Another shitty chain restaurant seeks free advertising by being douchebags

How does this guy even know what the cost is going to be? Sounds vindictive and whiny to do this a few days after the election. I don't really care personally, it's the owners' choice to do whatever they want. However I won't be patronizing their business.

He owns 40 restaurants. You do not. You have no clue what it takes to run a business.
SO Metz is A LOT smarter than you.
Therefore, he knows already what the costs will be. In fact, the numbers are quoted right in the story itself.
riiiiiight... because these guys will close up shop and won't make anymore money.

you people must really be that gullible. :cuckoo:

are you going to boycott every chain that raises their prices b/c they all will


but i'm not worried. i'm sure the more these people screw their workers, the more you guys will frequent their establishments.

leadership: convincing people who have nothing to fight for the right of the 1% to pay for nothing.

How is the owner "screwing his workers"?
In the story he tells the writer it's this or close some of his stores. In which case people WILL be out of work.
The alternative is a few less hours. At least they are still working. Which is ALWAYS better than sitting on the couch collecting a govern..I mean taxpayer check.
John Metz, Denny's Franchisee And Hurricane Grill & Wings Owner, Imposes Surcharge For Obamacare

"If I leave the prices the same, but say on the menu that there is a 5 percent surcharge for Obamacare, customers have two choices. They can either pay it and tip 15 or 20 percent, or if they really feel so inclined, they can reduce the amount of tip they give to the server, who is the primary beneficiary of Obamacare," Metz told The Huffington Post. "Although it may sound terrible that I'm doing this, it's the only alternative. I've got to pass the cost on to the consumer."

Metz is the franchisor of Hurricane Grill & Wings, which has 48 locations, five of which are corporate owned, and president and owner of RREMC Restaurants, which runs approximately 40 Denny's and several Dairy Queen locations. He planned to use the 5 percent surcharge tactic in all his restaurants starting in January 2014, when Obamacare is fully implemented.

You mean how day he let the customers know the tax the government has put on him???
The guy said that insuring the employees of one restaurant would cost MORE than the restaurant makes in gross sales in a YEAR.

It's dishonest. If you believe this statement, and he is making that statement, then no one is going to take you serious in this conversation, and there isn't much to debate, because you're both dishonest. However, we already know the restaurant owner is dishonest, so there isn't much of a surprise there. He's misrepresented so many facts, it's not funny.
The guy said that insuring the employees of one restaurant would cost MORE than the restaurant makes in gross sales in a YEAR.

It's dishonest. If you believe this statement, and he is making that statement, then no one is going to take you serious in this conversation, and there isn't much to debate, because you're both dishonest. However, we already know the restaurant owner is dishonest, so there isn't much of a surprise there. He's misrepresented so many facts, it's not funny.

Speaking of dishonest, how are you doing?

Many small businesses will suffer with the added tax of providing insurance. Many will need to do something to offset the cost. Probably raise the deductibles and prices of the goods as cost go up. Many small businesses will cut in places, whether it is employees or wages or hours. But they will need to compensate.
are you going to boycott every chain that raises their prices b/c they all will


but i'm not worried. i'm sure the more these people screw their workers, the more you guys will frequent their establishments.

leadership: convincing people who have nothing to fight for the right of the 1% to pay for nothing.

Now here we have jillidiot who claims to be a successful attorney living in one of the most expensive cities in the country if not the world complaining about the rich.

You are part of the 1%. Either that or you are an abject failure as an attorney.

Take your choice.
Yeah. The irony.
I have heard this song as well. People such as the Hollywood Elite, George Soros, the Kennedys, the Heinz family..To the libs they are "good rich people"...They "care"....
Christ, Meanwhile these people look for and find every single loophole in the tax code they can...We have libs like Al Gore running around the globe screeching about the planet somehow is going to spontaneously combust if we don't stop using oil TODAY...Meanwhile the cock sucker lives in a house that uses the energy of 20 normal sized houses.
Or the guy who flies alone on a private jet built to carry 15 people because he is in a hurry to get to a conference on the environment.
In order to live in places like San Francisco and live comfortably in a nice neighborhood you MUST be part of the 1%.

but i'm not worried. i'm sure the more these people screw their workers, the more you guys will frequent their establishments.

leadership: convincing people who have nothing to fight for the right of the 1% to pay for nothing.

