Another terrorist leader bites it

There you go again given Rump credit for something he didn't have anything to do with. Kudos goes out to the Special Forces for getting rid of that very bad actor.

Of course not...Trump can do nothing good.

We got that you guys are so filled with rage over 2016 that his name can't be mentioned with anything positive.

And I don't give Rump credit for things he has nothing to do with. I am retired Military. Al laurels goes to the Military on this one who are doing the job that they know how to do. And, unlike Rump, they don't even expect to be thanked.

When Rump stops with the really, really bad things that used to get people tossed out on their ears, fined and sent to prison, then I will acknowledge anything good he does as long as he does it for the good of America. The problem is, most of what he has done has been done either out of revenge or for the betterment of his criminal buddies. We used to just throw those people out of office or not elect them in the first place. America used to be a country of laws. It's become a country of criminals.

What really really bad things are you talking about ? Ukraine ? Nothing happened (except Adam Schitt wound up looking like the fool he is).

As to good things, we'll see you in November.

If you don't think both sides are corrupt, you really do have your head somewhere unnatural.

Every criminal claims to be innocent.

Which is such a stupid statement.

Innocent people claim the same thing.

So, your point is poor logic and a fallacy.

Okay Diamond Jim, I understand.
Of course not...Trump can do nothing good.

We got that you guys are so filled with rage over 2016 that his name can't be mentioned with anything positive.

And I don't give Rump credit for things he has nothing to do with. I am retired Military. Al laurels goes to the Military on this one who are doing the job that they know how to do. And, unlike Rump, they don't even expect to be thanked.

When Rump stops with the really, really bad things that used to get people tossed out on their ears, fined and sent to prison, then I will acknowledge anything good he does as long as he does it for the good of America. The problem is, most of what he has done has been done either out of revenge or for the betterment of his criminal buddies. We used to just throw those people out of office or not elect them in the first place. America used to be a country of laws. It's become a country of criminals.

What really really bad things are you talking about ? Ukraine ? Nothing happened (except Adam Schitt wound up looking like the fool he is).

As to good things, we'll see you in November.

If you don't think both sides are corrupt, you really do have your head somewhere unnatural.

Every criminal claims to be innocent.

Which is such a stupid statement.

Innocent people claim the same thing.

So, your point is poor logic and a fallacy.

Okay Diamond Jim, I understand.

Tell me I am wrong.

You've offered up fallacies and bullshit analogies that somehow make you feel good but fail to make your point.

Or are you taking the left wing postion that you are so fucking smart, you don't need to make a point...we should just accept what you say as fact ?
There you go again given Rump credit for something he didn't have anything to do with. Kudos goes out to the Special Forces for getting rid of that very bad actor.

Of course not...Trump can do nothing good.

We got that you guys are so filled with rage over 2016 that his name can't be mentioned with anything positive.

And I don't give Rump credit for things he has nothing to do with. I am retired Military. Al laurels goes to the Military on this one who are doing the job that they know how to do. And, unlike Rump, they don't even expect to be thanked.

When Rump stops with the really, really bad things that used to get people tossed out on their ears, fined and sent to prison, then I will acknowledge anything good he does as long as he does it for the good of America. The problem is, most of what he has done has been done either out of revenge or for the betterment of his criminal buddies. We used to just throw those people out of office or not elect them in the first place. America used to be a country of laws. It's become a country of criminals.

What really really bad things are you talking about ? Ukraine ? Nothing happened (except Adam Schitt wound up looking like the fool he is).

As to good things, we'll see you in November.

If you don't think both sides are corrupt, you really do have your head somewhere unnatural.

Every criminal claims to be innocent.

Which is such a stupid statement.

Innocent people claim the same thing.

So, your point is poor logic and a fallacy.
I stand corrected.
This one is not in the shallow end but wayyyyy over in the kiddie pool.
One of the things us Veterans rarely do is thank ourselves. it's a bit stupid, I think, to thank another member.

As for doing service, without the paper hangers, drivers, supply people, cooks, and more, there wouldn't be a single fighting man that could actually do their job. I was sitting behind a desk when I got the word to change the configuration on a bunch of Tankers that were supposed to head up north. I sent the requirements out, and they were done. 6pm that evening, the news announced we just invaded Granda. And guess what, those Tankers were there with the right fuel loads, on time to meet the C-141s to get the troops onto the ground and to refuel the Fighters flying overhead. That one small action was as important as the hero on the ground facing the enemy because without it, he couldn't have been there to face the enemy.

So don't sell yourself short. Your actions may not have been written into the history books but to the rest of us, it's just as important. Because without it, History could never have been written in the first place.

I'm proud of my service Darryl as I am sure you are. I was Air Defense Command, 49th Fighter Interceptor Squadron. I was Weapons Control (MA1) of F106 Delta Darts. Pretty awesome job. Been in Cheyene Mountain, NORADS main control room, damn if the hair on your neck don't stand at attention too!
And I don't give Rump credit for things he has nothing to do with. I am retired Military. Al laurels goes to the Military on this one who are doing the job that they know how to do. And, unlike Rump, they don't even expect to be thanked.

