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Another socialist system crashes and burns in Europe

This is sort of curious as we have our whiners too, has anyone noticed the medicare recipients, aka tea party? Not much difference there, and since our economy required a massive bailout it could just be this so called capitalist system ain't working much better, actually the great recession is proof it ain't. So if you throw stones make sure your nation is not another glass house and your whining is not just more whining and not something positive.

"The conclusion is that, if anything, tax increases on higher-income families are the least damaging mechanism for closing state fiscal deficits in the short run. Reductions in government spending on goods and services, or reductions in transfer payments to lower-income families, are likely to be more damaging to the economy in the short run than tax increases focused on higher-income families. In any case, in terms of how counter-productive they are, there is no automatic preference for spending reductions rather than tax increases."
Spending Cuts Vs. Tax Increases at the State Level, 10/30/01

Uh huh....Right....
Answer this......should government be required to spend no more than it collects in revenue?
Name the last time any nation in the last 150 years was able to tax itself into prosperity.
Explain your view on the Kennedy tax cut of the top marginal rate form nearly 90% to 70% that resulted in an INCREASE in revenue to the federal government..
Explain your view on the Reagan tax cut of the top marginal rate down to 28% and how that tax rate reductuon resulted in an INCREASE in revenue collected by the federal government....Also explain your view of the fact that with each reduction of tax rates, economic activity increased, jobs in the private sector were created which resulted in more peope paying taxes....
Explain your view on President Johnson's promise that his "Great Society " welfare program was going to end poverty in the United States.

Now, I did not ask you to debate or shout back about talking points or any other protestations.
I simply want your view of the facts at hand. That is if I am reading this correctly that you do not beleive captialism is a fair or susutainable system..
This is not an opportunity for you to shout at me about my political views or a time for you to offer rhetoric ....
I simply want you to offer salient counterpoints to the statements above.
This is a discussion...
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Governments scare me too. But that doesn't mean that everything they do is bad.

aside form national defense, what good works can you attribute to government.. For example our federal government?

Social Security, Minimum wage, Medicare/Medicaid, the Interstate system, the Internet....

I could go on for a while, if you like.

Lets see.

SS and Medicare are both going bankrupt.

The minimum Wage rate hike, has lead to 25% unemployment among the young.

The Interstate system is falling apart.

And the internet was created as part of Defense :)
aside form national defense, what good works can you attribute to government.. For example our federal government?

Social Security, Minimum wage, Medicare/Medicaid, the Interstate system, the Internet....

I could go on for a while, if you like.

Lets see.

SS and Medicare are both going bankrupt.
Whether or not the funding for both needs to be re-looked at, the success of the programs is undeniable. Social Security allowed seniors to not have to live on cat food, and Medicare is more efficient than private insurance by a significant extent.

The minimum Wage rate hike, has lead to 25% unemployment among the young.
Your opinion, not fact. The minimum wage and other organized labor causes created the middle class.

The Interstate system is falling apart.
Because we need to fix it, not due to inherent problems. Do you think America would be better off without it?

And the internet was created as part of Defense :)
You're right on this one. :razz:
Social Security, Minimum wage, Medicare/Medicaid, the Interstate system, the Internet....

I could go on for a while, if you like.

Lets see.

SS and Medicare are both going bankrupt.
Whether or not the funding for both needs to be re-looked at, the success of the programs is undeniable. Social Security allowed seniors to not have to live on cat food, and Medicare is more efficient than private insurance by a significant extent.

Your opinion, not fact. The minimum wage and other organized labor causes created the middle class.

The Interstate system is falling apart.
Because we need to fix it, not due to inherent problems. Do you think America would be better off without it?

And the internet was created as part of Defense :)
You're right on this one. :razz:

Thanks for the input :)

I was really just playing.

Feeling kinda sassy tonight.

Though I Do think SS and Medicare are money pits that are unsustainable.

The rest was a joke :)
Words don't scare me....governments scare me, Doctor.

