Another shitty chain restaurant seeks free advertising by being douchebags

Who the fuck are you? :eusa_eh:

Someone who is telling you what others have...That is you complain always.

Anyone ever tell you that you communicate like a halfwit? Please, allow me.

Did anyone ever tell you that it is wise to not post and leave people guessing that you are stupid rather than speak out and leave no doubt.
You're the genius that decided to go on an anti sweetened food campaign in a thread about labor issues.
Who is the idiot?
Deal with it.

You don't matter. Sooner or later smug assholes get blindsided by their own sense of self importance. Have a look at Paula Broadwell and Jill Kelley.
You libs have convinced yourselves that Obama and his policies are permanent. Eventually, your side will no longer have the White House. People are destined to get tired of the elected people and they fire them. Just remember that. Because "change" is coming much sooner than you think.
When your busy partying, time goes by real fast.

Yes, the rowdy towns halls will make short work of it. And the election of Scott Brown to the Senate. And the new GOP House defunding it. And the Supreme Court ruling striking it down. And Mitt Romney's landslide victory.

Someday the reality is going to sink in. Deal with it.

That is for today.
You must realize your gloating will soon turn to tears of despair.
You'll never get everything you want.
Unless you are convinced the United States will become a fragmented Union of Socialist States, I suggest you seek help.

oh its not over ravi. This guy just went about it wrong.

they need to add an obamacare surcharge at the bottom of every check. Watch for it... its coming to a restaurant near you.

The rest of the country will get a taste of what SF has been going though now.

So does everyone in SF hate what SF has been going through?

Most definitely not.
I hope he knows that labor law dictates his responsibility to pay up to minimum wage for any day his servers don't make tips at least to that amount. I hope those servers know about that law.

Also in some states when you add a stated charge you have created a fiduciary responsibility to use the funds as represented. For example, in many restuarants parties of eight or more are charged a 15% fee in lieu of or in addition to tips. Failure to distribute such funds to the workers can be embezzlement.
You don't matter. Sooner or later smug assholes get blindsided by their own sense of self importance. Have a look at Paula Broadwell and Jill Kelley.
You libs have convinced yourselves that Obama and his policies are permanent. Eventually, your side will no longer have the White House. People are destined to get tired of the elected people and they fire them. Just remember that. Because "change" is coming much sooner than you think.
When your busy partying, time goes by real fast.

Yes, the rowdy towns halls will make short work of it. And the election of Scott Brown to the Senate. And the new GOP House defunding it. And the Supreme Court ruling striking it down. And Mitt Romney's landslide victory.

Someday the reality is going to sink in. Deal with it.

That is for today.
You must realize your gloating will soon turn to tears of despair.
You'll never get everything you want.
Unless you are convinced the United States will become a fragmented Union of Socialist States, I suggest you seek help.

What don't you tell us again how Obama is a bad President because he rolls up his sleeves.
John Metz, Denny's Franchisee And Hurricane Grill & Wings Owner, Imposes Surcharge For Obamacare

"If I leave the prices the same, but say on the menu that there is a 5 percent surcharge for Obamacare, customers have two choices. They can either pay it and tip 15 or 20 percent, or if they really feel so inclined, they can reduce the amount of tip they give to the server, who is the primary beneficiary of Obamacare," Metz told The Huffington Post. "Although it may sound terrible that I'm doing this, it's the only alternative. I've got to pass the cost on to the consumer."

Metz is the franchisor of Hurricane Grill & Wings, which has 48 locations, five of which are corporate owned, and president and owner of RREMC Restaurants, which runs approximately 40 Denny's and several Dairy Queen locations. He planned to use the 5 percent surcharge tactic in all his restaurants starting in January 2014, when Obamacare is fully implemented.

So he rakes in hundreds of thousands of dollars in profits each year, but is too selfish and greedy to pay his employees a decent wage?

What a scumbag.

Reads more like a stupid businessman to me.
I hope he knows that labor law dictates his responsibility to pay up to minimum wage for any day his servers don't make tips at least to that amount. I hope those servers know about that law.

Also in some states when you add a stated charge you have created a fiduciary responsibility to use the funds as represented. For example, in many restuarants parties of eight or more are charged a 15% fee in lieu of or in addition to tips. Failure to distribute such funds to the workers can be embezzlement.

Of course there are always horror stories regarding that.
My wife's friend's daughter just quit a waitstaff job at an upscale restaurant. She and several others showed up for their shifts on pay day and walked out.
The reason? The owner had them busting their butts during the DNC. All parties were charged and additional 18% gratuity. In addition, many parties also tipped above that.
Well, not only did this owner change the rules and decided to pool the tips, he also decided the 18% was his. The daughter of my wife's friend had sales that would have netted her (based on just 15%) about $1800 for the week. Each member of the staff got only $500 from which he deducted taxes, etc. Crook kept the rest.
They all walked out. Good for them.
Yes, the rowdy towns halls will make short work of it. And the election of Scott Brown to the Senate. And the new GOP House defunding it. And the Supreme Court ruling striking it down. And Mitt Romney's landslide victory.

Someday the reality is going to sink in. Deal with it.

That is for today.
You must realize your gloating will soon turn to tears of despair.
You'll never get everything you want.
Unless you are convinced the United States will become a fragmented Union of Socialist States, I suggest you seek help.

What don't you tell us again how Obama is a bad President because he rolls up his sleeves.
Jesus Christ. Can any of you libs stay on point.
If you want to discuss Obama's choice of presentation in public, feel free to start a thread on that matter.
Oh any argument that took place over 30 days ago is no longer valid in a discussion.
That is for today.
You must realize your gloating will soon turn to tears of despair.
You'll never get everything you want.
Unless you are convinced the United States will become a fragmented Union of Socialist States, I suggest you seek help.

Asking hospitals and physicians to be accountable for the quality of their product isn't so revolutionary a concept. I realize there will be a continuing push from some to go back to malfunctioning markets and to continue pissing away dollars on shitty service models and dysfunctional incentive systems.

But the momentum for building a better health care system is there now, in both the public and the private sectors. Everything I want is simply for the foundation to be laid for a health system that can learn from its mistakes, does no harm, and relies on competitive pressures for value (holding folks and institutions accountable for their performance) to improve itself. And I'm delighted to see that finally starting to happen.
That is for today.
You must realize your gloating will soon turn to tears of despair.
You'll never get everything you want.
Unless you are convinced the United States will become a fragmented Union of Socialist States, I suggest you seek help.

What don't you tell us again how Obama is a bad President because he rolls up his sleeves.
Jesus Christ. Can any of you libs stay on point.
If you want to discuss Obama's choice of presentation in public, feel free to start a thread on that matter.
Oh any argument that took place over 30 days ago is no longer valid in a discussion.

And that is the way to handle such matters. I don't stay on any job in which the boss is a complete asshole--and I've had a few of those--and I have quit and/or walked out. In fact the last job I had I did that. And I then went into business for myself until I retired.

Nobody has to submit to mistreatment from their employers in this country, and nobody should. That doesn't mean there won't be unpleasant aspects of every job whether we work for the other guy or for ourselves, and that doesn't mean that we should be able to dictate to the employer what the policy will be. But when the employer is a vindictive jerk or does not follow through on what the employees have every right to expect or changes the rules to something unacceptable, the best remedy for that is to just leave.

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