Another shitty chain restaurant seeks free advertising by being douchebags

What's wrong Thug? You can't read my signature? Need a See N Say to help you out? Ghetto skrools..Who knew?
How sad that you have to be shamed into doing the correct and right thing.

Must be those conservative values.

*she* is no more a conservative than *she* is a female
Another one of those, eh?

He has a right to let his customers know why he raised prices.

Yes he does. And he has a right to encourage his competition to do the same rather than just do it quietly without fanfare. The public deserves to know how elections have consequences and to be educated before we have another one.

I have applauded local businesses who have announced why they are now shelving plans to expand or why they are laying off employees to get under the Obamacare threshhold. The public needs to know that too. Obama gave all of his biggest contributors and union buddies exemptions from Obamacare. Everybody else, however, will have to live with it and now have little hope that the worst elements will be cancelled. And day by day, we who had hoped for a relativvely pleasant retirement are watching the market sell off day after day and our portfolios shrink. It is not the rich or the poor who are getting hurt, but far too many of us in the middle.

And if Obama gets through his tax hike on the "rich", look for things to get much much worse as the "rich", not all that rich actually, business owners shelter even more income than they are doing now.

So basically this is just a Rightwing hissy-fit.

You can't win the election, so a sizable minority - less than half the nation - is going to act like assholes in order to "teach" the majority of Americans that they were wrong by choosing President Obama (praise be unto Him!)

Is that about right?
Dennys is a service company?

I have never paid a surcharge on my Grand Slam Breakfast

This is where you left wing idiots come completely off the rails. You think Denny's is a stand alone business. They have service companies that take care of equipment repairs, property maintenance etc. On top of that you may have fucking noticed there are no cows being slaughtered or milked, potato fields next door to make hashbrowns, chickens laying eggs or fucking bakers anywhere near the Denny's. All of that shit is shipped in from other suppliers. And this is abssolutely going to shock you, all of those suppliers are raising their prices to cover Bamiecare. The cost of your grand slam is going up period. The only person that has a direct contact with the public is Denny's and the only Bamiecare costs they can do anything about is their own.

Drive around dumbass and look at all the stores and restaurants you go to. Every fucking one of them is going through the same thing. YOU are going to pay for this, if you can still afford to go out and eat after the grocery store costs cut into your budget.

That's your "free" fucking healthcare in a nutshell dumbass.

the only people who insist it's supposed to be free are the wingnuts like you.

the rest of us know that it costs money; we're just not whiny little twats like the guy that owns denny's.

and you

Excuse me, but wasn't it supposed to make the cost of healthcare go down? First it hasn't done that, and second, even if it did do that, what did it accomplish if it causes the price of everything else to go up as to be unaffordable for those who couldn't afford insurance to begin with? Now they can not only afford insurance, but they won't be able to afford gas, clothes, housing, and groceries as well. Where the hell is common sense today?
As for boycotting the 'evil' restaurant chain, go for it. That worked so well when you all tried to punish Chick-fil-a. I'm thinking there are still enough Americans who care about America to counter any boycott that would be organized. We had never had a Chick-fil-a product of any kind until they were attacked. Found out their sandwiches are pretty tasty though.

A few observations:

ChickFilA is run by evangelical dead-enders and a long-time culture warrior, since Jerry Falwell's days. The support they got is faith-based. Denny's and Hurricanes Wings have no such connections.

I think the Democrat's strategy of Republicans subsisting on a diet of junk food is really awesome! :lol:
This is where you left wing idiots come completely off the rails. You think Denny's is a stand alone business. They have service companies that take care of equipment repairs, property maintenance etc. On top of that you may have fucking noticed there are no cows being slaughtered or milked, potato fields next door to make hashbrowns, chickens laying eggs or fucking bakers anywhere near the Denny's. All of that shit is shipped in from other suppliers. And this is abssolutely going to shock you, all of those suppliers are raising their prices to cover Bamiecare. The cost of your grand slam is going up period. The only person that has a direct contact with the public is Denny's and the only Bamiecare costs they can do anything about is their own.

Drive around dumbass and look at all the stores and restaurants you go to. Every fucking one of them is going through the same thing. YOU are going to pay for this, if you can still afford to go out and eat after the grocery store costs cut into your budget.