Governments scare me too. But that doesn't mean that everything they do is bad.

aside form national defense, what good works can you attribute to government.. For example our federal government?

The Interstate Highway System is one example. The FAA does a reasonably good job of regulating the airline industry in terms of safety requirements. The Federal Bureau of Prisons does a good job of keeping the bad guys in jail, The FBI is pretty good at dealing with interstate crime, the FDA has a reasonably good track record at keeping the food supply safe for the citizens of the US.

There are many more as well. When you take a completely contrarian view as you have you lose credibility. Government has many many problems. Find those and fix those but don't ascribe problems where there are none.
I have to wonder about liberals who still insist the US must go down this same road -even as we see the ignorant masses in these countries rioting, vandalizing and torching their own country. Talk about stupid liberals refusing to learn from history. It doesn't matter how many times they see such a system come crashing down -they insist that if given just one more chance to inflict it on everyone else again, surely they can get it to work! They absolutely refuse to come to grips with the FACT that socialism and communism have a built-in fatal flaw that guarantees their inevitable collapse! NO WAY TO AVOID IT -except not to adopt it in the first place of course.

What is happening in Spain and Greece are the INEVITABLE consequences of socialist policies. And the rioting by these morons acting like big babies throwing a dangerous temper tantrum - is what you get from citizens when your government run schools indoctrinate students to believe it is government's job to take care of you like its your nanny and parental replacement! Spain and Greece SO deserve what they created here -both in the collapse and bankruptcy of their systems and in the poor quality citizens they deliberately produced. If you are taught that you will still need someone else to take care you even as an adult, then you have no reason to EVER develop any mature critical thinking skills, understanding of how your own system of government works - or appreciation of cause-and-effect. Or ever grow up and take responsibility for yourself! And now the government created morons who were taught to believe dependency on government for their existence all their lives was not only possible, but a good thing -have turned on their own government because it ran out of other people's monies and it can no longer take care of them and deliver on the goods and services it said was GOVERNMENT'S job to provide instead of their own -but will be now as it should have been IN THE FIRST PLACE!

ROFL -now Spain must deal with the additional reality that they not only have a shortage of money, but of adults as well after the DELIBERATE decision to produce a couple of generations of nothing but big whiny, temper tantrum throwing babies. They deserve no better citizens than the ones they have now. The Spanish and Greek rioters are morons who were CREATED by their own government. Liberalism is most attractive to the immature anyway who fear and resist adulthood -so it is no surprise to see when they get unhappy about something, how quickly they resort to acts of violence and throw their temper tantrums. (Just compare the behavior of conservatives at Tea Parties where no one has ever been arrested to this day for any reason, much less for an act of violence - to liberals protesting just about anything, say -Arizona's immigration law where the big babies believed throwing bottles and rocks at cops were the sign of the mature mind rationally debating the issue! ROFL)

Only in the mind of idiots is destroying public and private property because you are unhappy that your government is broke and can't pay for the goodies anymore because the people they had been sticking with the bill for it all don't have any more money either -considered a rational response! ROFL Oh sure-riots and vandalism and torching stuff will make money magically appear in government coffers. YOU STUPID IDIOTS -if YOU don't have the money and none of your fellow citizens have it either -where the FUCK do you REALLY think its going to come from?
Spanish Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Right Wing Fascist Dictator of Spain, Franco, died in 1975. Spain has no death squads today.
Does your opinion of Europe's "Financial Coup d'Etat" change if US made nuclear bombs are stored on Italian, Turkish, Belgium, German, and Dutch air force bases and planes from each of these countries are training to deliver them?

"Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy and Turkey: 'Undeclared Nuclear Weapons States'

"While Iran's nuclear weapons capabilities are unconfirmed, the nuclear weapons capabilities of these five countries including delivery procedures are formally acknowledged.

"The US has supplied some 480 B61 thermonuclear bombs to five so-called 'non-nuclear states', including Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey.

