Another shitty chain restaurant seeks free advertising by being douchebags

John Metz, Denny's Franchisee And Hurricane Grill & Wings Owner, Imposes Surcharge For Obamacare

"If I leave the prices the same, but say on the menu that there is a 5 percent surcharge for Obamacare, customers have two choices. They can either pay it and tip 15 or 20 percent, or if they really feel so inclined, they can reduce the amount of tip they give to the server, who is the primary beneficiary of Obamacare," Metz told The Huffington Post. "Although it may sound terrible that I'm doing this, it's the only alternative. I've got to pass the cost on to the consumer."

Metz is the franchisor of Hurricane Grill & Wings, which has 48 locations, five of which are corporate owned, and president and owner of RREMC Restaurants, which runs approximately 40 Denny's and several Dairy Queen locations. He planned to use the 5 percent surcharge tactic in all his restaurants starting in January 2014, when Obamacare is fully implemented.

It's funny that other than sales tax they don't itemize all the other costs they pass onto you. I've never been to Denny's and seen a "coporate income tax surcharge" or a "FICA employer share surcharge".

Why do you think they chose this particular cost of business to itemize?

After lawsuit, Denny's restaurant chain buries its racist image | Lubbock Online | Lubbock Avalanche-Journal

Not only that, but when Obama passed the Payroll Tax Cut, did Metz offer his workers more hours or more benefits? Did the Prices at Denny's go down? How about pap John's? And when Obama extended the Bush tax cuts on the "job creators", did Metz or Schnatter pass those savings on to their employees or customers? If they did, where we the headlines?

It's funny that other than sales tax they don't itemize all the other costs they pass onto you. I've never been to Denny's and seen a "coporate income tax surcharge" or a "FICA employer share surcharge".

Why do you think they chose this particular cost of business to itemize?

After lawsuit, Denny's restaurant chain buries its racist image | Lubbock Online | Lubbock Avalanche-Journal

Not only that, but when Obama passed the Payroll Tax Cut, did Metz offer his workers more hours or more benefits? Did the Prices at Denny's go down? How about pap John's? And when Obama extended the Bush tax cuts on the "job creators", did Metz or Schnatter pass those savings on to their employees or customers? If they did, where we the headlines?

No worries mate, it's all about FREE healthcare! Get some today.
It's funny that other than sales tax they don't itemize all the other costs they pass onto you. I've never been to Denny's and seen a "coporate income tax surcharge" or a "FICA employer share surcharge".

Why do you think they chose this particular cost of business to itemize?

After lawsuit, Denny's restaurant chain buries its racist image | Lubbock Online | Lubbock Avalanche-Journal

Not only that, but when Obama passed the Payroll Tax Cut, did Metz offer his workers more hours or more benefits? Did the Prices at Denny's go down? How about pap John's? And when Obama extended the Bush tax cuts on the "job creators", did Metz or Schnatter pass those savings on to their employees or customers? If they did, where we the headlines?

No worries mate, it's all about FREE healthcare! Get some today.

Nice dodge. As expected.
The guy is upping his prices by 5%, way more than he needs to do, because of some mythological event (requiring insurance for part timers) and he's stating that people can alleviate that 5% by screwing the servers tips.

And at the SAME time he's cutting his staff back to part time so he doesn't have to give them insurance.

I don't think any of the "conservatives" on this thread have a basic grasp of the English language. Or else they suffer severely from confirmation bias.

The guy is a prick that is screwing over his staff and gouging the public.

No comment yet from Denny's Corporate. Interesting.

If the staff is being screwed, why don't they just pack it in and leave him high and dry?
The guy is upping his prices by 5%, way more than he needs to do, because of some mythological event (requiring insurance for part timers) and he's stating that people can alleviate that 5% by screwing the servers tips.

And at the SAME time he's cutting his staff back to part time so he doesn't have to give them insurance.

I don't think any of the "conservatives" on this thread have a basic grasp of the English language. Or else they suffer severely from confirmation bias.

The guy is a prick that is screwing over his staff and gouging the public.

No comment yet from Denny's Corporate. Interesting.

If the staff is being screwed, why don't they just pack it in and leave him high and dry?

