Another shitty chain restaurant seeks free advertising by being douchebags

John Metz, Denny's Franchisee And Hurricane Grill & Wings Owner, Imposes Surcharge For Obamacare

"If I leave the prices the same, but say on the menu that there is a 5 percent surcharge for Obamacare, customers have two choices. They can either pay it and tip 15 or 20 percent, or if they really feel so inclined, they can reduce the amount of tip they give to the server, who is the primary beneficiary of Obamacare," Metz told The Huffington Post. "Although it may sound terrible that I'm doing this, it's the only alternative. I've got to pass the cost on to the consumer."

Metz is the franchisor of Hurricane Grill & Wings, which has 48 locations, five of which are corporate owned, and president and owner of RREMC Restaurants, which runs approximately 40 Denny's and several Dairy Queen locations. He planned to use the 5 percent surcharge tactic in all his restaurants starting in January 2014, when Obamacare is fully implemented.

You don't like it, don't eat there. It's that simple. What Leftists don't realize is that this is striking example on how government regulation impacts business overhead (COSTS). The biggest joke on this board are people calling him a "greedy bastard". All businesses try and control costs. If his current profit is a $1.00, and the new costs being assesed on him to bring his margin down to $0.95, how is it greedy if he increases his prices to get back to a $1.00?

You want greedy? How about when crude oil prices surge and gasoline companies raise prices and cut their profits while the government maintains its margin??
they cant even remember how healthcare cost were skyrocketing before this bill was law
Obama made healthcare costs skyrocket and insurance premiums go into orbit like sputnik.

I contend they were rising in the 90's when we had our first shot at forcing the freeloaders to have insurance and quit showing uo at the emergency room on my dime.

Back in 1940, 1840, or 1776 if my gall bladder went bad that was that with minimal long term costs. Today its a $10k bill to the insurance company. OR in the case of one young lady I know, a $10k bill to me, Del, Ravi and many others with money because she had none during the W's reign over our 50's era socialied medicine.
they cant even remember how healthcare cost were skyrocketing before this bill was law
Obama made healthcare costs skyrocket and insurance premiums go into orbit like sputnik.

I contend they were rising in the 90's when we had our first shot at forcing the freeloaders to have insurance and quit showing uo at the emergency room on my dime.

Back in 1940, 1840, or 1776 if my gall bladder went bad that was that with minimal long term costs. Today its a $10k bill to the insurance company. OR in the case of one young lady I know, a $10k bill to me, Del, Ravi and many others with money because she had none during the W's reign over our 50's era socialied medicine.

You want to bitch about emergency room medicine and the costs involved?

GREAT! So do I, but at least I know who to be pissed at!

Google EMTALA, that should keep you busy for a minute or two, and then come back here and tell us what you've learned, won't you? :D
He's trying to get other restaurant owners to add the surcharge. Nothing like leaning on the least paid to activism against their own interests by threatening what little they made to begin with.

I think a national boycott is in order.

I will actively seek out businesses that charge the surcharge in stead of just raising prices to cover costs without explanation.
I'll be happier than a pig in shit to find a place to eat with no whiny liberals bitching me out about my gas guzzling pick-up and my cigarette smoke in the parking lot.

Didja ever notice that the people who bitch the loudest about cigarette smoke outside of a restaurant are the same people who bathed in cheap perfume before leaving their eco-friendly house?

Um, what is with the pride of raising the price of oil for yourself and everyone else?

I mean if your F350 has a forklift in tow it makes sense. If it is used as a commuter vehicle? ???

And hey, I don't ever need to pick up one of your cigarette butts for you from the parking lot, side of the road or my favorite stream bank do I?

My pick-up tows my 7,700 pound travel trailer, my 10,000 boat and my 4,000 pound tractor. Care to try that with your Prius?

And yes, I police my butts. You have a pretty limited view of Conservatives, don't you? Try getting out in the world and forming your own informed opinions and wean yourself from MSNBC.
Not only that, but when Obama passed the Payroll Tax Cut, did Metz offer his workers more hours or more benefits? Did the Prices at Denny's go down? How about pap John's? And when Obama extended the Bush tax cuts on the "job creators", did Metz or Schnatter pass those savings on to their employees or customers? If they did, where we the headlines?

No worries mate, it's all about FREE healthcare! Get some today.
Why do righties think its all about free healthcare?

If it isn't all about 'free' healthcare, what is it about?
Thank you for providing the PROOF of your stupidity.


17% margin of loss.NEXT

Good grief. You should have quit while you were ahead and could be seen as merely uneducated. You now insist on demonstrating that you are not only clueless, but completely dishonest.