"Casually disregarded by the Vienna based UN Nuclear Watchdog (IAEA), the US has actively contributed to the proliferation of nuclear weapons in Western Europe.

"As part of this European stockpiling, Turkey, which is a partner of the US-led coalition against Iran along with Israel, possesses some 90 thermonuclear B61 bunker buster bombs at the Incirlik nuclear air base. (National Resources Defense Council, Nuclear Weapons in Europe , February 2005)

"By the recognized definition, these five countries are 'undeclared nuclear weapons states'.

"The stockpiling and deployment of tactical B61 in these five 'non-nuclear states' are intended for targets in the Middle East.

"Moreover, in accordance with 'NATO strike plans', these thermonuclear B61 bunker buster bombs (stockpiled by the 'non-nuclear States') could be launched 'against targets in Russia or countries in the Middle East such as Syria and Iran' ( quoted in National Resources Defense Council, Nuclear Weapons in Europe , February 2005)

"Does this mean that Iran or Russia, which are potential targets of a nuclear attack originating from one or other of these five so-called non-nuclear states should contemplate defensive preemptive nuclear attacks against Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Turkey? The answer is no, by any stretch of the imagination.

"While these 'undeclared nuclear states' casually accuse Tehran of developing nuclear weapons, without documentary evidence, they themselves have capabilities of delivering nuclear warheads, which are targeted at Iran.

"To say that this is a clear case of 'double standards' by the IAEA and the 'international community' is a understatement."

Europe's Five...
Does your opinion of Europe's "Financial Coup d'Etat" change if US made nuclear bombs are stored on Italian, Turkish, Belgium, German, and Dutch air force bases and planes from each of these countries are training to deliver them?

"Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy and Turkey: 'Undeclared Nuclear Weapons States'

"While Iran's nuclear weapons capabilities are unconfirmed, the nuclear weapons capabilities of these five countries including delivery procedures are formally acknowledged.

"The US has supplied some 480 B61 thermonuclear bombs to five so-called 'non-nuclear states', including Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey.

"Casually disregarded by the Vienna based UN Nuclear Watchdog (IAEA), the US has actively contributed to the proliferation of nuclear weapons in Western Europe.

"As part of this European stockpiling, Turkey, which is a partner of the US-led coalition against Iran along with Israel, possesses some 90 thermonuclear B61 bunker buster bombs at the Incirlik nuclear air base. (National Resources Defense Council, Nuclear Weapons in Europe , February 2005)

"By the recognized definition, these five countries are 'undeclared nuclear weapons states'.

"The stockpiling and deployment of tactical B61 in these five 'non-nuclear states' are intended for targets in the Middle East.

"Moreover, in accordance with 'NATO strike plans', these thermonuclear B61 bunker buster bombs (stockpiled by the 'non-nuclear States') could be launched 'against targets in Russia or countries in the Middle East such as Syria and Iran' ( quoted in National Resources Defense Council, Nuclear Weapons in Europe , February 2005)

"Does this mean that Iran or Russia, which are potential targets of a nuclear attack originating from one or other of these five so-called non-nuclear states should contemplate defensive preemptive nuclear attacks against Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Turkey? The answer is no, by any stretch of the imagination.

"While these 'undeclared nuclear states' casually accuse Tehran of developing nuclear weapons, without documentary evidence, they themselves have capabilities of delivering nuclear warheads, which are targeted at Iran.

"To say that this is a clear case of 'double standards' by the IAEA and the 'international community' is a understatement."

Europe's Five...
What does this have to do with Europeans protesting the loss of sacred cow entitlements..
However, since you opened the door...Iran is a rogue terrorist nation. Iran's president is a holocaust denier. He has threatened to "blow Israel off the map".
Governments scare me too. But that doesn't mean that everything they do is bad.

aside form national defense, what good works can you attribute to government.. For example our federal government?

Social Security, Minimum wage, Medicare/Medicaid, the Interstate system, the Internet....

I could go on for a while, if you like.