Lets see if they do as well as irate customers

Politics and business don't mix
The guy is upping his prices by 5%, way more than he needs to do, because of some mythological event (requiring insurance for part timers) and he's stating that people can alleviate that 5% by screwing the servers tips.

And at the SAME time he's cutting his staff back to part time so he doesn't have to give them insurance.

I don't think any of the "conservatives" on this thread have a basic grasp of the English language. Or else they suffer severely from confirmation bias.

The guy is a prick that is screwing over his staff and gouging the public.

No comment yet from Denny's Corporate. Interesting.

If the staff is being screwed, why don't they just pack it in and leave him high and dry?

Just where in the h**l do you think they'll go to get a job? Are you hiring?

Companies being forced to pay more in operating costs can either fire workers/downsize, pay workers less, shut down or pass the cost to their customers.....

Good job Obamination, you fucking idiot.
Liberals are just mad because he had the nerve to actually come out and say why he was raising prices and reducing hourly wages.

He's lying.

Is he?

"It seems clear from the construction of the law that the government wants employers to offer health insurance. To ensure this outcome, employers with more than 50 employees will pay fines if they do not offer health insurance or if the health insurance they offer is too expensive. If an employer does not offer health insurance, they will pay a $2,000 fine for each employee over 30 employees. So if you have 100 employees, your fine will be $140,000. Which is more expensive – paying for insurance for 100 employees or paying a $140,000 fine? According to Kaiser Family Foundation, the average premium for employer based coverage is $5,429 for a single person and the employer pays $4,508 of that premium. *The insurance by far is more expensive than the fine."

Will Employers Dump Health Insurance Coverage? - Forbes
I think an extra 140,000 dollars a year is a big hit. People will get fired, prices will rise.
Not only that, but when Obama passed the Payroll Tax Cut, did Metz offer his workers more hours or more benefits? Did the Prices at Denny's go down? How about pap John's? And when Obama extended the Bush tax cuts on the "job creators", did Metz or Schnatter pass those savings on to their employees or customers? If they did, where we the headlines?

No worries mate, it's all about FREE healthcare! Get some today.

Nice dodge. As expected.

Woah maaann, that's fecking weird! How did you know that I have a Dodge? That's sick dude!
Liberals are just mad because he had the nerve to actually come out and say why he was raising prices and reducing hourly wages.

He's lying.

Is he?

"It seems clear from the construction of the law that the government wants employers to offer health insurance. To ensure this outcome, employers with more than 50 employees will pay fines if they do not offer health insurance or if the health insurance they offer is too expensive. If an employer does not offer health insurance, they will pay a $2,000 fine for each employee over 30 employees. So if you have 100 employees, your fine will be $140,000. Which is more expensive – paying for insurance for 100 employees or paying a $140,000 fine? According to Kaiser Family Foundation, the average premium for employer based coverage is $5,429 for a single person and the employer pays $4,508 of that premium. *The insurance by far is more expensive than the fine."

Will Employers Dump Health Insurance Coverage? - Forbes

Which was exactly what the administartion was warned about. That being, people would opt for the fine since it's cheaper.

These loons just don't get it. They think there is a bottomless pit of wealth to tap into and that taxes are the solution to everything.

I read thread after thread about the middle class which I'd venture to guess we all are part of. They don't seem to be able to wrap themselves around the fact that in the end, the middle class are the ones who pay these tax hikes.

The rich find the loopholes, the poor get exempted by default and the very ones cheering Obama on are the ones who are going to end up paying.
It's funny that other than sales tax they don't itemize all the other costs they pass onto you. I've never been to Denny's and seen a "coporate income tax surcharge" or a "FICA employer share surcharge".

Why do you think they chose this particular cost of business to itemize?

After lawsuit, Denny's restaurant chain buries its racist image | Lubbock Online | Lubbock Avalanche-Journal

Not only that, but when Obama passed the Payroll Tax Cut, did Metz offer his workers more hours or more benefits? Did the Prices at Denny's go down? How about pap John's? And when Obama extended the Bush tax cuts on the "job creators", did Metz or Schnatter pass those savings on to their employees or customers? If they did, where we the headlines?

No worries mate, it's all about FREE healthcare! Get some today.
Why do righties think its all about free healthcare?

i dunno... seems even if he charged another 15 cents a plate, the stoners would still buy the grand slam breakfast.

but why not throw a giant temper tantrum because their candidate lost.

it suits them.