Good Grief Indeed, NOT dishonest Look up Frische's ,Big Boy,O'Charley's ALL of which operate on a 17% loss average.Uneducated,well if 2 Master's is uneducated then I'm guilty.
He has a right to let his customers know why he raised prices.

He also has the right to not hold his employees hostage to his political agenda.

Last time I looked, not one employee is a hostage to their employer. If they do not agree with the employer's political, social, or economic agenda, they are quite free to quit and move on to an employer whose agenda is more in keeping with their own.
He has a right to let his customers know why he raised prices.

He also has the right to not hold his employees hostage to his political agenda.

Last time I looked, not one employee is a hostage to their employer. If they do not agree with the employer's political, social, or economic agenda, they are quite free to quit and move on to an employer whose agenda is more in keeping with their own.

That is true

It is also true of any customers who object to paying a petty "surcharge"
He also has the right to not hold his employees hostage to his political agenda.

Last time I looked, not one employee is a hostage to their employer. If they do not agree with the employer's political, social, or economic agenda, they are quite free to quit and move on to an employer whose agenda is more in keeping with their own.

That is true

It is also true of any customers who object to paying a petty "surcharge"

That is also true. Anyone objecting to such an increase should by all means avoid patronizing such a business. No one forces them to eat there. No one forces the employees to stay employed there, either.
Last time I looked, not one employee is a hostage to their employer. If they do not agree with the employer's political, social, or economic agenda, they are quite free to quit and move on to an employer whose agenda is more in keeping with their own.

That is true

It is also true of any customers who object to paying a petty "surcharge"

That is also true. Anyone objecting to such an increase should by all means avoid patronizing such a business. No one forces them to eat there. No one forces the employees to stay employed there, either.


There are no laws preventing a business from pissing off it's employees and customer base
Another shitty chain I didn't eat at anyway.

I used to, but likely will never again after this.

He's trying to get other restaurant owners to add the surcharge. Nothing like leaning on the least paid to activism against their own interests by threatening what little they made to begin with.

Metz said he hopes the post-election meetings will inspire employees rather than alienate them. "What we're going to ask them to do is to speak to their elected officials, to try to convey what this means in terms of their jobs and their livelihoods," Metz said.

I think a national boycott is in order.

He isn't taking anything away from his servers pay. He's raising prices just like any business does. The only difference is he's telling people why. If they decide to tip less they are the flaming assholes.

And a national boycott agaainst one restauarant. How does that work?
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Another shitty chain I didn't eat at anyway.

I used to, but likely will never again after this.

He's trying to get other restaurant owners to add the surcharge. Nothing like leaning on the least paid to activism against their own interests by threatening what little they made to begin with.

Metz said he hopes the post-election meetings will inspire employees rather than alienate them. "What we're going to ask them to do is to speak to their elected officials, to try to convey what this means in terms of their jobs and their livelihoods," Metz said.

I think a national boycott is in order.
How are you idiots going to pay for all the obamagoodies if you keep boycotting everything?
I used to, but likely will never again after this.

He's trying to get other restaurant owners to add the surcharge. Nothing like leaning on the least paid to activism against their own interests by threatening what little they made to begin with.

Metz said he hopes the post-election meetings will inspire employees rather than alienate them. "What we're going to ask them to do is to speak to their elected officials, to try to convey what this means in terms of their jobs and their livelihoods," Metz said.

I think a national boycott is in order.
How are you idiots going to pay for all the obamagoodies if you keep boycotting everything?

Great question!!

Man, I love your sig!
I used to, but likely will never again after this.

He's trying to get other restaurant owners to add the surcharge. Nothing like leaning on the least paid to activism against their own interests by threatening what little they made to begin with.

Metz said he hopes the post-election meetings will inspire employees rather than alienate them. "What we're going to ask them to do is to speak to their elected officials, to try to convey what this means in terms of their jobs and their livelihoods," Metz said.

I think a national boycott is in order.
How are you idiots going to pay for all the obamagoodies if you keep boycotting everything?

As a group, they're functionally illiterate when it comes to economics.
BTW, has anyone posted that the employer can deduct health insurance premiums paid as a benefit?

Its true. Same with group hospitalization, long term care.

Add that to the insurance exchanges and the tax credit that is included with ObamaCare and there ain't no way these slime balls are telling the truth.

I remember a conversation we had with our accountant and what I remember was being really happy that our business would be getting a big break, that we would be paying less with ObamaCare.

I wish the rw's sheeples would inform themselves but that won't happen.

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