None of which are really the business of the federal government.
minimum wage laws have actually COST jobs. Millions of kids cannot find sunmmer work because the min wage is so high..
BTW most highway projects inclusive of Interstate highways are funded by the states. These roads are in part federally funded with strings attached.
One, the age to consume alcohol must be 21. Two, the highway MUST be toll free.
The roadway must be built to standards set by the federal government.
There are others. The key is that the roads were built for national defense. That is an essential function of the federal government.
Social Secuity is junk. It went from a very good idea to a simple tax on wages. Once Johnson declared the money in the SS fund was to be transfered over to the general fund SS died. We no longer need it and in 20 or 30 years the system will be underfunded to the point where benefits cannot be paid.
Right now there are just under 2 workers contributing for every former worker collecting.
This is not "Old Age Pension". It is not a means of finacial subsitence. SS was always considered to be a supplement. It's not even that anymore.
The fact that we now have illegal aliens collecting SS payments is an outrage.
The internet? Please tell me you do not believe that crap about AlGore....
Does your opinion of Europe's "Financial Coup d'Etat" change if US made nuclear bombs are stored on Italian, Turkish, Belgium, German, and Dutch air force bases and planes from each of these countries are training to deliver them?

"Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy and Turkey: 'Undeclared Nuclear Weapons States'

"While Iran's nuclear weapons capabilities are unconfirmed, the nuclear weapons capabilities of these five countries including delivery procedures are formally acknowledged.

"The US has supplied some 480 B61 thermonuclear bombs to five so-called 'non-nuclear states', including Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey.

"Casually disregarded by the Vienna based UN Nuclear Watchdog (IAEA), the US has actively contributed to the proliferation of nuclear weapons in Western Europe.

"As part of this European stockpiling, Turkey, which is a partner of the US-led coalition against Iran along with Israel, possesses some 90 thermonuclear B61 bunker buster bombs at the Incirlik nuclear air base. (National Resources Defense Council, Nuclear Weapons in Europe , February 2005)

"By the recognized definition, these five countries are 'undeclared nuclear weapons states'.

"The stockpiling and deployment of tactical B61 in these five 'non-nuclear states' are intended for targets in the Middle East.

"Moreover, in accordance with 'NATO strike plans', these thermonuclear B61 bunker buster bombs (stockpiled by the 'non-nuclear States') could be launched 'against targets in Russia or countries in the Middle East such as Syria and Iran' ( quoted in National Resources Defense Council, Nuclear Weapons in Europe , February 2005)

"Does this mean that Iran or Russia, which are potential targets of a nuclear attack originating from one or other of these five so-called non-nuclear states should contemplate defensive preemptive nuclear attacks against Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Turkey? The answer is no, by any stretch of the imagination.

"While these 'undeclared nuclear states' casually accuse Tehran of developing nuclear weapons, without documentary evidence, they themselves have capabilities of delivering nuclear warheads, which are targeted at Iran.

"To say that this is a clear case of 'double standards' by the IAEA and the 'international community' is a understatement."

Europe's Five...
What does this have to do with Europeans protesting the loss of sacred cow entitlements..
However, since you opened the door...Iran is a rogue terrorist nation. Iran's president is a holocaust denier. He has threatened to "blow Israel off the map".
What you see as "sacred cow entitlements" are the cornerstones of the European middle class and therefore represent a major challenge to the widening global gap between the richest 1% of humanity and everyone else.

"In sum, the Neoliberal Revolution seeks to achieve in Europe what the United States has achieved since real wages stopped rising in 1979: doubling the share of wealth enjoyed by the richest 1 per cent.

"This involves reducing the middle class to poverty, breaking union power, and destroying the internal market as a precondition."

This requires a dictatorship with the the European Central Bank taking economic authority from elected governments across the continent.

Most dictators find nuclear weapons useful.

BTW, Iran hasn't invaded or occupied another sovereign nation in the last hundred years. Maybe you should worry more about star-spangled rogues and terrorists?

