the US Government? His Company has made millions.

They have? Then why don't you list them with evidence. We'll go through them one by one.

Oh, give it a break. It's already been listed in here. Your trolling is noted, Rumpster.
Because you file a more honest return and don't lie to the Banks about your worth and income to get loans.

People like Donald Trump get audited all the time. It's a constant thing with them. If anybody is encouraged to cheat on their taxes, it would be people like me that the IRS doesn't even bother with, and I have a lot of deductions every single year.
Remember his excuse for not showing his taxes?? He was getting audited What a load of fine trump bullshit He still could have showed them

What were you looking for in Trump's taxes that would have made you vote for him?
I wasn't looking for anything I'm a New Yorker and know him to be a cheating lying swine Every President since I believe Nixon ,showed their taxes Need to prove they weren't doing anything illegal Trump couldn't show his and you guys can't figure out why?? I'd guess because he might end up in jail instead of the WH

If the IRS can't catch him doing anything illegal, what makes you think that you can find what they didn't?

We know why President Trump didn't show his taxes. The only reason you want him to release his returns is so you can find something to bash him on like being cheap to charity or paying a low percentage compared to other Americans. It has nothing to do with you thinking you can find out if he's cheating or not.

The IRS isn't looking for things that are "illegal". They look at whether or not the figures are accurate and you declared ALL of your income, and your deductions are proper. They don't look at who you're borrowing money from or where you income came from. Al Capone was convicted of tax evasion - failure to disclose his bootlegging income. He wasn't convicted of being a bootlegger or a murder, or any other of the crimes he committed.

Trump tax returns will likely reveal that he's not a billionaire, or even close to it. Former Deutches Banke employees who worked on his account, have said he's worth $300 million, at best, which is the amount Fred left him, and which is still held in a family trust with his siblings. Trump has tried to get his siblings to sell Fred's properties and they have steadfastly refused. Those properties are the only business investments that have kept Trump solvent all these years.

American banks stopped lending to Trump after his 4th bankruptcy, and they still won't give him any money. Trump initially promised that his company wouldn't buy or build outside the USA during his Presidency, but he ran into a brick wall with US bankers who still refuse to lend to him. Given that he's presided over 3 more international bankrupcies since the first 4, their wisdom in avoiding his scams has been wise.

So who does Trump owe money to. A contractor who worked on Trump Tower in Toronto said that the Trump Corporation called the shots, but the Saudi's signed the checks. Is that why Trump is offering the Saudi's nuclear technology? Because he owes them massive amounts of money?

Who Trump owes money to is of no import to the IRS, but it sure as hell is important to the American people. THAT's why Americans need to see Trump's taxes.

Do you have bets with your friends on how gullible you think Americans are? Your post is one lie after another.

First off, yes, the IRS does look at where your income came from. I have to state (and provide evidence) of where all my money came from that I earned. Yes, they do look at bank loans because interest on business bank loans are tax deductible. The banks even send you statements for tax purposes.

Fred did not leave Donald 300 million. Need the factcheck link, just ask, I have it right here in my folder. Where is this evidence that banks (until this day) will not lend Donald Trump any money? Please post a reliable site for this phony claim. Oh, and your other claim, 4 more international bankruptcies? This is a first I ever heard of that one. So again, backup your claim there.

If Trump only had 300 million, can you explain how he lost a billion dollars of personal worth since he announced his candidacy for the presidency?

He gets it back by making sure that his Resources are used by the Government. Just one of his "Golfing" trip brings in north of 360K profit for Rump Industries. Care to count the number of times he's used his own resources and bill the US Government? His Company has made millions.

They have? Then why don't you list them with evidence. We'll go through them one by one.

Oh, give it a break. It's already been listed in here. Your trolling is noted, Rumpster.

So in other words. you are making it all up. Like I really have time to go through each and every topic to find this "supposed" list of yours. Trust me, if the commies in the House thought that Trump did one thing out of line between government and his businesses, they would have been on him in a heartbeat.
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This is directly on Congress, they had several months to work this out and failed to do anything except take vacations, which they want to do again in a week or two.

