Another shitty chain restaurant seeks free advertising by being douchebags

"If I leave the prices the same, but say on the menu that there is a 5 percent surcharge for Obamacare, customers have two choices. They can either pay it and tip 15 or 20 percent, or if they really feel so inclined, they can reduce the amount of tip they give to the server, who is the primary beneficiary of Obamacare," Metz told The Huffington Post. "Although it may sound terrible that I'm doing this, it's the only alternative. I've got to pass the cost on to the consumer."

The customers have three choices not two.
They can opt to not eat at your place.
Do you realize just how MUCH Papa John CEO,Applebee's owner?CEO made last year ?They can afford to pay the SLIGHT increase,they are just greedy bastards!

Do you realize how much skill, knowledge, and ability it requires to be CEO of a Papa John or Applebees? Do you know how much stockholders--many who are people not far from the poverty line such as myself--how much the employees, how much the contractors, vendors, and others who provide products to them--how much thousands and thousands of people depend on that CEO knowing what he is doing and keeping it all afloat? How even a small mistake or judgment can be amplified many times over in a large chain and result in thousands of dollars of consequence?

Take one Applebee's entre. Included in the cost of that entre are the obvious food costs of course, but also the cost of the structural overhead, building costs and/or rent, utilities, maintenance, laundry and cleaning, non edible disposables, replacement costs, compliance with local, state, federal regulations, wages and all the add ons associated with that, training costs, a dozen or more different kinds of insurance, advertising, clerical, legal, and accounting costs, and dozens of different taxes ranging from income taxes to school bonds and lots more.

A CEO not only has to know how a new 5% tax will affect the bottom line in his direct operations, but how it will affect all the other expenses too. It is the rare individual with sufficient skill and know how to do that and can give his/her managers sound counsel on where to set their prices. And when the profit margin is around 3 to 4% which is typical of the average restaurant, a new 5% tax is a very big deal.

You need to do RESEARCH then you will at least know a LITTLE of what you speak.ANYWAY you want to slice it (pun intended) .The CEO of all the above mentioned food [sic] /service companies can AFFORD the tax WITHOUT passing it on the the employees or public.They are GREEDY and nothing else.

Typical liberal response, give them specifics and they call you a "poopyhead"... :dunno:
Another shitty chain I didn't eat at anyway.

I used to, but likely will never again after this.

He's trying to get other restaurant owners to add the surcharge. Nothing like leaning on the least paid to activism against their own interests by threatening what little they made to begin with.

Metz said he hopes the post-election meetings will inspire employees rather than alienate them. "What we're going to ask them to do is to speak to their elected officials, to try to convey what this means in terms of their jobs and their livelihoods," Metz said.

I think a national boycott is in order.

I will actively seek out businesses that charge the surcharge in stead of just raising prices to cover costs without explanation.
I'll be happier than a pig in shit to find a place to eat with no whiny liberals bitching me out about my gas guzzling pick-up and my cigarette smoke in the parking lot.

Didja ever notice that the people who bitch the loudest about cigarette smoke outside of a restaurant are the same people who bathed in cheap perfume before leaving their eco-friendly house?
How does this guy even know what the cost is going to be? Sounds vindictive and whiny to do this a few days after the election. I don't really care personally, it's the owners' choice to do whatever they want. However I won't be patronizing their business.

They are doing this after the election because if Romney had won, with the help of Congress, he would have ended Obamacare and it would not have been necessary.
Do you realize how much skill, knowledge, and ability it requires to be CEO of a Papa John or Applebees? Do you know how much stockholders--many who are people not far from the poverty line such as myself--how much the employees, how much the contractors, vendors, and others who provide products to them--how much thousands and thousands of people depend on that CEO knowing what he is doing and keeping it all afloat? How even a small mistake or judgment can be amplified many times over in a large chain and result in thousands of dollars of consequence?

