Another Texas GOP Lawmaker Is Attempting To Make Abortion Punishable By The Death Penalty

If alot less women got pregnant all of this goes away and everyone wins. But some would then say a declining birthrate is somehow bad. That's ridiculous of course.

The best way to prevent pregnancy is birth control.

Those who don't want abortion should be on the street corners handing out free birth control to everyone who wants it. They should not fight to prevent birth control easy and accessible.

Yet they do the exact opposite.

When Obamacare included insurance covering birth control the same anti choice people screamed bloody murder. They didn't want insurance companies covering birth control.

They make birth control as difficult to get and as expensive as possible.

Yet a man can walk into any store and buy condoms anytime they want. They are cheap and effective. Yet men fight tooth and nail to not use a condom.

These people aren't pro life. They are anti life. Their views will kill countless women. Will destroy the lives of countless women. While they cheer men who make a woman pregnant then walk away from their own flesh and blood without even looking back to see what they've done.

Oh and a child isn't just 18 years. You're a parent for the rest of your life and take care of that child until you're dead. As the child gets older the necessity to take care of them becomes less but you're still a parent and they still run right back to you when they need help.
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If alot less women got pregnant all of this goes away and everyone wins. But some would then say a declining birthrate is somehow bad. That's ridiculous of course.

The best way to prevent pregnancy is birth control.

Those who don't want abortion should be on the street corners handing out free birth control to everyone who wants it. They should not fight to make birth control easy and accessible.

Yet they do the exact opposite.

When Obamacare included insurance covering birth control the same anti choice people screamed bloody murder. They didn't want insurance companies covering birth control.

They make birth control as difficult to get and as expensive as possible.

Yet a man can walk into any store and buy condoms anytime they want. They are cheap and effective. Yet men fight tooth and nail to not use a condom.

These people aren't pro life. They are anti life. Their views will kill countless women. Will destroy the lives of countless women. While they cheer men who make a woman pregnant then walk away from their own flesh and blood without even looking back to see what they've done.

Oh and a child isn't just 18 years. You're a parent for the rest of your life and take care of that child until you're dead. As the child gets older the necessity to take care of them becomes less but you're still a parent and they still run right back to you when they need help.
The best way to prevent pregnacy is PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY !!!

Some you Leftist extremist hate more than Pro-Lifers.
I don't understand why people elect politicians like the ones in this article and the Texas government.

Why can't they just be happy doing the job people want them to do ?

Texas has a lot of problems. The highest rate of uninsured in the nation. Among the lowest in education and the list goes on and on.

Yet these men are wasting time and tax dollars with passing legislation that will kill women and doctors.

The stupid bill won't even get past committee much less become law.

It's disgusting.

Let me know when these prolife men decide to give the death penalty to men for having or forcing sex that results in unwanted pregnancy, unwanted children or abortion.

When lawmakers hold men equally responsible for the decision NOT to have sex if pregnancy or children are not wanted, then I will know they are serious about stopping abortion.

Yeah, give men the opportunity to chose if their child is killed or not. Then we can discuss the rest.


This can only occur if he can come and get the fetus and find a place to grow it for another seven months or so. And then his 18-year job begins. It's not just a matter of paying some money. He gets to do all of the hands-on work.

No one is forcing a man to have sex with a woman he is not sure of. It is his choice whether to do so or not. Men should think about these things before they go hopping into bed with just about anyone. There must be a male equivalent to "just keep your legs together."

Texas seems to slip farther and farther down the rabbit hole every day.

You can't kill something that's not alive so the person you replied to is lying about abortion being killing. In many cases, it's saving the life of the woman but these disgusting people don't give a damn about the life of the woman.

In fact they don't give a damn about life period. We just went through a year of how much they love life. So much they refuse to wear a simple mask. So much they deny to this day that the virus is deadly. The result of their irresponsible selfishness is 600 thousand dead Americans.

