Another shitty chain restaurant seeks free advertising by being douchebags

John Metz, Denny's Franchisee And Hurricane Grill & Wings Owner, Imposes Surcharge For Obamacare

"If I leave the prices the same, but say on the menu that there is a 5 percent surcharge for Obamacare, customers have two choices. They can either pay it and tip 15 or 20 percent, or if they really feel so inclined, they can reduce the amount of tip they give to the server, who is the primary beneficiary of Obamacare," Metz told The Huffington Post. "Although it may sound terrible that I'm doing this, it's the only alternative. I've got to pass the cost on to the consumer."

Metz is the franchisor of Hurricane Grill & Wings, which has 48 locations, five of which are corporate owned, and president and owner of RREMC Restaurants, which runs approximately 40 Denny's and several Dairy Queen locations. He planned to use the 5 percent surcharge tactic in all his restaurants starting in January 2014, when Obamacare is fully implemented.

So he rakes in hundreds of thousands of dollars in profits each year, but is too selfish and greedy to pay his employees a decent wage?

What a scumbag.
A lot of what is wrong with this country is that employees are no longer valued assets to many corporations.

Ahh...they are. It's just that government and quite frankly the consumer market plus global competition has changed the marketplace such that employment or "labor" is viewed simply as another expense.
Labor IS a commodity for sure. Always has been.
Labor costs are figuring prominently in the decisions business owners must make in order to keep their investment alive.
One must remember. The primary reason a business exists is to turn a profit for the owners/investors.
The reason employment exists is due to growth of a business, the owner can no longer do all of the work himself.

Well, way back in the 40s, business (especially corporations) endeavored to overcome their bad reputation by public relations initiatives (World Fair, for example) and public service announcements to repair their tarnish image and sell themselves as a public good. The right today has a rather bipolar message about big business and corporations. On the one hand, they still try to sell themselves as a public good, and out of the other side of their mouths, the defend their UN goodly practices (social and economic Darwinism / scumbuggery) as simple fiduciary responsibility.
John Metz, Denny's Franchisee And Hurricane Grill & Wings Owner, Imposes Surcharge For Obamacare

"If I leave the prices the same, but say on the menu that there is a 5 percent surcharge for Obamacare, customers have two choices. They can either pay it and tip 15 or 20 percent, or if they really feel so inclined, they can reduce the amount of tip they give to the server, who is the primary beneficiary of Obamacare," Metz told The Huffington Post. "Although it may sound terrible that I'm doing this, it's the only alternative. I've got to pass the cost on to the consumer."

Metz is the franchisor of Hurricane Grill & Wings, which has 48 locations, five of which are corporate owned, and president and owner of RREMC Restaurants, which runs approximately 40 Denny's and several Dairy Queen locations. He planned to use the 5 percent surcharge tactic in all his restaurants starting in January 2014, when Obamacare is fully implemented.

So he rakes in hundreds of thousands of dollars in profits each year, but is too selfish and greedy to pay his employees a decent wage?

What a scumbag.

What the fuck do wages have to do with Obamacare, which is the actual topic here? Do you have any idea how much Denny's staff makes? No? So you just came in here and ran your fucking gums on some kneejerk "he's rich; he sucks; power to the people!" reflex?

Do I even have to bother to tell you to shut the fuck up until you have something to say that's worth the air it takes to say it?
Funny, I could have sworn it was passed by a group of asshole politicians who were betting on their ability to bullshit the voters at election time. And whattaya know? THIS time, they were right.

Deal with it.

You don't matter. Sooner or later smug assholes get blindsided by their own sense of self importance. Have a look at Paula Broadwell and Jill Kelley.
You libs have convinced yourselves that Obama and his policies are permanent. Eventually, your side will no longer have the White House. People are destined to get tired of the elected people and they fire them. Just remember that. Because "change" is coming much sooner than you think.
When your busy partying, time goes by real fast.
John Metz, Denny's Franchisee And Hurricane Grill & Wings Owner, Imposes Surcharge For Obamacare

"If I leave the prices the same, but say on the menu that there is a 5 percent surcharge for Obamacare, customers have two choices. They can either pay it and tip 15 or 20 percent, or if they really feel so inclined, they can reduce the amount of tip they give to the server, who is the primary beneficiary of Obamacare," Metz told The Huffington Post. "Although it may sound terrible that I'm doing this, it's the only alternative. I've got to pass the cost on to the consumer."

Metz is the franchisor of Hurricane Grill & Wings, which has 48 locations, five of which are corporate owned, and president and owner of RREMC Restaurants, which runs approximately 40 Denny's and several Dairy Queen locations. He planned to use the 5 percent surcharge tactic in all his restaurants starting in January 2014, when Obamacare is fully implemented.

