Another shitty chain restaurant seeks free advertising by being douchebags

Well, duh! That's exactly what he's doing.

then just do it..with out all the skumbag melodramatic hand wringing, 'woe is me OCARE IS DESTROYING MY BUSINESS..WOE IS ME' 'i only have a few hundred million it is destroying my business...'


It will have increased costs to business owners, a higher cost to the layed off workers ....But this was a predictable consequence eh ???

So was the liberal peanut gallery insisting that it's "just greed".
John Metz, Denny's Franchisee And Hurricane Grill & Wings Owner, Imposes Surcharge For Obamacare

"If I leave the prices the same, but say on the menu that there is a 5 percent surcharge for Obamacare, customers have two choices. They can either pay it and tip 15 or 20 percent, or if they really feel so inclined, they can reduce the amount of tip they give to the server, who is the primary beneficiary of Obamacare," Metz told The Huffington Post. "Although it may sound terrible that I'm doing this, it's the only alternative. I've got to pass the cost on to the consumer."

Metz is the franchisor of Hurricane Grill & Wings, which has 48 locations, five of which are corporate owned, and president and owner of RREMC Restaurants, which runs approximately 40 Denny's and several Dairy Queen locations. He planned to use the 5 percent surcharge tactic in all his restaurants starting in January 2014, when Obamacare is fully implemented.

Another post-election partisan throwing a temper-tantrum, at the needless expense of consumers.
Well....they can shove their breakfasts up their asses....Grand Slam style.

I usually eat locally when we go out anyway. We have a dozen Mom and Pops that serve better food thank Denny's ever will. Same with upper echelon restaurants.....Won't see me at Applebee's or Olive Garden anymore either.

Beer? we have one of the top ten brew pubs in the country about 25 minutes away....the only problem is that it's 25 minutes back home too. Coffee shops? same thing.

I'm so sick of corporate assholes running this country. They can't afford to absorb $.05/plate....or $.14/ pizza? Such bullshit, such ridiculous greed.

And you're right about the free advertising. They're thinking they are going to become the next Chick-fil-a and all these teabaggers are going to flood their restaurants and then not tip the people busting their asses to support their families.....the sad thing is.....they are probably right.

It's been said numerous times.....elections have consequences.
You knew this was coming so suck it up. Business owners are tired of getting screwed and this is the result.

I wonder what he will do after he closes up shop?

Retire on his personal investments, most likely. The REAL question is, what are his EMPLOYEES going to do when insane liberals and their policies MAKE him close up shop?
It's been said numerous times.....elections have consequences.
You knew this was coming so suck it up. Business owners are tired of getting screwed and this is the result.

I wonder what he will do after he closes up shop?

Retire on his personal investments, most likely. The REAL question is, what are his EMPLOYEES going to do when insane liberals and their policies MAKE him close up shop?

That's the thing. The employees had no investment and took no risks in the business. They sold their labor/experience/expertise for an agreed price and, if they were honorable, delivered on their part of that contract.

The owner risked probably most or all of his entire net worth starting up the business, and he is the one who loses everything if the business fails. He is responsible for all the costs of overhead, taxes, insurance, buying, management of inventory, marketing, hiring, training, labor, accounting, and absorbs cost of product that doesn't sell. In the best of times there is a point of diminishing returns when a specific price threshhold is reached for his product, and in a shitty economy, that threshhold is almost always going to be much lower.

If the business fails, the employees lose their jobs but they lose nothing of what they have already received from it and they have no material investment in it. The employer can lose his entire investment and be left holding a large debt to boot.

So again, why shouldn't the employees pay at least some of the cost of a mandate that benefits them and does not benefit their employer in anyway?
Funny, I could have sworn it was passed by a group of asshole politicians who were betting on their ability to bullshit the voters at election time. And whattaya know? THIS time, they were right.

Deal with it.

Like you deal with REPUBLICAN-sponsored legislation? I sure as shit don't hear you leftist twats babbling about "If the people didn't want it . . ." THEN. :eusa_angel:

And while we're "dealing" with things, next time deal with the WHOLE quote, not the little bit you decide to cherrypick so that you can pretend it had a different point, poltroon.
I wonder what he will do after he closes up shop?

Retire on his personal investments, most likely. The REAL question is, what are his EMPLOYEES going to do when insane liberals and their policies MAKE him close up shop?