They just love their weapons and believe that they have a right to shoot and kill anyone just because how the feel. They do everything they can to stop the implementation of weapon safety laws. They don't give a flying fig about the thousands of people who needlessly die at the hands of a crazy person with a weapon.

Pro life? That is nothing but a lie.

The equivalent to "keep your legs together" for a man is "keep it in your pants" or "keep your pants zipped."

The reason for a lot of abortions is because the man doesn't want anything to do with the woman after he made her pregnant. They just walk away without even looking back to see what they've caused. A large portion of them don't even acknowledge the child is theirs. The woman is left alone to deal with the pregnancy and raise the child with absolutely zero help from the man. There are millions of children in this nation who have never even seen their dad much less even get a birthday or holiday card from them. it's just fine in our society for a man to make a child then abandon it even before it's born. Yet women have no right to terminate a pregnancy both she and the man don't want.

Anyone who calls a pregnant woman "knocked up" is screaming how much they hate women and how much they hate that zygote. They show they have no respect for anything but themselves. Much less any respect for a new life.

The man has no say in whether a woman has an abortion. He never should. It's not his body.
You don't have a fucking clue about what you are talking about. A lot of men convince the women they get pregnant to have the child, they take it, and they raise it themselves. They are far more responsible, moral, and loving than the women they get pregnant.

Women have been brainwashed by the cultural Marxists that their lives can be "more," than being mothers. . . but NOTHING is more fulfilling than being a parent & part of a family . . . NOTHING.

"This means that men now lead about a quarter of all single-parent families."
You can't kill something that's not alive so the person you replied to is lying about abortion being killing. In many cases, it's saving the life of the woman but these disgusting people don't give a damn about the life of the woman.

By every accepted scientific criterion, the unborn child is alive; and is a distinct living organism from its mother.

But it's probably pointless to try to argue science with someone who believes that “science” supports the insane premise that Bruce Jenner is a woman.

In fact they don't give a damn about life period. We just went through a year of how much they love life. So much they refuse to wear a simple mask. So much they deny to this day that the virus is deadly. The result of their irresponsible selfishness is 600 thousand dead Americans.

That you believe the massively-exaggerated claims about the #CoronaHoax2020 virus, and that you are so abjectly stupid as to believe that a 0.02- to 0.5-micron virus cannot get through the 50+ micron gaps in a mask, only goes to show how ignorant and intellectually-defective you are.

But even if, for the sake of argument, we accept the lies that you have embraced, about there having been 600,000 Americans killed by this disease, it is nothing compared to the millions of innocents human beings killed in cold blood by abortion. All other things aside, application of the tu quoque fallacy calls for that of which you are trying to accuse your opposition to be at least as serious as your own guilt from which you are trying to deflect. In this case, even if we stipulate all the other lies on which your position is based, it falls far short.

They just love their weapons and believe that they have a right to shoot and kill anyone just because how the feel.

Who is it that you are claiming believes any such thing?
Oh and a child isn't just 18 years. You're a parent for the rest of your life and take care of that child until you're dead. As the child gets older the necessity to take care of them becomes less but you're still a parent and they still run right back to you when they need help.

Spoken like someone who is well past 18 years of age, and still hasn't grown up; still depending on his parents to support and care for him instead of being an adult and seeing to his own needs.

It goes a long way toward explaining your positions on a lot of issues.
If alot less women got pregnant all of this goes away and everyone wins. But some would then say a declining birthrate is somehow bad. That's ridiculous of course.

I have been saying for years that the incidence of abortion would be greatly reduced if people received a complete sex education at a fairly young age when they first start experiencing sexual urges and that people had access to effective contraception.

So what do the idiotic so-called "pro-life" right-wingers come up with? Loud opposition to any sex education except abstinence and widespread access to contraception. Shut down Planned Parenthood, which enabled my college class to graduate with only one slip up that I know of. And a lot of these right-wingers are not "pro-life" on any other issue.