Take one Applebee's entre. Included in the cost of that entre are the obvious food costs of course, but also the cost of the structural overhead, building costs and/or rent, utilities, maintenance, laundry and cleaning, non edible disposables, replacement costs, compliance with local, state, federal regulations, wages and all the add ons associated with that, training costs, a dozen or more different kinds of insurance, advertising, clerical, legal, and accounting costs, and dozens of different taxes ranging from income taxes to school bonds and lots more.

A CEO not only has to know how a new 5% tax will affect the bottom line in his direct operations, but how it will affect all the other expenses too. It is the rare individual with sufficient skill and know how to do that and can give his/her managers sound counsel on where to set their prices. And when the profit margin is around 3 to 4% which is typical of the average restaurant, a new 5% tax is a very big deal.

You need to do RESEARCH then you will at least know a LITTLE of what you speak.ANYWAY you want to slice it (pun intended) .The CEO of all the above mentioned food [sic] /service companies can AFFORD the tax WITHOUT passing it on the the employees or public.They are GREEDY and nothing else.

Typical liberal response, give them specifics and they call you a "poopyhead"... :dunno:

First,20 year Independent BUT before that was registered Republican.Guess your Magic 8 Ball was wrong AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH poor thing.
Do you realize just how MUCH Papa John CEO,Applebee's owner?CEO made last year ?They can afford to pay the SLIGHT increase,they are just greedy bastards!

Do you realize how much skill, knowledge, and ability it requires to be CEO of a Papa John or Applebees? Do you know how much stockholders--many who are people not far from the poverty line such as myself--how much the employees, how much the contractors, vendors, and others who provide products to them--how much thousands and thousands of people depend on that CEO knowing what he is doing and keeping it all afloat? How even a small mistake or judgment can be amplified many times over in a large chain and result in thousands of dollars of consequence?

Take one Applebee's entre. Included in the cost of that entre are the obvious food costs of course, but also the cost of the structural overhead, building costs and/or rent, utilities, maintenance, laundry and cleaning, non edible disposables, replacement costs, compliance with local, state, federal regulations, wages and all the add ons associated with that, training costs, a dozen or more different kinds of insurance, advertising, clerical, legal, and accounting costs, and dozens of different taxes ranging from income taxes to school bonds and lots more.

A CEO not only has to know how a new 5% tax will affect the bottom line in his direct operations, but how it will affect all the other expenses too. It is the rare individual with sufficient skill and know how to do that and can give his/her managers sound counsel on where to set their prices. And when the profit margin is around 3 to 4% which is typical of the average restaurant, a new 5% tax is a very big deal.

You need to do RESEARCH then you will at least know a LITTLE of what you speak.ANYWAY you want to slice it (pun intended) .The CEO of all the above mentioned food [sic] /service companies can AFFORD the tax WITHOUT passing it on the the employees or public.They are GREEDY and nothing else.

Do you honestly think that the CEO can afford to pay 5% of gross out of pocket? A restaurant typically works on less than 5% margin. That 5% has to pay shareholders and the CEO's salary. 5% of gross wipes out the entire margin, or more.

YOU need to do some research, or maybe take a basic economics course.
Do you realize how much skill, knowledge, and ability it requires to be CEO of a Papa John or Applebees? Do you know how much stockholders--many who are people not far from the poverty line such as myself--how much the employees, how much the contractors, vendors, and others who provide products to them--how much thousands and thousands of people depend on that CEO knowing what he is doing and keeping it all afloat? How even a small mistake or judgment can be amplified many times over in a large chain and result in thousands of dollars of consequence?

Take one Applebee's entre. Included in the cost of that entre are the obvious food costs of course, but also the cost of the structural overhead, building costs and/or rent, utilities, maintenance, laundry and cleaning, non edible disposables, replacement costs, compliance with local, state, federal regulations, wages and all the add ons associated with that, training costs, a dozen or more different kinds of insurance, advertising, clerical, legal, and accounting costs, and dozens of different taxes ranging from income taxes to school bonds and lots more.