So he rakes in hundreds of thousands of dollars in profits each year, but is too selfish and greedy to pay his employees a decent wage?

What a scumbag.

Wait staff makes a relatively standard low wage that is, in theory, and in some places, made up by tips. He publicly stated, because he was butthurt over the election results, because he's a scumbag, because he hoped to capitalize on anti liberal sentiments (there's a laundry list, and its "choose all that apply) cut their hours so they wouldn't qualify under the ACA, and also planned to encourage his customers to take the 5% surcharge (because he said it benefitted employees that no longer qualified for the benefit because of the hours he cut) out of their tips.
Funny, I could have sworn it was passed by a group of asshole politicians who were betting on their ability to bullshit the voters at election time. And whattaya know? THIS time, they were right.

Deal with it.

You don't matter. Sooner or later smug assholes get blindsided by their own sense of self importance. Have a look at Paula Broadwell and Jill Kelley.
You libs have convinced yourselves that Obama and his policies are permanent. Eventually, your side will no longer have the White House. People are destined to get tired of the elected people and they fire them. Just remember that. Because "change" is coming much sooner than you think.
When your busy partying, time goes by real fast.

Yes, the rowdy towns halls will make short work of it. And the election of Scott Brown to the Senate. And the new GOP House defunding it. And the Supreme Court ruling striking it down. And Mitt Romney's landslide victory.

Someday the reality is going to sink in. Deal with it.

So he rakes in hundreds of thousands of dollars in profits each year, but is too selfish and greedy to pay his employees a decent wage?

What a scumbag.

Wait staff makes a relatively standard low wage that is, in theory, and in some places, made up by tips. He publicly stated, because he was butthurt over the election results, because he's a scumbag, because he hoped to capitalize on anti liberal sentiments (there's a laundry list, and its "choose all that apply) cut their hours so they wouldn't qualify under the ACA, and also planned to encourage his customers to take the 5% surcharge (because he said it benefitted employees that no longer qualified for the benefit because of the hours he cut) out of their tips.
And how long did it take you to make that up all by yourself.
I guess the facts don't matter to you.
The fact that ACA will make it impossible to keep the restaurants open due to the additional costs.
So he found a way around the rules. And Again, not to be redundant, you still cannot get by the fact that over 200 unions have sought to get around those very same rules. I guess they are "butthurt" as well. Or are they "special"?
So he rakes in hundreds of thousands of dollars in profits each year, but is too selfish and greedy to pay his employees a decent wage?

What a scumbag.

Wait staff makes a relatively standard low wage that is, in theory, and in some places, made up by tips. He publicly stated, because he was butthurt over the election results, because he's a scumbag, because he hoped to capitalize on anti liberal sentiments (there's a laundry list, and its "choose all that apply) cut their hours so they wouldn't qualify under the ACA, and also planned to encourage his customers to take the 5% surcharge (because he said it benefitted employees that no longer qualified for the benefit because of the hours he cut) out of their tips.
And how long did it take you to make that up all by yourself.
I guess the facts don't matter to you.
The fact that ACA will make it impossible to keep the restaurants open due to the additional costs.
So he found a way around the rules. And Again, not to be redundant, you still cannot get by the fact that over 200 unions have sought to get around those very same rules. I guess they are "butthurt" as well. Or are they "special"?

Holy fuck, I linked to his direct quote in the first fucking post of this thread. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?
It'd THEIR MONEY...What you flubs refuse to understand is the board OWNS the company. They invested THEIR money to keep the business alive.
If you want to argue the wage issue let's do that.
How many times have we discussed the absurd wages for unionized public employees?
There was a story in the NY post about suburban school superintendents being paid in excess of $500,000 per year PLUS benefits PLUS expense accounts. PLUS pension. PLUS bonuses.
In the private sector the money to pay people must be generated through profits. That's a dirty word to you libs.
Oh, would you mind sourcing these figures. You can't just pluck them off a message board.

Hostess Blames Union For Bankruptcy After Tripling CEO's Pay | ThinkProgress

When you people (yes, I did) talk about "Union employees," WHY do you always find the administrators (and I'm not real sure they fall under the union label, as they're administrators, instead of the rank and file which make up a vastly greater percentage of public servants?