Anyone who thinks that women prefer having an abortion, particularly in our insane political environment, over using reliable contraception and not getting pregnant in the first is totally out of their mind.

The right-wingers seem to want to increase the number of abortions.
I don't understand why people elect politicians like the ones in this article and the Texas government.

Why can't they just be happy doing the job people want them to do ?

Texas has a lot of problems. The highest rate of uninsured in the nation. Among the lowest in education and the list goes on and on.

Yet these men are wasting time and tax dollars with passing legislation that will kill women and doctors.

The stupid bill won't even get past committee much less become law.

It's disgusting.

Let me know when these prolife men decide to give the death penalty to men for having or forcing sex that results in unwanted pregnancy, unwanted children or abortion.

When lawmakers hold men equally responsible for the decision NOT to have sex if pregnancy or children are not wanted, then I will know they are serious about stopping abortion.

Yeah, give men the opportunity to chose if their child is killed or not. Then we can discuss the rest.


This can only occur if he can come and get the fetus and find a place to grow it for another seven months or so. And then his 18-year job begins. It's not just a matter of paying some money. He gets to do all of the hands-on work.

No one is forcing a man to have sex with a woman he is not sure of. It is his choice whether to do so or not. Men should think about these things before they go hopping into bed with just about anyone. There must be a male equivalent to "just keep your legs together."

Texas seems to slip farther and farther down the rabbit hole every day.

It's the choice of both, but only the man faces liability of paying for a kid, with zero say if it's brought to term or not, or to relinquish parental rights and responsibilities if his preference is the child should not be brought to term and the woman disagrees. The equity bullshit you commies have been pushing would dictate that both would have equal opportunity to make the "choice" or neither would.


Only the woman faces the risks and pain of pregnancy and birth. The man's "say" cannot overrule the woman's say for this reason alone. He can always go into another room and get away from it all while she cannot.

Moreover, you men better start talking about performing all of the tasks of parenthood, not just in terms of paying for something or just "helping out" occasionally., since the woman may be able to, or want to do them. It's going to be 24/7/365, feeding, changing, bathing, laundry, medical appointments, childhood diseases, drying tears, then comes school, teaching to drive, teenage problems, all the way until they are 18.

You will have to give up your personal interests, and you won't be seeing your friends much unless you can arrange playdates among yourselves.

"Commies"??? This discussion has absolutely nothing to do with economic theories. You sound like something out of a movie about Joe McCarthy.

You act like pregnancy is some kind of horrible disease, when it's the natural process of reproduction. And yeah, being a parent requires your time and sacrifice. If a couple is not prepared for that, there are 10s of thousands of loving people willing to take on that responsibility. In short, killing our future is not a good answer.

It's very telling that this law would kill women and doctors but does absolutely nothing to hold the man who got her pregnant responsible for the pregnancy.

If they want to murder women and doctors for performing an abortion the man who got her pregnant should also be put to death.
If alot less women got pregnant all of this goes away and everyone wins. But some would then say a declining birthrate is somehow bad. That's ridiculous of course.

The best way to prevent pregnancy is birth control.

Those who don't want abortion should be on the street corners handing out free birth control to everyone who wants it. They should not fight to prevent birth control easy and accessible.

Yet they do the exact opposite.

When Obamacare included insurance covering birth control the same anti choice people screamed bloody murder. They didn't want insurance companies covering birth control.

They make birth control as difficult to get and as expensive as possible.

Yet a man can walk into any store and buy condoms anytime they want. They are cheap and effective. Yet men fight tooth and nail to not use a condom.

These people aren't pro life. They are anti life. Their views will kill countless women. Will destroy the lives of countless women. While they cheer men who make a woman pregnant then walk away from their own flesh and blood without even looking back to see what they've done.

Oh and a child isn't just 18 years. You're a parent for the rest of your life and take care of that child until you're dead. As the child gets older the necessity to take care of them becomes less but you're still a parent and they still run right back to you when they need help.

