Another Story that Doesn't Get Shown here or on Right Wing Media


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
This woman was beaten by 2 mean and initially no charges were filled.

This happened in Duluth Minnesota.

As if only right-wingers vitalize this forum...
There was nothing about it in the media too.
This woman was beaten by 2 mean and initially no charges were filled.

This happened in Duluth Minnesota.

The bar is at 401 North Central Avenue in the city of Duluth. The articles I read, did not say the Sheriff's office was called, even by the daughter living 4 blocks that the lady walked to in the city. They said, she called 911 and the police, (not Sheriff's deputies) arrived.
Why would the county attorney, instead of the city attorney's office have ever been involved. None of the articles made that clear. Are jurisdictional responsibilities different in norther cities, than cities in Southern parts of the country?

I understand the city attorney's office is using video turned over by that bar in the city, that has a good rating as bars go in that city, when rated on Trip Advisor. None of the articles made it clear what the to women were arguing about before they started fight, and the other woman's friends jumped in.

Bar assault that left Black woman bloodied, injured under investigation​

In a Facebook post, the woman said she was beaten up by two white men last week.

"originally characterized it as a fight between two women who were separated by two men — a report that was refuted by the victim and her family"

DULUTH — Surveillance video from an incident at a West Duluth bar last week shows two men assaulting a Black woman, who was later taken to the hospital with injuries to her head and face, according to the Duluth Police Department.

The department originally characterized it as a fight between two women who were separated by two men — a report that was refuted by the victim and her family in Facebook posts and a GoFundMe site.

Michelle Folson wrote on her Facebook page that she was kicked in the head and face by two white men at the Rustic Bar late Tuesday night. She said she regained consciousness in the parking lot and walked to her daughter's workplace a few minutes away and was later taken to the hospital by a Mayo ambulance. She posted images of her face, covered in cuts and scrapes, her white shirt streaked in blood and the lenses of her glasses with a red film.

Could we get more context regarding this incident, or should we just use possible slanted facts
as the criteria for the discussion?
I could not find all the facts I was looking for, nor any video of the incident, though video definetly exists. Pretty heinous to jump in and beat the sh#t out of some woman, even if the woman is in a fight with some woman they know in a bar in down town at 12:15 A.M. For all we know, at that time of night it could have been two hookers fighting over a john. All we know for sure is neither of the women is charged with their bar fight that started the sequence of events. Only account I couldn't read was local paper there, Duluth Tribune Star, as they wanted my email address to read the article, and by now, you know I just don't do that, as my spam filters are busy enough. Heck, I was surprised to see USMB got through them once, last week. Nobody being charged with a race crime, makes me wonder if it wasn't two black women fighting in the first place, and all accounts saying the idiots that stepped in and beat the crap out of the woman, knew the woman who was probably losing the original fight. You no doubt know how that crap works.
Most important and universal lesson to be learned is if all by yourself in a bar after midnight, you don't ever get into a fight, as you don't ever know who you may be fighting. Bikers taught me that at the age of 18. Also, you got to wonder about middle age women in downtown bars alone after midnight, but maybe I am just a prude in the modern world.
Could we get more context regarding this incident, or should we just use possible slanted facts
as the criteria for the discussion?
You don't ask that question when videos of whites being attacked by blacks are shown.

Stop following me around. I see you have posted in 3 of my threads. So you are deciding to use your position to harrass.
I could not find all the facts I was looking for, nor any video of the incident, though video definetly exists. Pretty heinous to jump in and beat the sh#t out of some woman, even if the woman is in a fight with some woman they know in a bar in down town at 12:15 A.M. For all we know, at that time of night it could have been two hookers fighting over a john. All we know for sure is neither of the women is charged with their bar fight that started the sequence of events. Only account I couldn't read was local paper there, Duluth Tribune Star, as they wanted my email address to read the article, and by now, you know I just don't do that, as my spam filters are busy enough. Heck, I was surprised to see USMB got through them once, last week. Nobody being charged with a race crime, makes me wonder if it wasn't two black women fighting in the first place, and all accounts saying the idiots that stepped in and beat the crap out of the woman, knew the woman who was probably losing the original fight. You no doubt know how that crap works.
Most important and universal lesson to be learned is if all by yourself in a bar after midnight, you don't ever get into a fight, as you don't ever know who you may be fighting. Bikers taught me that at the age of 18. Also, you got to wonder about middle age women in downtown bars alone after midnight, but maybe I am just a prude in the modern world.
Why do you not do this when videos of blacks attacking people are posted?