A Financial Coup..
Does your opinion of Europe's "Financial Coup d'Etat" change if US made nuclear bombs are stored on Italian, Turkish, Belgium, German, and Dutch air force bases and planes from each of these countries are training to deliver them?

"Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy and Turkey: 'Undeclared Nuclear Weapons States'

"While Iran's nuclear weapons capabilities are unconfirmed, the nuclear weapons capabilities of these five countries including delivery procedures are formally acknowledged.

"The US has supplied some 480 B61 thermonuclear bombs to five so-called 'non-nuclear states', including Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey.

"Casually disregarded by the Vienna based UN Nuclear Watchdog (IAEA), the US has actively contributed to the proliferation of nuclear weapons in Western Europe.

"As part of this European stockpiling, Turkey, which is a partner of the US-led coalition against Iran along with Israel, possesses some 90 thermonuclear B61 bunker buster bombs at the Incirlik nuclear air base. (National Resources Defense Council, Nuclear Weapons in Europe , February 2005)

"By the recognized definition, these five countries are 'undeclared nuclear weapons states'.

"The stockpiling and deployment of tactical B61 in these five 'non-nuclear states' are intended for targets in the Middle East.

"Moreover, in accordance with 'NATO strike plans', these thermonuclear B61 bunker buster bombs (stockpiled by the 'non-nuclear States') could be launched 'against targets in Russia or countries in the Middle East such as Syria and Iran' ( quoted in National Resources Defense Council, Nuclear Weapons in Europe , February 2005)

"Does this mean that Iran or Russia, which are potential targets of a nuclear attack originating from one or other of these five so-called non-nuclear states should contemplate defensive preemptive nuclear attacks against Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Turkey? The answer is no, by any stretch of the imagination.

"While these 'undeclared nuclear states' casually accuse Tehran of developing nuclear weapons, without documentary evidence, they themselves have capabilities of delivering nuclear warheads, which are targeted at Iran.

"To say that this is a clear case of 'double standards' by the IAEA and the 'international community' is a understatement."

Europe's Five...
What does this have to do with Europeans protesting the loss of sacred cow entitlements..
However, since you opened the door...Iran is a rogue terrorist nation. Iran's president is a holocaust denier. He has threatened to "blow Israel off the map".
What you see as "sacred cow entitlements" are the cornerstones of the European middle class and therefore represent a major challenge to the widening global gap between the richest 1% of humanity and everyone else.

"In sum, the Neoliberal Revolution seeks to achieve in Europe what the United States has achieved since real wages stopped rising in 1979: doubling the share of wealth enjoyed by the richest 1 per cent.

"This involves reducing the middle class to poverty, breaking union power, and destroying the internal market as a precondition."

This requires a dictatorship with the the European Central Bank taking economic authority from elected governments across the continent.

Most dictators find nuclear weapons useful.

BTW, Iran hasn't invaded or occupied another sovereign nation in the last hundred years. Maybe you should worry more about star-spangled rogues and terrorists?

A Financial Coup..

They're what? The cornerstone of the middle class? On what planet? You are aware, I assume, that these 'entitlements are not just their healthcare - which is more of a millstone around the neck of the middle class than a cornerstone - it is the wealth of benefits available to the professional no-job ever class that is bleeding European countries dry.
Curious - but what makes New York one of the "most socialistic" states?

I think he's referring to the large welfare state that exists in New York. Not exactly textbook Socialism, but there is a considerable amount of wealth redistribution there compared to other states.

144,000 People pay Half of All NYC taxes. If that is not socialism what is :)

Using the "X people pay Y% of taxes" argument is a fallacy. While it may be true, all it really means is that a small proportion of people are making a statistically disproportionate amount of wages. Hardly an indication of Socialism; the same would be true if there was a flat tax.

I've broken it down mathematically before, I can do so again if you'd like.
Your love for the rich obviously knows no bounds...

"From Brussels to Latvia, neoliberal planners have expressed the hope that lower public-sector salaries will spread to the private sector.

