Another Texas GOP Lawmaker Is Attempting To Make Abortion Punishable By The Death Penalty

All abortion can be justified as a need if the woman wants, because giving birth is about 100 times more risky then the abortion procedure.

Sweetie ... At no point did I ask you to justify a thing to me.
It's still a choice ... And the choice she makes isn't up for my approval, neither are the consequences for that choice.

Depends on what you consider a need.

Either way two are responsible for the situation - both should be punished.

No it doesn't depend on what I consider a need, and I offered the only exception.
Since I don't think it is any of the Federal Government's business, punishment is not a concern of mine.

I hate Abortion, would do anything I could to convince a woman not to make that choice.
However ... Regardless my desires, some women will seek abortions and a clinical environment is safer than an alley.

Culpability is between the woman and God, I am not the judge of that.
However ... It is wrong to use Federal tax dollars to provide abortions services.

Of course these are just my personal views, with respect to all parties involved.
You should try it some time.


Abortion is absolutely essential.
We already have about 4 times the population of humans that the planet can sustain, and that is by massive use of hundreds of millions of years worth of concentrated fossil fuel.
Once that runs out, then we will be in real trouble.
Reducing the population by about a factor of 4 is the only way humans can avoid extinction.
We have way too high of a reproductive rate, based on millions of years as prey.
Now that we are alpha predator's and no longer prey, the reproduction rate is way too high.
I'm beginning to think Texans have issues.

Isn't this the state that lets you run over protesters now?
If you're blocking the road and preventing me from getting somewhere, you're not a protester. You're denying my freedom and rights. Dumb fuck.
Depends on what you consider a need.

Either way two are responsible for the situation - both should be punished.

No it doesn't depend on what I consider a need, and I offered the only exception.
Since I don't think it is any of the Federal Government's business, punishment is not a concern of mine.

I hate Abortion, would do anything I could to convince a woman not to make that choice.
However ... Regardless my desires, some women will seek abortions and a clinical environment is safer than an alley.

Culpability is between the woman and God, I am not the judge of that.
However ... It is wrong to use Federal tax dollars to provide abortions services.

Of course these are just my personal views, with respect to all parties involved.
You should try it some time.

Actually, largely, we agree here.

Neither one of us walk in that woman's shoes nor do all those people insisting she is evil. We have no right to take her choice from her and neither does the government, until the fetus is viable. I would rather put all that effort (an effort which, I might add, ultimately abandons the woman and her child post birth) into abortion prevention, sex education, birth control, support for new parents, also including government subsidized birth control - to reduce the need for abortion.

That too, respects both sides.

Maybe you shouldn't make assumptions.

Let's also add that if a woman needs an abortion the man who made her pregnant must automatically be castrated. Share the burden a bit.
Wow ...

That's a really fvcking sick post.

Any questions about Leftism being a mental disorder?

Folks you can't make this shit up.
It's fucking sick to place it all on the woman when it takes two to create the problem.
does the man have a say in the babys death when the mother aborts it??

or does he have the ability to not be held responsible and kill it without the mothers say so or not pay child support if she keeps it??

Doesn't matter. He made her pregnant. He bears very little burden beyond financial which often times can be quite minimal. No physical burden, no health risks, etc.

Guess he should have kept his pants zipped right?
if you want to cut his nuts off he does,, and that small burden can end his life if he doesnt pay it,,

youre dbl standards are just pathetic,, but beings its you its understandable,,,

You want the death penalty for women and doctors???

Let's also add that if a woman needs an abortion the man who made her pregnant must automatically be castrated. Share the burden a bit.
Wow ...

That's a really fvcking sick post.

Any questions about Leftism being a mental disorder?

Folks you can't make this shit up.
It's fucking sick to place it all on the woman when it takes two to create the problem.
does the man have a say in the babys death when the mother aborts it??

or does he have the ability to not be held responsible and kill it without the mothers say so or not pay child support if she keeps it??

Doesn't matter. He made her pregnant. He bears very little burden beyond financial which often times can be quite minimal. No physical burden, no health risks, etc.

Guess he should have kept his pants zipped right?
if you want to cut his nuts off he does,, and that small burden can end his life if he doesnt pay it,,

youre dbl standards are just pathetic,, but beings its you its understandable,,,
There is no death penalty for failing to pay child support.
Depends on what you consider a need.

Either way two are responsible for the situation - both should be punished.

No it doesn't depend on what I consider a need, and I offered the only exception.
Since I don't think it is any of the Federal Government's business, punishment is not a concern of mine.

I hate Abortion, would do anything I could to convince a woman not to make that choice.
However ... Regardless my desires, some women will seek abortions and a clinical environment is safer than an alley.

Culpability is between the woman and God, I am not the judge of that.
However ... It is wrong to use Federal tax dollars to provide abortions services.

Of course these are just my personal views, with respect to all parties involved.
You should try it some time.