What a loser you are. You can't even comment on the thread but instead you have to attack the opposition. Maybe if you paid attention you would notice that the ones that are bitching on this thread are your pals from YOUR side of the aisle.:cool:

are you really as jealous and stupid as you pretend?

damn, i hope not. but given your post count, i figure it's all you've got.

some of us actually work for a living.

unlike you.

Not only that, but when Obama passed the Payroll Tax Cut, did Metz offer his workers more hours or more benefits? Did the Prices at Denny's go down? How about pap John's? And when Obama extended the Bush tax cuts on the "job creators", did Metz or Schnatter pass those savings on to their employees or customers? If they did, where we the headlines?

No worries mate, it's all about FREE healthcare! Get some today.
Why do righties think its all about free healthcare?

They gonna put youse all back in chains I tell ya!
i dunno... seems even if he charged another 15 cents a plate, the stoners would still buy the grand slam breakfast.

but why not throw a giant temper tantrum because their candidate lost.

it suits them.

What a loser you are. You can't even comment on the thread but instead you have to attack the opposition. Maybe if you paid attention you would notice that the ones that are bitching on this thread are your pals from YOUR side of the aisle.:cool:

are you really as jealous and stupid as you pretend?

damn, i hope not. but given your post count, i figure it's all you've got.

some of us actually work for a living.

unlike you.


The stupid one appears most often to be you. Things generally go well around here until you troll in. Obsess much over people's post count? Funny you mentioned it since it was brought up earlier as to how you are obsessed with it...and not by me. Do you realize how ignorant you sound when you bring it up 20 times a week? It proves you run on empty.

You barely get replies because all you do is troll thru and attack just like you demonstrated now. You're an idiot.

Why don't you screw up another thread by fucking with the "quote" feature.

Why would I or anyone be jealous over a failed old Jewish has-been "attorney"? Yeah you work? Sweeping the courthouse floor is hardly something to brag about.

But you just keep attacking and repeating the same old thing. I was glad to see others noticed your obsession before you did your drive-by illustrating it in real time.

John Metz, Denny's Franchisee And Hurricane Grill & Wings Owner, Imposes Surcharge For Obamacare

"If I leave the prices the same, but say on the menu that there is a 5 percent surcharge for Obamacare, customers have two choices. They can either pay it and tip 15 or 20 percent, or if they really feel so inclined, they can reduce the amount of tip they give to the server, who is the primary beneficiary of Obamacare," Metz told The Huffington Post. "Although it may sound terrible that I'm doing this, it's the only alternative. I've got to pass the cost on to the consumer."

Metz is the franchisor of Hurricane Grill & Wings, which has 48 locations, five of which are corporate owned, and president and owner of RREMC Restaurants, which runs approximately 40 Denny's and several Dairy Queen locations. He planned to use the 5 percent surcharge tactic in all his restaurants starting in January 2014, when Obamacare is fully implemented.

He has three options, raise the price on the menu (loose customers, especially in this economy), severely lower the hourly rate of servers which is like 2.83 and hour depending on where you live and raise a mandatory gratuity for the server to like 25% (which is already been made illegal), or do what he is doing. Which is the better option, and which would the servers and customers rather have. Places like Denny's do not serve liquor which is where most chains make their money making usually 100% on alcohol, the food pretty much just pays for overhead. Dennys is based on easy quick food, high volume, and being open 24/7 minimally staffed to make up for low volume times. Oh there is a 4th option, do nothing a go out of business, thats a loose-loose for everyone.

What, did you expect Obamacare was'nt going to have any consequences, or did you think it was a not strings attached deal? Sad thing is, things like this aren't going to be the main thing to be worried about with Obamacare.

Obamacare doesn't even do what it is supposed to, how does taxing the business and individuals who cannot afford healthcare going to make it more affordable? "Oh well the hospitals won't be eating the costs for people getting healthcare for free." Really, they cant afford healthcare for a reason, whose going to pay for them? Oh yea, dont forget about the millions of illegal immigrants living in america, where do you think they get their healthcare from (answer: ER's), and who do you think is going to pay for them? The hospitals and the business. All it does is tell the business to share some of the debt with the who are already getting killed by healthcare costs.
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