"The aim is to roll back wage levels by 30 per cent or more, to depression levels, on the pretense that this will 'leave more surplus' available to pay in debt service. It will do no such thing, of course. It is a purely vicious attempt to reverse Europe’s Progressive Era social democratic reforms achieved over the past century.

"Europe is to be turned into a banana republic by taxing labor – not finance, insurance or real estate (FIRE).

"Governments are to impose heavier employment and sales taxes while cutting back pensions and other public spending.

“'Join the fight against labor, or we will destroy you,' the EC is telling governments. This requires dictatorship, and the European Central Bank (ECB) has taken over this power from elected government.

"Its 'independence' from political control is celebrated as the 'hallmark of democracy' by today’s new financial oligarchy.

"This deceptive newspeak evokes Plato’s view that oligarchy is simply the political stage following democracy.

"The new power elite’s next step in this eternal political triangle is to make itself hereditary – by abolishing estate taxes, for starters – so as to turn itself into an aristocracy."

Ready for the coming American Aristocracy?
You have to laugh at them.

Russia fell to pieces.

The EU is falling apart.

And yet they think it will work this time.

How ducking fumb do you have to be to follow this line into hell?

What does this have to do with Europeans protesting the loss of sacred cow entitlements..
However, since you opened the door...Iran is a rogue terrorist nation. Iran's president is a holocaust denier. He has threatened to "blow Israel off the map".
This is George you're talking to. European nations have no right to nuclear weapons, but Iran does.

And it's all America's fault.
The most socialistic states in the USA such as California & New York are the most in debt & in need of another Trillion Dollar Bailout.

Conservative States like Texas & Virginia are in the best financial position.

Socialist States Need A Trillion Dollar Bailout

1/3rd of all of the welfare recipients in the United States of America reside in California.

California has more recipients on welfare than next eight states combined.

Both NY and California pay much more in federal taxes than they receive. It is the Red States that are the welfare states
Does your opinion of Europe's "Financial Coup d'Etat" change if US made nuclear bombs are stored on Italian, Turkish, Belgium, German, and Dutch air force bases and planes from each of these countries are training to deliver them?

"Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy and Turkey: 'Undeclared Nuclear Weapons States'

"While Iran's nuclear weapons capabilities are unconfirmed, the nuclear weapons capabilities of these five countries including delivery procedures are formally acknowledged.

"The US has supplied some 480 B61 thermonuclear bombs to five so-called 'non-nuclear states', including Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey.

"Casually disregarded by the Vienna based UN Nuclear Watchdog (IAEA), the US has actively contributed to the proliferation of nuclear weapons in Western Europe.

"As part of this European stockpiling, Turkey, which is a partner of the US-led coalition against Iran along with Israel, possesses some 90 thermonuclear B61 bunker buster bombs at the Incirlik nuclear air base. (National Resources Defense Council, Nuclear Weapons in Europe , February 2005)

"By the recognized definition, these five countries are 'undeclared nuclear weapons states'.

"The stockpiling and deployment of tactical B61 in these five 'non-nuclear states' are intended for targets in the Middle East.

"Moreover, in accordance with 'NATO strike plans', these thermonuclear B61 bunker buster bombs (stockpiled by the 'non-nuclear States') could be launched 'against targets in Russia or countries in the Middle East such as Syria and Iran' ( quoted in National Resources Defense Council, Nuclear Weapons in Europe , February 2005)

"Does this mean that Iran or Russia, which are potential targets of a nuclear attack originating from one or other of these five so-called non-nuclear states should contemplate defensive preemptive nuclear attacks against Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Turkey? The answer is no, by any stretch of the imagination.

"While these 'undeclared nuclear states' casually accuse Tehran of developing nuclear weapons, without documentary evidence, they themselves have capabilities of delivering nuclear warheads, which are targeted at Iran.

"To say that this is a clear case of 'double standards' by the IAEA and the 'international community' is a understatement."

