Another shitty chain restaurant seeks free advertising by being douchebags

BTW, has anyone posted that the employer can deduct health insurance premiums paid as a benefit?

Its true. Same with group hospitalization, long term care.

Add that to the insurance exchanges and the tax credit that is included with ObamaCare and there ain't no way these slime balls are telling the truth.

I remember a conversation we had with our accountant and what I remember was being really happy that our business would be getting a big break, that we would be paying less with ObamaCare.

I wish the rw's sheeples would inform themselves but that won't happen.

Oh Goodie!! The employer can pay more for a product, DEDUCT it from his taxes and leave it to the TAXPAYER to cover.

Great idea! NOT!
John Metz, Denny's Franchisee And Hurricane Grill & Wings Owner, Imposes Surcharge For Obamacare

"If I leave the prices the same, but say on the menu that there is a 5 percent surcharge for Obamacare, customers have two choices. They can either pay it and tip 15 or 20 percent, or if they really feel so inclined, they can reduce the amount of tip they give to the server, who is the primary beneficiary of Obamacare," Metz told The Huffington Post. "Although it may sound terrible that I'm doing this, it's the only alternative. I've got to pass the cost on to the consumer."

Metz is the franchisor of Hurricane Grill & Wings, which has 48 locations, five of which are corporate owned, and president and owner of RREMC Restaurants, which runs approximately 40 Denny's and several Dairy Queen locations. He planned to use the 5 percent surcharge tactic in all his restaurants starting in January 2014, when Obamacare is fully implemented.

Sorry but it's not like people didn't know stuff like this was going to happen we all knew they would offset the cost of Obamacare by cutting employee's wages, reducing their staff or passing the cost on to the customers and if people didn't know they should have welcome to the world of free healthcare.
17% margin of loss.NEXT

Good grief. You should have quit while you were ahead and could be seen as merely uneducated. You now insist on demonstrating that you are not only clueless, but completely dishonest.

Good Grief Indeed, NOT dishonest Look up Frische's ,Big Boy,O'Charley's ALL of which operate on a 17% loss average.Uneducated,well if 2 Master's is uneducated then I'm guilty.

Frische's has been posting profits and is still loved by investors.
Frisch's Investor Relations
No evidence of any percentage of loss average there.

O'Charley's has been posting losses which is too bad since I recall they were on Forbes' Best 200 small businesses list around the turn of the century. A well organized and financed company can weather some losses but no company can sustain a 17% loss average for long. They have to close or declare bankruptcy and reorganize.

And this has absolutely nothing to do with the profit margins and what Obamacare can do to them which was the topic of the thread and which you seem to be working really hard to change the subject.

You might want to consider filing for malpractice for whatever university gave you your masters degrees.
BTW, has anyone posted that the employer can deduct health insurance premiums paid as a benefit?

Its true. Same with group hospitalization, long term care.

Add that to the insurance exchanges and the tax credit that is included with ObamaCare and there ain't no way these slime balls are telling the truth.

I remember a conversation we had with our accountant and what I remember was being really happy that our business would be getting a big break, that we would be paying less with ObamaCare.

I wish the rw's sheeples would inform themselves but that won't happen.

WHAT the hell is wrong with rw's?

Why can't they think for themselves?

Why do they just blindly believe whatever pile of shit they're fed?

Post after post after post, making excuses for being screwed over by their employers. How did rw's get THIS dumb?
I used to, but likely will never again after this.

He's trying to get other restaurant owners to add the surcharge. Nothing like leaning on the least paid to activism against their own interests by threatening what little they made to begin with.

Metz said he hopes the post-election meetings will inspire employees rather than alienate them. "What we're going to ask them to do is to speak to their elected officials, to try to convey what this means in terms of their jobs and their livelihoods," Metz said.

I think a national boycott is in order.

He isn't taking anything away from his servers pay. He's raising prices just like any business does. The only difference is he's telling people why. If they decide to tip less they are the flaming assholes.

And a national boycott agaainst one restauarant. How does that work?

What a crock of crap. If he honestly wanted to tell his customers why he was raising prices, he'd tell them that he was just pissed off at the fact that Obama won and this is his way of getting back at the demographic who voted for him, many of whom work as servers.
Attention diners

I am tacking on a surcharge to pass on health insurance costs to you

If you don't like it.....take it out on your server

What a Douchebag
Since when is it any of your fucking business what they make?

Publicly traded company. We have a right to know. Funny that.

If you were a stockholder your opinion MIGHT matter.

Of course, if you were a stockholder you'd stand in SUPPORT of this man rather than in opposition.

Not how it works buddy. When you open your company up to public trading, your internal finances become public as well. To everyone.
Why do righties think its all about free healthcare?

If it isn't all about 'free' healthcare, what is it about?

