ANOTHER Snowflake LIE / False Narrative Go's Down In Flames....

The latest case of snowflakes throwing shit at the wall to see if anything sticks just went up in flames courtesy of Nikki Haley:

LINE IN THE SAND -- Nikki Haley SLAMS 'Assad, Russia And Iran' In Fiery Speech Before United Nations [VIDEO]

During Nikki Haley’s Wednesday speech before the United Nations, she accused the Assad regime, Russia and Iran of having “no interest in peace.”

“Assad has no incentive to stop using chemical weapons as long as Russia continues to protect his regime from consequences,” she continued. “I implore my colleagues to take a hard look at their words in this council.”

“There is an obvious truth here that must be spoken,” Haley continued. “The truth is that Assad, Russia and Iran have no interest in peace.”

The illegitimate Syrian government, led by a man with no conscious, has committed untold atrocities against his people for more than six years.”

Tell me that bedtime story again, snowflakes, about how Trump is an al-Assad supporter.

View attachment 120394

Trump made it clear he's an Assad supporter the other day when he took Assad being taken out off the table.

Now Trump is staring at a sumptuous plateful of shit sandwiches that he ordered with that proclamation.

Everyone wondered how he would handle his first big foreign situation and now we know. They're children, innocent people, victims of Assad.

Pooting owns drumpf. Its that simple.
The latest case of snowflakes throwing shit at the wall to see if anything sticks just went up in flames courtesy of Nikki Haley:

LINE IN THE SAND -- Nikki Haley SLAMS 'Assad, Russia And Iran' In Fiery Speech Before United Nations [VIDEO]

During Nikki Haley’s Wednesday speech before the United Nations, she accused the Assad regime, Russia and Iran of having “no interest in peace.”

“Assad has no incentive to stop using chemical weapons as long as Russia continues to protect his regime from consequences,” she continued. “I implore my colleagues to take a hard look at their words in this council.”

“There is an obvious truth here that must be spoken,” Haley continued. “The truth is that Assad, Russia and Iran have no interest in peace.”

The illegitimate Syrian government, led by a man with no conscious, has committed untold atrocities against his people for more than six years.”

Tell me that bedtime story again, snowflakes, about how Trump is an al-Assad supporter.

View attachment 120394

Trump made it clear he's an Assad supporter the other day when he took Assad being taken out off the table.

Now Trump is staring at a sumptuous plateful of shit sandwiches that he ordered with that proclamation.

Everyone wondered how he would handle his first big foreign situation and now we know. They're children, innocent people, victims of Assad.

Pooting owns drumpf.

Even the RWNJ traitors admit that's a big part of why they voted for him.
Methinks Haley is about to get Flynn'd and/or Bannon'd for that one

Interesting that while drummpf is busy defending another sexual predator, Haley is acting presidential.

If drumpf decides to go against his boss, Pooting, will congress refuse him as they did Obama?

Or will drumpf keep lying that its all Obama's fault?

My bet is that he will never defy Pooting, never act like a president and will always blame Obama - because that's the kind of lying sos he is.

So Trump blaming Obama is bad, Obama blaming Bush is good? T
hat is pretty funny stuff!


Dang! Just like always, you agree with an outright lie AND then you disagree with the truth. You RWNJ Pootarians never change.

So you can't honestly answer, blaming Bush is okay and blaming Obama isn't? You are such a partisan dumb dumb.
Evidence coming out that again it was the terrorists gas......which may have been in a depot hit by by arty or an airstrike

Oh god you really believe that BULLSHIT. The only evidence is what Russia says. You are either a fool or a collaborator. Why don't you go to Russia with your pal Putin.
Evidence coming out that again it was the terrorists gas......which may have been in a depot hit by by arty or an airstrike

Oh god you really believe that BULLSHIT. The only evidence is what Russia says. You are either a fool or a collaborator. Why don't you go to Russia with your pal Putin.
How many chemical strikes were blamed on Assad alrdy that werent his doing eh........certainly there is time to establish facts before we go bomb just to bomb so we can feel like we did sound like what you accused Bachmann of unhinged warmonger
Trump made it clear he's an Assad supporter the other day when he took Assad being taken out off the table.
What a dumbass!

The Trump administrarion made it clear Assad is a war criminal who has committed the attrocities of gassing his own people. Only a snowflake would take that as a declaration of SUPPORT for Assad!

You're a hypocrite, to boot. You condemn Russia for interfering with our elections while cheering on Obama, who helped overthrow the govt of our ally Egypt - helping terrorists take over, who tried to overthrow the leader of our ally Israel, who helped Al Qaeda overthrow and murder the leader of Libya who was HELPING the coalition fight terrorists in northern Africa, and who tried to overthrow the Syrian govt so ISIS could take over.

You're too stupid to see that continuing Obama's policy of trying to overthrow govts - both friends and enenies - is counter-productive, not to mention a waste of time with Syria as long as Putin protects Assad.

You're too ignorant to see that if the US did overthrow Assad the country is too unstable for anone else BUT ISIS / terrorists to fill the void.

You are blinded by your all-encompassing, sore-loser, butt-hurt hatred of the man who kicked your candidates ass, a candidate the DNC had to help win their nomination, a candidate who was the worst candidate in US history.

Don't blame the GOP or Trump because you stupid f*ers backed the worst candidate in US history based on her claim that it was 'her turn'. That's all on YOU!

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