That's the thing. The employees had no investment and took no risks in the business. They sold their labor/experience/expertise for an agreed price and, if they were honorable, delivered on their part of that contract.

The owner risked probably most or all of his entire net worth starting up the business, and he is the one who loses everything if the business fails. He is responsible for all the costs of overhead, taxes, insurance, buying, management of inventory, marketing, hiring, training, labor, accounting, and absorbs cost of product that doesn't sell. In the best of times there is a point of diminishing returns when a specific price threshhold is reached for his product, and in a shitty economy, that threshhold is almost always going to be much lower.

If the business fails, the employees lose their jobs but they lose nothing of what they have already received from it and they have no material investment in it. The employer can lose his entire investment and be left holding a large debt to boot.

So again, why shouldn't the employees pay at least some of the cost of a mandate that benefits them and does not benefit their employer in anyway?

Oh, I absolutely agree with you, but the question I want answered is, "Why don't the self-styled 'champions of the little people', who cheered Obamacare because it would 'help poor people', give a fat rat's ass that it's going to put those very people out of their jobs?"
Funny, I could have sworn it was passed by a group of asshole politicians who were betting on their ability to bullshit the voters at election time. And whattaya know? THIS time, they were right.

Deal with it.

Like you deal with REPUBLICAN-sponsored legislation? I sure as shit don't hear you leftist twats babbling about "If the people didn't want it . . ." THEN. :eusa_angel:

And while we're "dealing" with things, next time deal with the WHOLE quote, not the little bit you decide to cherrypick so that you can pretend it had a different point, poltroon.

Congress passes laws. Learn to cope.
Deal with it.

Like you deal with REPUBLICAN-sponsored legislation? I sure as shit don't hear you leftist twats babbling about "If the people didn't want it . . ." THEN. :eusa_angel:

And while we're "dealing" with things, next time deal with the WHOLE quote, not the little bit you decide to cherrypick so that you can pretend it had a different point, poltroon.

Congress passes laws. Learn to cope.

Three words for you, you hypocritical dipshit: Bush Derangement Syndrome.
Three words for you, you hypocritical dipshit: Bush Derangement Syndrome.

Did someone hurt your feelings by saying something mean about Mr. Bush?

And has that somehow left you unable to cope with representative government?

Sorry, Sparkles. Five-minute memories are a hallmark of leftists, and no one has ever accused me of being one of those. YOU may not remember the nation's psychiatrists reporting such an upsurge in therapeutic visits by liberals depressed to the point of suicide by Bush's re-election that the psychiatric profession had to coin a name for their disorder - Bush Derangement Syndrome - but I remember it.

Call me when mental health visits due to Obama spawn their own entry in the DSM, 'tard.
Three words for you, you hypocritical dipshit: Bush Derangement Syndrome.

Did someone hurt your feelings by saying something mean about Mr. Bush?

And has that somehow left you unable to cope with representative government?

Sorry, Sparkles. Five-minute memories are a hallmark of leftists, and no one has ever accused me of being one of those. YOU may not remember the nation's psychiatrists reporting such an upsurge in therapeutic visits by liberals depressed to the point of suicide by Bush's re-election that the psychiatric profession had to coin a name for their disorder - Bush Derangement Syndrome - but I remember it.

Call me when mental health visits due to Obama spawn their own entry in the DSM, 'tard.

Aw, that sounds like a yes. I'm sorry they were mean to Mr. Bush, I'm sure they regret it. That said, behavioral health care is covered under Obamacare so I think you'll all be okay.
Depends where you work. Wait staff does not get minimum wage in NY, but where the checks are inputted through a computer system, payment method doesn't matter - they're taxed on what the government assumes they were tipped. I was a cook in the 80's, and my waitresses showed me their "paychecks" that amounted to a bill they had to pay for working. The customer base was what we called the geriatric ward of Schenectady's social elite. The little old ladies tipped like it was 1944.

Now, if a tipped employee does not claim up to minimum wages in tips plus hourly wage, at least in NY, the business owner must increase their pay TO minimum wage. I'm not sure if that's the national standard.

