Another shitty chain restaurant seeks free advertising by being douchebags

The guy is upping his prices by 5%, way more than he needs to do, because of some mythological event (requiring insurance for part timers) and he's stating that people can alleviate that 5% by screwing the servers tips.

And at the SAME time he's cutting his staff back to part time so he doesn't have to give them insurance.

I don't think any of the "conservatives" on this thread have a basic grasp of the English language. Or else they suffer severely from confirmation bias.

The guy is a prick that is screwing over his staff and gouging the public.

No comment yet from Denny's Corporate. Interesting.
Serious question.

What is the hoped for outcome from this? Is he thinking he can get the law repealed if he makes a big stink about it? And why does he assume his competitors won't take advantage of his whining?

Do you think the intended outcome may just be the cost of doing business, huh, do you? You know not everyone thinks the same way as you and many other Liberals do, they are not out to stick their nose in everyone else's business while saving the world every morning when they wake up. Some folks are just trying to live with their bills paid so that they can enjoy their life. Maybe you should consider all of the whining that you do and give people that work for a living a bit of a break.

Yes, because he's giving his servers a break by basiclly proclaiming people should tip them less. :rolleyes:

Also, thanks for quoting me, and not answering the question.

Maybe some folks will have to tip less now so that they to can afford their free healthcare.
If you're too cheap to spend 21 dollars instead of 20 at a restaurant because the workers there are being given some protection against healthcare costs,

then you should eat at home.
The guy is upping his prices by 5%, way more than he needs to do, because of some mythological event (requiring insurance for part timers) and he's stating that people can alleviate that 5% by screwing the servers tips.

And at the SAME time he's cutting his staff back to part time so he doesn't have to give them insurance.

I don't think any of the "conservatives" on this thread have a basic grasp of the English language. Or else they suffer severely from confirmation bias.

The guy is a prick that is screwing over his staff and gouging the public.

No comment yet from Denny's Corporate. Interesting.

LOL, how the hell do you know how much he needs to raise his prices to cover his costs? Answer is: You don't! You are just spewing, as usual.
Yes, he's whining. Does he give his costumers a 5% rebate every time his taxes are lowered? Does he put a little note on each bill every time the price of gas goes up?

My assumption from all this grandstanding by Denny's and Papa Johns, is that they are hoping the bill will be repealed if they directly pass the cost to consumers instead of doing that they normally do when costs increase.

Perhaps they should have been more outspoken, and maybe formed a collection of businesses BEFORE the election, instead of complaining to the press.

It's too late now, it's done. Obamacare is here to stay. So now, they are whining.
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This is where you left wing idiots come completely off the rails. You think Denny's is a stand alone business. They have service companies that take care of equipment repairs, property maintenance etc. On top of that you may have fucking noticed there are no cows being slaughtered or milked, potato fields next door to make hashbrowns, chickens laying eggs or fucking bakers anywhere near the Denny's. All of that shit is shipped in from other suppliers. And this is abssolutely going to shock you, all of those suppliers are raising their prices to cover Bamiecare. The cost of your grand slam is going up period. The only person that has a direct contact with the public is Denny's and the only Bamiecare costs they can do anything about is their own.

Drive around dumbass and look at all the stores and restaurants you go to. Every fucking one of them is going through the same thing. YOU are going to pay for this, if you can still afford to go out and eat after the grocery store costs cut into your budget.

That's your "free" fucking healthcare in a nutshell dumbass.

You do realize that many companies provided health insurance before Obamacare right?
You do realize most of those plans don't meet the new standards and therefore will either cost more or be dropped all together don't you? Not to mention all of the other taxes on top of the mandate.

Did you make that up?
Hell, it's a tax, right? We don't hide our other taxes for sales by incorporating into the price as they do here in Europe. Why should Obamacare be any different?
Same story - different source:

Denny's to charge 5% 'Obamacare surcharge' and cut employee hours to deal with cost of legislation

By James Nye
PUBLISHED: 00:59 EST, 15 November 2012 | UPDATED: 01:33 EST, 15 November 2012
President Obama's election victory ensured his Affordable Care Act would remain the centerpiece of his first term in power - but that has left some business owners baulking at the extra cost Obamcare will bring.