Now here we have jillidiot who claims to be a successful attorney living in one of the most expensive cities in the country if not the world complaining about the rich.

You are part of the 1%. Either that or you are an abject failure.

Take your choice.

Jilly is a typical liberal-Democrat...

They are known as "limousine liberals".
5%? So he is aiming to profit at the expense of his employees. Wow.

I am surprised that he didn't offer his employees health care insurance to begin with.

Adios, prick.

Another douche bag who did not read the story. Metz pays the full time workers health insurance costs NOW.
The story even gave a figure of $6k per year per employee.
Pay attention for once in your life.
5%? So he is aiming to profit at the expense of his employees. Wow.

I am surprised that he didn't offer his employees health care insurance to begin with.

Adios, prick.

Yeah adios when he closes a few restaurants down, then they have no health insurance and no job.

Think Obama will care about that now that you reelected him.
No you can thank this prick that's aiming to make a profit at the expense of his employees.

How so..He is raising prices by 5%...How does this come out of the worker's pockets again?
Yeah adios when he closes a few restaurants down, then they have no health insurance and no job.

Think Obama will care about that now that you reelected him.
No you can thank this prick that's aiming to make a profit at the expense of his employees.

If it were that? I'd understand....but it's not about making a profit....they could absorb that easily without missing a's about a bunch of overprivileged, spoiled fucks throwing a tantrum.

You know, back in the day...when Leona Helmsley made the claim that "only little people pay taxes", she was regarded as a bitch of the highest order.....somehow, that mindset is now's a fucked up world that we live in.

Please explain.. With hard facts on how you came to this conclusion.
Because I read the story as well. And it clearly said that ACA will result in a cost of $175k per year per restaurant based on the current number of full time workers at each store.
He went on to say that $175k is more than most of his stores make in a year. Therefore, using your logic, Metz is supposed to operate at a loss so as to avoid looking like he is deliberately defying Obama.
I'll be interested in seeing what Denny's Corporate thinks about this.

I'll be interested in seeing what a call for a national boycott does for them.

A "call"?....It didn't work on Chic Fil A and it won't work on Denny's either. BTW have you any clue how many times various chain restaurants have been boycotted over some perceived slight to a member of a PC Protected Class and the result has been....WHAT?...
Denny's is certainly NOT the only business headed this way.
Entire states are refusing to set up the insurance exchanges. Meaning, if people want Obamacare, they are on their own. And the law permits it.
Now ain't that fucking amusing.
Just for shits & giggles, why not explain why it's okay for a corporation to profit by millions while denying fair wages and benefits to employees that would make them better able to have that personal responsibility you're so into?

Do you think it's cool to work for less that what you were making 20 years ago?

Aww shit...Here we go with the use of the word "fair" again..
Question, what is a "fair" wage?
ON personal responsibility..."We're into"?....Can we garner from that line that you indeed reject the concept of personal responsibility?
All these RW sore loser franchise owners are full of shit.

Breaking Down Centi-Millionaire 'Papa' John Schnatter's Obamacare Math - Forbes

Last year, Papa John’s International captured $1.218 billion in revenue. Total operating expenses were $1.131 billion. So if Schnatter’s math is accurate (Obamacare will cost his company $5-8 million more annually), then new regulation translates into a .4% to .7% (yes, fractions of a percent) expense increase. It’s difficult to set that ratio against the proposed pie increase, given size and topping differentials, but many of their large specialty pizzas run for $16. Remarkably, a 10-14 cent increase on a $16 pizza falls in a comparable range: .6% to.9%. But the cost transference becomes less equitable if you’re looking at medium pizzas, which run closer to $12, meaning a .8% to 1.15% price increase.

For the sake of argument, let’s say that Papa John’s sells exactly half medium/half large specialty pizzas. Averaging the ranges for both sizes, then averaging that product yields a .86% price increase — well outside the range of what Schnatter says Obamacare will cost him.

So how much would prices go up, under these 50/50 conditions, if they were to fairly reflect the increased cost of doing business onset by Obamacare? Roughly 3.4 to 4.6 cents a pie.

