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Another screw up by Trump and the GOP!

Why are wages so low that an extra few hundred dollars a week is more than folks make while working?

Because they never got an education or learned a trade to make more money.

Why do you continue to parrot Republican lies, Ray? Wages, as a percentage of costs, are at the same levels as they were in the Guilded Age, at the start of the Industrial Revolution, when low wage workers revolted and the union movement was born.

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Notice how ONLY the two groups - 20% of the population, has had any real increases in in the past 50 years. The top group has more than DOUBLED their real income. The Middle class has gone up slightly, but for more than HALF of all Americans, there has been no real increase in wages since the 1960's.

80% of the income of the nation now flows to the top 20%. This is not sustainable for working class Americans. There have been 9 increases to the minimum wage since 1980, while the level of "execcutive compensation" is "out of control:

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The issue is low wages for workers. Not a lack of education or a lack of willingness to improve your chances.

Only an idiot believes otherwise.

Yes, money flows to the top. Do you know how it got there? We gave it to them.

With more things to buy, and more things we wrongly consider necessities today, each and every one of us send our money to the top at least twice a week if not more.

We buy gasoline, we may stop at McDonald's or Wendy's, we send money to the top to pay for our cell phones, our cable or satellite television, and you are sending your money to the top right now by using this internet.

There is a way to stop money from going to the top, and that is quit buying their products or services. Problem solved.

I don't know what goes on in your country, but in ours, anybody can make more money if they desire. If what you do doesn't pay enough money, then get into a trade that pays more. Don't buy anymore pot so you can pass a drug screen, get the education or training needed to get a better paying job, and earn more money. It's not going to come knocking at your front door.
Why are wages so low that an extra few hundred dollars a week is more than folks make while working?

Because they never got an education or learned a trade to make more money.

Why do you continue to parrot Republican lies, Ray? Wages, as a percentage of costs, are at the same levels as they were in the Guilded Age, at the start of the Industrial Revolution, when low wage workers revolted and the union movement was born.

View attachment 366732

Notice how ONLY the two groups - 20% of the population, has had any real increases in in the past 50 years. The top group has more than DOUBLED their real income. The Middle class has gone up slightly, but for more than HALF of all Americans, there has been no real increase in wages since the 1960's.

80% of the income of the nation now flows to the top 20%. This is not sustainable for working class Americans. There have been 9 increases to the minimum wage since 1980, while the level of "execcutive compensation" is "out of control:

View attachment 366735

The issue is low wages for workers. Not a lack of education or a lack of willingness to improve your chances.

Only an idiot believes otherwise.

There have been 9 increases to the minimum wage since 1980, while the level of "execcutive compensation" is "out of control:

For the "TOP 350 U.S. FIRMS RANKED BY SALES", you simpleton.
Millions are going to lose their unemployment, thanks to the Trump/GOP bulshit.
Read and weep for all those who are effected by this bullshit incompetence!
Why not open up?
Hey jit A quiz for you
Who said this?

"The streets of our country are in turmoil. The Universities are filled with students rebelling and rioting. Communists are seeking to destroy our country ... Without law and order, our nation can not survive!"

Was it a) Donald Trump, or b) Adolph Hitler?
Hitler also said he created the greatest economy in the world at that time. Which he did lol
Preparing for war I guess everyone works Think Trump will try that? Attack Iran ??

We have money to attack Iran but we don't have the money to keep our people in their homes and fed.

I've been saying it since the 80s, conservative/republican policy is really messed up.

When did we attack Iran?
Millions are going to lose their unemployment, thanks to the Trump/GOP bulshit.
Read and weep for all those who are effected by this bullshit incompetence!

Not paying people more to not work than to work is going to put a kink in your plan to wreck the economy for November 3, huh?

I cannot believe the idiocy of the right. If this is what you truly believe is happening, you deserve to go broke and have your country destroyed. The economy is ALREADY WRECKED.

People cannot go back to work until YOU GET THE FUCKING VIRUS UNDER CONTROL.



