Another shitty chain restaurant seeks free advertising by being douchebags

32+ pages of progressives fuming over Dennys Showing its customers why they raised their prices....Hey Progressives guess what the truth is being told and your lies cant cover it up.
Well....they can shove their breakfasts up their asses....Grand Slam style.

I usually eat locally when we go out anyway. We have a dozen Mom and Pops that serve better food thank Denny's ever will. Same with upper echelon restaurants.....Won't see me at Applebee's or Olive Garden anymore either.

Beer? we have one of the top ten brew pubs in the country about 25 minutes away....the only problem is that it's 25 minutes back home too. Coffee shops? same thing.

I'm so sick of corporate assholes running this country. They can't afford to absorb $.05/plate....or $.14/ pizza? Such bullshit, such ridiculous greed.

And you're right about the free advertising. They're thinking they are going to become the next Chick-fil-a and all these teabaggers are going to flood their restaurants and then not tip the people busting their asses to support their families.....the sad thing is.....they are probably right.
Denny's already has had problems with how they treat their black customers, haven't they?

Denny's Restaurants to Pay $54 Million in Race Bias Suits - New York Times

In one instance, a black Federal judge from Houston and his wife who had been traveling for 18 hours said they were forced to wait at a Denny's in Yreka, Calif., for almost an hour as white teen-agers taunted them and referred to them as "*******."

you got you some serious mother fucking racists in California, so much for tolerence from liberals.
What the HELL is an unlawful indignity?

"With today's action, the message is clear: there will be a high price to pay for unlawful indignities, and the Justice Department will exact that price wherever the law is violated,"

Dennys should just give it up. The world will get along just fine without this chain and the employees will find work elsewhere, maybe. There's always welfare.
Well....they can shove their breakfasts up their asses....Grand Slam style.

I usually eat locally when we go out anyway. We have a dozen Mom and Pops that serve better food thank Denny's ever will. Same with upper echelon restaurants.....Won't see me at Applebee's or Olive Garden anymore either.

Beer? we have one of the top ten brew pubs in the country about 25 minutes away....the only problem is that it's 25 minutes back home too. Coffee shops? same thing.

I'm so sick of corporate assholes running this country. They can't afford to absorb $.05/plate....or $.14/ pizza? Such bullshit, such ridiculous greed.

And you're right about the free advertising. They're thinking they are going to become the next Chick-fil-a and all these teabaggers are going to flood their restaurants and then not tip the people busting their asses to support their families.....the sad thing is.....they are probably right.
Denny's already has had problems with how they treat their black customers, haven't they?

Denny's Restaurants to Pay $54 Million in Race Bias Suits - New York Times

Yep, racism as an industry is a cash cow, which is why it will never go away, those who profit from it make sure that it doesn't. And of course it's conveniently used for a political tool as well.
I know another Black Federal Judge who gets the racist treatment from Demoncraps. His name is Clarence Thomas.
Denny's already has had problems with how they treat their black customers, haven't they?

Denny's Restaurants to Pay $54 Million in Race Bias Suits - New York Times

In one instance, a black Federal judge from Houston and his wife who had been traveling for 18 hours said they were forced to wait at a Denny's in Yreka, Calif., for almost an hour as white teen-agers taunted them and referred to them as "*******."

you got you some serious mother fucking racists in California, so much for tolerence from liberals.

Have you ever been to Yreka? Those weren't white teens, they were mexican.
Denny's already has had problems with how they treat their black customers, haven't they?

Denny's Restaurants to Pay $54 Million in Race Bias Suits - New York Times

In one instance, a black Federal judge from Houston and his wife who had been traveling for 18 hours said they were forced to wait at a Denny's in Yreka, Calif., for almost an hour as white teen-agers taunted them and referred to them as "*******."

you got you some serious mother fucking racists in California, so much for tolerence from liberals.

I didn't read the article, but how is Denny's responsible for what its customers do?

In one instance, a black Federal judge from Houston and his wife who had been traveling for 18 hours said they were forced to wait at a Denny's in Yreka, Calif., for almost an hour as white teen-agers taunted them and referred to them as "*******."

you got you some serious mother fucking racists in California, so much for tolerence from liberals.

Have you ever been to Yreka? Those weren't white teens, they were mexican.

No? Really? I thought Mexicans and blacks loved each other! :lol::lol:
I hope he knows that labor law dictates his responsibility to pay up to minimum wage for any day his servers don't make tips at least to that amount. I hope those servers know about that law.