You're such a liar, birth control can be had for less than ten dollars a month. And now they're advertising where you don't even have to leave your house to get it. So take your propaganda and shove it.

I don't understand why people elect politicians like the ones in this article and the Texas government.

Why can't they just be happy doing the job people want them to do ?

Texas has a lot of problems. The highest rate of uninsured in the nation. Among the lowest in education and the list goes on and on.

Yet these men are wasting time and tax dollars with passing legislation that will kill women and doctors.

The stupid bill won't even get past committee much less become law.

It's disgusting.

Let me know when these prolife men decide to give the death penalty to men for having or forcing sex that results in unwanted pregnancy, unwanted children or abortion.

When lawmakers hold men equally responsible for the decision NOT to have sex if pregnancy or children are not wanted, then I will know they are serious about stopping abortion.

Yeah, give men the opportunity to chose if their child is killed or not. Then we can discuss the rest.


This can only occur if he can come and get the fetus and find a place to grow it for another seven months or so. And then his 18-year job begins. It's not just a matter of paying some money. He gets to do all of the hands-on work.

No one is forcing a man to have sex with a woman he is not sure of. It is his choice whether to do so or not. Men should think about these things before they go hopping into bed with just about anyone. There must be a male equivalent to "just keep your legs together."

Texas seems to slip farther and farther down the rabbit hole every day.

You can't kill something that's not alive so the person you replied to is lying about abortion being killing. In many cases, it's saving the life of the woman but these disgusting people don't give a damn about the life of the woman.

In fact they don't give a damn about life period. We just went through a year of how much they love life. So much they refuse to wear a simple mask. So much they deny to this day that the virus is deadly. The result of their irresponsible selfishness is 600 thousand dead Americans.

They just love their weapons and believe that they have a right to shoot and kill anyone just because how the feel. They do everything they can to stop the implementation of weapon safety laws. They don't give a flying fig about the thousands of people who needlessly die at the hands of a crazy person with a weapon.

Pro life? That is nothing but a lie.

The equivalent to "keep your legs together" for a man is "keep it in your pants" or "keep your pants zipped."

The reason for a lot of abortions is because the man doesn't want anything to do with the woman after he made her pregnant. They just walk away without even looking back to see what they've caused. A large portion of them don't even acknowledge the child is theirs. The woman is left alone to deal with the pregnancy and raise the child with absolutely zero help from the man. There are millions of children in this nation who have never even seen their dad much less even get a birthday or holiday card from them. it's just fine in our society for a man to make a child then abandon it even before it's born. Yet women have no right to terminate a pregnancy both she and the man don't want.

Anyone who calls a pregnant woman "knocked up" is screaming how much they hate women and how much they hate that zygote. They show they have no respect for anything but themselves. Much less any respect for a new life.

The man has no say in whether a woman has an abortion. He never should. It's not his body.
You don't have a fucking clue about what you are talking about. A lot of men convince the women they get pregnant to have the child, they take it, and they raise it themselves. They are far more responsible, moral, and loving than the women they get pregnant.

Women have been brainwashed by the cultural Marxists that their lives can be "more," than being mothers. . . but NOTHING is more fulfilling than being a parent & part of a family . . . NOTHING.

"This means that men now lead about a quarter of all single-parent families."

What the heck is a "cultural Marxist"?

What leads you to conclude that women are being "brainwashed"? People do think for themselves, you know. They are perfectly capable of determining what they would find fulfilling. Women do not need men to tell them how to be women.

You sound like you're cult. The cults are known for attempting, many times successfully, to brainwash women and girls.
It's very telling that this law would kill women and doctors but does absolutely nothing to hold the man who got her pregnant responsible for the pregnancy.

If they want to murder women and doctors for performing an abortion the man who got her pregnant should also be put to death.

Why should the man be liable, didn't you say they should have no choice when it comes to killing the kid? You'd have to give the man veto power in order to hold him responsible for the procedure.