When Rump stops with the really, really bad things that used to get people tossed out on their ears, fined and sent to prison, then I will acknowledge anything good he does as long as he does it for the good of America. The problem is, most of what he has done has been done either out of revenge or for the betterment of his criminal buddies. We used to just throw those people out of office or not elect them in the first place. America used to be a country of laws. It's become a country of criminals.

What really really bad things are you talking about ? Ukraine ? Nothing happened (except Adam Schitt wound up looking like the fool he is).

As to good things, we'll see you in November.

If you don't think both sides are corrupt, you really do have your head somewhere unnatural.

Every criminal claims to be innocent.

Which is such a stupid statement.

Innocent people claim the same thing.

So, your point is poor logic and a fallacy.

Okay Diamond Jim, I understand.

Tell me I am wrong.

You've offered up fallacies and bullshit analogies that somehow make you feel good but fail to make your point.

Or are you taking the left wing postion that you are so fucking smart, you don't need to make a point...we should just accept what you say as fact ?

Your biggest one that you've offered that far outweighs anything I could ever off is "He's Innoocent" That pretty much clear the criminal act claiming of innocence. I suggest you pay attention to your own house and stop throwing crap into someone elses yard.
One of the things us Veterans rarely do is thank ourselves. it's a bit stupid, I think, to thank another member.

As for doing service, without the paper hangers, drivers, supply people, cooks, and more, there wouldn't be a single fighting man that could actually do their job. I was sitting behind a desk when I got the word to change the configuration on a bunch of Tankers that were supposed to head up north. I sent the requirements out, and they were done. 6pm that evening, the news announced we just invaded Granda. And guess what, those Tankers were there with the right fuel loads, on time to meet the C-141s to get the troops onto the ground and to refuel the Fighters flying overhead. That one small action was as important as the hero on the ground facing the enemy because without it, he couldn't have been there to face the enemy.

So don't sell yourself short. Your actions may not have been written into the history books but to the rest of us, it's just as important. Because without it, History could never have been written in the first place.

I'm proud of my service Darryl as I am sure you are. I was Air Defense Command, 49th Fighter Interceptor Squadron. I was Weapons Control (MA1) of F106 Delta Darts. Pretty awesome job. Been in Cheyene Mountain, NORADS main control room, damn if the hair on your neck don't stand at attention too!

The closest thing to Cheyanne Mountain I have done is drive by the entrance once. I was stationed at Pete Field at the time. People really don't know the job that Cheyenne Mountain does and still does today. I won't thank you but I will say, "You done good".
What really really bad things are you talking about ? Ukraine ? Nothing happened (except Adam Schitt wound up looking like the fool he is).

As to good things, we'll see you in November.

If you don't think both sides are corrupt, you really do have your head somewhere unnatural.

Every criminal claims to be innocent.

Which is such a stupid statement.

Innocent people claim the same thing.

So, your point is poor logic and a fallacy.

Okay Diamond Jim, I understand.

Tell me I am wrong.

You've offered up fallacies and bullshit analogies that somehow make you feel good but fail to make your point.

Or are you taking the left wing postion that you are so fucking smart, you don't need to make a point...we should just accept what you say as fact ?

Your biggest one that you've offered that far outweighs anything I could ever off is "He's Innoocent" That pretty much clear the criminal act claiming of innocence. I suggest you pay attention to your own house and stop throwing crap into someone elses yard.

I have no idea what you are talking much Sangria already ?

I have never said he was innocent. I said we'll never know what he actually meant.

But nothing actually ever happened. It's all impeachment over a fucking phone call.

I do pay attention to my house, thank you. I am well aware of it's shortcomings. While I voted (and upchucked afterwards) for GWB, it was only to keep Gore and Kerry out. Bush was a mess. We could do a lot better.

We could have done better than Obama too...but that is what happened. It's life.

And I am not throwing shit anywhere. This post is asking the question if anyone denies the left was talking about impeaching him (and needing an excuse) for three years.

Plain and simple.
One of the things us Veterans rarely do is thank ourselves. it's a bit stupid, I think, to thank another member.

As for doing service, without the paper hangers, drivers, supply people, cooks, and more, there wouldn't be a single fighting man that could actually do their job. I was sitting behind a desk when I got the word to change the configuration on a bunch of Tankers that were supposed to head up north. I sent the requirements out, and they were done. 6pm that evening, the news announced we just invaded Granda. And guess what, those Tankers were there with the right fuel loads, on time to meet the C-141s to get the troops onto the ground and to refuel the Fighters flying overhead. That one small action was as important as the hero on the ground facing the enemy because without it, he couldn't have been there to face the enemy.

So don't sell yourself short. Your actions may not have been written into the history books but to the rest of us, it's just as important. Because without it, History could never have been written in the first place.