Obviously you lived a sheltered life.

Waitresses and the like don't get minimum wage because their income is based on tips. If they get stiffed on a tab, they just get stiffed. The employer has no obligation to make up for the tips they didn't receive.

BTW they must pay taxes on 15 percent of every tab they served whether they received a tip or not.

Don't like it? Don't become a watress.
Denny's already has had problems with how they treat their black customers, haven't they?

Denny's Restaurants to Pay $54 Million in Race Bias Suits - New York Times

In one instance, a black Federal judge from Houston and his wife who had been traveling for 18 hours said they were forced to wait at a Denny's in Yreka, Calif., for almost an hour as white teen-agers taunted them and referred to them as "*******."

you got you some serious mother fucking racists in California, so much for tolerence from liberals.

Yep. Inexcusable behavior right smack dab in the heart of one of the most liberal areas in the country. Can't blame that one on conservatives can they. :) But I do have to wonder why a federal judge would wait more than an hour at a Denny's for rude service? I have walked out of a Denny's when the service was rude and sub par a far sight more quickly than that. That was right here in Albuquerque. So I have to figure that judge was there on an agenda and might just might have been provoking the situation a bit? I don't know. Don't care really. The suit was probably justified, the class action suit made a whole big bunch of money for lawyers, and the customers might have felt rightfully vindicated, but they sure didn't share in much, if any, of the settlement. And most Denny's, that aren't racist, continue to serve a pretty good breakfast at a reasonable price.

I have to note, however, that the linked article was dated 1994. That was 18 years ago!! Not only were those California liberals ultra racist, but our modern day liberals sure go back a long ways for their material don't they. :)

And so far as I know, the restaurant chain mentioned in this diatribe against American business is not being accused of racism.
I came here to tease Barb but I don't feel like reading the whole thread. I'm pretty sure she's said several goofy things, can someone direct me to the goofiest ...:)

In one instance, a black Federal judge from Houston and his wife who had been traveling for 18 hours said they were forced to wait at a Denny's in Yreka, Calif., for almost an hour as white teen-agers taunted them and referred to them as "*******."

you got you some serious mother fucking racists in California, so much for tolerence from liberals.

Yep. Inexcusable behavior right smack dab in the heart of one of the most liberal areas in the country. Can't blame that one on conservatives can they. :) But I do have to wonder why a federal judge would wait more than an hour at a Denny's for rude service? I have walked out of a Denny's when the service was rude and sub par a far sight more quickly than that. That was right here in Albuquerque. So I have to figure that judge was there on an agenda and might just might have been provoking the situation a bit? I don't know. Don't care really. The suit was probably justified, the class action suit made a whole big bunch of money for lawyers, and the customers might have felt rightfully vindicated, but they sure didn't share in much, if any, of the settlement. And most Denny's, that aren't racist, continue to serve a pretty good breakfast at a reasonable price.

I have to note, however, that the linked article was dated 1994. That was 18 years ago!! Not only were those California liberals ultra racist, but our modern day liberals sure go back a long ways for their material don't they. :)

And so far as I know, the restaurant chain mentioned in this diatribe against American business is not being accused of racism.

Happened to this white girl at an I Hop. Placed an order and then sat and watched as dozens of others came in, were seated, were served, and then left. over and over, finally I said someting to the waitress. She said she'd check. Nothing happened. So we got up went to the register told them we'd like to pay for our coffee. they asked us how was breakfast we said we didn't know cause it never came, just let us pay for our coffee so we can go get some breakfast somewhere. Well, they flew into action, cleared a table, served us fresh coffee, orange juice, and breakfast all on the house. I didn't even have to call a civil rights for whites attorney either. :D
These are the small business people? These people are dumber than dog shit. What kind of stupid mother fucker would alienate more than half of their potential customer base?
I came here to tease Barb but I don't feel like reading the whole thread. I'm pretty sure she's said several goofy things, can someone direct me to the goofiest ...:)

Check out post 491. It's totally retarded.
Deduct 5% from all tips based on the total, and tell your server why. Actually, it would work the same way anyway, as people have less money to spend, they'll eat out less and tip less when they do, but telling the server why is more poignant.

no... that is punishing the server. Their tip should be exactly the same as what you would have been giving them before.