A CEO not only has to know how a new 5% tax will affect the bottom line in his direct operations, but how it will affect all the other expenses too. It is the rare individual with sufficient skill and know how to do that and can give his/her managers sound counsel on where to set their prices. And when the profit margin is around 3 to 4% which is typical of the average restaurant, a new 5% tax is a very big deal.

You need to do RESEARCH then you will at least know a LITTLE of what you speak.ANYWAY you want to slice it (pun intended) .The CEO of all the above mentioned food [sic] /service companies can AFFORD the tax WITHOUT passing it on the the employees or public.They are GREEDY and nothing else.

Typical liberal response, give them specifics and they call you a "poopyhead"... :dunno:

Yeah, but I expect that from the brainwashed heads full of mush that we deal with these days. He obviously doesn't know the difference between new taxes imposed by Obamacare and an increase in the income tax. He also knows that most of the ultra rich aren't going to pay the extra income and capital gains taxes because they are able to shelter a lot of their income that would otherwise be subject to taxes. And that will only make it tougher for folks like you and me to make a buck. And, I obviously wasn't speaking of income taxes in my post, but that flew right over his head.

And whether he thinks he is a liberal or not, you're right it is typical statist/progressive/liberal response right along with the programmed class envy and attacking the messenger.
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You need to do RESEARCH then you will at least know a LITTLE of what you speak.ANYWAY you want to slice it (pun intended) .The CEO of all the above mentioned food [sic] /service companies can AFFORD the tax WITHOUT passing it on the the employees or public.They are GREEDY and nothing else.

Typical liberal response, give them specifics and they call you a "poopyhead"... :dunno:

First,20 year Independent BUT before that was registered Republican.Guess your Magic 8 Ball was wrong AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH poor thing.

You're free to call yourself "independent" moderate, liberal or conservative. I don't rightly care. Your response was typical Liberal bullshit.
Do you realize how much skill, knowledge, and ability it requires to be CEO of a Papa John or Applebees? Do you know how much stockholders--many who are people not far from the poverty line such as myself--how much the employees, how much the contractors, vendors, and others who provide products to them--how much thousands and thousands of people depend on that CEO knowing what he is doing and keeping it all afloat? How even a small mistake or judgment can be amplified many times over in a large chain and result in thousands of dollars of consequence?

Take one Applebee's entre. Included in the cost of that entre are the obvious food costs of course, but also the cost of the structural overhead, building costs and/or rent, utilities, maintenance, laundry and cleaning, non edible disposables, replacement costs, compliance with local, state, federal regulations, wages and all the add ons associated with that, training costs, a dozen or more different kinds of insurance, advertising, clerical, legal, and accounting costs, and dozens of different taxes ranging from income taxes to school bonds and lots more.

A CEO not only has to know how a new 5% tax will affect the bottom line in his direct operations, but how it will affect all the other expenses too. It is the rare individual with sufficient skill and know how to do that and can give his/her managers sound counsel on where to set their prices. And when the profit margin is around 3 to 4% which is typical of the average restaurant, a new 5% tax is a very big deal.

You need to do RESEARCH then you will at least know a LITTLE of what you speak.ANYWAY you want to slice it (pun intended) .The CEO of all the above mentioned food [sic] /service companies can AFFORD the tax WITHOUT passing it on the the employees or public.They are GREEDY and nothing else.

Do you honestly think that the CEO can afford to pay 5% of gross out of pocket? A restaurant typically works on less than 5% margin. That 5% has to pay shareholders and the CEO's salary. 5% of gross wipes out the entire margin, or more.

YOU need to do some research, or maybe take a basic economics course.

Most rest. work on a 17% margin.
You need to do RESEARCH then you will at least know a LITTLE of what you speak.ANYWAY you want to slice it (pun intended) .The CEO of all the above mentioned food [sic] /service companies can AFFORD the tax WITHOUT passing it on the the employees or public.They are GREEDY and nothing else.

