Another Texas GOP Lawmaker Is Attempting To Make Abortion Punishable By The Death Penalty

Let me know when these prolife men decide to give the death penalty to men for having or forcing sex

We good now?
Where is the legislative lobby to ban men from sex where pregnancy is not wanted? And declare this a form of statutory rape?

Then you can argue about the penalty for men, whether the death penalty or revocation of citizenship as a secular alternative.

It you are serious, great Death Angel
I know a party precinct leader in Dallas who has cowritten bills on a state level.

Are you in?

The worst that would happen is we raise awareness of the male responsibility in preventing abuse of sexual relations in order to prevent abortion!

Who are your party precinct or senate district contact, or your state or Congressional reps?

Let's form a team to write legislative reforms, and get this going!
I'm beginning to think Texans have issues.

Isn't this the state that lets you run over protesters now?

I think it is. Either that or it's Florida.

It's also the state where you can buy and open carry a weapon without having a permit to do so or even the proper training to use that weapon.

How many mass shootings have they had in Texas? I lost count.

Yet they want to kill women and doctors.
I do love the argument that the fetus is a human being. So I would imagine that every pregnant girl in LA should count twice? The Hispanics and black populations are multiplying at rates far faster than the Anglo population. So, therefore, we have to re-do the census to count every pregnant woman twice (at least). California may gain another 3-4 electoral votes as would NY, Illinois....

Who's with me?

Their claim that a zygote, embryo and fetus is a human being is ridiculous.

If it's a human being remove it from the woman's body. Let it do all the things that a human being can do.

Except, that zygote, fetus and embryo doesn't have a mouth or lungs or brain or central nervous system or arms or legs or anything that a human can do and does every day.

So this claim it's a human being is ridiculous. The liars know it and get very upset when I tell them to treat it like every other human being because they know it's not a human being and they are lying.
Their claim that a zygote, embryo and fetus is a human being is ridiculous.

If it's a human being remove it from the woman's body. Let it do all the things that a human being can do
Idiot. It IS doing what a human being does AT THAT STAGE OF ITS LIFE you damn simple minded evil moron.

Is a dying cancer patient human since he can no longer do the things a healthy 35 year old does.

Is your mother with alzheimer human since she no longer has the mind she did when she conceived you.

Damn Ignorant monster
I don't understand why people elect politicians like the ones in this article and the Texas government.

Why can't they just be happy doing the job people want them to do ?

Texas has a lot of problems. The highest rate of uninsured in the nation. Among the lowest in education and the list goes on and on.

Yet these men are wasting time and tax dollars with passing legislation that will kill women and doctors.

The stupid bill won't even get past committee much less become law.

It's disgusting.

Let me know when these prolife men decide to give the death penalty to men for having or forcing sex that results in unwanted pregnancy, unwanted children or abortion.

When lawmakers hold men equally responsible for the decision NOT to have sex if pregnancy or children are not wanted, then I will know they are serious about stopping abortion.

Yeah, give men the opportunity to chose if their child is killed or not. Then we can discuss the rest.


This can only occur if he can come and get the fetus and find a place to grow it for another seven months or so. And then his 18-year job begins. It's not just a matter of paying some money. He gets to do all of the hands-on work.

No one is forcing a man to have sex with a woman he is not sure of. It is his choice whether to do so or not. Men should think about these things before they go hopping into bed with just about anyone. There must be a male equivalent to "just keep your legs together."

Texas seems to slip farther and farther down the rabbit hole every day.
I don't understand why people elect politicians like the ones in this article and the Texas government.

Why can't they just be happy doing the job people want them to do ?

Texas has a lot of problems. The highest rate of uninsured in the nation. Among the lowest in education and the list goes on and on.

Yet these men are wasting time and tax dollars with passing legislation that will kill women and doctors.

The stupid bill won't even get past committee much less become law.

It's disgusting.

Abortion is murder. There are a few exceptions for legal abortion. Murderers should be given the death penalty.

Abortion can't be murder because the fetus not only was never born, but never became self aware.
The fetus was never conscious any more than an ovum or sperm is conscious.
Women have millions of ovum, so why should they be forced to bear the first one that gets impregnated.
It is better for the woman, child, family, and whole human race if children are delayed as long as possible.
And when you have an abortion, that is not going to mean you are not going to have any children, just different children, later.
So you could say that NOT having an abortion results in the murder of the child you would have had later, if you had aborted the earlier one.
I don't understand why people elect politicians like the ones in this article and the Texas government.