I'm proud of my service Darryl as I am sure you are. I was Air Defense Command, 49th Fighter Interceptor Squadron. I was Weapons Control (MA1) of F106 Delta Darts. Pretty awesome job. Been in Cheyene Mountain, NORADS main control room, damn if the hair on your neck don't stand at attention too! (and those who served with you) are the greatest.
In 2009 Yemeni Al-Qaeda leader Qassim (Qasm) al-Rimi appeared with two former Gitmo terrorists in an Islamist video promising attacks on the West.

In 2013 Al-Qaeda’s chief in Yemen, Qassim al-Rimi, in an audio message urged Muslims to defend their holy religion by blowing up more American targets.

In 2015 the Al-Qaeda Inspire magazine included warnings of assassination operations and included speeches by the Yemeni terror leader Qassim al-Rimi.

Al-Rimi continued to make threats against the West for several years now.

But now he’s gone.

Qassim al-Rimi is the latest terror leader expunged by President Donald Trump and the US military.
THIS is wonderful news.
Every criminal claims to be innocent.

Which is such a stupid statement.

Innocent people claim the same thing.

So, your point is poor logic and a fallacy.

Okay Diamond Jim, I understand.

Tell me I am wrong.

You've offered up fallacies and bullshit analogies that somehow make you feel good but fail to make your point.

Or are you taking the left wing postion that you are so fucking smart, you don't need to make a point...we should just accept what you say as fact ?

Your biggest one that you've offered that far outweighs anything I could ever off is "He's Innoocent" That pretty much clear the criminal act claiming of innocence. I suggest you pay attention to your own house and stop throwing crap into someone elses yard.

I have no idea what you are talking much Sangria already ?

I have never said he was innocent. I said we'll never know what he actually meant.

But nothing actually ever happened. It's all impeachment over a fucking phone call.

I do pay attention to my house, thank you. I am well aware of it's shortcomings. While I voted (and upchucked afterwards) for GWB, it was only to keep Gore and Kerry out. Bush was a mess. We could do a lot better.

We could have done better than Obama too...but that is what happened. It's life.

And I am not throwing shit anywhere. This post is asking the question if anyone denies the left was talking about impeaching him (and needing an excuse) for three years.

Plain and simple.
Which is such a stupid statement.

Innocent people claim the same thing.

So, your point is poor logic and a fallacy.

Okay Diamond Jim, I understand.

Tell me I am wrong.

You've offered up fallacies and bullshit analogies that somehow make you feel good but fail to make your point.

Or are you taking the left wing postion that you are so fucking smart, you don't need to make a point...we should just accept what you say as fact ?

Your biggest one that you've offered that far outweighs anything I could ever off is "He's Innoocent" That pretty much clear the criminal act claiming of innocence. I suggest you pay attention to your own house and stop throwing crap into someone elses yard.

I have no idea what you are talking much Sangria already ?

I have never said he was innocent. I said we'll never know what he actually meant.

But nothing actually ever happened. It's all impeachment over a fucking phone call.

I do pay attention to my house, thank you. I am well aware of it's shortcomings. While I voted (and upchucked afterwards) for GWB, it was only to keep Gore and Kerry out. Bush was a mess. We could do a lot better.

We could have done better than Obama too...but that is what happened. It's life.

And I am not throwing shit anywhere. This post is asking the question if anyone denies the left was talking about impeaching him (and needing an excuse) for three years.

Plain and simple.

You are welcome.
The closest thing to Cheyanne Mountain I have done is drive by the entrance once. I was stationed at Pete Field at the time. People really don't know the job that Cheyenne Mountain does and still does today. I won't thank you but I will say, "You done good".

Thanks, did no better than you or anyone, we chose to serve!

That entrance? Uphill, place had blast doors over 6 feet thick. Damn what a cool place.
The closest thing to Cheyanne Mountain I have done is drive by the entrance once. I was stationed at Pete Field at the time. People really don't know the job that Cheyenne Mountain does and still does today. I won't thank you but I will say, "You done good".

Thanks, did no better than you or anyone, we chose to serve!

That entrance? Uphill, place had blast doors over 6 feet thick. Damn what a cool place.

Do you know why I know you did your job? We are both still here.
In 2009 Yemeni Al-Qaeda leader Qassim (Qasm) al-Rimi appeared with two former Gitmo terrorists in an Islamist video promising attacks on the West.

In 2013 Al-Qaeda’s chief in Yemen, Qassim al-Rimi, in an audio message urged Muslims to defend their holy religion by blowing up more American targets.

In 2015 the Al-Qaeda Inspire magazine included warnings of assassination operations and included speeches by the Yemeni terror leader Qassim al-Rimi.

Al-Rimi continued to make threats against the West for several years now.

But now he’s gone.

Qassim al-Rimi is the latest terror leader expunged by President Donald Trump and the US military.

There you go again given Rump credit for something he didn't have anything to do with. Kudos goes out to the Special Forces for getting rid of that very bad actor.
So you give Obama no credit for taking out bin Laden? (and those who served with you) are the greatest.

Thanks Sun. Anyone could have done it and had an experience they would never forget. from basic training to honorable discharge, it was a good time. Kinda wish I did 20 or 30 but hindsight is all I got.

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