Yes, your plan is to wreck the economy ... until November 3. This is not new information. The rest is your ridiculous hysteria over a virus that kills less than 1% of the people and is little threat to children. Screaming about it just shows all the more what a whack job you are.

Yes, those deaths are tragic. But so are is the domestic violence, suicides, depression, drug and alcohol abuse, destruction of lives, businesses and retirements and the developmental impact of children we're suffering by keeping us caged up.

I've pointed this out to you a bunch of times at this point and you keep ignoring it. Stop just being a hysterical woman running in circles and screaming like your hair is on fire and engage in discussion by actually addressing my points on the other side. Grow the fuck up. You're hysterical. I got it


It is utterly laughable that you're claiming massive rates of "domestic violence, suicide, depression, drug and alcohol abuse, the destruction of lives and businesses and returedment and developmental impact on children" on no evidence, and you're calling ME hysterical.

No one is "caged up". And if you are, you are utterly lacking in imagination. People were out walking their dogs, cutting their lawns, working in their gardens, and generally living their lives, throughout the shut down. They just did it with their immediate familys. Many people have said that they've finally gotten a lot of things done around the house they never had time for when they were working.


Your federal government response has been a clusterfuck since day one and has done nothing to shut the virus down, but is now everything possible to push helpless low wage workers, with no health insurance, back into the work force with no protections.

Let's calculate the cost to the economy of 70,000 people per day testing positive, in perpetuity, shall we. Because it's NOT just the number of people dying which is problematic, it's the impact of tens of thousands of people getting sick every day that is the problem.

20% of those who test postive get REALLY sick and require hospitalization. That's 14,000 people per day who will require hospitalization. When they go to hospital, they're in hospital for weeks, so you're not churning beds quickly. So how long will it be before you have no beds left in hospitals? Texas, Florida and Arizona are already there. If 14,000 people are going to hospital every day and staying for weeks, who is paying for their treatment - which is currently around $1 milllion per patient, if they survive? Or are you just going to stop treating them as well.

If 70,000 people test positive every day for a year, that's 25.1 million sick people per year, and 5.1 million hospitalizations based on a 20% hospitalization rate. You only have 1 million hospital beds in total. Where are going to put them, and who is going to care for them in hospital, because health care workers are in crisis.

You're all hysterical about people getting depressed and suicidal and yet you ignore the impact on health care workers who have to deal with all of these really sick people. Health care workers are dying while caring for the sick.

Health care workers are afraid to go home and spend time with their families. You worry about people being "caged up", what is happening to health care workers who are being pushed to the breaking point, sobbing on YouTube about how difficult it is to deal with this virus. Who in their right mind is going to want to be a doctor or a nurse after this? How many will people will leave the health care professions after this?

Currently, 6.7% of those who test positive in the USA, die. Not 1%. You have 2,190,000 closed cases, and 147,000 of those people have died. that's 6.7% of closed cases, not 1%. If 70,000 people get sick every day for a year, 5.1 million are hospitalized, and 342,000 Americans will die.

Your position ignores all of these facts and numbers, and then claims that I'm hysterical.

Leftists crack me up. You run around in a constant hysterical fit, then you lecture people as if you're somehow balanced.

The damage done by the lockdown far outweighs the benefit. But you not only know that, it's your goal
Ask people in Fla or Texas about that
If it wasn't for democrats and their fake virus none of this would even be necessary.

Fake virus?

My aunt got that fake virus. It killed her.

So my favorite aunt's death is fake?

The suffering she went through until she died, the suffering all of us who loved her are going through because of her death is all fake.

I'm not surprised by your post, I am sickened, disgusted and ashamed we have such people like you in our nation.

That is IF you aren't a russian troll. If you are, how's the weather in moscow today comrade?
You are a democrat. Democrats routinely claim that a beloved family member has died from the Chinese virus. Democrats are so far up Chinese ass they can count cavities.

Democrats have lied about Russia since day one of Trump announcing he was going to run for president. It was a lie then and Democrat communists still suckle at that tit.