With all the sacrifices that they want Americans to make, not going on a vacation for a few weeks while many Americans are unemployed, have had hours cutback, benefits change, stressed because of Covid-19, rioting,, it is the least they could have done.

What happened to elected officials serving their constituents? They need to get a clue or get voted out.
And repub senate taking weekend off now in time of crisis

And the House and Senate took off earlier this month. They are all scheduled to leave again august 10th. Congress is void of leadership. Another example why the two parties need to end. We need to quit sending money and tell them why. We need to vote out all incumbents and tell them why. The problem is the voting public is just plain blind to the evil that our political system has become. No longer are representatives serving the voters, they have elevated themselves over the people and their cares and needs supersede the good of the American people.
You do understand that dems wrote up their bill 2 months and 10 days ago and republicans are the ones playing switch ,,,,

They passed a bill that they knew the Senate wouldn't approve. That is where the dirty details get smoothed out and since no one was serious about compromise, it wasn't going to happen. They should have both been to the table in June and hammered it out, but they play games and will continue to do so at the price of the public. I know you don't mind because you will continue to blame Republicans and others won't care because they will continue to blame Democrats, just politics as usual in an unusual time.
Who wasn't serious about compromise ??? Dems were ready to talk Repubs walked wanted no part of it Those ahs can't even agree with each other,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,except when it comes to kissing trumps butt

The republican definition of the word compromise is everyone doing every thing the republican wants without doing or even considering what everyone else wants.

It's their way or the highway only.

They believe that compromise is treason and working with the enemy.

Yes they believe their fellow American is their enemy if that person doesn't agree with the republican.

Oh bull shit...This is how liberal scum have operated for decades.
Mac please stop You're trying to compete with board comedian UN ........Get your head out of Trumps ass and see the truth ...Now I'm going for a swim CU later

have fun, remember keep you mouth closed....Look, you can think it’s comedy all you want, but the bottom line is that you’re just plain wrong.
You've consistently proven you want to destroy the economy because we're five months into this, and all you want to do is imprison Americans in our homes. And all just to win an election. It's sick, Creeptus

Five months into this and YOUR PRESIDENT has done nothing to end the pandemic and re-open the country. He's just letting the virus rage on.

Other first world countries have squash the virus, reduced their cases, and deaths, and are successfully re-opening on a gradual basis. The moment new cases dipped slightly, Trump ordered everyone to re-open, and God help you, they did, with disastrous results.

The contraction in the US economy in the first quarter was 5%. The rest of the first world averaged around 2.5 percent - half that of the USA. We had 3% GDP growth in May when we started re-opening. Figures for June, and the second quarter aren't available, but unlike the USA, Canada hasn't had to backtrack on our re-opening, or shut down anywhere, to this point. Toronto, and Peel region - a suburb of Toronto, are still in stage 2 and this is the most populous region of the Province, but the rest of the Province is in Stage 3.

You're still just babbling Democrat party rhetoric. It's dull as shit. Well, except that every time you talk Nancy Pelosi's lips move. That part is pretty funny
Lol, it's hilarious that you think facts are "DeomcratIC party rhetoric".

Shows just how misguided you tRumplings are.

1) Marxist ideology isn't "facts," it's a belief system you have. No matter how much you believe it, that doesn't make an ideology factual. Buy a dictionairy

2) Even if you had facts, it's irrelevant if they have nothing to do with the discussion.

kaz: We shouldn't pay people more to not work than to work

creep: Let's delve into Marxist ideology and how I want government to use guns to set wages, kaz ....\

Start a discussion on Marxist ideology and why you believe in it. I'm not mixing that with this one
Your source is Snopes. My source is Factcheck. Now, both are very left leaning, but Snopes is as far left as left can get, and caught on several occasions of false reporting.

According to my source, Factcheck, the pandemic team was not dismantled by Trump, it was dismantled by Bolton, and reorganized by him as well. Only one person from the original team resigned, but the rest stayed.

As for the "depleted supplies", Trump was President for 3 years BEFORE the pandemic hit. Why didn't he restock the the National Stockpile if it was depleted? And why did he let the maintenance contract for the ventilators expire in 2018? That's just bad, sloppy management

The US has over 140 agencies in our government. Do you really think the President has time to oversee every aspect of each department, yet alone do inventory of each one? DumBama depleted the sources, DumBama should have replenished them. President Trump likely didn't know a thing about it. That's why we have these agencies, to take care of the situation or problems they are assigned to handle.

