Another shitty chain restaurant seeks free advertising by being douchebags

They're not going to eat the cost of Ocare. I wouldn't either. I'd pass it along just like all of the other tax increases that affect the business.

this is what libtards don't understand......

taxing the rich = paying more for stuff you buy

Everyone understands this. It is no different than with those of us who want the illegal aliens who pick our crops. They say this will increase the cost of my food at the supermarket. It is no different than eliminating the subsidies for farmers. They say it will increase my food costs. They say eliminating subsidies for the huge oil companies will increase my cost at the pump. I never know who THEY are, but let's do it and see how it plays out.

In this particular scenario, you have Papa John's who makes crummy tasting pizza anyway, in competition with thousands of other crummy pizza making joints, and Denny's who serves crummy tasting food in competition with thousands of other crummy tasting food servers. Papa John's and Denny's have cast their lot and CHOSEN to pass on the let's see how it pans out.

"CHOSEN"......? as opposed to taking money out of their own pockets....or going out of business....?

don't you understand the words...."cost of doing business".....?
John Metz, Denny's Franchisee And Hurricane Grill & Wings Owner, Imposes Surcharge For Obamacare

"If I leave the prices the same, but say on the menu that there is a 5 percent surcharge for Obamacare, customers have two choices. They can either pay it and tip 15 or 20 percent, or if they really feel so inclined, they can reduce the amount of tip they give to the server, who is the primary beneficiary of Obamacare," Metz told The Huffington Post. "Although it may sound terrible that I'm doing this, it's the only alternative. I've got to pass the cost on to the consumer."

Metz is the franchisor of Hurricane Grill & Wings, which has 48 locations, five of which are corporate owned, and president and owner of RREMC Restaurants, which runs approximately 40 Denny's and several Dairy Queen locations. He planned to use the 5 percent surcharge tactic in all his restaurants starting in January 2014, when Obamacare is fully implemented.

Do they surcharge when their rent goes up or the cost of supplies increase?

Yes you idiot. During the summer all service companies add a fuel surcharge, some call it a minimum or whatever but it's a fuel surcharge when gas is 4 bucks a gallon. Others just flat out raise their prices. Nothing is fucking free.
Obama is willing to raise his own taxes to help pay for your Medicare. Send him a thank you card.

when is he going to cut his salary and benefits to help the poor doyathink? I think it's funny how you won't to impose you stupidity on corporate heads but rich democrats get a pass.

You think it's stupid to want to see restaurant customers have to pay a small amount more for a meal so that the people working there can have some semblance of decent wages and benefits?

How poor does the working class in America have to be before you'll stop bitching about them?

Why is always incumbent upon others to subsidize the choices of others? There was a time in America when if you wanted to earn more or better yourself you took responsibilty and earned it own your own.

I haven't had a raise in years. My expenses have gone up like everyone else's. If my boss refuses to give one, I have a choice...leave for a better job or shut up.
He has a right to let his customers know why he raised prices.

And customers have the right to eat where they damn well please. This dude is mindful of the Republicans in the Congress, willing to take from the poor but unwilling to cut their own salary and benefits. True leaders lead by example.

This is an interesting concept. Did obummie and the congress cut their salaries and benefits to help the poor? Link me to where that happened.

Don't hold your breath on that. Obama has made himself a multi-millionare via his office and will live a life of luxury until he dies. The cost of anything is of no consequence to him. The Congress has become so corrupt via ability to use our money to give or promise benefits to big business, welfare recipients, and everybody in between and thereby have so enriched themselves that they won't do anything to rock that boat. The cost of anything is of no consequence to them either and they not only have not offered to cut their salary or benefits, but awhile back, in the dark of night after the press went to bed, passed a law that their incomes and benfits will increase at regular interval without them ever having to cast a vote.

And these are the people with the power to do anything they want to do to us. All they have to do is ensure that enough people believe they are being benefitted, and they know their future is secured and well padded and they hope to be long gone by the time it all collapses.

But some of our friends here shrug all that off and choose to condemn a business owner who is honest enough to spell out what the effect will be on the rest of us.

Yes you idiot. During the summer all service companies add a fuel surcharge, some call it a minimum or whatever but it's a fuel surcharge when gas is 4 bucks a gallon. Others just flat out raise their prices. Nothing is fucking free.

Dennys is a service company?

I have never paid a surcharge on my Grand Slam Breakfast
Well....they can shove their breakfasts up their asses....Grand Slam style.

I usually eat locally when we go out anyway. We have a dozen Mom and Pops that serve better food thank Denny's ever will. Same with upper echelon restaurants.....Won't see me at Applebee's or Olive Garden anymore either.

