Another shitty chain restaurant seeks free advertising by being douchebags

Serious question.

What is the hoped for outcome from this? Is he thinking he can get the law repealed if he makes a big stink about it? And why does he assume his competitors won't take advantage of his whining?

He's marketing to the crowd who think that all their troubles can be blamed on someone poorer than they are; he's giving them validation.

precisely :clap2:
Serious question.

What is the hoped for outcome from this? Is he thinking he can get the law repealed if he makes a big stink about it? And why does he assume his competitors won't take advantage of his whining?

He's marketing to the crowd who think that all their troubles can be blamed on someone poorer than they are; he's giving them validation.

precisely :clap2:

Nope.... just not raising prices.... and hiding the reasons or the increase.

Calling it what it is... and naming the increase is good information for people to have.
He has a right to let his customers know why he raised prices.

Yes he does. And he has a right to encourage his competition to do the same rather than just do it quietly without fanfare. The public deserves to know how elections have consequences and to be educated before we have another one.

I have applauded local businesses who have announced why they are now shelving plans to expand or why they are laying off employees to get under the Obamacare threshhold. The public needs to know that too. Obama gave all of his biggest contributors and union buddies exemptions from Obamacare. Everybody else, however, will have to live with it and now have little hope that the worst elements will be cancelled. And day by day, we who had hoped for a relativvely pleasant retirement are watching the market sell off day after day and our portfolios shrink. It is not the rich or the poor who are getting hurt, but far too many of us in the middle.

And if Obama gets through his tax hike on the "rich", look for things to get much much worse as the "rich", not all that rich actually, business owners shelter even more income than they are doing now.

So basically this is just a Rightwing hissy-fit.

You can't win the election, so a sizable minority - less than half the nation - is going to act like assholes in order to "teach" the majority of Americans that they were wrong by choosing President Obama (praise be unto Him!)

Is that about right?

that's about right! :clap2:

Prices of supplies have gone up. Utilities have gone up. Taxes have gone up. Insurance rates have gone up. Wages have increased since then.

Taxes are going to increase in January and then the biggest tax increase in history will happen with Obamacare kicking in. It will cost trillions and yet the same number of people will still be uninsured. It wasn't really about that, it's just a way of growing government and transferring a lot more power from the people to government. It's something an evil dictator would do.

Some posters have clearly never run a business. It's sad to see people get bashed simply because they've done well. I realize communists think everyone should work for free and everyone should have the same no matter how much work each person does. To each according to need, from each according to ability. Anything else just offends communists.

If you don't like the restaurant, don't eat there. But don't waste your time being all angry just because some people are doing well. That is at the root of it. Some hate people who live in nice homes and drive nice cars. Somehow, the radicals don't think anyone, save for Obama and his ilk, deserve to live the good life.

Usually, jobs waiting on tables are meant for younger people just starting into the job market or those who just want extra income. Management people get health plans. I think the real problem is a person expecting to wait tables and pay for raising a family on their wages. They should have moved up by the time they have a family.
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If it isn't all about 'free' healthcare, what is it about?

Free healthcare should be a natural mandate for any wealthy country anyways. Who the fuck should be allowed to capitalize on the bad health of their fellow citizens?

The person who spends 12 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars learning a craft. It's called return on investment. Teachers, on average, spend 1/3 of the time and 1/5 of the tuition dollars and Libs seem to want them paid as much as doctors?

They shouldn't be doctors to make money, they should be doctors because they actually fucking care about people.

It's funny that other than sales tax they don't itemize all the other costs they pass onto you. I've never been to Denny's and seen a "coporate income tax surcharge" or a "FICA employer share surcharge".

Why do you think they chose this particular cost of business to itemize?

After lawsuit, Denny's restaurant chain buries its racist image | Lubbock Online | Lubbock Avalanche-Journal

Not only that, but when Obama passed the Payroll Tax Cut, did Metz offer his workers more hours or more benefits? Did the Prices at Denny's go down? How about pap John's? And when Obama extended the Bush tax cuts on the "job creators", did Metz or Schnatter pass those savings on to their employees or customers? If they did, where we the headlines?
You do realize don't you that only the employee portion went down to 4.2%? Employers still pay the full 6.2.%
Free healthcare should be a natural mandate for any wealthy country anyways. Who the fuck should be allowed to capitalize on the bad health of their fellow citizens?

The person who spends 12 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars learning a craft. It's called return on investment. Teachers, on average, spend 1/3 of the time and 1/5 of the tuition dollars and Libs seem to want them paid as much as doctors?

They shouldn't be doctors to make money, they should be doctors because they actually fucking care about people.

Well maybe Obama should require that medical school be free.
The person who spends 12 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars learning a craft. It's called return on investment. Teachers, on average, spend 1/3 of the time and 1/5 of the tuition dollars and Libs seem to want them paid as much as doctors?

They shouldn't be doctors to make money, they should be doctors because they actually fucking care about people.

Well maybe Obama should require that medical school be free.

Do you know how much government money goes into med school at all?
They shouldn't be doctors to make money, they should be doctors because they actually fucking care about people.

Well maybe Obama should require that medical school be free.

Do you know how much government money goes into med school at all?

Apparently not enough to keep doctors from coming out of school owing thousands to hundred thousands. How do you think they're supposed to pay those loans back?
Well maybe Obama should require that medical school be free.

Do you know how much government money goes into med school at all?

Apparently not enough to keep doctors from coming out of school owing thousands to hundred thousands. How do you think they're supposed to pay those loans back?

The reason medical school is so particularly expensive:

Because doctor wages are so goddamn high.

Big surprise.
I hope he knows that labor law dictates his responsibility to pay up to minimum wage for any day his servers don't make tips at least to that amount. I hope those servers know about that law.
Non sequitur...

What does this have to do with tips? What's the difference whether they work one hour or 12 hours in a day.
They are paid what they are paid. If they make crappy tips, who's fault is that?

Did you read the fucking story?

Thanks for still being such a tool.
Deduct 5% from all tips based on the total, and tell your server why. Actually, it would work the same way anyway, as people have less money to spend, they'll eat out less and tip less when they do, but telling the server why is more poignant.
He has a right to let his customers know why he raised prices.

He also has the right to not hold his employees hostage to his political agenda.

I think that's a responsibility. Its one thing to raise prices, its another thing to tell your customers that the price hike is going to help those he made sure it would not help in order to :
a) reduce the amount of what little they already make
b) invite this abuse by publicizing this so that like minds will stop by to increase the pressure on the servers to:
c) "[...] speak to their elected officials, to try to convey what this means in terms of their jobs and their livelihoods,"
And you're right about the free advertising. They're thinking they are going to become the next Chick-fil-a and all these teabaggers are going to flood their restaurants and then not tip the people busting their asses to support their families.....the sad thing is.....they are probably right.

Well, hopefully some of them will make it clear why they're eating there when they go. It'll be a big neon sign to the help saying PLEASE SPIT IN OUR FOOD.

I owe a lot of people on this thread rep - ran out.
He's marketing to the crowd who think that all their troubles can be blamed on someone poorer than they are; he's giving them validation.

precisely :clap2:

Nope.... just not raising prices.... and hiding the reasons or the increase.

Calling it what it is... and naming the increase is good information for people to have.

Why is a good thing to know. How he chose to do so, after what else he did so that the people he's falsely claiming will benefit from ACA won't benefit, so that those scapegoated also get less tips on top of fewer hours, AND shitty attitudes from douche bag customers is also important to know.

We've since learned that he's backing away from this. I still hope he loses his shirt, and I'll still tell everyone I can to tell everyone they can to stay away from Denny's and this guy in particular's businesses.

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