Why can't they just be happy doing the job people want them to do ?

Texas has a lot of problems. The highest rate of uninsured in the nation. Among the lowest in education and the list goes on and on.

Yet these men are wasting time and tax dollars with passing legislation that will kill women and doctors.

The stupid bill won't even get past committee much less become law.

It's disgusting.

Let me know when these prolife men decide to give the death penalty to men for having or forcing sex that results in unwanted pregnancy, unwanted children or abortion.

When lawmakers hold men equally responsible for the decision NOT to have sex if pregnancy or children are not wanted, then I will know they are serious about stopping abortion.

Yeah, give men the opportunity to chose if their child is killed or not. Then we can discuss the rest.


The sperm donor does not have to go through all the pain and risk, as well as not having to finance the child care, food, clothing, medical care, etc., expenses
Their claim that a zygote, embryo and fetus is a human being is ridiculous.

If it's a human being remove it from the woman's body. Let it do all the things that a human being can do
Idiot. It IS doing what a human being does AT THAT STAGE OF ITS LIFE you damn simple minded evil moron.

Is a dying cancer patient human since he can no longer do the things a healthy 35 year old does.

Is your mother with alzheimer human since she no longer has the mind she did when she conceived you.

Damn Ignorant monster

If a person is self aware and cognizant, then they likely are a human.
If they are not self aware or cognzant, then they are NOT a human any more.
Like Terri Schaivo.
She was but an empty shell.
I don't understand why people elect politicians like the ones in this article and the Texas government.

Why can't they just be happy doing the job people want them to do ?

Texas has a lot of problems. The highest rate of uninsured in the nation. Among the lowest in education and the list goes on and on.

Yet these men are wasting time and tax dollars with passing legislation that will kill women and doctors.

The stupid bill won't even get past committee much less become law.

It's disgusting.

Abortion is murder. There are a few exceptions for legal abortion. Murderers should be given the death penalty.

Abortion can't be murder because the fetus not only was never born, but never became self aware.
The fetus was never conscious any more than an ovum or sperm is conscious.
Women have millions of ovum, so why should they be forced to bear the first one that gets impregnated.
It is better for the woman, child, family, and whole human race if children are delayed as long as possible.
And when you have an abortion, that is not going to mean you are not going to have any children, just different children, later.
So you could say that NOT having an abortion results in the murder of the child you would have had later, if you had aborted the earlier one.

Life begins at inception. Life doesn't begin at a certain time during pregnancy. Video proof of a spark of energy when the sperm and egg connect has been filmed. That''s when life begins.
I don't understand why people elect politicians like the ones in this article and the Texas government.

Why can't they just be happy doing the job people want them to do ?

Texas has a lot of problems. The highest rate of uninsured in the nation. Among the lowest in education and the list goes on and on.

Yet these men are wasting time and tax dollars with passing legislation that will kill women and doctors.

The stupid bill won't even get past committee much less become law.

It's disgusting.

Abortion is murder. There are a few exceptions for legal abortion. Murderers should be given the death penalty.
Indeed,the only exception to Abortion where the woman should not be punished is by rape.the brainwashed sheep of america think carter was pro abortion,biggest lie by the lamestream media,he was only pro abortion when it came to women being raped,he wasn’t the typical norm democrat.
I don't understand why people elect politicians like the ones in this article and the Texas government.

Why can't they just be happy doing the job people want them to do ?

Texas has a lot of problems. The highest rate of uninsured in the nation. Among the lowest in education and the list goes on and on.

Yet these men are wasting time and tax dollars with passing legislation that will kill women and doctors.

The stupid bill won't even get past committee much less become law.

It's disgusting.

Let me know when these prolife men decide to give the death penalty to men for having or forcing sex that results in unwanted pregnancy, unwanted children or abortion.

When lawmakers hold men equally responsible for the decision NOT to have sex if pregnancy or children are not wanted, then I will know they are serious about stopping abortion.

Yeah, give men the opportunity to chose if their child is killed or not. Then we can discuss the rest.


This can only occur if he can come and get the fetus and find a place to grow it for another seven months or so. And then his 18-year job begins. It's not just a matter of paying some money. He gets to do all of the hands-on work.

