Another shitty chain restaurant seeks free advertising by being douchebags

In addition to the tax credits they get, another detail no one has mentioned is the insurance exchanges for those who are not covered by employers.

All the huffing and puffing from employers doesn't really mean much because the employee can still get the low group rate.

This is a huge part of the reason why the GObP/R is against ObamaCare. It saves the consumer instead of padding the pockets of insurance/duge companies.
Papa John's,Applebee's,Denny's- What do they ALL have in common-Shitty Food,Nasty Dirty Restaurants,Low Health Inspection Scores . They will be terribly missed LMFAO
John Metz, Denny's Franchisee And Hurricane Grill & Wings Owner, Imposes Surcharge For Obamacare

"If I leave the prices the same, but say on the menu that there is a 5 percent surcharge for Obamacare, customers have two choices. They can either pay it and tip 15 or 20 percent, or if they really feel so inclined, they can reduce the amount of tip they give to the server, who is the primary beneficiary of Obamacare," Metz told The Huffington Post. "Although it may sound terrible that I'm doing this, it's the only alternative. I've got to pass the cost on to the consumer."

Metz is the franchisor of Hurricane Grill & Wings, which has 48 locations, five of which are corporate owned, and president and owner of RREMC Restaurants, which runs approximately 40 Denny's and several Dairy Queen locations. He planned to use the 5 percent surcharge tactic in all his restaurants starting in January 2014, when Obamacare is fully implemented.

He has three options, raise the price on the menu (loose customers, especially in this economy), severely lower the hourly rate of servers which is like 2.83 and hour depending on where you live and raise a mandatory gratuity for the server to like 25% (which is already been made illegal), or do what he is doing. Which is the better option, and which would the servers and customers rather have. Places like Denny's do not serve liquor which is where most chains make their money making usually 100% on alcohol, the food pretty much just pays for overhead. Dennys is based on easy quick food, high volume, and being open 24/7 minimally staffed to make up for low volume times. Oh there is a 4th option, do nothing a go out of business, thats a loose-loose for everyone.

What, did you expect Obamacare was'nt going to have any consequences, or did you think it was a not strings attached deal? Sad thing is, things like this aren't going to be the main thing to be worried about with Obamacare.

Obamacare doesn't even do what it is supposed to, how does taxing the business and individuals who cannot afford healthcare going to make it more affordable? "Oh well the hospitals won't be eating the costs for people getting healthcare for free." Really, they cant afford healthcare for a reason, whose going to pay for them? Oh yea, dont forget about the millions of illegal immigrants living in america, where do you think they get their healthcare from (answer: ER's), and who do you think is going to pay for them? The hospitals and the business. All it does is tell the business to share some of the debt with the who are already getting killed by healthcare costs.

Do you realize just how MUCH Papa John CEO,Applebee's owner?CEO made last year ?They can afford to pay the SLIGHT increase,they are just greedy bastards!
John Metz, Denny's Franchisee And Hurricane Grill & Wings Owner, Imposes Surcharge For Obamacare

"If I leave the prices the same, but say on the menu that there is a 5 percent surcharge for Obamacare, customers have two choices. They can either pay it and tip 15 or 20 percent, or if they really feel so inclined, they can reduce the amount of tip they give to the server, who is the primary beneficiary of Obamacare," Metz told The Huffington Post. "Although it may sound terrible that I'm doing this, it's the only alternative. I've got to pass the cost on to the consumer."

Metz is the franchisor of Hurricane Grill & Wings, which has 48 locations, five of which are corporate owned, and president and owner of RREMC Restaurants, which runs approximately 40 Denny's and several Dairy Queen locations. He planned to use the 5 percent surcharge tactic in all his restaurants starting in January 2014, when Obamacare is fully implemented.

I think that is fair, the consumer is always going to pay for any business expenses. I just wish these cowards, this guy as well, would put a big R in their window so Democrats won't even stop there. Democrats are messing up to give these people profits that are then used against their party in campaign funding. If they are really people with convictions, like Chick-a-fil was, they will show themselves, be honest about it.

