Another tax protester pays in $1 bills. This one handcuffed and arrested.

pennies are legal tender up to 45¢ After that, accepting them is at the option of the payee. I don't know about the rest of the coins, but I imagine the rest of them gave the same kind of protection for the payee
The amount has nothing to do with it. If the payee wants the payment in jelly beans, the equivalent in cash is not a legal option.

Penny Whys
Ya know, according to the law, if someone tries to pay a bill - let's say a restaurant tab - with $2 bills or Susan B Anthony coins and the establishment refuses to take the legal currency the customer has the right to walk out without paying. The owner simply refused payment. Sounds like this is the exact same thing...and the lad shouldn't owe anything.


I've heard that before. If your creditor won't accept your perfectly legal money, then the debt is cancelled.
Ya know, according to the law, if someone tries to pay a bill - let's say a restaurant tab - with $2 bills or Susan B Anthony coins and the establishment refuses to take the legal currency the customer has the right to walk out without paying. The owner simply refused payment. Sounds like this is the exact same thing...and the lad shouldn't owe anything.
I've heard that before. If your creditor won't accept your perfectly legal money, then the debt is cancelled.
Cites to this "law" would be helpful. At the local convenience store they won't take anything over $20. Does that mean I can walk out with whatever I want, if I've only got a $100? That's the trouble with "hearing" things, you never get the whole story. Also, private vs. public debts are completely different animals.
I would be happy if Al Sharpton and Charlie Rangel paid their taxes AT ALL, let alone in one dollar bills.... :p
Ya know, according to the law, if someone tries to pay a bill - let's say a restaurant tab - with $2 bills or Susan B Anthony coins and the establishment refuses to take the legal currency the customer has the right to walk out without paying. The owner simply refused payment. Sounds like this is the exact same thing...and the lad shouldn't owe anything.


I've heard that before. If your creditor won't accept your perfectly legal money, then the debt is cancelled.
You can't prove it because it is not true. Urban legend on your part.
No, it was not ....


Jake, YOU are ranting.... As YOU said, 'Focus!' Get back to the OP, please, and stop making this all about YOU!

No, he is filibabbling. He is basically dropping his trousers and spraying explosive diarrhea, like he does on every thread he posts in.
All flame and blame with no content. You need to focus with easyt, Jarl. The fact is not one of you have not been able to provide any law or regulation that allows you to be idiots when you want to pay your bills. Fact is fact.
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Cites to this "law" would be helpful. At the local convenience store they won't take anything over $20. Does that mean I can walk out with whatever I want, if I've only got a $100? That's the trouble with "hearing" things, you never get the whole story. Also, private vs. public debts are completely different animals.

BS - you've got to have the correct amount. THINK
Man -- there is some serious laziness here. I wanted to know if I can pay in pennies and apparently --- It's legal -- but don't expect a reciept..

In all these cases -- the folks were not arrested or escorted off property for paying in currency.. They were arrested because they folded every dollar bill in a way that it took the clerk 6 or 8 minutes each to UNFOLD it.

Earlier case ----->>>>>>

Texas Man Arrested After Attempt To Pay Taxes With Dollar Bills

The same is true for the feds. There is no law that says you have to pay your taxes by check, credit card or by using the largest bills possible. By federal law, at Section 31 U.S.C. 5103, you can pay your taxes in coins and currency:

United States coins and currency (including Federal reserve notes and circulating notes of Federal reserve banks and national banks) are legal tender for all debts, public charges, taxes, and dues.
Moderation Message:

Cleaned up the dispute over who was trolling what when..
Should clean up the mess on Aisle 4..


XXXXX --- you're welcome. But don't use moderator messages to make generalizations about liberals.. :meow:
I think the guy got what he deserved. That he wanted to pay in $1 bills didn't seem the root of the problem but the 6 minutes to unfold each bill was the unreasonable part.

Now if it was me he had handed the money to I would have accepted the bills as presented but the payer would have been told to wait for his receipt. I would have taken payments and conducted business with other citizens that entered the office and unfolded the dollar bills at my convenience. I figure he'd have had to sit there all day and I probably wouldn't have finished and so would have handed the money back to him at closing time and told him to come back tomorrow. And if he would have left and trusted me his payment would have been $20 short.
I think the guy got what he deserved. That he wanted to pay in $1 bills didn't seem the root of the problem but the 6 minutes to unfold each bill was the unreasonable part.


HAHAHA. You mean you believe that 6 minute business??? Nobody else does. The govt officials made that up.

Again i suggest soaking the bills in skunk scent or some other foul smelling substance. How could they reject payment just because they don't like the smell.?
Its terrible that in the land of the free, you cant even own property..
My ancestors believed the land belonged to no one. They all used it. The White man rolls in and seeks to 'own' ALL of it. You have to 'by' it. Even after you bought it, it still isn't 'yours'. You have to pay taxes on it every year or the government will take it from you. If you die and your property goes to someone else they have to pay MORE taxes on that same property, just to take ownership of it, then they have to pay annual taxes for it. And if the government thinks it can use it more wisely than you (meaning if they think they can make a profit for themselves and for other greedy business people) they can take it from you, THEY tell YOU how valuable it is, and get away with paying 'peanuts' for it.


Remember, so long as there are property taxes, you do not own property- merely rent it from the local regime.

Remember, you don't actually know what the fuck you're talking about. Property taxes have existed longer than our country has.

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