Florida based restaurant boss John Metz, who runs approximately 40 Denny's and owns the Hurricane Grill & Wings franchise has decided to offset that by adding a five percent surcharge to customers' bills and will reduce his employees' hours.

Read more: Denny's to charge 5% 'Obamacare surcharge' and cut employee hours to deal with cost of legislation | Mail Online
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Yes, he's whining. Does it give his costumers a 5% rebate every time his taxes are lowered? Does he put a little note on each bill every time the price of gas goes up?

My assumption from all this grandstanding by Denny's and Papa Johns, is that they are hoping the bill will be repealed if they directly pass the cost to consumers instead of doing that they normally do when costs increase.

Perhaps they should have been more outspoken, and maybe formed a collection of businesses BEFORE the election, instead of complaining to the press.

It's too late now, it's done. Obamacare is here to stay. So now, they are whining.

LOL, who the hell do you liberals think that you are? The guy can charge whatever he thinks the market will hold and what he charges in none of your business, if you don't like the quality and price simply do not go there, see how easy that is? The guy isn't whining some are just crying the blues over a whole lot of nothing.
The guy is upping his prices by 5%, way more than he needs to do, because of some mythological event (requiring insurance for part timers) and he's stating that people can alleviate that 5% by screwing the servers tips.

And at the SAME time he's cutting his staff back to part time so he doesn't have to give them insurance.

I don't think any of the "conservatives" on this thread have a basic grasp of the English language. Or else they suffer severely from confirmation bias.

The guy is a prick that is screwing over his staff and gouging the public.

No comment yet from Denny's Corporate. Interesting.

Typical Looney Left response! The guy's gonna get wacked by Obozo and his program and, instead of viewing the regulations and detriments levied on the guy, you're attacking him. You asked for it and you're getting it.


$8.40 in 1990 is equal to $15.03 today.

So the price of pizza has gone DOWN.

Nice try.

So why don't you feed that information back to your source? | Inflation Calculator

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Liberals are just mad because he had the nerve to actually come out and say why he was raising prices and reducing hourly wages.
The guy is upping his prices by 5%, way more than he needs to do, because of some mythological event (requiring insurance for part timers) and he's stating that people can alleviate that 5% by screwing the servers tips.

And at the SAME time he's cutting his staff back to part time so he doesn't have to give them insurance.

I don't think any of the "conservatives" on this thread have a basic grasp of the English language. Or else they suffer severely from confirmation bias.

The guy is a prick that is screwing over his staff and gouging the public.

No comment yet from Denny's Corporate. Interesting.

Cutting back workers to part time was a completely predicted outcome of ObamaCare.

That's the problem, Metz told the truth. He explained to customers why prices were being raised and offering them the choice of leaving a lesser tip to even out the effect of the tax increase.

Denny's isn't operating in a vacuum. Dozens of restaurants are doing the same thing. Liberals can stop eating out, or they can go to very expensive non chain restaurants or go to very poor non chain restaurants without the quality control of a major chain.

I would expect that the space vacated by these restaurants will be snapped up by newly arrived immigrants who will import family members to work there. Family members aren't impacted by obamacare. They can set up an insurance exchange that will verify insurance for a small fee, a very small fee, but won't actually provide any coverage.

Indeed. It is simply incomprehensible that seemingly intelligent and reasonably well educated people can't grasp the simple concept of costs of doing business. They don't seem to understand how narrow a margin of profit already exists in most businesses and how costs of increased paperwork, increased regulation, increased taxes, increased mandates can so cut into those small profit margin that in some cases there is no profit at all. And they don't appreciate how losing part of an already narrow profit margin compels the business to do things differently. That often means the owner cuts wages and benefits, lays off people, cuts sizes or services, and/or raises prices.

Obama's determination that the rich will be required to pay more in taxes cuts into profits and also value of stocks held by shareholders who can so easily bail out and invest their assets elsewhere. So the corporations adjust, cut costs elsewhere, do business in more tax friendly climes, and that affects not only the corporations but all the businesses that support and depend on those corporations for their business. And the net revenues to the treasury will be nowhere near what it was projected to get if indeed are not ultimately less even as the general misery index for thousands increases.

Elections do indeed have consequences and the consequences of this one has not yet produced any positives and I'm looking a whole bunch of increased negatives.

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