Do you honestly think that the CEO can afford to pay 5% of gross out of pocket? A restaurant typically works on less than 5% margin. That 5% has to pay shareholders and the CEO's salary. 5% of gross wipes out the entire margin, or more.

YOU need to do some research, or maybe take a basic economics course.

Most rest. work on a 17% margin.

Well I have audited a LOT of restaurants and about the best any of them did was 5 to 6%. Around 3% or so is most typical. But of course according to you, I need to do more research. I really should aspire to be as smart as you. Then maybe I could expose my ignorance more eloquently.

The Average Profit Margin for a Restaurant |
You need to do RESEARCH then you will at least know a LITTLE of what you speak.ANYWAY you want to slice it (pun intended) .The CEO of all the above mentioned food [sic] /service companies can AFFORD the tax WITHOUT passing it on the the employees or public.They are GREEDY and nothing else.

Typical liberal response, give them specifics and they call you a "poopyhead"... :dunno:

First,20 year Independent BUT before that was registered Republican.Guess your Magic 8 Ball was wrong AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH poor thing.

You must've been 'independent' from birth, you don't sound a day over 18...
You need to do RESEARCH then you will at least know a LITTLE of what you speak.ANYWAY you want to slice it (pun intended) .The CEO of all the above mentioned food [sic] /service companies can AFFORD the tax WITHOUT passing it on the the employees or public.They are GREEDY and nothing else.

Do you honestly think that the CEO can afford to pay 5% of gross out of pocket? A restaurant typically works on less than 5% margin. That 5% has to pay shareholders and the CEO's salary. 5% of gross wipes out the entire margin, or more.

YOU need to do some research, or maybe take a basic economics course.

Most rest. work on a 17% margin.

Thank you for providing the PROOF of your stupidity.

Do you honestly think that the CEO can afford to pay 5% of gross out of pocket? A restaurant typically works on less than 5% margin. That 5% has to pay shareholders and the CEO's salary. 5% of gross wipes out the entire margin, or more.

YOU need to do some research, or maybe take a basic economics course.

Most rest. work on a 17% margin.

Thank you for providing the PROOF of your stupidity.


17% margin of loss.NEXT
You need to do RESEARCH then you will at least know a LITTLE of what you speak.ANYWAY you want to slice it (pun intended) .The CEO of all the above mentioned food [sic] /service companies can AFFORD the tax WITHOUT passing it on the the employees or public.They are GREEDY and nothing else.

Do you honestly think that the CEO can afford to pay 5% of gross out of pocket? A restaurant typically works on less than 5% margin. That 5% has to pay shareholders and the CEO's salary. 5% of gross wipes out the entire margin, or more.

YOU need to do some research, or maybe take a basic economics course.

Most rest. work on a 17% margin.

Small ones, perhaps, but not chains and franchises that are in stiff competition for market share.
I used to, but likely will never again after this.

He's trying to get other restaurant owners to add the surcharge. Nothing like leaning on the least paid to activism against their own interests by threatening what little they made to begin with.

Metz said he hopes the post-election meetings will inspire employees rather than alienate them. "What we're going to ask them to do is to speak to their elected officials, to try to convey what this means in terms of their jobs and their livelihoods," Metz said.

I think a national boycott is in order.

I will actively seek out businesses that charge the surcharge in stead of just raising prices to cover costs without explanation.
I'll be happier than a pig in shit to find a place to eat with no whiny liberals bitching me out about my gas guzzling pick-up and my cigarette smoke in the parking lot.

Didja ever notice that the people who bitch the loudest about cigarette smoke outside of a restaurant are the same people who bathed in cheap perfume before leaving their eco-friendly house?

Um, what is with the pride of raising the price of oil for yourself and everyone else?

I mean if your F350 has a forklift in tow it makes sense. If it is used as a commuter vehicle? ???

And hey, I don't ever need to pick up one of your cigarette butts for you from the parking lot, side of the road or my favorite stream bank do I?

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