An obamacare surcharge should be added to the bill.... instead raising prices. That way people will know why their bill has on up.
Denny's already has had problems with how they treat their black customers, haven't they?

Denny's Restaurants to Pay $54 Million in Race Bias Suits - New York Times

In one instance, a black Federal judge from Houston and his wife who had been traveling for 18 hours said they were forced to wait at a Denny's in Yreka, Calif., for almost an hour as white teen-agers taunted them and referred to them as "*******."

you got you some serious mother fucking racists in California, so much for tolerence from liberals.

When black folks stop at the McDonalds in McDonald county Missouri, they have fear in their eyes.
In one instance, a black Federal judge from Houston and his wife who had been traveling for 18 hours said they were forced to wait at a Denny's in Yreka, Calif., for almost an hour as white teen-agers taunted them and referred to them as "*******."

you got you some serious mother fucking racists in California, so much for tolerence from liberals.

Yep. Inexcusable behavior right smack dab in the heart of one of the most liberal areas in the country. Can't blame that one on conservatives can they. :) But I do have to wonder why a federal judge would wait more than an hour at a Denny's for rude service? I have walked out of a Denny's when the service was rude and sub par a far sight more quickly than that. That was right here in Albuquerque. So I have to figure that judge was there on an agenda and might just might have been provoking the situation a bit? I don't know. Don't care really. The suit was probably justified, the class action suit made a whole big bunch of money for lawyers, and the customers might have felt rightfully vindicated, but they sure didn't share in much, if any, of the settlement. And most Denny's, that aren't racist, continue to serve a pretty good breakfast at a reasonable price.

I have to note, however, that the linked article was dated 1994. That was 18 years ago!! Not only were those California liberals ultra racist, but our modern day liberals sure go back a long ways for their material don't they. :)

And so far as I know, the restaurant chain mentioned in this diatribe against American business is not being accused of racism.

Happened to this white girl at an I Hop. Placed an order and then sat and watched as dozens of others came in, were seated, were served, and then left. over and over, finally I said someting to the waitress. She said she'd check. Nothing happened. So we got up went to the register told them we'd like to pay for our coffee. they asked us how was breakfast we said we didn't know cause it never came, just let us pay for our coffee so we can go get some breakfast somewhere. Well, they flew into action, cleared a table, served us fresh coffee, orange juice, and breakfast all on the house. I didn't even have to call a civil rights for whites attorney either. :D

I guess it must be nice to always have a reason to pin rude behavior on. Wish I could make money off of the people that have been rude to me in the service industry, but unfortunately I'm not a minority. I do have to wonder if minorities think that rudeness is always because of their skin color, and white people never experience rude behavior from anyone? I wonder what would happen if minority children weren't taught about racism and didn't have that chip placed on their shoulders at such a young age? I think the world would be a much better place. I truly believe that there is only a very small percentage of people who are truly racist anymore. But that won't matter, the libs will never let it die as long as they can make political capital out of it, it creates a very large 'victim group' for them to bullshit to and gain votes from.
precisely :clap2:

Nope.... just not raising prices.... and hiding the reasons or the increase.

Calling it what it is... and naming the increase is good information for people to have.

Why is a good thing to know. How he chose to do so, after what else he did so that the people he's falsely claiming will benefit from ACA won't benefit, so that those scapegoated also get less tips on top of fewer hours, AND shitty attitudes from douche bag customers is also important to know.

We've since learned that he's backing away from this. I still hope he loses his shirt, and I'll still tell everyone I can to tell everyone they can to stay away from Denny's and this guy in particular's businesses.

something you have to understand..... in SF we have been dealing with this forced nanny state health care thing longer then obamacare has been around.

what you are seeing in this one incident is not just going to be this one shop.. it is going to be universal across the country. It will not just be food service that is impacted.

In my opinion instead of raising prices..... the increased cost to the consumer should be named... and the blame for it squarely laid at the door of where it belongs.

5% healthy SF surcharge is added to restaurant checks here now.... so why not name the increase the omabacare surcharge?

In one instance, a black Federal judge from Houston and his wife who had been traveling for 18 hours said they were forced to wait at a Denny's in Yreka, Calif., for almost an hour as white teen-agers taunted them and referred to them as "*******."

you got you some serious mother fucking racists in California, so much for tolerence from liberals.

When black folks stop at the McDonalds in McDonald county Missouri, they have fear in their eyes.


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