Abortion is absolutely essential.
We already have about 4 times the population of humans that the planet can sustain, and that is by massive use of hundreds of millions of years worth of concentrated fossil fuel.
Once that runs out, then we will be in real trouble.
Reducing the population by about a factor of 4 is the only way humans can avoid extinction.
We have way too high of a reproductive rate, based on millions of years as prey.
Now that we are alpha predator's and no longer prey, the reproduction rate is way too high.
Not in the US it's not. Work on India.

Let's also add that if a woman needs an abortion the man who made her pregnant must automatically be castrated. Share the burden a bit.
Wow ...

That's a really fvcking sick post.

Any questions about Leftism being a mental disorder?

Folks you can't make this shit up.
It's fucking sick to place it all on the woman when it takes two to create the problem.
does the man have a say in the babys death when the mother aborts it??

or does he have the ability to not be held responsible and kill it without the mothers say so or not pay child support if she keeps it??

Doesn't matter. He made her pregnant. He bears very little burden beyond financial which often times can be quite minimal. No physical burden, no health risks, etc.

Guess he should have kept his pants zipped right?
if you want to cut his nuts off he does,, and that small burden can end his life if he doesnt pay it,,

youre dbl standards are just pathetic,, but beings its you its understandable,,,
There is no death penalty for failing to pay child support.
but there is life in prison,, which is what happens if you dont pay,,,

if a women has 9 months and 4 days to decide not to be a mother the father should have the same option,, equality and all that,,

If you are a Texan, you should be on your feet yelling hell NO, we'll put these lawmakers out of business first.. Instead you are flopping around making lame excuses for them.
You want me to jump off in your psycho world and pretend abortion isn't murder?

I think I'll stay on this side of reality.
I'm beginning to think Texans have issues.

Isn't this the state that lets you run over protesters now?
If you're blocking the road and preventing me from getting somewhere, you're not a protester. You're denying my freedom and rights. Dumb fuck.
Ironic isn't it?

Consider this.

These are the people who consider pregancy to be "an inconvenience".

Yet they want to run down people who block the road - an "inconvenience".

And they have complete meltdowns over the "inconvenience" of wearing a mask for short while.

But if a woman is "inconvenienced" by a pregnancy - she has NO RIGHT to end it so say those who believe they have the right to run down protesters.

You can't make this crap up.

Let's also add that if a woman needs an abortion the man who made her pregnant must automatically be castrated. Share the burden a bit.
Wow ...

That's a really fvcking sick post.

Any questions about Leftism being a mental disorder?

Folks you can't make this shit up.
It's fucking sick to place it all on the woman when it takes two to create the problem.
does the man have a say in the babys death when the mother aborts it??

or does he have the ability to not be held responsible and kill it without the mothers say so or not pay child support if she keeps it??

Doesn't matter. He made her pregnant. He bears very little burden beyond financial which often times can be quite minimal. No physical burden, no health risks, etc.

Guess he should have kept his pants zipped right?
if you want to cut his nuts off he does,, and that small burden can end his life if he doesnt pay it,,

youre dbl standards are just pathetic,, but beings its you its understandable,,,
There is no death penalty for failing to pay child support.
but there is life in prison,, which is what happens if you dont pay,,,

if a women has 9 months and 4 days to decide not to be a mother the father should have the same option,, equality and all that,,

Where do you get life in prison for failing to pay child support?

If you are a Texan, you should be on your feet yelling hell NO, we'll put these lawmakers out of business first.. Instead you are flopping around making lame excuses for them.
You want me to jump off in your psycho world and pretend abortion isn't murder?

I think I'll stay on this side of reality.
So is running down protestors.

Let's also add that if a woman needs an abortion the man who made her pregnant must automatically be castrated. Share the burden a bit.
Wow ...

That's a really fvcking sick post.

Any questions about Leftism being a mental disorder?

Folks you can't make this shit up.
It's fucking sick to place it all on the woman when it takes two to create the problem.
does the man have a say in the babys death when the mother aborts it??

or does he have the ability to not be held responsible and kill it without the mothers say so or not pay child support if she keeps it??

Doesn't matter. He made her pregnant. He bears very little burden beyond financial which often times can be quite minimal. No physical burden, no health risks, etc.

Guess he should have kept his pants zipped right?
if you want to cut his nuts off he does,, and that small burden can end his life if he doesnt pay it,,

youre dbl standards are just pathetic,, but beings its you its understandable,,,
There is no death penalty for failing to pay child support.
but there is life in prison,, which is what happens if you dont pay,,,

if a women has 9 months and 4 days to decide not to be a mother the father should have the same option,, equality and all that,,

Where do you get life in prison for failing to pay child support?
youre not a man so you wouldnt know,,

if a women has 9 months and 4 days to decide not to be a mother the father should have the same option,, equality and all that,,
Actually, largely, we agree here.

Neither one of us walk in that woman's shoes nor do all those people insisting she is evil. We have no right to take her choice from her and neither does the government, until the fetus is viable. I would rather put all that effort (an effort which, I might add, ultimately abandons the woman and her child post birth) into abortion prevention, sex education, birth control, support for new parents, also including government subsidized birth control - to reduce the need for abortion.