I didn't get past the lie in the first sentence. Once I read a lie I stop reading. There is no reason to keep reading since I don't believe a word after the lie.

I have been a registered Independent since 1978, when I originally registered to vote.

I have voted a variety of parties though the decades. I'm sure if you're an American you can't say that. However I am coming to believe more and more that you are one of the russian trolls.

My aunt was a registered republican all her life. She wasn't a crazy republican like we have today. She was one of the sane republicans the party has been driving out.

A person doesn't have to be a democrat to not like trump. Nor do they have to be a democrat to get the virus and die.

You don't surprise me. You sicken, disgust and make me ashamed that we have such sick people such as you in our nation.

That is IF you are actually an American. You're probably one of the many russian trolls.

How's the weather in moscow today comrade?
Millions are going to lose their unemployment, thanks to the Trump/GOP bulshit.
Read and weep for all those who are effected by this bullshit incompetence!
Why not open up?
Hey jit A quiz for you
Who said this?

"The streets of our country are in turmoil. The Universities are filled with students rebelling and rioting. Communists are seeking to destroy our country ... Without law and order, our nation can not survive!"

Was it a) Donald Trump, or b) Adolph Hitler?
Hitler also said he created the greatest economy in the world at that time. Which he did lol
Preparing for war I guess everyone works Think Trump will try that? Attack Iran ??

We have money to attack Iran but we don't have the money to keep our people in their homes and fed.

I've been saying it since the 80s, conservative/republican policy is really messed up.

When did we attack Iran?
Not yet BUT if your moron thinks it'll help him politically ,,watch out
Millions are going to lose their unemployment, thanks to the Trump/GOP bulshit.
Read and weep for all those who are effected by this bullshit incompetence!
A lot of people can go back to their jobs when their benefits run out....their employers want them back....and for those that can not there will be exceptions made.....stop with the fear porn posts....
I would add he also fired the whole pandemic team that was created to prevent this from happening.

The Washington Post reported in May 2018 that then-National Security Adviser John Bolton dissolved the NSC’s Office of Global Health Security and Biodefense in a reorganization effort. Rear Adm. R. Timothy Ziemer left his post as senior director of that office and wasn’t replaced.

The Post said this was part of a “reorganization” by Bolton and quoted an NSC spokesman as saying “global health, global health security and biodefense” would be addressed “under the new structure.” The Atlantic also reported at the time that some team members were shifted to other groups, and others took over some of Ziemer’s duties.

Leftists crack me up. You run around in a constant hysterical fit, then you lecture people as if you're somehow balanced.

The damage done by the lockdown far outweighs the benefit. But you not only know that, it's your goal
Ask people in Fla or Texas about that

Not following the news much, are you? We've been the ones pushing to open. I live in Florida, BTW
LOL Just LOOK at the Republicans here trying to spin this on the Democrats!


You wanted the power, and you GOT the power!
Of course WITH the power comes the responsibility!
If you can't handle that, it's NOT our fault.
Trump is President, so it's HIS Responsibility & HIS fault!

Yeah, simple as that.
Covid is his fault

blacks being obese is his fault!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

Not handling the response to it, is Trumps' fault, YES!
Lying about having it contained, is Trump's fault, YES!
Ignoring it while people die, is Trump's fault, YES!

Things happen and his failed response, or LACK of response, are HIS fault, YES!
Millions are going to lose their unemployment, thanks to the Trump/GOP bulshit.
Read and weep for all those who are effected by this bullshit incompetence!
unemployment is function of state government

Normally, yes. But this is EXTRA money for extraordinary times coming from the Feds.
If they cut it off, then the states will stop paying.
Technically, the states will stop paying already, since they cannot pivot on a dime.
Even if the Feds agree to continue paying, there will be a lag of a couple weeks,
before payments resume...
Millions are going to lose their unemployment, thanks to the Trump/GOP bulshit.
Read and weep for all those who are effected by this bullshit incompetence!
unemployment is function of state government

Normally, yes. But this is EXTRA money for extraordinary times coming from the Feds.
If they cut it off, then the states will stop paying.
Technically, the states will stop paying already, since they cannot pivot on a dime.
Even if the Feds agree to continue paying, there will be a lag of a couple weeks,
before payments resume...