Being a man, I can’t tell women their bodies should be legislated. I don’t want anybody telling me what to do with my body. And if they tried to I’d be angry.

If people put as much effort into daycare as they put into anti-abortion, more women could have babies and then go back to work knowing their children are being taken care of while they’re bringing home the bucks.

The reason most women have abortions is because they just can’t take care of A kid or another kid.
Some Women who are already married and have children sometimes get an abortion because they just can’t support another kid.

but whatever the reason, I don’t care. Because I feel that I don’t have the right to tell women how they should manage their own bodies.

every so often a story come up about some politician that’s a right to lifer pressuring his mistress to have an abortion. That always makes me snicker
If alot less women got pregnant all of this goes away and everyone wins. But some would then say a declining birthrate is somehow bad. That's ridiculous of course.

The best way to prevent pregnancy is birth control.

Those who don't want abortion should be on the street corners handing out free birth control to everyone who wants it. They should not fight to prevent birth control easy and accessible.

Yet they do the exact opposite.

When Obamacare included insurance covering birth control the same anti choice people screamed bloody murder. They didn't want insurance companies covering birth control.

They make birth control as difficult to get and as expensive as possible.

Yet a man can walk into any store and buy condoms anytime they want. They are cheap and effective. Yet men fight tooth and nail to not use a condom.

These people aren't pro life. They are anti life. Their views will kill countless women. Will destroy the lives of countless women. While they cheer men who make a woman pregnant then walk away from their own flesh and blood without even looking back to see what they've done.

Oh and a child isn't just 18 years. You're a parent for the rest of your life and take care of that child until you're dead. As the child gets older the necessity to take care of them becomes less but you're still a parent and they still run right back to you when they need help.

You're such a liar, birth control can be had for less than ten dollars a month. And now they're advertising where you don't even have to leave your house to get it. So take your propaganda and shove it.

Well, good. If everyone can get it, we'll just be dealing with technological failures and there will be much less abortions.

There is nothing in the above comment that appears to be propaganda. It is true that many of the same people who are so adamant about outlawing abortion try very hard to limit or eliminate access to birth control. Their motives are certainly questionable and should be examined.

Why are you so angry?
If alot less women got pregnant all of this goes away and everyone wins. But some would then say a declining birthrate is somehow bad. That's ridiculous of course.

The best way to prevent pregnancy is birth control.

Those who don't want abortion should be on the street corners handing out free birth control to everyone who wants it. They should not fight to prevent birth control easy and accessible.

Yet they do the exact opposite.

When Obamacare included insurance covering birth control the same anti choice people screamed bloody murder. They didn't want insurance companies covering birth control.

They make birth control as difficult to get and as expensive as possible.

Yet a man can walk into any store and buy condoms anytime they want. They are cheap and effective. Yet men fight tooth and nail to not use a condom.

These people aren't pro life. They are anti life. Their views will kill countless women. Will destroy the lives of countless women. While they cheer men who make a woman pregnant then walk away from their own flesh and blood without even looking back to see what they've done.

Oh and a child isn't just 18 years. You're a parent for the rest of your life and take care of that child until you're dead. As the child gets older the necessity to take care of them becomes less but you're still a parent and they still run right back to you when they need help.

You're such a liar, birth control can be had for less than ten dollars a month. And now they're advertising where you don't even have to leave your house to get it. So take your propaganda and shove it.

Well, good. If everyone can get it, we'll just be dealing with technological failures and there will be much less abortions.

There is nothing in the above comment that appears to be propaganda. It is true that many of the same people who are so adamant about outlawing abortion try very hard to limit or eliminate access to birth control. Their motives are certainly questionable and should be examined.

Why are you so angry?

I simply don't care much for liars. I don't know of anyone who advocates limiting access to birth control. It's cheep and easily gotten, like I said you can get it without leaving your home and it's delivered to your door.