Beer? we have one of the top ten brew pubs in the country about 25 minutes away....the only problem is that it's 25 minutes back home too. Coffee shops? same thing.

I'm so sick of corporate assholes running this country. They can't afford to absorb $.05/plate....or $.14/ pizza? Such bullshit, such ridiculous greed.

And you're right about the free advertising. They're thinking they are going to become the next Chick-fil-a and all these teabaggers are going to flood their restaurants and then not tip the people busting their asses to support their families.....the sad thing is.....they are probably right.

Corporations are only runing this nation in your wet dreams. So what do you propose to replace corporations with?

You're an idiot. Only you brought up the replacement of corporations and no one that I'm aware of has suggested corporations be eliminated. But, corporations do need to be regulated, for lust for profits tends to corrupt and absolute greed corrupts absolutely.
And customers have the right to eat where they damn well please. This dude is mindful of the Republicans in the Congress, willing to take from the poor but unwilling to cut their own salary and benefits. True leaders lead by example.

This is an interesting concept. Did obummie and the congress cut their salaries and benefits to help the poor? Link me to where that happened.

Don't hold your breath on that. Obama has made himself a multi-millionare via his office and will live a life of luxury until he dies. The cost of anything is of no consequence to him. The Congress has become so corrupt via ability to use our money to give or promise benefits to big business, welfare recipients, and everybody in between and thereby have so enriched themselves that they won't do anything to rock that boat. The cost of anything is of no consequence to them either and they not only have not offered to cut their salary or benefits, but awhile back, in the dark of night after the press went to bed, passed a law that their incomes and benfits will increase at regular interval without them ever having to cast a vote.

And these are the people with the power to do anything they want to do to us. All they have to do is ensure that enough people believe they are being benefitted, and they know their future is secured and well padded and they hope to be long gone by the time it all collapses.

But some of our friends here shrug all that off and choose to condemn a business owner who is honest enough to spell out what the effect will be on the rest of us.

That's the irony in part. Liberals support leaders who actually are "the rich" that they despise.

Obama is rich, BJ is rich, Shrillary is rich, Pelosi is rich, Reid is rich...and the list goes on.
this is what libtards don't understand......

taxing the rich = paying more for stuff you buy

Everyone understands this. It is no different than with those of us who want the illegal aliens who pick our crops. They say this will increase the cost of my food at the supermarket. It is no different than eliminating the subsidies for farmers. They say it will increase my food costs. They say eliminating subsidies for the huge oil companies will increase my cost at the pump. I never know who THEY are, but let's do it and see how it plays out.

In this particular scenario, you have Papa John's who makes crummy tasting pizza anyway, in competition with thousands of other crummy pizza making joints, and Denny's who serves crummy tasting food in competition with thousands of other crummy tasting food servers. Papa John's and Denny's have cast their lot and CHOSEN to pass on the let's see how it pans out.

"CHOSEN"......? as opposed to taking money out of their own pockets....or going out of business....?

don't you understand the words...."cost of doing business".....?

Of course, and just as he should have a business plan to deal with rising costs, it is obvious he doesn't. It's not my fault he sucks as a businessman.
Everyone understands this. It is no different than with those of us who want the illegal aliens who pick our crops. They say this will increase the cost of my food at the supermarket. It is no different than eliminating the subsidies for farmers. They say it will increase my food costs. They say eliminating subsidies for the huge oil companies will increase my cost at the pump. I never know who THEY are, but let's do it and see how it plays out.

In this particular scenario, you have Papa John's who makes crummy tasting pizza anyway, in competition with thousands of other crummy pizza making joints, and Denny's who serves crummy tasting food in competition with thousands of other crummy tasting food servers. Papa John's and Denny's have cast their lot and CHOSEN to pass on the let's see how it pans out.

"CHOSEN"......? as opposed to taking money out of their own pockets....or going out of business....?

don't you understand the words...."cost of doing business".....?

Of course, and just as he should have a business plan to deal with rising costs, it is obvious he doesn't. It's not my fault he sucks as a businessman.

LOL......maybe he should go ask BO about a "business plan".....or "budget plan".........LOL
He has a right to let his customers know why he raised prices.

And customers have the right to eat where they damn well please. This dude is mindful of the Republicans in the Congress, willing to take from the poor but unwilling to cut their own salary and benefits. True leaders lead by example.