Free healthcare should be a natural mandate for any wealthy country anyways. Who the fuck should be allowed to capitalize on the bad health of their fellow citizens?

No such thing as free, what is wrong with informing the consumer the reason for the increase.

People piss me off, they want everyone else to pay for free shit. Offering free healthcare to employees cost. Why should a business eat all the cost. Many companies will need to raise prices to offset losses.
John Metz, Denny's Franchisee And Hurricane Grill & Wings Owner, Imposes Surcharge For Obamacare

"If I leave the prices the same, but say on the menu that there is a 5 percent surcharge for Obamacare, customers have two choices. They can either pay it and tip 15 or 20 percent, or if they really feel so inclined, they can reduce the amount of tip they give to the server, who is the primary beneficiary of Obamacare," Metz told The Huffington Post. "Although it may sound terrible that I'm doing this, it's the only alternative. I've got to pass the cost on to the consumer."

Metz is the franchisor of Hurricane Grill & Wings, which has 48 locations, five of which are corporate owned, and president and owner of RREMC Restaurants, which runs approximately 40 Denny's and several Dairy Queen locations. He planned to use the 5 percent surcharge tactic in all his restaurants starting in January 2014, when Obamacare is fully implemented.

Sorry your ass is burning over this, but what did you expect? You thought business owners were just going to march in lockstep and obey the Chosen One?
Did you read the fucking story?
The guy said that insuring the employees of one restaurant would cost MORE than the restaurant makes in gross sales in a YEAR.
This is all about poilitics for you liberals. You don't care about the businesses that employ people, the owners of the businesses, the workers that will not have jobs as a result of the catostrophic costs of doing business under the ACA..
Nope, all you see is "free shit" at someone else's expense.
Yes, were supposed to just be obedient and pay up.
Ok, let's have it your way.. Metz goes ahead and pays the cost. Now, he will have to do one of two things. Raise the prices to cover the cost OR close enough restaurants of hos 40 so that he can afford to keep some of them open.
Either way, people are going to lose their jobs.
Metz is trying to not only keep all of his stores open but keep the workers in them. They may get fewer hours, but at least they HAVE hours. Many others do not.
You're just pissed off because there are those who choose to defy your Obamessiah.
Oh, this is just the beginning. Thousands of businesses of all sizes and types will be looking for ways to get around Obama care.
Why do righties think its all about free healthcare?

If it isn't all about 'free' healthcare, what is it about?

Free healthcare should be a natural mandate for any wealthy country anyways. Who the fuck should be allowed to capitalize on the bad health of their fellow citizens?

The person who spends 12 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars learning a craft. It's called return on investment. Teachers, on average, spend 1/3 of the time and 1/5 of the tuition dollars and Libs seem to want them paid as much as doctors?
I hope he knows that labor law dictates his responsibility to pay up to minimum wage for any day his servers don't make tips at least to that amount. I hope those servers know about that law.
Non sequitur...

What does this have to do with tips? What's the difference whether they work one hour or 12 hours in a day.
They are paid what they are paid. If they make crappy tips, who's fault is that?
Denny's to charge 5% 'Obamacare surcharge' and cut employee hours to deal with cost of legislation

President Obama's election victory ensured his Affordable Care Act would remain the centerpiece of his first term in power - but that has left some business owners baulking at the extra cost Obamcare will bring.

Florida based restaurant boss John Metz, who runs approximately 40 Denny's and owns the Hurricane Grill & Wings franchise has decided to offset that by adding a five percent surcharge to customers' bills and will reduce his employees' hours.
With Obamacare due to be fully implemented in January 2014, Metz has justified his move by claiming it is 'the only alternative. I've got to pass on the cost to the customer.'
Denny's to charge 5% 'Obamacare surcharge' and cut employee hours to deal with cost of legislation | Mail Online

Who eats at Denny's?

No kidding, it is usually late night potheads that want to munch, in other words, fuckhead democrats like NYCarbonbutt.

You must be among those that best represent the Left's stupidest members.
Yes. Based on your logic, the ingredients, the cost of shipping, production, fuel, energy etc and the other things that go into making that pizza have remained static over the last 22 years. Is that correct? The price of the pizza has simply been jacked up just to line the pockets of the owner of the chain...Is that correct?
Another shitty chain I didn't eat at anyway.

I used to, but likely will never again after this.

He's trying to get other restaurant owners to add the surcharge. Nothing like leaning on the least paid to activism against their own interests by threatening what little they made to begin with.

Metz said he hopes the post-election meetings will inspire employees rather than alienate them. "What we're going to ask them to do is to speak to their elected officials, to try to convey what this means in terms of their jobs and their livelihoods," Metz said.

I think a national boycott is in order.

What are you going to do, boycott every business in the nation?
This is not going to stop an there's nothing you can do about it.

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