That too, respects both sides.

Maybe you shouldn't make assumptions.

I understand ...

I guess the only thing I could add is that I don't care what she is thinking, and I am not responsible for her actions.
I am only responsible for ensuring she knows she has options that don't include abortion.

The choice she makes ... Well I am not Divine, and that part isn't up to me.

I also stated Federal Government ... I respect the 10th Amendment and the ability for State or Local Governments,
or in absence of either, the People, to govern themselves.

But you see ... That tends to be a little less complicated than most people like it.
It just robs them of the ability to mess with each other and empower the Federal Government in the process.


Let's also add that if a woman needs an abortion the man who made her pregnant must automatically be castrated. Share the burden a bit.
Wow ...

That's a really fvcking sick post.

Any questions about Leftism being a mental disorder?

Folks you can't make this shit up.
It's fucking sick to place it all on the woman when it takes two to create the problem.
does the man have a say in the babys death when the mother aborts it??

or does he have the ability to not be held responsible and kill it without the mothers say so or not pay child support if she keeps it??

Doesn't matter. He made her pregnant. He bears very little burden beyond financial which often times can be quite minimal. No physical burden, no health risks, etc.

Guess he should have kept his pants zipped right?
if you want to cut his nuts off he does,, and that small burden can end his life if he doesnt pay it,,

youre dbl standards are just pathetic,, but beings its you its understandable,,,
There is no death penalty for failing to pay child support.
but there is life in prison,, which is what happens if you dont pay,,,

if a women has 9 months and 4 days to decide not to be a mother the father should have the same option,, equality and all that,,

Where do you get life in prison for failing to pay child support?
youre not a man so you wouldnt know,,

if a women has 9 months and 4 days to decide not to be a mother the father should have the same option,, equality and all that,,

What I bolded is the only part that matters - you aren't a woman. You can't possibly conceive of what it means to have your body/health/decisions controlled by some one else against your will. You wouldn't know.

Aside from that...she doesn't have 9 months to decide (unless you mean she could choose adoption) - elective abortion is very regulated and rare after the second trimester and once the fetus is viable...third becomes a birth unless there are severe birth defects that end life.

The mother takes ALL the risks - physically. The father none. Find a way to share that then we can discuss the "same options".

Here's a better idea. You know what is REALLY unfair? The way courts are biased towards mothers and against fathers when it comes to custody.
I'm beginning to think Texans have issues.

Isn't this the state that lets you run over protesters now?
If you're blocking the road and preventing me from getting somewhere, you're not a protester. You're denying my freedom and rights. Dumb fuck.
Ironic isn't it?

Consider this.

These are the people who consider pregancy to be "an inconvenience".

Yet they want to run down people who block the road - an "inconvenience".

And they have complete meltdowns over the "inconvenience" of wearing a mask for short while.

But if a woman is "inconvenienced" by a pregnancy - she has NO RIGHT to end it so say those who believe they have the right to run down protesters.

You can't make this crap up.
You're very confused. Allow me to inject some common sense. A human being in the womb is helpless and totally innocent. An adult that chooses to deliberately deny me my right to move freely is breaking the law. Anything else?

Let's also add that if a woman needs an abortion the man who made her pregnant must automatically be castrated. Share the burden a bit.
Wow ...

That's a really fvcking sick post.

Any questions about Leftism being a mental disorder?

Folks you can't make this shit up.
It's fucking sick to place it all on the woman when it takes two to create the problem.
does the man have a say in the babys death when the mother aborts it??

or does he have the ability to not be held responsible and kill it without the mothers say so or not pay child support if she keeps it??

Doesn't matter. He made her pregnant. He bears very little burden beyond financial which often times can be quite minimal. No physical burden, no health risks, etc.

Guess he should have kept his pants zipped right?
if you want to cut his nuts off he does,, and that small burden can end his life if he doesnt pay it,,

youre dbl standards are just pathetic,, but beings its you its understandable,,,
There is no death penalty for failing to pay child support.
but there is life in prison,, which is what happens if you dont pay,,,

if a women has 9 months and 4 days to decide not to be a mother the father should have the same option,, equality and all that,,

Where do you get life in prison for failing to pay child support?
youre not a man so you wouldnt know,,

if a women has 9 months and 4 days to decide not to be a mother the father should have the same option,, equality and all that,,

What I bolded is the only part that matters - you aren't a woman. You can't possibly conceive of what it means to have your body/health/decisions controlled by some one else against your will. You wouldn't know.

Aside from that...she doesn't have 9 months to decide (unless you mean she could choose adoption) - elective abortion is very regulated and rare after the second trimester and once the fetus is viable...third becomes a birth unless there are severe birth defects that end life.

The mother takes ALL the risks - physically. The father none. Find a way to share that then we can discuss the "same options".

Here's a better idea. You know what is REALLY unfair? The way courts are biased towards mothers and against fathers when it comes to custody.
if a women has 9 months and 4 days to decide not to be a mother the father should have the same option,, equality and all that,,

what say you??

a father can share the risk if the child is allowed to live,,

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