In September, the company announced that it would be giving away 2 million free pizzas. That was, of course, a promotion designed to increase brand awareness and to invite consumers to try the brand — with the ultimate goal of selling more pizzas. Those giveaways can’t really be cataloged alongside sales that would have been made otherwise. But just in case you’re curious, that would be the equivalent of $24 million to $32 million in pizza revenue.

This is one way to fight the obesity such a douchenozzle, nobody wants to buy your crappy food.


I hope he knows that labor law dictates his responsibility to pay up to minimum wage for any day his servers don't make tips at least to that amount. I hope those servers know about that law.

I hope more restaurants do this all across the country. Large and small alike....... flat out call it a health care obamacare surcharge. Its good to let people know just what they voted for...

this is nothing new to SF..... the nanny state has had its own version of obamacare for a while.

San Francisco: Decoding the "healthy surcharge" | Budget Travel's Blog | Travel Deals, Travel Tips, Travel Advice, Vacation Ideas
Well....they can shove their breakfasts up their asses....Grand Slam style.

I usually eat locally when we go out anyway. We have a dozen Mom and Pops that serve better food thank Denny's ever will. Same with upper echelon restaurants.....Won't see me at Applebee's or Olive Garden anymore either.

Beer? we have one of the top ten brew pubs in the country about 25 minutes away....the only problem is that it's 25 minutes back home too. Coffee shops? same thing.

I'm so sick of corporate assholes running this country. They can't afford to absorb $.05/plate....or $.14/ pizza? Such bullshit, such ridiculous greed.

And you're right about the free advertising. They're thinking they are going to become the next Chick-fil-a and all these teabaggers are going to flood their restaurants and then not tip the people busting their asses to support their families.....the sad thing is.....they are probably right.

it wont just be big box restaurants doing this... its going to be the mom and pops too.

John Metz, Denny's Franchisee And Hurricane Grill & Wings Owner, Imposes Surcharge For Obamacare

"If I leave the prices the same, but say on the menu that there is a 5 percent surcharge for Obamacare, customers have two choices. They can either pay it and tip 15 or 20 percent, or if they really feel so inclined, they can reduce the amount of tip they give to the server, who is the primary beneficiary of Obamacare," Metz told The Huffington Post. "Although it may sound terrible that I'm doing this, it's the only alternative. I've got to pass the cost on to the consumer."

Metz is the franchisor of Hurricane Grill & Wings, which has 48 locations, five of which are corporate owned, and president and owner of RREMC Restaurants, which runs approximately 40 Denny's and several Dairy Queen locations. He planned to use the 5 percent surcharge tactic in all his restaurants starting in January 2014, when Obamacare is fully implemented.

Thanks for the heads up. Although their food is pretty crappy I'll stop by anyhow to show support to an American business doing business the way every other business WILL.

Only a dolt thinks businesses are going to "eat" excess govt fees rather than pass them on LIKE IN EVERY OTHER BUSINESS
John Metz, Denny's Franchisee And Hurricane Grill & Wings Owner, Imposes Surcharge For Obamacare

"If I leave the prices the same, but say on the menu that there is a 5 percent surcharge for Obamacare, customers have two choices. They can either pay it and tip 15 or 20 percent, or if they really feel so inclined, they can reduce the amount of tip they give to the server, who is the primary beneficiary of Obamacare," Metz told The Huffington Post. "Although it may sound terrible that I'm doing this, it's the only alternative. I've got to pass the cost on to the consumer."

Metz is the franchisor of Hurricane Grill & Wings, which has 48 locations, five of which are corporate owned, and president and owner of RREMC Restaurants, which runs approximately 40 Denny's and several Dairy Queen locations. He planned to use the 5 percent surcharge tactic in all his restaurants starting in January 2014, when Obamacare is fully implemented.

Thanks for the heads up. Although their food is pretty crappy I'll stop by anyhow to show support to an American business doing business the way every other business WILL.

Only a dolt thinks businesses are going to "eat" excess govt fees rather than pass them on LIKE IN EVERY OTHER BUSINESS

hopefully every single business will show the increase as a extra charge instead of raising the base cost of product.

people need to see WHY their costs for goods are going up.

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