I bartended for 5 years. Yes, 8% is the standard. The waitstaff did not declare their cash tips. Only the tips on CC's and DC's.
And yes it depends on the type of establishment and the clientele regarding tips.
Mom and pop places patronized by lder people tend to see lower tip amounts.
As do places frequented by college kids. Also rural people tend to be lousy tippers as do minorities.
Quite frankly most demographic groups are ignorant or even resentful when it comes to tipping.
The worst tippers are "new money" rich people and yes, take is as you will, young black people.
I can go on with one story after another citing incidents where we got stiffed.
At the end of the day, you just bite your lip and move on. We have long memories. The "stiffs" are labeled for good. When they come back in, they get the short end of the stick. If they get pissed off an leave, we achieve our goal. We were so busy ,we did not have to worry about serving cheapskates.
Anyway, I believe you are correct in that if the server does not achieve a hourly rate that equals minimum wage, the establishment must make up the difference.

It doesn't matter if they declare cash or not. Servers pay tax on 8% of their sales. Servers are supposed to earn 15%-20% of their sales in tips but the government has taken into account that their are some real cheapskate bastards out there who either shortchange or stiff the server entirely.

I earned $2.01 per hour when I waited tables in Philly. The only reason why I got that from the restaurant was to cover the taxes I owed on the 8% of my sales. Sometimes I got a paycheck for a few dollars, sometimes I owed money back to the restaurant each pay period.

I will never wait another table again as long as I live. If servers are walking out the door with 5-6 hundred dollars in their pockets, they have earned every penny they make.

Depends upon where they work. In the heyday of this sports bar we were packed on Thursday ,Friday and Saturday nights. We usually had two bartenders and at least three if not 4 waitstaff on the floor. I was not uncommon for the waitstaff to make at least $300 each for one evening. We had two women that were excellent at "cocktailing" They would cruise around picking up drink orders for those not seated at tables or booths. These two would walk out with an excess of $500 in tips.
Well....they can shove their breakfasts up their asses....Grand Slam style.

I usually eat locally when we go out anyway. We have a dozen Mom and Pops that serve better food thank Denny's ever will. Same with upper echelon restaurants.....Won't see me at Applebee's or Olive Garden anymore either.

Beer? we have one of the top ten brew pubs in the country about 25 minutes away....the only problem is that it's 25 minutes back home too. Coffee shops? same thing.

I'm so sick of corporate assholes running this country. They can't afford to absorb $.05/plate....or $.14/ pizza? Such bullshit, such ridiculous greed.

And you're right about the free advertising. They're thinking they are going to become the next Chick-fil-a and all these teabaggers are going to flood their restaurants and then not tip the people busting their asses to support their families.....the sad thing is.....they are probably right.

Well, there you go. Another plan touted as "for the poor, downtrodden employees" unmasked as REALLY being about putting those goddamned big corporations out of business, no matter HOW many employees it puts out of jobs.

1) Pass a fucking insane law - in this case, Obamacare - while sneering at everyone who tells you that it will harm businesses.

2) Sprain your arm patting yourself on the back for how much your insane law will "help" employees and other "little guys".

3) Splutter in outrage when the reaction to your insane law is EXACTLY what you were told it would be, and sneered at.

4) Denounce the business owners as evil rich guys.

5) Proudly proclaim that you hope they go out of business, and storm off to take your spending elsewhere to hopefully aid in putting them out of business.

6) Scream in horror at the plight of their former employees, who are now on unemployment.

7) Pass more insane laws in order to "help" the people your plan has put out of jobs, sneering at everyone who warns you about the negative consequences of your insane laws.

8) Go back to the top, and repeat indefinitely until the nation's economy collapses.

I swear to God, liberals are the stupidest living creatures on the planet, outstripping even the sea sponge and amoebas.

That is the BEST friggin post i have ever read on this board. If were playing golf, I'd say you just bombed it 50 yards past my best tee shot!
I will most definitely rep you for that.
Now, the sad part. Pro big labor liberals will look upon your post with utter disdain and vitriol. You will be lambasted for stating the truth.
The bottom line here in this issue is this....The libs on here absolutely are overjoyed with the concept of Obamacare. They have no idea what it is, but they love it. Why? Because their President, their guy which they bestow all their worship upon got one over on the American people. They are proud to the point of behaving like bubbling parents over Joey's first goal in youth soccer.
Their reaction to Obama's election was a collective "fuck you" to all who do not bow to the Chosen One. Case and point....MarcATL's thread...."Obama won biatches"...The gloating from the Obamatons on this board is as deep as Lake Meade at the Hoover Dam.
Now we get to the issue of this thread. Look at the reactions. "Denny sucks"...I never og to chain restaurants anyway..Side note...oh? Then why do you care about this issue so much?..
I will tell you why. The libs who are posting with such seething hatred toward Mr Metz and Denny's don;t give a shit about the employees of the restaurants. No. They are furious that someone in the business community has taken a stand against s shitty piece of legislation. AND has figured out a way around it. What the pro labor libs on here ignore is the fact that over 200 labor unions have demanded they be exempt from Obamacare. One of the parts of the ACA law is that those with the so called "cadillac plans" have to pay fees or taxes based on the value of those plans. Unions are typically the ones with those plans. This also effects all non federal public employees. The last thing Obama wants is to piss off a substantial constituency( unions)..But that's different. Those are hard working people and they deserve to keep their plans intact. Meanwhile the rest of us get to endure European style socialized medicine.
MOre liberal pro big labor propaganda.
Yeah, ok. Look at what big labor has done with the Hostess Co. he unions threw 18,500 workers under the bus. Brilliant!

