Another shitty chain restaurant seeks free advertising by being douchebags

John Metz, Denny's Franchisee And Hurricane Grill & Wings Owner, Imposes Surcharge For Obamacare

"If I leave the prices the same, but say on the menu that there is a 5 percent surcharge for Obamacare, customers have two choices. They can either pay it and tip 15 or 20 percent, or if they really feel so inclined, they can reduce the amount of tip they give to the server, who is the primary beneficiary of Obamacare," Metz told The Huffington Post. "Although it may sound terrible that I'm doing this, it's the only alternative. I've got to pass the cost on to the consumer."

Metz is the franchisor of Hurricane Grill & Wings, which has 48 locations, five of which are corporate owned, and president and owner of RREMC Restaurants, which runs approximately 40 Denny's and several Dairy Queen locations. He planned to use the 5 percent surcharge tactic in all his restaurants starting in January 2014, when Obamacare is fully implemented.

It amazes me how relatively intelligent people can be so stupid. This man has obviously done a lot of things right to grow his business, but now he comes out and says this? Does he really think this will increase his business? I can certainly see a lot of people boycotting his restaurants over this. I know I would.

It seems he could have gone a different route with this, and made it work in his favor. He could have said that due to the Healthcare Legislation, prices may need to be increased a bit, but he is happy that his full-time employees will all have health insurance. But here is the dumbest thing. These type of companies already limit how many full-time employees they have, because they only offer insurance to management or employees they consider crucial to the business. If company policy states that to be eligible for full benefits, you must work 32 hours or more, then his company is already covering everyone that it ever will. His costs won't change because he doesn't have to cover part-time employees. Since you cannot cover only some full-time employees and not others, the legislation won't change anything for him. He's blowing smoke over nothing.
Well....they can shove their breakfasts up their asses....Grand Slam style.

I usually eat locally when we go out anyway. We have a dozen Mom and Pops that serve better food thank Denny's ever will. Same with upper echelon restaurants.....Won't see me at Applebee's or Olive Garden anymore either.

Beer? we have one of the top ten brew pubs in the country about 25 minutes away....the only problem is that it's 25 minutes back home too. Coffee shops? same thing.

I'm so sick of corporate assholes running this country. They can't afford to absorb $.05/plate....or $.14/ pizza? Such bullshit, such ridiculous greed.

And you're right about the free advertising. They're thinking they are going to become the next Chick-fil-a and all these teabaggers are going to flood their restaurants and then not tip the people busting their asses to support their families.....the sad thing is.....they are probably right.

it wont just be big box restaurants doing this... its going to be the mom and pops too.


Nope, people are already moving towards more support for local mom and pops. All the business BIG business loses by being the douche bags they are is already being redirected to the true backbone of our economy, BY the true backbone of our economy: the people who work, and the small businesses owners WHO invest in the communities they operate within, rather than those THAT merely strip mine them.
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I used to, but likely will never again after this.

He's trying to get other restaurant owners to add the surcharge. Nothing like leaning on the least paid to activism against their own interests by threatening what little they made to begin with.

Metz said he hopes the post-election meetings will inspire employees rather than alienate them. "What we're going to ask them to do is to speak to their elected officials, to try to convey what this means in terms of their jobs and their livelihoods," Metz said.

I think a national boycott is in order.

He isn't taking anything away from his servers pay. He's raising prices just like any business does. The only difference is he's telling people why. If they decide to tip less they are the flaming assholes.

And a national boycott agaainst one restauarant. How does that work?


I used to, but likely will never again after this.

He's trying to get other restaurant owners to add the surcharge. Nothing like leaning on the least paid to activism against their own interests by threatening what little they made to begin with.

Metz said he hopes the post-election meetings will inspire employees rather than alienate them. "What we're going to ask them to do is to speak to their elected officials, to try to convey what this means in terms of their jobs and their livelihoods," Metz said.

I think a national boycott is in order.
How are you idiots going to pay for all the obamagoodies if you keep boycotting everything?

not everything.
BTW, has anyone posted that the employer can deduct health insurance premiums paid as a benefit?

Its true. Same with group hospitalization, long term care.

Add that to the insurance exchanges and the tax credit that is included with ObamaCare and there ain't no way these slime balls are telling the truth.

I remember a conversation we had with our accountant and what I remember was being really happy that our business would be getting a big break, that we would be paying less with ObamaCare.

I wish the rw's sheeples would inform themselves but that won't happen.

Oh Goodie!! The employer can pay more for a product, DEDUCT it from his taxes and leave it to the TAXPAYER to cover.

Great idea! NOT!