That pretty much sums up the fact that there damned few true leaders in Congress, doesn't it. And that lack is not limited to the Republicans in Congress, either.
"CHOSEN"......? as opposed to taking money out of their own pockets....or going out of business....?

don't you understand the words...."cost of doing business".....?

Of course, and just as he should have a business plan to deal with rising costs, it is obvious he doesn't. It's not my fault he sucks as a businessman.

LOL......maybe he should go ask BO about a "business plan".....or "budget plan".........LOL

Maybe you should ask yourself this...IF this is such a crushing increase, why are his thousands of competitors not following suit?
They're not going to eat the cost of Ocare. I wouldn't either. I'd pass it along just like all of the other tax increases that affect the business.

this is what libtards don't understand......

taxing the rich = paying more for stuff you buy

Everyone understands this. It is no different than with those of us who want the illegal aliens who pick our crops. They say this will increase the cost of my food at the supermarket. It is no different than eliminating the subsidies for farmers. They say it will increase my food costs. They say eliminating subsidies for the huge oil companies will increase my cost at the pump. I never know who THEY are, but let's do it and see how it plays out.

In this particular scenario, you have Papa John's who makes crummy tasting pizza anyway, in competition with thousands of other crummy pizza making joints, and Denny's who serves crummy tasting food in competition with thousands of other crummy tasting food servers. Papa John's and Denny's have cast their lot and CHOSEN to pass on the let's see how it pans out.

Crummy food, or not, these places are popular.
this is what libtards don't understand......

taxing the rich = paying more for stuff you buy

Everyone understands this. It is no different than with those of us who want the illegal aliens who pick our crops. They say this will increase the cost of my food at the supermarket. It is no different than eliminating the subsidies for farmers. They say it will increase my food costs. They say eliminating subsidies for the huge oil companies will increase my cost at the pump. I never know who THEY are, but let's do it and see how it plays out.

In this particular scenario, you have Papa John's who makes crummy tasting pizza anyway, in competition with thousands of other crummy pizza making joints, and Denny's who serves crummy tasting food in competition with thousands of other crummy tasting food servers. Papa John's and Denny's have cast their lot and CHOSEN to pass on the let's see how it pans out.

Crummy food, or not, these places are popular.

I agree. If one chooses to put himself out of business, he will not be missed. The competition is simply too great.
This is an interesting concept. Did obummie and the congress cut their salaries and benefits to help the poor? Link me to where that happened.

Obama is willing to raise his own taxes to help pay for your Medicare. Send him a thank you card.

when is he going to cut his salary and benefits to help the poor doyathink? I think it's funny how you won't to impose you stupidity on corporate heads but rich democrats get a pass.

Even better, why doesn't he donate an amount equal to what he just spent getting reflected in order to help the constituents who voted for know, all the poor and disenfranchised urban dwellers?
Well....they can shove their breakfasts up their asses....Grand Slam style.

I usually eat locally when we go out anyway. We have a dozen Mom and Pops that serve better food thank Denny's ever will. Same with upper echelon restaurants.....Won't see me at Applebee's or Olive Garden anymore either.

Beer? we have one of the top ten brew pubs in the country about 25 minutes away....the only problem is that it's 25 minutes back home too. Coffee shops? same thing.

I'm so sick of corporate assholes running this country. They can't afford to absorb $.05/plate....or $.14/ pizza? Such bullshit, such ridiculous greed.

And you're right about the free advertising. They're thinking they are going to become the next Chick-fil-a and all these teabaggers are going to flood their restaurants and then not tip the people busting their asses to support their families.....the sad thing is.....they are probably right.

Corporations are only runing this nation in your wet dreams. So what do you propose to replace corporations with?

You're an idiot. Only you brought up the replacement of corporations and no one that I'm aware of has suggested corporations be eliminated. But, corporations do need to be regulated, for lust for profits tends to corrupt and absolute greed corrupts absolutely.

Who is going to regulate the regulators?
He has a right to let his customers know why he raised prices.

And customers have the right to eat where they damn well please. This dude is mindful of the Republicans in the Congress, willing to take from the poor but unwilling to cut their own salary and benefits. True leaders lead by example.

That pretty much sums up the fact that there damned few true leaders in Congress, doesn't it. And that lack is not limited to the Republicans in Congress, either.

True dat. Both Democrats and Republicans are too easily corrupted by the lure of power, prestige, influence, and personal wealth. And almost all give in to the pressure to enrich themselves at the cost of those of us who are still productive. And in a dumbed down America that more and more glorifies big government and hates the successful, more and more Americans are sucked into the allure of a promised utopia where all will be automatically cared for and protected without having to earn or pay for anything.

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