LIBS: Best sign this petition to let your reps no, no cuts to entitlements, tax rich, we need to flood congress with this message, sign any other petitions in support as well as pass this information to others. AFL-CIO—Protect Our Future

maybe all business owners should just tattoo a R or D on their foreheads instead
my gawd
In addition to the tax credits they get, another detail no one has mentioned is the insurance exchanges for those who are not covered by employers.

All the huffing and puffing from employers doesn't really mean much because the employee can still get the low group rate.

This is a huge part of the reason why the GObP/R is against ObamaCare. It saves the consumer instead of padding the pockets of insurance/duge companies.

There is nothing low about the group rate, and again it is taxing the people and the business who already can't afford it. Which business are those, small business, and low cost/low yield, i.e. dennys.

Everyone is the socialized healthcare industry was looking to America to find the balance between our capitalistic healthcare system, and their socialized system. The question was, how do you get immediate specialized care to a large majority of the population Which anyone who knows how the healthcare business works, would have told you it was going to be tort reform, incentive programs in insurance mainly enforced by business's, an emphasis on preventative care, and palliative care over doing everything possible to extend life a couple of months. Instead we got a program that didn't even address the main causative factors to the rising healthcare costs, one being tort reform. You install tort reform and guess what, the doctors, nurses, and hospitals malpractice insurance goes down. What else would go down? Stupid expensive hospital policies giving very expensive treatments, tests, and meds to people who clearly do not need them, because the hospital wants to cover their ass. That was the first step, but all the liberals want us to be more like Europe.

He has three options, raise the price on the menu (loose customers, especially in this economy), severely lower the hourly rate of servers which is like 2.83 and hour depending on where you live and raise a mandatory gratuity for the server to like 25% (which is already been made illegal), or do what he is doing. Which is the better option, and which would the servers and customers rather have. Places like Denny's do not serve liquor which is where most chains make their money making usually 100% on alcohol, the food pretty much just pays for overhead. Dennys is based on easy quick food, high volume, and being open 24/7 minimally staffed to make up for low volume times. Oh there is a 4th option, do nothing a go out of business, thats a loose-loose for everyone.

What, did you expect Obamacare was'nt going to have any consequences, or did you think it was a not strings attached deal? Sad thing is, things like this aren't going to be the main thing to be worried about with Obamacare.

Obamacare doesn't even do what it is supposed to, how does taxing the business and individuals who cannot afford healthcare going to make it more affordable? "Oh well the hospitals won't be eating the costs for people getting healthcare for free." Really, they cant afford healthcare for a reason, whose going to pay for them? Oh yea, dont forget about the millions of illegal immigrants living in america, where do you think they get their healthcare from (answer: ER's), and who do you think is going to pay for them? The hospitals and the business. All it does is tell the business to share some of the debt with the who are already getting killed by healthcare costs.

Do you realize just how MUCH Papa John CEO,Applebee's owner?CEO made last year ?They can afford to pay the SLIGHT increase,they are just greedy bastards!

Since when is it any of your fucking business what they make?
He has three options, raise the price on the menu (loose customers, especially in this economy), severely lower the hourly rate of servers which is like 2.83 and hour depending on where you live and raise a mandatory gratuity for the server to like 25% (which is already been made illegal), or do what he is doing. Which is the better option, and which would the servers and customers rather have. Places like Denny's do not serve liquor which is where most chains make their money making usually 100% on alcohol, the food pretty much just pays for overhead. Dennys is based on easy quick food, high volume, and being open 24/7 minimally staffed to make up for low volume times. Oh there is a 4th option, do nothing a go out of business, thats a loose-loose for everyone.

What, did you expect Obamacare was'nt going to have any consequences, or did you think it was a not strings attached deal? Sad thing is, things like this aren't going to be the main thing to be worried about with Obamacare.

Obamacare doesn't even do what it is supposed to, how does taxing the business and individuals who cannot afford healthcare going to make it more affordable? "Oh well the hospitals won't be eating the costs for people getting healthcare for free." Really, they cant afford healthcare for a reason, whose going to pay for them? Oh yea, dont forget about the millions of illegal immigrants living in america, where do you think they get their healthcare from (answer: ER's), and who do you think is going to pay for them? The hospitals and the business. All it does is tell the business to share some of the debt with the who are already getting killed by healthcare costs.