That's your "free" fucking healthcare in a nutshell dumbass.

the only people who insist it's supposed to be free are the wingnuts like you.

the rest of us know that it costs money; we're just not whiny little twats like the guy that owns denny's.

and you

Excuse me, but wasn't it supposed to make the cost of healthcare go down? First it hasn't done that, and second, even if it did do that, what did it accomplish if it causes the price of everything else to go up as to be unaffordable for those who couldn't afford insurance to begin with? Now they can not only afford insurance, but they won't be able to afford gas, clothes, housing, and groceries as well. Where the hell is common sense today?

not in anything you've posted so far, but hope springs eternal
So it's the business's fault that the government jacked up their costs?

never blame the government. It's always the people's fault for not just doing what you want them to do.
Yes, he's whining. Does it give his costumers a 5% rebate every time his taxes are lowered? Does he put a little note on each bill every time the price of gas goes up?

My assumption from all this grandstanding by Denny's and Papa Johns, is that they are hoping the bill will be repealed if they directly pass the cost to consumers instead of doing that they normally do when costs increase.

Perhaps they should have been more outspoken, and maybe formed a collection of businesses BEFORE the election, instead of complaining to the press.

It's too late now, it's done. Obamacare is here to stay. So now, they are whining.

LOL, who the hell do you liberals think that you are? The guy can charge whatever he thinks the market will hold and what he charges in none of your business, if you don't like the quality and price simply do not go there, see how easy that is? The guy isn't whining some are just crying the blues over a whole lot of nothing.

Excuse me?

Did I say he couldnt do or say how he liked? No. So don't put words in my mouth.

He is allowed to be as whiny as he wants, he can cut employees, slash benefits, hike prices to high heaven and send a press release every time he does it for all the hell I care.
Yes, he's whining. Does it give his costumers a 5% rebate every time his taxes are lowered? Does he put a little note on each bill every time the price of gas goes up?

My assumption from all this grandstanding by Denny's and Papa Johns, is that they are hoping the bill will be repealed if they directly pass the cost to consumers instead of doing that they normally do when costs increase.

Perhaps they should have been more outspoken, and maybe formed a collection of businesses BEFORE the election, instead of complaining to the press.

It's too late now, it's done. Obamacare is here to stay. So now, they are whining.

LOL, who the hell do you liberals think that you are? The guy can charge whatever he thinks the market will hold and what he charges in none of your business, if you don't like the quality and price simply do not go there, see how easy that is? The guy isn't whining some are just crying the blues over a whole lot of nothing.

Excuse me?

Did I say he couldnt do or say how he liked? No. So don't put words in my mouth.

He is allowed to be as whiny as he wants, he can cut employees, slash benefits, hike prices to high heaven and send a press release every time he does it for all the hell I care.

Well that's good to know, you should call him as soon as possible and let him know how that he can run his business anyway he sees fit and that it is OK with you. ;)
John Metz, Denny's Franchisee And Hurricane Grill & Wings Owner, Imposes Surcharge For Obamacare

"If I leave the prices the same, but say on the menu that there is a 5 percent surcharge for Obamacare, customers have two choices. They can either pay it and tip 15 or 20 percent, or if they really feel so inclined, they can reduce the amount of tip they give to the server, who is the primary beneficiary of Obamacare," Metz told The Huffington Post. "Although it may sound terrible that I'm doing this, it's the only alternative. I've got to pass the cost on to the consumer."

Metz is the franchisor of Hurricane Grill & Wings, which has 48 locations, five of which are corporate owned, and president and owner of RREMC Restaurants, which runs approximately 40 Denny's and several Dairy Queen locations. He planned to use the 5 percent surcharge tactic in all his restaurants starting in January 2014, when Obamacare is fully implemented.

I think that is fair, the consumer is always going to pay for any business expenses. I just wish these cowards, this guy as well, would put a big R in their window so Democrats won't even stop there. Democrats are messing up to give these people profits that are then used against their party in campaign funding. If they are really people with convictions, like Chick-a-fil was, they will show themselves, be honest about it.

LIBS: Best sign this petition to let your reps no, no cuts to entitlements, tax rich, we need to flood congress with this message, sign any other petitions in support as well as pass this information to others.
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the only people who insist it's supposed to be free are the wingnuts like you.

the rest of us know that it costs money; we're just not whiny little twats like the guy that owns denny's.

and you

Excuse me, but wasn't it supposed to make the cost of healthcare go down? First it hasn't done that, and second, even if it did do that, what did it accomplish if it causes the price of everything else to go up as to be unaffordable for those who couldn't afford insurance to begin with? Now they can not only afford insurance, but they won't be able to afford gas, clothes, housing, and groceries as well. Where the hell is common sense today?

not in anything you've posted so far, but hope springs eternal

So you don't have an answer, just an insult? Sad.

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