Another Texas GOP Lawmaker Is Attempting To Make Abortion Punishable By The Death Penalty

But an earlier poster said "Murderers should be given the death penalty."

I'm just trying to understand where you stand.
So, not ALL murderers. Got it. Individual basis.
No I didn't.
I clearly said 'another poster'

I was asking about "Individual Basis."

So my comment was, "So not ALL murderers."
So you're saying, Murderers need to be judged on an 'Individual Basis.'

Hey, I agree.
I clearly said 'another poster'

I was asking about "Individual Basis."

So my comment was, "So not ALL murderers."
So you're saying, Murderers need to be judged on an 'Individual Basis.'

Hey, I agree.
It's all good.

And, you posted "An earlier poster" .... not another poster ... to which I interpreted as an earlier one of my post.

My bad.
It's not true anymore than violation of the Mask law will result in the death penalty. It's spin by a "reporter" named Shannon Najmabadi designed to outrage the abortion on demand activists.
I don't understand why people elect politicians like the ones in this article and the Texas government.
Because they’re authoritarian conservatives who want to compel conformity and punish dissent.

The authoritarian right seeks more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.

But you knew that already.
your premise is a lie,,

read the news for once and you wont be so ignorant,,
your premise is a lie,,

read the news for once and you wont be so ignorant,,
Leftism is a irreversable Mental Disorder.

No amount of information could save these fools.
sadly you are correct,,

From the link:

Under the bill filed Tuesday, women who receive an abortion and physicians who perform the procedure could be charged with assault or homicide, which is punishable by death in Texas, confirmed Shannon Edmonds, a staff attorney with the Texas District and County Attorneys Association. The association does not have a position on the bill.

The bill bans abortions starting at fertilization; most abortions in Texas are currently prohibited after 20 weeks. The bill's language cites one justice's opinion in a recent Supreme Court case, June Medical Services L.L.C. v. Russo, that says the Constitution "does not constrain the states' ability to regulate or even prohibit abortion."

So bodily autonomy is not a consideration in Texas under this bill?


They are saying it's wrong to kill but they are going to kill women and doctors.

Does anyone else see the irony in that?
We have a transexual mentally challenged individual in a nationally placed position. Respecting someone and living by their rules death. Since I have experienced everything, ph uk u all.
I'm beginning to think Texans have issues.

Isn't this the state that lets you run over protesters now?

Perhaps it just allows protesters to try walking in moving traffic.
I mean if it isn't a clearly marked pedestrian crossing ... Ooops.

I don't understand why people elect politicians like the ones in this article and the Texas government.

Why can't they just be happy doing the job people want them to do ?

Texas has a lot of problems. The highest rate of uninsured in the nation. Among the lowest in education and the list goes on and on.

Yet these men are wasting time and tax dollars with passing legislation that will kill women and doctors.

The stupid bill won't even get past committee much less become law.

It's disgusting.

Let me know when these prolife men decide to give the death penalty to men for having or forcing sex that results in unwanted pregnancy, unwanted children or abortion.

When lawmakers hold men equally responsible for the decision NOT to have sex if pregnancy or children are not wanted, then I will know they are serious about stopping abortion.

Yeah, give men the opportunity to chose if their child is killed or not. Then we can discuss the rest.


This can only occur if he can come and get the fetus and find a place to grow it for another seven months or so. And then his 18-year job begins. It's not just a matter of paying some money. He gets to do all of the hands-on work.

No one is forcing a man to have sex with a woman he is not sure of. It is his choice whether to do so or not. Men should think about these things before they go hopping into bed with just about anyone. There must be a male equivalent to "just keep your legs together."

Texas seems to slip farther and farther down the rabbit hole every day.
Biden made it harder on us when he reopened the illegal drug trade that comes with an open border. On Obama's watch we were having 200 American kids dying from fentanyl hauled in on the backs of illegals who agreed to carry the drugs or wind up with a bullet or knife to the carotid. Trump pulled that 200 number to digits by various means until the wall was finished. He cared. Now under Biden's open border, illegal drugs have not been in favor of American kids,

And with all that available drug mess young women suffer because their boyfriend has no idea what he is doing in the babymaking reality he might not wish to pay the price for 18 years.

There is a connection between drug use and child rape. We truly do not appreciate promoting drugs and their deleterious and multiple effects on our youths.

What is the penalty for rape in Texas?

Rape is not an adequate description of the crime.
You would have to identify the severity of the entire event to arrive at an accurate answer.

Sexual Assault
Aggravated Sexual Assault
Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Minor
Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Minor Under the Influence of Ketamine
Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Minor Under the Influence of Ketamine Involving Sodomy

There are a lot more stipulations and any combination could apply.

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I don't understand why people elect politicians like the ones in this article and the Texas government.
Because they’re authoritarian conservatives who want to compel conformity and punish dissent.

The authoritarian right seeks more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.

But you knew that already.
They seek on protect only one side of individual liberty, while the authoritarian left keeps trying to erode it, and vice versa.

The entire country is made up of authoritarians.

What is the penalty for rape in Texas?
Why are you asking that question?

If they want the death penalty for abortion they ought to have the death penalty for rape.. Doesn't that make sense to you? And, I think the death penalty for statutory rape as well.
Good idea.

Let's also add that if a woman needs an abortion the man who made her pregnant must automatically be castrated. Share the burden a bit.

If they want the death penalty for abortion they ought to have the death penalty for rape.. Doesn't that make sense to you? And, I think the death penalty for statutory rape as well.
Well ....

First of all ..... "they" do not want the death penalty for abortion.

THAT is a Leftist LIE that you keep parroting.

And, secondly, there are states that have the death penalty for rape, but that is reserved mostly for the rape of children.

Something the Left is trying to normalize.

Let's also add that if a woman needs an abortion the man who made her pregnant must automatically be castrated. Share the burden a bit.
Wow ...

That's a really fvcking sick post.

Any questions about Leftism being a mental disorder?

Folks you can't make this shit up.

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