Funny this is exactly like the "supplemental living expense" $1000 that Andrew Yang wanted to give people...
Millions are going to lose their unemployment, thanks to the Trump/GOP bulshit.
Read and weep for all those who are effected by this bullshit incompetence!
unemployment is function of state government

Normally, yes. But this is EXTRA money for extraordinary times coming from the Feds.
If they cut it off, then the states will stop paying.
Technically, the states will stop paying already, since they cannot pivot on a dime.
Even if the Feds agree to continue paying, there will be a lag of a couple weeks,
before payments resume...

Which tells us how incompetent government is. Unemployment should be run by private insurance companies who bid on the job. Think somebody at the unemployment bureau cares if or when you get your check? Why should they? They have a gravy job for life.
Leftists crack me up. You run around in a constant hysterical fit, then you lecture people as if you're somehow balanced.

The damage done by the lockdown far outweighs the benefit. But you not only know that, it's your goal
Ask people in Fla or Texas about that

Not following the news much, are you? We've been the ones pushing to open. I live in Florida, BTW
Rick Scott wants kids back in school BUT NOT his grandkids Ever figure out why they want kids back in school ?? So parents can go back to work and won't collect unemployment The hell with safety
Why are wages so bad that employees are making more not working? That says something ominous.

You're full of shit, unemployment is meant to be a safety net, not a substitute for working. Unemployment should never cover more that 70% of the working wage. There are no transportation costs or child care expenses when the parent is sitting at home.

Leftists crack me up. You run around in a constant hysterical fit, then you lecture people as if you're somehow balanced.

The damage done by the lockdown far outweighs the benefit. But you not only know that, it's your goal
Ask people in Fla or Texas about that

Not following the news much, are you? We've been the ones pushing to open. I live in Florida, BTW
Yeah you want schools open but afraid to have RNC there?? Trump punks out
Why are wages so bad that employees are making more not working? That says something ominous.

You're full of shit, unemployment is meant to be a safety net, not a substitute for working. Unemployment should never cover more that 70% of the working wage. There are no transportation costs or child care expenses when the parent is sitting at home.

And garbage like you don't GAF for kids safety and how virus can spread With people like you and trump the moron it's all political,,,NOW he says masks ok??? Couple months before election ?
Riiiiight its Trump's fault Dems shut down their economy and wrecked people financially. You assholes couldn't tell the truth if you tried.
With Little Trumpsters it’s NEVER Trump’s fault, it’s always somebody else. Trump repeats “it’s not my responsibility” so many times, gullibles like yourself believe it.
And how did the Dems fuck up the economy. Trump is president but then when things get tough he blames other people, when it is very clear he failed with COVID-19 and a huge majority of Americans are not falling for his bullshit excuses. And now we are paying for opening up America to fast and too soon. 144,000 people have died, 4 million have COVID-19, 30 million lost their jobs. And in your simple mind, it’s everybody’s fault but Trump. Wow. I am certainly happy I am not you! Whew!

You're lying again. There have been 4 million positive tests for Covid, how many of those are people that have tested positive more than once, or have already recovered or were false positives? Come on commie, break it down for us.

Leftists crack me up. You run around in a constant hysterical fit, then you lecture people as if you're somehow balanced.

The damage done by the lockdown far outweighs the benefit. But you not only know that, it's your goal
Ask people in Fla or Texas about that

Not following the news much, are you? We've been the ones pushing to open. I live in Florida, BTW
Rick Scott wants kids back in school BUT NOT his grandkids Ever figure out why they want kids back in school ?? So parents can go back to work and won't collect unemployment The hell with safety

Sounds like you should give his office a call and let them know what you think

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