Europe's Five...
What does this have to do with Europeans protesting the loss of sacred cow entitlements..
However, since you opened the door...Iran is a rogue terrorist nation. Iran's president is a holocaust denier. He has threatened to "blow Israel off the map".
What you see as "sacred cow entitlements" are the cornerstones of the European middle class and therefore represent a major challenge to the widening global gap between the richest 1% of humanity and everyone else.

"In sum, the Neoliberal Revolution seeks to achieve in Europe what the United States has achieved since real wages stopped rising in 1979: doubling the share of wealth enjoyed by the richest 1 per cent.

"This involves reducing the middle class to poverty, breaking union power, and destroying the internal market as a precondition."

This requires a dictatorship with the the European Central Bank taking economic authority from elected governments across the continent.

Most dictators find nuclear weapons useful.

BTW, Iran hasn't invaded or occupied another sovereign nation in the last hundred years. Maybe you should worry more about star-spangled rogues and terrorists?

A Financial Coup..

The logic of government provided goodies such as the entitlements Europeans enjoy defies logic.
There is a total absence of efficiency. Workers don't actually have to perform to keep their jobs. In France , for example, a worker has to commit a capital crime to be fired.
Government mandates have businesses retianing employees that have no function.
Merit, productivity and performance mean nothing. Everyone is paid the same amount. It is human nature to notice that if other workers are not pulling their weight then the remainder cop the same attitude. It's groupism to the point of destruction.
Without competition, evryrthing goes stale.
Ever wonder why EU nations have 15% unemployement and younger workers even higher?
Taxes are confiscatory in Western Europe.
Not here. No way no how.
To those who think capitalism and freedom to choose a standard of living is soemhow "unfair", they are free to give up all their trappings, their cars, their property and everything else they've earned and give it over to buracrats. Leave me out of it..
I bust my ass for what little I have.
This is not a debate. So, a response is uneccsary and will go unread.
I have stated my position and that's that. Done.
The most socialistic states in the USA such as California & New York are the most in debt & in need of another Trillion Dollar Bailout.

Conservative States like Texas & Virginia are in the best financial position.

Socialist States Need A Trillion Dollar Bailout

1/3rd of all of the welfare recipients in the United States of America reside in California.

California has more recipients on welfare than next eight states combined.

Both NY and California pay much more in federal taxes than they receive. It is the Red States that are the welfare states

You'rew sure about that.....While states such as NY and CA may be "donor' states, that is immaterial.
The large welfare states such as the aformentioned, are so broke they can't possibly fund themselves.
The whole thing has reached a tipping point.
How anyone can support mainataining social spending and the funding of public employee salaries and benefits which are unrealistic when compared to the real world is a mystery.
What does this have to do with Europeans protesting the loss of sacred cow entitlements..
However, since you opened the door...Iran is a rogue terrorist nation. Iran's president is a holocaust denier. He has threatened to "blow Israel off the map".
This is George you're talking to. European nations have no right to nuclear weapons, but Iran does.

And it's all America's fault.

If the US has supplied some 480 B61 thermonuclear bombs to five allegedly non-nuclear states and if these states control the bombs and their delivery systems, doesn't that mean "the US has actively contributed to the proliferation of nuclear weapons in Western Europe?"

Do you think the Russians and Iranians might have a different take on this than you do?

"It is Europe's dirty secret that the list of nuclear-capable countries extends beyond those that have built their own weapons — Britain, France and Russia.

"The truth is that Belgium, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands store nuclear bombs on their air-force bases and have planes capable of delivering them. There are an estimated 200 B-61 thermonuclear-gravity bombs scattered across these four countries.

"Under a NATO agreement struck during the Cold War, the bombs, which are owned by the U.S., can be transferred to the control of a host nation's air force in time of conflict.

"Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Dutch, Belgian, Italian and German pilots remain ready to engage in nuclear war."

Time Magazine

Why is it international law applies to all countries except the US and Israel?

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