That's what makes this whole scam of his a lie. Nice to see you catching up so fast. :cool:
Deduct 5% from all tips based on the total, and tell your server why. Actually, it would work the same way anyway, as people have less money to spend, they'll eat out less and tip less when they do, but telling the server why is more poignant.

Anyone who would do that most likely is a shitty tipper to begin with.

John Metz, Denny's Franchisee And Hurricane Grill & Wings Owner, Imposes Surcharge For Obamacare

"If I leave the prices the same, but say on the menu that there is a 5 percent surcharge for Obamacare, customers have two choices. They can either pay it and tip 15 or 20 percent, or if they really feel so inclined, they can reduce the amount of tip they give to the server, who is the primary beneficiary of Obamacare," Metz told The Huffington Post. "Although it may sound terrible that I'm doing this, it's the only alternative. I've got to pass the cost on to the consumer."

Metz is the franchisor of Hurricane Grill & Wings, which has 48 locations, five of which are corporate owned, and president and owner of RREMC Restaurants, which runs approximately 40 Denny's and several Dairy Queen locations. He planned to use the 5 percent surcharge tactic in all his restaurants starting in January 2014, when Obamacare is fully implemented.

It amazes me how relatively intelligent people can be so stupid. This man has obviously done a lot of things right to grow his business, but now he comes out and says this? Does he really think this will increase his business? I can certainly see a lot of people boycotting his restaurants over this. I know I would.

It seems he could have gone a different route with this, and made it work in his favor. He could have said that due to the Healthcare Legislation, prices may need to be increased a bit, but he is happy that his full-time employees will all have health insurance. But here is the dumbest thing. These type of companies already limit how many full-time employees they have, because they only offer insurance to management or employees they consider crucial to the business. If company policy states that to be eligible for full benefits, you must work 32 hours or more, then his company is already covering everyone that it ever will. His costs won't change because he doesn't have to cover part-time employees. Since you cannot cover only some full-time employees and not others, the legislation won't change anything for him. He's blowing smoke over nothing.

Exactly right. I hope the backlash blows him away.

Prices of supplies have gone up. Utilities have gone up. Taxes have gone up. Insurance rates have gone up. Wages have increased since then.

Taxes are going to increase in January and then the biggest tax increase in history will happen with Obamacare kicking in. It will cost trillions and yet the same number of people will still be uninsured. It wasn't really about that, it's just a way of growing government and transferring a lot more power from the people to government. It's something an evil dictator would do.

Some posters have clearly never run a business. It's sad to see people get bashed simply because they've done well. I realize communists think everyone should work for free and everyone should have the same no matter how much work each person does. To each according to need, from each according to ability. Anything else just offends communists.

If you don't like the restaurant, don't eat there. But don't waste your time being all angry just because some people are doing well. That is at the root of it. Some hate people who live in nice homes and drive nice cars. Somehow, the radicals don't think anyone, save for Obama and his ilk, deserve to live the good life.

Usually, jobs waiting on tables are meant for younger people just starting into the job market or those who just want extra income. Management people get health plans. I think the real problem is a person expecting to wait tables and pay for raising a family on their wages. They should have moved up by the time they have a family.

You will never "get it" because you have your head stuck in the sand. Nobody hates rich people, and nobody wants to see them become poor. What is upsetting is seeing wealthy employers continue to increase their wealth while they pay their employees minimum wage and offer no healthcare or any other benefits. If someone works full-time, even if it is split between two jobs, they sure as hell ought to be able to have health insurance.

The bottom line is that in the long run, this thinking is going to kill even the rich, because as wages continue to decrease for the vast majority, they will not be able to afford the goods and services provided by their own employers. When that happens, it all comes crashing down and the wealthy will lose their wealth also. I really don't know when it happened, but the a good percentage of the wealthy became really stupid. It's obviously about greed, but it will cost them in the end.

We always hear conservatives talk about increasing the size of the pie, so everyone's income grows, which btw is a great concept. The problem is that over the last decade or so, the exact opposite is happening. The wealthy are taking a bigger percentage of the pie, and the pie is not growing, so everyone else is getting the shaft.
Yeah we get it. Even though you would do the exact same thing if you actually ran a sucessful business (which you never will) you would never do the same thing as John Schnatter who is only a spokesman (because he sold the business years ago and is only a spokesman) would do.
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Yeah we get it. Even though you would do the exact same thing if you actually ran a sucessful business (which you never will) you would never do the same thing as John Schnatter who is only a spokesman (because he sold the business years ago and is only a spokesman) would do.

Yea, you sound like a real god damn expert on successful business, and who can and can't run one.
liberals are some the most vengeful something they don't like and they wish you ill will or your business goes under..

yet THEY cheer at their Dear Leader wanting to raise TAXES on people

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