Trump didn't let any maintenance contract expire on ventilators. You have him confused with DeBlasio.

Nobody "murdered" old people, but once again, nice try. Where exactly were these patients supposed to go once they were discharged from hospital? Home to their families who couldn't care for them before they got sick?

He was supposed to send those patients to the facilities Trump created for them, including the ship that our military retrofitted just for them, plus the Javits Center that Trump also retrofitted. The Javits center was never used, and only about five patients ever went on the ship for treatment.

The facilities Trump created were not designed or meant for nursing home patients who required special care:
Oh please, grow the hell up. You're the party with the "November 3 strategy" to destroy the economy and however lives it takes with it to win an election
I realize that's what breightbart is telling you, but they are lying.


You've consistently proven you want to destroy the economy because we're five months into this, and all you want to do is imprison Americans in our homes. And all just to win an election. It's sick, Creeptus

Five months into this and YOUR PRESIDENT has done nothing to end the pandemic and re-open the country. He's just letting the virus rage on.

Other first world countries have squash the virus, reduced their cases, and deaths, and are successfully re-opening on a gradual basis. The moment new cases dipped slightly, Trump ordered everyone to re-open, and God help you, they did, with disastrous results.

The contraction in the US economy in the first quarter was 5%. The rest of the first world averaged around 2.5 percent - half that of the USA. We had 3% GDP growth in May when we started re-opening. Figures for June, and the second quarter aren't available, but unlike the USA, Canada hasn't had to backtrack on our re-opening, or shut down anywhere, to this point. Toronto, and Peel region - a suburb of Toronto, are still in stage 2 and this is the most populous region of the Province, but the rest of the Province is in Stage 3.

You're still just babbling Democrat party rhetoric. It's dull as shit. Well, except that every time you talk Nancy Pelosi's lips move. That part is pretty funny
Fauci says serious threats against him and his family Is that babble too ? Is he a liar? Couldn't be republican thugs ?

Faucci is a liar. For example how he said wearing masks was dangerous if you're not a medical professional. Then he said it's everyone's job to wear a mask. That wasn't just being wrong, that was lying.

And since Faucci has taken both sides of the issue, you obviously just made up who you think threatened him, you have no idea
You know that been explained over and over, right?

Why do you keep pretending it hasn't?

My God you're stupid. I understand Faucci's lie perfectly fine. Explaining it doesn't make it not a lie or any less pathetic.

Yes, he lied because it was expedient. The downside of doing that is that now we never know when he's lying
You've consistently proven you want to destroy the economy because we're five months into this, and all you want to do is imprison Americans in our homes. And all just to win an election. It's sick, Creeptus

Five months into this and YOUR PRESIDENT has done nothing to end the pandemic and re-open the country. He's just letting the virus rage on.

Other first world countries have squash the virus, reduced their cases, and deaths, and are successfully re-opening on a gradual basis. The moment new cases dipped slightly, Trump ordered everyone to re-open, and God help you, they did, with disastrous results.

The contraction in the US economy in the first quarter was 5%. The rest of the first world averaged around 2.5 percent - half that of the USA. We had 3% GDP growth in May when we started re-opening. Figures for June, and the second quarter aren't available, but unlike the USA, Canada hasn't had to backtrack on our re-opening, or shut down anywhere, to this point. Toronto, and Peel region - a suburb of Toronto, are still in stage 2 and this is the most populous region of the Province, but the rest of the Province is in Stage 3.

You're still just babbling Democrat party rhetoric. It's dull as shit. Well, except that every time you talk Nancy Pelosi's lips move. That part is pretty funny

Gee, I haven't noticed Nancy comparing the US economy to the Canadian economy, or even that of ANY other nation.

I have yet to see you form an intelligent post on economic issues, much less something that didn't come from FOX News. All you do is fling monkey shit and insults.

My God, whiner.

You insult and curse all the time. I haven't said anything about it, I just do it back.

And now you WHINE about it? Pathetic

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