No one is forcing a man to have sex with a woman he is not sure of. It is his choice whether to do so or not. Men should think about these things before they go hopping into bed with just about anyone. There must be a male equivalent to "just keep your legs together."

Texas seems to slip farther and farther down the rabbit hole every day.

It's the choice of both, but only the man faces liability of paying for a kid, with zero say if it's brought to term or not, or to relinquish parental rights and responsibilities if his preference is the child should not be brought to term and the woman disagrees. The equity bullshit you commies have been pushing would dictate that both would have equal opportunity to make the "choice" or neither would.

I don't understand why people elect politicians like the ones in this article and the Texas government.

Why can't they just be happy doing the job people want them to do ?

Texas has a lot of problems. The highest rate of uninsured in the nation. Among the lowest in education and the list goes on and on.

Yet these men are wasting time and tax dollars with passing legislation that will kill women and doctors.

The stupid bill won't even get past committee much less become law.

It's disgusting.

Abortion is murder. There are a few exceptions for legal abortion. Murderers should be given the death penalty.

Abortion can't be murder because the fetus not only was never born, but never became self aware.
The fetus was never conscious any more than an ovum or sperm is conscious.
Women have millions of ovum, so why should they be forced to bear the first one that gets impregnated.
It is better for the woman, child, family, and whole human race if children are delayed as long as possible.
And when you have an abortion, that is not going to mean you are not going to have any children, just different children, later.
So you could say that NOT having an abortion results in the murder of the child you would have had later, if you had aborted the earlier one.

And when you have an abortion, that is not going to mean you are not going to have any children, just different children, later.
You know this one sentence kills your whole argument, you can't have a different child, if there wasn't one before. You spew the propaganda pretty well, but you obviously haven't thought it out for yourself.

Many people who cry endlessly about getting the government out of our lives are Hell-bent on using the government to stop OTHER Americans from exercising their free choices--- when they (the first group) disagree with those choices.
I don't understand why people elect politicians like the ones in this article and the Texas government.

Why can't they just be happy doing the job people want them to do ?

Texas has a lot of problems. The highest rate of uninsured in the nation. Among the lowest in education and the list goes on and on.

Yet these men are wasting time and tax dollars with passing legislation that will kill women and doctors.

The stupid bill won't even get past committee much less become law.

It's disgusting.

Let me know when these prolife men decide to give the death penalty to men for having or forcing sex that results in unwanted pregnancy, unwanted children or abortion.

When lawmakers hold men equally responsible for the decision NOT to have sex if pregnancy or children are not wanted, then I will know they are serious about stopping abortion.

Yeah, give men the opportunity to chose if their child is killed or not. Then we can discuss the rest.


The sperm donor does not have to go through all the pain and risk, as well as not having to finance the child care, food, clothing, medical care, etc., expenses

You idiot, you might want to check out State and federal child support laws.

I don't understand why people elect politicians like the ones in this article and the Texas government.

Why can't they just be happy doing the job people want them to do ?

Texas has a lot of problems. The highest rate of uninsured in the nation. Among the lowest in education and the list goes on and on.

Yet these men are wasting time and tax dollars with passing legislation that will kill women and doctors.

The stupid bill won't even get past committee much less become law.

It's disgusting.

Let me know when these prolife men decide to give the death penalty to men for having or forcing sex that results in unwanted pregnancy, unwanted children or abortion.

When lawmakers hold men equally responsible for the decision NOT to have sex if pregnancy or children are not wanted, then I will know they are serious about stopping abortion.

Yeah, give men the opportunity to chose if their child is killed or not. Then we can discuss the rest.


This can only occur if he can come and get the fetus and find a place to grow it for another seven months or so. And then his 18-year job begins. It's not just a matter of paying some money. He gets to do all of the hands-on work.

No one is forcing a man to have sex with a woman he is not sure of. It is his choice whether to do so or not. Men should think about these things before they go hopping into bed with just about anyone. There must be a male equivalent to "just keep your legs together."

Texas seems to slip farther and farther down the rabbit hole every day.

It's the choice of both, but only the man faces liability of paying for a kid, with zero say if it's brought to term or not, or to relinquish parental rights and responsibilities if his preference is the child should not be brought to term and the woman disagrees. The equity bullshit you commies have been pushing would dictate that both would have equal opportunity to make the "choice" or neither would.


