Another Texas GOP Lawmaker Is Attempting To Make Abortion Punishable By The Death Penalty

From the link:

Under the bill filed Tuesday, women who receive an abortion and physicians who perform the procedure could be charged with assault or homicide, which is punishable by death in Texas, confirmed Shannon Edmonds, a staff attorney with the Texas District and County Attorneys Association. The association does not have a position on the bill.

The bill bans abortions starting at fertilization; most abortions in Texas are currently prohibited after 20 weeks. The bill's language cites one justice's opinion in a recent Supreme Court case, June Medical Services L.L.C. v. Russo, that says the Constitution "does not constrain the states' ability to regulate or even prohibit abortion."

So bodily autonomy is not a consideration in Texas under this bill?

I think it's very hypocritical of the anti choicers who scream life starts at conception and all life is sacred.

Yet these same people want to kill women and doctors for having and performing an abortion.

I don't know if I'm the only person who sees this but it's totally illogical to me to say I'm going to kill you because you had an abortion that I believe it's killing because all life is sacred.

How pro life is it to kill people to tell people it's wrong to have an abortion?

If all life is sacred why are women being exempted from that?
From the link:

Under the bill filed Tuesday, women who receive an abortion and physicians who perform the procedure could be charged with assault or homicide, which is punishable by death in Texas, confirmed Shannon Edmonds, a staff attorney with the Texas District and County Attorneys Association. The association does not have a position on the bill.

The bill bans abortions starting at fertilization; most abortions in Texas are currently prohibited after 20 weeks. The bill's language cites one justice's opinion in a recent Supreme Court case, June Medical Services L.L.C. v. Russo, that says the Constitution "does not constrain the states' ability to regulate or even prohibit abortion."

So bodily autonomy is not a consideration in Texas under this bill?


They are saying it's wrong to kill but they are going to kill women and doctors.

Does anyone else see the irony in that?

They are saying it's wrong to kill but they are going to kill women and doctors.

Does anyone else see the irony in that?
No one is saying they are going to kill women and doctors except you Leftist extremist who clearly do not live in reality.

They are saying it is wrong to murder unborn children.

And, capital punishment is not murder.

LMAO @ the stupid shit you Leftist believe.
Their claim that a zygote, embryo and fetus is a human being is ridiculous.

If it's a human being remove it from the woman's body. Let it do all the things that a human being can do.

Except, that zygote, fetus and embryo doesn't have a mouth or lungs or brain or central nervous system or arms or legs or anything that a human can do and does every day.

So this claim it's a human being is ridiculous. The liars know it and get very upset when I tell them to treat it like every other human being because they know it's not a human being and they are lying.
Would you consider a "fetus" life, if we found it on Mars?
I don't understand why people elect politicians like the ones in this article and the Texas government.

Why can't they just be happy doing the job people want them to do ?

Texas has a lot of problems. The highest rate of uninsured in the nation. Among the lowest in education and the list goes on and on.

Yet these men are wasting time and tax dollars with passing legislation that will kill women and doctors.

The stupid bill won't even get past committee much less become law.

It's disgusting.

Abortion is murder. There are a few exceptions for legal abortion. Murderers should be given the death penalty.
Intentional 'killing' with a hammer, knife, blunt object, or heaven forbid, even a gun of any type, all fall under the category of Murderer.

You agree?
Intentional 'killing' with a hammer, knife, blunt object, or heaven forbid, even a gun of any type, all fall under the category of Murderer.

You agree?
Murder is defined as the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought.

The means are irrelevant.
I don't understand why people elect politicians like the ones in this article and the Texas government.

Why can't they just be happy doing the job people want them to do ?

Texas has a lot of problems. The highest rate of uninsured in the nation. Among the lowest in education and the list goes on and on.

Yet these men are wasting time and tax dollars with passing legislation that will kill women and doctors.

The stupid bill won't even get past committee much less become law.

It's disgusting.

Abortion is murder. There are a few exceptions for legal abortion. Murderers should be given the death penalty.
This is a lie – as ignorant as it is wrong.

Abortion is not ‘murder.’
Correct, since it requires an appointment its actually premeditated murder, making it first degree, worthy of the death penalty.
I think it's very hypocritical of the anti choicers who scream life starts at conception and all life is sacred.

Yet these same people want to kill women and doctors for having and performing an abortion.

I don't know if I'm the only person who sees this but it's totally illogical to me to say I'm going to kill you because you had an abortion that I believe it's killing because all life is sacred.

How pro life is it to kill people to tell people it's wrong to have an abortion?

If all life is sacred why are women being exempted from that?

You stupid fucking commie, you admitted the bill would never make it out of committee so all your doing is propagandizing, just STFU already.

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Murder is defined as the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought.

The means are irrelevant.
Correct. So, you support the Death Penalty for ALL Murders. Yes or No.

I'm fine with either answer you give.
That's a ridiculous post.

All cases should be judged on an individual basis.
But an earlier poster said "Murderers should be given the death penalty."

I'm just trying to understand where you stand.
So, not ALL murderers. Got it. Individual basis.
I think it's very hypocritical of the anti choicers who scream life starts at conception and all life is sacred.

Yet these same people want to kill women and doctors for having and performing an abortion.

It seems to me that it is those of you who argue for a “right” to kill innocent children in cold blood, but who also argue against putting convicted murders to death, who have some explaining to do.

Another Texas GOP Lawmaker Is Attempting To Make Abortion Punishable By The Death Penalty​

Abortion is the death penalty for many children guilty of the crime of being conceived.

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