Is this to hard for you to fathom?

But whites can post videos of blacks beating people and we don't see all this rush to verify if its true. Then you and others cosign the racism.
The bar is at 401 North Central Avenue in the city of Duluth. The articles I read, did not say the Sheriff's office was called, even by the daughter living 4 blocks that the lady walked to in the city. They said, she called 911 and the police, (not Sheriff's deputies) arrived.
Why would the county attorney, instead of the city attorney's office have ever been involved. None of the articles made that clear. Are jurisdictional responsibilities different in norther cities, than cities in Southern parts of the country?

I understand the city attorney's office is using video turned over by that bar in the city, that has a good rating as bars go in that city, when rated on Trip Advisor. None of the articles made it clear what the to women were arguing about before they started fight, and the other woman's friends jumped in.
Why don't you ask this when whites post videos of blacks doing the same thing? I don't see you or anyone ekse looking for verification. This is an example of your racism.
The racism here is incredible. So now we see excuses and rationalizations.
So what was she doing to the other female?
He kinda rushed over that part.
What was the other female doing that made this fight happen and why if there was a fight between 2 women did 2 men jump in and beat only one woman? . These things don't seem to register with you racists who are looking for any excuse to blame the black person. This is outrageous.
This woman was beaten by 2 mean and initially no charges were filled.

This happened in Duluth Minnesota.

You’re silent on the Israel Palestine topic. You’re silent on the racism from BLM. You apparently only believe that only white people owned slaves. You simply never talk about Black people that owned slaves. I mean your views are out of control man you expect white people to hate their ancestors.

Nobody here supports the type of violence you’re talking about in the video above.
What was the other female doing that made this fight happen and why if there was a fight between 2 women did 2 men jump in and beat only one woman? . These things don't seem to register with you racists who are looking for any excuse to blame the black person. This is outrageous.

Why were they fighting and who started it?
Obviously the black chick is pretty big.
Notice the framing.

It was a woman jumped by 2 guys (if it happened)

But the media always makes sure to include race ONLY when there’s a supposed black victim.

When it’s a white victim wronged at the hands of someone/people who are black, they don’t mention it.

White on white: who cares
Black on white: who cares
Black on black: who cares

This is why so many people don’t trust them. They are a very activist and manipulative institution overall, not much to be trusted
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Why do you not do this when videos of blacks attacking people are posted?

Is this to hard for you to fathom?

But whites can post videos of blacks beating people and we don't see all this rush to verify if its true. Then you and others cosign the racism.
Video of actual incidents is video of actual incidents, leaving little to judge but the facts. I posted denunciation of the cops in the Floyd killing videos. I posted denunciation of the of the two white cops and two black cops, that killed the black guy from California in Memphis, 89 miles away from me. That was video showing the action of the players in the incidents. This isn't. We don't know a darn thing here accept, some woman alone in a downtown bar got into a fight with another woman, who it would appear had friends in the bar, then walked 4 blocks to her daughter's house, where police were called and now the assholes that beat here up are being charged, while the two women that were originally fighting in that bar at that time of night are not being charged. I can tell you, in Jackson, TN both women would also be facing misdemeanor charges, at the same time as the assholes who stepped in to help their friend, so the whole mess could be sorted out by a judge, and if it was in downtown, it would be a city judge and probably not involving county if no Sheriff Deputies were in on responding. That is all that I know, as that is all that any outlet published.

You can disagree all you want but I know what my eyes have shown me. You nor Meister as well as others have scrutinized posts of black attacks against anyone like you have done here.
You don't ask that question when videos of whites being attacked by blacks are shown.

Stop following me around. I see you have posted in 3 of my threads. So you are deciding to use your position to harrass.

Shut up you little whiny ass. You don't have the ability to make anyone stop posting in your threads. The woman will get due process.

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