I don't understand why people elect politicians like the ones in this article and the Texas government.

Why can't they just be happy doing the job people want them to do ?

Texas has a lot of problems. The highest rate of uninsured in the nation. Among the lowest in education and the list goes on and on.

Yet these men are wasting time and tax dollars with passing legislation that will kill women and doctors.

The stupid bill won't even get past committee much less become law.

It's disgusting.

Abortion has already KILLED more than 50 million babies in gruesome procedures that rip their tiny limbs off, how much more blood are we to endure from the savage left?

I simply don't care much for liars. I don't know of anyone who advocates limiting access to birth control. It's cheep and easily gotten, like I said you can get it without leaving your home and it's delivered to your door.

The entire thread is base on a LIE.

But, then again so are 95% of the threads our looney Leftist friends post.

I simply don't care much for liars. I don't know of anyone who advocates limiting access to birth control. It's cheep and easily gotten, like I said you can get it without leaving your home and it's delivered to your door.

The entire thread is base on a LIE.

But, then again so are 95% of the threads our looney Leftist friends post.

Yep. They're talking like it's still the 1960s.

I don't understand why people elect politicians like the ones in this article and the Texas government.

Why can't they just be happy doing the job people want them to do ?

Texas has a lot of problems. The highest rate of uninsured in the nation. Among the lowest in education and the list goes on and on.

Yet these men are wasting time and tax dollars with passing legislation that will kill women and doctors.

The stupid bill won't even get past committee much less become law.

It's disgusting.

Let me know when these prolife men decide to give the death penalty to men for having or forcing sex that results in unwanted pregnancy, unwanted children or abortion.

When lawmakers hold men equally responsible for the decision NOT to have sex if pregnancy or children are not wanted, then I will know they are serious about stopping abortion.

Yeah, give men the opportunity to chose if their child is killed or not. Then we can discuss the rest.


This can only occur if he can come and get the fetus and find a place to grow it for another seven months or so. And then his 18-year job begins. It's not just a matter of paying some money. He gets to do all of the hands-on work.

No one is forcing a man to have sex with a woman he is not sure of. It is his choice whether to do so or not. Men should think about these things before they go hopping into bed with just about anyone. There must be a male equivalent to "just keep your legs together."

Texas seems to slip farther and farther down the rabbit hole every day.

You can't kill something that's not alive so the person you replied to is lying about abortion being killing. In many cases, it's saving the life of the woman but these disgusting people don't give a damn about the life of the woman.

In fact they don't give a damn about life period. We just went through a year of how much they love life. So much they refuse to wear a simple mask. So much they deny to this day that the virus is deadly. The result of their irresponsible selfishness is 600 thousand dead Americans.

They just love their weapons and believe that they have a right to shoot and kill anyone just because how the feel. They do everything they can to stop the implementation of weapon safety laws. They don't give a flying fig about the thousands of people who needlessly die at the hands of a crazy person with a weapon.

Pro life? That is nothing but a lie.

The equivalent to "keep your legs together" for a man is "keep it in your pants" or "keep your pants zipped."

The reason for a lot of abortions is because the man doesn't want anything to do with the woman after he made her pregnant. They just walk away without even looking back to see what they've caused. A large portion of them don't even acknowledge the child is theirs. The woman is left alone to deal with the pregnancy and raise the child with absolutely zero help from the man. There are millions of children in this nation who have never even seen their dad much less even get a birthday or holiday card from them. it's just fine in our society for a man to make a child then abandon it even before it's born. Yet women have no right to terminate a pregnancy both she and the man don't want.

Anyone who calls a pregnant woman "knocked up" is screaming how much they hate women and how much they hate that zygote. They show they have no respect for anything but themselves. Much less any respect for a new life.

The man has no say in whether a woman has an abortion. He never should. It's not his body.
Terrific, beautifully written post.

The 'Pro Life' label is bullshit. Just another way to control other people. They"re complete phonies and liars.

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