Do you realize just how MUCH Papa John CEO,Applebee's owner?CEO made last year ?They can afford to pay the SLIGHT increase,they are just greedy bastards!

Since when is it any of your fucking business what they make?

It's ANYONE/EVERYONE'S business. Are you really that damn dumb
He has three options, raise the price on the menu (loose customers, especially in this economy), severely lower the hourly rate of servers which is like 2.83 and hour depending on where you live and raise a mandatory gratuity for the server to like 25% (which is already been made illegal), or do what he is doing. Which is the better option, and which would the servers and customers rather have. Places like Denny's do not serve liquor which is where most chains make their money making usually 100% on alcohol, the food pretty much just pays for overhead. Dennys is based on easy quick food, high volume, and being open 24/7 minimally staffed to make up for low volume times. Oh there is a 4th option, do nothing a go out of business, thats a loose-loose for everyone.

What, did you expect Obamacare was'nt going to have any consequences, or did you think it was a not strings attached deal? Sad thing is, things like this aren't going to be the main thing to be worried about with Obamacare.

Obamacare doesn't even do what it is supposed to, how does taxing the business and individuals who cannot afford healthcare going to make it more affordable? "Oh well the hospitals won't be eating the costs for people getting healthcare for free." Really, they cant afford healthcare for a reason, whose going to pay for them? Oh yea, dont forget about the millions of illegal immigrants living in america, where do you think they get their healthcare from (answer: ER's), and who do you think is going to pay for them? The hospitals and the business. All it does is tell the business to share some of the debt with the who are already getting killed by healthcare costs.

Do you realize just how MUCH Papa John CEO,Applebee's owner?CEO made last year ?They can afford to pay the SLIGHT increase,they are just greedy bastards!

Since when is it any of your fucking business what they make?

And you're right about the free advertising. They're thinking they are going to become the next Chick-fil-a and all these teabaggers are going to flood their restaurants and then not tip the people busting their asses to support their families.....the sad thing is.....they are probably right.

Well, hopefully some of them will make it clear why they're eating there when they go. It'll be a big neon sign to the help saying PLEASE SPIT IN OUR FOOD.
He has three options, raise the price on the menu (loose customers, especially in this economy), severely lower the hourly rate of servers which is like 2.83 and hour depending on where you live and raise a mandatory gratuity for the server to like 25% (which is already been made illegal), or do what he is doing. Which is the better option, and which would the servers and customers rather have. Places like Denny's do not serve liquor which is where most chains make their money making usually 100% on alcohol, the food pretty much just pays for overhead. Dennys is based on easy quick food, high volume, and being open 24/7 minimally staffed to make up for low volume times. Oh there is a 4th option, do nothing a go out of business, thats a loose-loose for everyone.

What, did you expect Obamacare was'nt going to have any consequences, or did you think it was a not strings attached deal? Sad thing is, things like this aren't going to be the main thing to be worried about with Obamacare.

Obamacare doesn't even do what it is supposed to, how does taxing the business and individuals who cannot afford healthcare going to make it more affordable? "Oh well the hospitals won't be eating the costs for people getting healthcare for free." Really, they cant afford healthcare for a reason, whose going to pay for them? Oh yea, dont forget about the millions of illegal immigrants living in america, where do you think they get their healthcare from (answer: ER's), and who do you think is going to pay for them? The hospitals and the business. All it does is tell the business to share some of the debt with the who are already getting killed by healthcare costs.

Do you realize just how MUCH Papa John CEO,Applebee's owner?CEO made last year ?They can afford to pay the SLIGHT increase,they are just greedy bastards!

Since when is it any of your fucking business what they make?

Publicly traded company. We have a right to know. Funny that.
Yes you idiot. During the summer all service companies add a fuel surcharge, some call it a minimum or whatever but it's a fuel surcharge when gas is 4 bucks a gallon. Others just flat out raise their prices. Nothing is fucking free.