Only the woman faces the risks and pain of pregnancy and birth. The man's "say" cannot overrule the woman's say for this reason alone. He can always go into another room and get away from it all while she cannot.

Moreover, you men better start talking about performing all of the tasks of parenthood, not just in terms of paying for something or just "helping out" occasionally., since the woman may be able to, or want to do them. It's going to be 24/7/365, feeding, changing, bathing, laundry, medical appointments, childhood diseases, drying tears, then comes school, teaching to drive, teenage problems, all the way until they are 18.

You will have to give up your personal interests, and you won't be seeing your friends much unless you can arrange playdates among yourselves.

"Commies"??? This discussion has absolutely nothing to do with economic theories. You sound like something out of a movie about Joe McCarthy.
If alot less women got pregnant all of this goes away and everyone wins. But some would then say a declining birthrate is somehow bad. That's ridiculous of course.
I don't understand why people elect politicians like the ones in this article and the Texas government.

Why can't they just be happy doing the job people want them to do ?

Texas has a lot of problems. The highest rate of uninsured in the nation. Among the lowest in education and the list goes on and on.

Yet these men are wasting time and tax dollars with passing legislation that will kill women and doctors.

The stupid bill won't even get past committee much less become law.

It's disgusting.

Let me know when these prolife men decide to give the death penalty to men for having or forcing sex that results in unwanted pregnancy, unwanted children or abortion.

When lawmakers hold men equally responsible for the decision NOT to have sex if pregnancy or children are not wanted, then I will know they are serious about stopping abortion.

Yeah, give men the opportunity to chose if their child is killed or not. Then we can discuss the rest.


This can only occur if he can come and get the fetus and find a place to grow it for another seven months or so. And then his 18-year job begins. It's not just a matter of paying some money. He gets to do all of the hands-on work.

No one is forcing a man to have sex with a woman he is not sure of. It is his choice whether to do so or not. Men should think about these things before they go hopping into bed with just about anyone. There must be a male equivalent to "just keep your legs together."

Texas seems to slip farther and farther down the rabbit hole every day.

You can't kill something that's not alive so the person you replied to is lying about abortion being killing. In many cases, it's saving the life of the woman but these disgusting people don't give a damn about the life of the woman.

In fact they don't give a damn about life period. We just went through a year of how much they love life. So much they refuse to wear a simple mask. So much they deny to this day that the virus is deadly. The result of their irresponsible selfishness is 600 thousand dead Americans.

They just love their weapons and believe that they have a right to shoot and kill anyone just because how the feel. They do everything they can to stop the implementation of weapon safety laws. They don't give a flying fig about the thousands of people who needlessly die at the hands of a crazy person with a weapon.

Pro life? That is nothing but a lie.

The equivalent to "keep your legs together" for a man is "keep it in your pants" or "keep your pants zipped."

The reason for a lot of abortions is because the man doesn't want anything to do with the woman after he made her pregnant. They just walk away without even looking back to see what they've caused. A large portion of them don't even acknowledge the child is theirs. The woman is left alone to deal with the pregnancy and raise the child with absolutely zero help from the man. There are millions of children in this nation who have never even seen their dad much less even get a birthday or holiday card from them. it's just fine in our society for a man to make a child then abandon it even before it's born. Yet women have no right to terminate a pregnancy both she and the man don't want.

Anyone who calls a pregnant woman "knocked up" is screaming how much they hate women and how much they hate that zygote. They show they have no respect for anything but themselves. Much less any respect for a new life.

The man has no say in whether a woman has an abortion. He never should. It's not his body.
I don't understand why people elect politicians like the ones in this article and the Texas government.

Why can't they just be happy doing the job people want them to do ?

Texas has a lot of problems. The highest rate of uninsured in the nation. Among the lowest in education and the list goes on and on.

Yet these men are wasting time and tax dollars with passing legislation that will kill women and doctors.

The stupid bill won't even get past committee much less become law.

It's disgusting.

The law makes abortion assualt or murder.

Yes .... Texas has the death penalty, but it most likely would never be applied unless it was like a Dr. Gossnell situation.

The bill does not make abortion punishable by death.

It makes abortion assault or murder.

Your thread title is misleading.

But, what would one expect from someone who belives the Fake News MSM like Texas Tribune.

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