Oh, never mind, I already know.
Public servants?...What the fuck are you talking about? Just 20% of all public employees are unionized. That means 80% are not.
Now that we've covered the "what the fuck do public employees have to do with this" part, let's try to stay on point here.
Union bosses ALWAYS keep their jobs. They don't have a stake in the well being of anyone but themselves. As long as their is a sign on the door, they get theirs.
Wait staff makes a relatively standard low wage that is, in theory, and in some places, made up by tips. He publicly stated, because he was butthurt over the election results, because he's a scumbag, because he hoped to capitalize on anti liberal sentiments (there's a laundry list, and its "choose all that apply) cut their hours so they wouldn't qualify under the ACA, and also planned to encourage his customers to take the 5% surcharge (because he said it benefitted employees that no longer qualified for the benefit because of the hours he cut) out of their tips.
And how long did it take you to make that up all by yourself.
I guess the facts don't matter to you.
The fact that ACA will make it impossible to keep the restaurants open due to the additional costs.
So he found a way around the rules. And Again, not to be redundant, you still cannot get by the fact that over 200 unions have sought to get around those very same rules. I guess they are "butthurt" as well. Or are they "special"?

Holy fuck, I linked to his direct quote in the first fucking post of this thread. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?

Google Image Result for
It'd THEIR MONEY...What you flubs refuse to understand is the board OWNS the company. They invested THEIR money to keep the business alive.
If you want to argue the wage issue let's do that.
How many times have we discussed the absurd wages for unionized public employees?
There was a story in the NY post about suburban school superintendents being paid in excess of $500,000 per year PLUS benefits PLUS expense accounts. PLUS pension. PLUS bonuses.
In the private sector the money to pay people must be generated through profits. That's a dirty word to you libs.
Oh, would you mind sourcing these figures. You can't just pluck them off a message board.

Hostess Blames Union For Bankruptcy After Tripling CEO's Pay | ThinkProgress

When you people (yes, I did) talk about "Union employees," WHY do you always find the administrators (and I'm not real sure they fall under the union label, as they're administrators, instead of the rank and file which make up a vastly greater percentage of public servants?

Oh, never mind, I already know.
Public servants?...What the fuck are you talking about? Just 20% of all public employees are unionized. That means 80% are not.
Now that we've covered the "what the fuck do public employees have to do with this" part, let's try to stay on point here.
Union bosses ALWAYS keep their jobs. They don't have a stake in the well being of anyone but themselves. As long as their is a sign on the door, they get theirs.

Oddly enough, I know the litany, and it just ran through my head. You're either stupid as fuck, or oh hell, you're stupid as all fuck.

[BHow many times have we discussed the absurd wages for unionized public employees?][/B]
Who the fuck are you? :eusa_eh:

Someone who is telling you what others have...That is you complain always.

Bite me, bitch, it's an opinion board. You're as pointless as he is.

LOL...You are a chronic complainer. I cannot recall a thread where you did not carp about something. Of course this is typical of liberals. You are never happy. In fact if you did not have something to bitch about, you'd be miserable.
But AH....your misery shown you care.
Whiny assed bitch child woman
Hostess Blames Union For Bankruptcy After Tripling CEO's Pay | ThinkProgress

When you people (yes, I did) talk about "Union employees," WHY do you always find the administrators (and I'm not real sure they fall under the union label, as they're administrators, instead of the rank and file which make up a vastly greater percentage of public servants?

Oh, never mind, I already know.
Public servants?...What the fuck are you talking about? Just 20% of all public employees are unionized. That means 80% are not.
Now that we've covered the "what the fuck do public employees have to do with this" part, let's try to stay on point here.
Union bosses ALWAYS keep their jobs. They don't have a stake in the well being of anyone but themselves. As long as their is a sign on the door, they get theirs.

Oddly enough, I know the litany, and it just ran through my head. You're either stupid as fuck, or oh hell, you're stupid as all fuck.

[BHow many times have we discussed the absurd wages for unionized public employees?][/B]
The only thing running through your head is a mass of conflicting impulses.
Your disconnected random rantings are an indication of that fact.
Keep it up. Free entertainment.

Papa Murphy's – is taking direct jabs in response to the drama, posting: "An important word from this Papa ... Papa Murphy's Pizza provides a fun, dynamic and rewarding place to work because we value our employees and their basic needs, including the need for affordable health care."

And so it begins :D

I have one in my town, too. Looks like I'm gonna have to check them out.

For its part, Denny's corporate office was quick to distance itself from Metz, noting that "while we respect the decision of an independent business owner to speak out on this topic, these statements do not capture the respect by Denny's, the Denny's Franchisee Association or our franchise community at large for our hardworking employees or for our valued customers."

Denny's franchisee backs off 'Obamacare' threat - MarketWatch

Good for Denny's.

oh its not over ravi. This guy just went about it wrong.

they need to add an obamacare surcharge at the bottom of every check. Watch for it... its coming to a restaurant near you.

The rest of the country will get a taste of what SF has been going though now.

So does everyone in SF hate what SF has been going through?

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