Dennys is a service company?

I have never paid a surcharge on my Grand Slam Breakfast

This is where you left wing idiots come completely off the rails. You think Denny's is a stand alone business. They have service companies that take care of equipment repairs, property maintenance etc. On top of that you may have fucking noticed there are no cows being slaughtered or milked, potato fields next door to make hashbrowns, chickens laying eggs or fucking bakers anywhere near the Denny's. All of that shit is shipped in from other suppliers. And this is abssolutely going to shock you, all of those suppliers are raising their prices to cover Bamiecare. The cost of your grand slam is going up period. The only person that has a direct contact with the public is Denny's and the only Bamiecare costs they can do anything about is their own.

Drive around dumbass and look at all the stores and restaurants you go to. Every fucking one of them is going through the same thing. YOU are going to pay for this, if you can still afford to go out and eat after the grocery store costs cut into your budget.

That's your "free" fucking healthcare in a nutshell dumbass.

So whose sock puppet are you, anyway?

He has three options, raise the price on the menu (loose customers, especially in this economy), severely lower the hourly rate of servers which is like 2.83 and hour depending on where you live and raise a mandatory gratuity for the server to like 25% (which is already been made illegal), or do what he is doing. Which is the better option, and which would the servers and customers rather have. Places like Denny's do not serve liquor which is where most chains make their money making usually 100% on alcohol, the food pretty much just pays for overhead. Dennys is based on easy quick food, high volume, and being open 24/7 minimally staffed to make up for low volume times. Oh there is a 4th option, do nothing a go out of business, thats a loose-loose for everyone.

What, did you expect Obamacare was'nt going to have any consequences, or did you think it was a not strings attached deal? Sad thing is, things like this aren't going to be the main thing to be worried about with Obamacare.

Obamacare doesn't even do what it is supposed to, how does taxing the business and individuals who cannot afford healthcare going to make it more affordable? "Oh well the hospitals won't be eating the costs for people getting healthcare for free." Really, they cant afford healthcare for a reason, whose going to pay for them? Oh yea, dont forget about the millions of illegal immigrants living in america, where do you think they get their healthcare from (answer: ER's), and who do you think is going to pay for them? The hospitals and the business. All it does is tell the business to share some of the debt with the who are already getting killed by healthcare costs.

Do you realize just how MUCH Papa John CEO,Applebee's owner?CEO made last year ?They can afford to pay the SLIGHT increase,they are just greedy bastards!

Do you realize how much skill, knowledge, and ability it requires to be CEO of a Papa John or Applebees? Do you know how much stockholders--many who are people not far from the poverty line such as myself--how much the employees, how much the contractors, vendors, and others who provide products to them--how much thousands and thousands of people depend on that CEO knowing what he is doing and keeping it all afloat? How even a small mistake or judgment can be amplified many times over in a large chain and result in thousands of dollars of consequence?

Take one Applebee's entre. Included in the cost of that entre are the obvious food costs of course, but also the cost of the structural overhead, building costs and/or rent, utilities, maintenance, laundry and cleaning, non edible disposables, replacement costs, compliance with local, state, federal regulations, wages and all the add ons associated with that, training costs, a dozen or more different kinds of insurance, advertising, clerical, legal, and accounting costs, and dozens of different taxes ranging from income taxes to school bonds and lots more.

A CEO not only has to know how a new 5% tax will affect the bottom line in his direct operations, but how it will affect all the other expenses too. It is the rare individual with sufficient skill and know how to do that and can give his/her managers sound counsel on where to set their prices. And when the profit margin is around 3 to 4% which is typical of the average restaurant, a new 5% tax is a very big deal.
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He has three options, raise the price on the menu (loose customers, especially in this economy), severely lower the hourly rate of servers which is like 2.83 and hour depending on where you live and raise a mandatory gratuity for the server to like 25% (which is already been made illegal), or do what he is doing. Which is the better option, and which would the servers and customers rather have. Places like Denny's do not serve liquor which is where most chains make their money making usually 100% on alcohol, the food pretty much just pays for overhead. Dennys is based on easy quick food, high volume, and being open 24/7 minimally staffed to make up for low volume times. Oh there is a 4th option, do nothing a go out of business, thats a loose-loose for everyone.