There's a whole thread on that here:

I guess you missed this part:
BCTGM members are well aware that as the company was preparing to file for bankruptcy earlier this year, the then CEO of Hostess was awarded a 300 percent raise (from approximately $750,000 to $2,550,000) and at least nine other top executives of the company received massive pay raises. One such executive received a pay increase from $500,000 to $900,000 and another received one taking his salary from $375,000 to $656,256.
It'd THEIR MONEY...What you flubs refuse to understand is the board OWNS the company. They invested THEIR money to keep the business alive.
If you want to argue the wage issue let's do that.
How many times have we discussed the absurd wages for unionized public employees?
There was a story in the NY post about suburban school superintendents being paid in excess of $500,000 per year PLUS benefits PLUS expense accounts. PLUS pension. PLUS bonuses.
In the private sector the money to pay people must be generated through profits. That's a dirty word to you libs.
Oh, would you mind sourcing these figures. You can't just pluck them off a message board.

Hostess Blames Union For Bankruptcy After Tripling CEO's Pay | ThinkProgress

When you people (yes, I did) talk about "Union employees," WHY do you always find the administrators (and I'm not real sure they fall under the union label, as they're administrators, instead of the rank and file which make up a vastly greater percentage of public servants?

Oh, never mind, I already know.
And one more time the question that nobody on the left will even acknowledge, much less answer:

What is wrong with asking the employees to absorb some of the cost of a benefit that benefits them and nobody else?

Could you maybe read the op and the link in it? CLEARLY he indicated that he planned to cut their hours so they wouldn't QUALIFY FOR the "benefit." He then indicated his intention to encourage the folks who patronized his establishments to stiff the waitstaff he cut hours on to avoid paying for the "benefit" they no longer QUALIFIED FOR because he cut their hours. This isn't rocket science.
John Metz, Denny's Franchisee And Hurricane Grill & Wings Owner, Imposes Surcharge For Obamacare

"If I leave the prices the same, but say on the menu that there is a 5 percent surcharge for Obamacare, customers have two choices. They can either pay it and tip 15 or 20 percent, or if they really feel so inclined, they can reduce the amount of tip they give to the server, who is the primary beneficiary of Obamacare," Metz told The Huffington Post. "Although it may sound terrible that I'm doing this, it's the only alternative. I've got to pass the cost on to the consumer."

Metz is the franchisor of Hurricane Grill & Wings, which has 48 locations, five of which are corporate owned, and president and owner of RREMC Restaurants, which runs approximately 40 Denny's and several Dairy Queen locations. He planned to use the 5 percent surcharge tactic in all his restaurants starting in January 2014, when Obamacare is fully implemented.

This guy is a moron. He thinks the type of person that eats at his establishments care about the individual sources of his costs. He thinks that his customers care about his politics. He is a fool. There are plenty of places to eat. If he was smart he would just raise the price of his Pizzas 25 cents or whatever covers the health care cost and not make a big thing about it. Nobody goes to Denny's to make a political statement. Now fewer people will go to a Denny's because they do not want to be used by this weasle to make a political point.

Hey moron! Your 1%ers friends don't eat at your Dennys. They will pay more as will everyone at the nicer restaurants they go to but the restaurant owners there will just raise their prices slightly and not throw the reason in anyones face.

Trying to make his own help suffer in tips is really stupid also. Treating your help like shit is a good way to go out of business.

This guy is truly an idiot. I can't believe anyone this stupid has done this well so far. Oh well...that's about to end.

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