What, did you expect Obamacare was'nt going to have any consequences, or did you think it was a not strings attached deal? Sad thing is, things like this aren't going to be the main thing to be worried about with Obamacare.

Obamacare doesn't even do what it is supposed to, how does taxing the business and individuals who cannot afford healthcare going to make it more affordable? "Oh well the hospitals won't be eating the costs for people getting healthcare for free." Really, they cant afford healthcare for a reason, whose going to pay for them? Oh yea, dont forget about the millions of illegal immigrants living in america, where do you think they get their healthcare from (answer: ER's), and who do you think is going to pay for them? The hospitals and the business. All it does is tell the business to share some of the debt with the who are already getting killed by healthcare costs.

Do you realize just how MUCH Papa John CEO,Applebee's owner?CEO made last year ?They can afford to pay the SLIGHT increase,they are just greedy bastards!

Do you realize how much skill, knowledge, and ability it requires to be CEO of a Papa John or Applebees? Do you know how much stockholders--many who are people not far from the poverty line such as myself--how much the employees, how much the contractors, vendors, and others who provide products to them--how much thousands and thousands of people depend on that CEO knowing what he is doing and keeping it all afloat? How even a small mistake or judgment can be amplified many times over in a large chain and result in thousands of dollars of consequence?

Take one Applebee's entre. Included in the cost of that entre are the obvious food costs of course, but also the cost of the structural overhead, building costs and/or rent, utilities, maintenance, laundry and cleaning, non edible disposables, replacement costs, compliance with local, state, federal regulations, wages and all the add ons associated with that, training costs, a dozen or more different kinds of insurance, advertising, clerical, legal, and accounting costs, and dozens of different taxes ranging from income taxes to school bonds and lots more.

A CEO not only has to know how a new 5% tax will affect the bottom line in his direct operations, but how it will affect all the other expenses too. It is the rare individual with sufficient skill and know how to do that and can give his/her managers sound counsel on where to set their prices. And when the profit margin is around 3 to 4% which is typical of the average restaurant, a new 5% tax is a very big deal.

You need to do RESEARCH then you will at least know a LITTLE of what you speak.ANYWAY you want to slice it (pun intended) .The CEO of all the above mentioned food [sic] /service companies can AFFORD the tax WITHOUT passing it on the the employees or public.They are GREEDY and nothing else.
Well....they can shove their breakfasts up their asses....Grand Slam style.

I usually eat locally when we go out anyway. We have a dozen Mom and Pops that serve better food thank Denny's ever will. Same with upper echelon restaurants.....Won't see me at Applebee's or Olive Garden anymore either.

Beer? we have one of the top ten brew pubs in the country about 25 minutes away....the only problem is that it's 25 minutes back home too. Coffee shops? same thing.

I'm so sick of corporate assholes running this country. They can't afford to absorb $.05/plate....or $.14/ pizza? Such bullshit, such ridiculous greed.

And you're right about the free advertising. They're thinking they are going to become the next Chick-fil-a and all these teabaggers are going to flood their restaurants and then not tip the people busting their asses to support their families.....the sad thing is.....they are probably right.

You ain't to smart are you, everything government does cost everyone something in the end. The cost of doing business is passed to the consumer, I don't care what the size of the business is, if the owner wants to let their customers know what those cost are why should you have a problem. Did you stop using a shipping comany just because they added a fuel surcharge, or stop flying when an airline added a fuel surcharge? People have to understand what drives prices and jobs and hypocrites like you are part of the problem. So why don't you absorb that?
Do you realize just how MUCH Papa John CEO,Applebee's owner?CEO made last year ?They can afford to pay the SLIGHT increase,they are just greedy bastards!

Since when is it any of your fucking business what they make?

Publicly traded company. We have a right to know. Funny that.

If you were a stockholder your opinion MIGHT matter.

Of course, if you were a stockholder you'd stand in SUPPORT of this man rather than in opposition.

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