Another Texas GOP Lawmaker Is Attempting To Make Abortion Punishable By The Death Penalty

Let's also add that if a woman needs an abortion the man who made her pregnant must automatically be castrated. Share the burden a bit.
Wow ...

That's a really fvcking sick post.

Any questions about Leftism being a mental disorder?

Folks you can't make this shit up.
It's fucking sick to place it all on the woman when it takes two to create the problem.
does the man have a say in the babys death when the mother aborts it??

or does he have the ability to not be held responsible and kill it without the mothers say so or not pay child support if she keeps it??

Doesn't matter. He made her pregnant. He bears very little burden beyond financial which often times can be quite minimal. No physical burden, no health risks, etc.

Guess he should have kept his pants zipped right?
if you want to cut his nuts off he does,, and that small burden can end his life if he doesnt pay it,,

youre dbl standards are just pathetic,, but beings its you its understandable,,,
There is no death penalty for failing to pay child support.
but there is life in prison,, which is what happens if you dont pay,,,

if a women has 9 months and 4 days to decide not to be a mother the father should have the same option,, equality and all that,,

Where do you get life in prison for failing to pay child support?
youre not a man so you wouldnt know,,

if a women has 9 months and 4 days to decide not to be a mother the father should have the same option,, equality and all that,,

What I bolded is the only part that matters - you aren't a woman. You can't possibly conceive of what it means to have your body/health/decisions controlled by some one else against your will. You wouldn't know.

Aside from that...she doesn't have 9 months to decide (unless you mean she could choose adoption) - elective abortion is very regulated and rare after the second trimester and once the fetus is viable...third becomes a birth unless there are severe birth defects that end life.

The mother takes ALL the risks - physically. The father none. Find a way to share that then we can discuss the "same options".

Here's a better idea. You know what is REALLY unfair? The way courts are biased towards mothers and against fathers when it comes to custody.
Nothing to do with your body.
I'm beginning to think Texans have issues.

Isn't this the state that lets you run over protesters now?
If you're blocking the road and preventing me from getting somewhere, you're not a protester. You're denying my freedom and rights. Dumb fuck.
Ironic isn't it?

Consider this.

These are the people who consider pregancy to be "an inconvenience".

Yet they want to run down people who block the road - an "inconvenience".

And they have complete meltdowns over the "inconvenience" of wearing a mask for short while.

But if a woman is "inconvenienced" by a pregnancy - she has NO RIGHT to end it so say those who believe they have the right to run down protesters.

You can't make this crap up.
You're very confused. Allow me to inject some common sense. A human being in the womb is helpless and totally innocent. An adult that chooses to deliberately deny me my right to move freely is breaking the law. Anything else?

You aren't confused. You are fucked up.

An adult who inconveniences you is...ok to kill. Because that is what it is - an inconvenience (not a death penalty crime).

A fetus who "inconveniences" a woman must be born to term, against her will, and with all the attendent risks and costs.

Which brings up another bit of irony...the concept of "inconvenience".

Conservatives seem to consider the decision of whether or not to have a child a matter of "convenience". On the SAME level as wearing a mask (how dare they "inconvenience" me and force me act in ways which might save lives!).

Yet no one I know of, who has a child, refers to it in terms of "convenience". It is a life changing decision in every way. It is the most life changing decision a woman can make - whether or not to have a child. It's not convenience.
Their claim that a zygote, embryo and fetus is a human being is ridiculous.
Or the claim can be made as a matter of religious or personal belief – but as a fact of Constitutional law it’s false.

Indeed, the right to privacy safeguards the liberty of each citizen to decide the matter for himself, free from government intrusion and interference.

That’s why authoritarian conservatives seek to destroy the right to privacy, to increase the size and power of the state at the expense of individual liberty.

Let's also add that if a woman needs an abortion the man who made her pregnant must automatically be castrated. Share the burden a bit.
Wow ...

That's a really fvcking sick post.

Any questions about Leftism being a mental disorder?

Folks you can't make this shit up.
It's fucking sick to place it all on the woman when it takes two to create the problem.
does the man have a say in the babys death when the mother aborts it??

or does he have the ability to not be held responsible and kill it without the mothers say so or not pay child support if she keeps it??

Doesn't matter. He made her pregnant. He bears very little burden beyond financial which often times can be quite minimal. No physical burden, no health risks, etc.

Guess he should have kept his pants zipped right?
if you want to cut his nuts off he does,, and that small burden can end his life if he doesnt pay it,,

youre dbl standards are just pathetic,, but beings its you its understandable,,,
There is no death penalty for failing to pay child support.
but there is life in prison,, which is what happens if you dont pay,,,

if a women has 9 months and 4 days to decide not to be a mother the father should have the same option,, equality and all that,,

Where do you get life in prison for failing to pay child support?
youre not a man so you wouldnt know,,

if a women has 9 months and 4 days to decide not to be a mother the father should have the same option,, equality and all that,,

What I bolded is the only part that matters - you aren't a woman. You can't possibly conceive of what it means to have your body/health/decisions controlled by some one else against your will. You wouldn't know.

Aside from that...she doesn't have 9 months to decide (unless you mean she could choose adoption) - elective abortion is very regulated and rare after the second trimester and once the fetus is viable...third becomes a birth unless there are severe birth defects that end life.

The mother takes ALL the risks - physically. The father none. Find a way to share that then we can discuss the "same options".

Here's a better idea. You know what is REALLY unfair? The way courts are biased towards mothers and against fathers when it comes to custody.
Nothing to do with your body.

Pregnancy has nothing to do with my body?
Their claim that a zygote, embryo and fetus is a human being is ridiculous.
Or the claim can be made as a matter of religious or personal belief – but as a fact of Constitutional law it’s false.

Indeed, the right to privacy safeguards the liberty of each citizen to decide the matter for himself, free from government intrusion and interference.

That’s why authoritarian conservatives seek to destroy the right to privacy, to increase the size and power of the state at the expense of individual liberty.
your premise is a lie,,
I'm beginning to think Texans have issues.

Isn't this the state that lets you run over protesters now?
If you're blocking the road and preventing me from getting somewhere, you're not a protester. You're denying my freedom and rights. Dumb fuck.
Ironic isn't it?

Consider this.

These are the people who consider pregancy to be "an inconvenience".

Yet they want to run down people who block the road - an "inconvenience".

And they have complete meltdowns over the "inconvenience" of wearing a mask for short while.

But if a woman is "inconvenienced" by a pregnancy - she has NO RIGHT to end it so say those who believe they have the right to run down protesters.

You can't make this crap up.
You're very confused. Allow me to inject some common sense. A human being in the womb is helpless and totally innocent. An adult that chooses to deliberately deny me my right to move freely is breaking the law. Anything else?

You aren't confused. You are fucked up.

An adult who inconveniences you is...ok to kill. Because that is what it is - an inconvenience (not a death penalty crime).

A fetus who "inconveniences" a woman must be born to term, against her will, and with all the attendent risks and costs.

Which brings up another bit of irony...the concept of "inconvenience".

Conservatives seem to consider the decision of whether or not to have a child a matter of "convenience". On the SAME level as wearing a mask (how dare they "inconvenience" me and force me act in ways which might save lives!).

Yet no one I know of, who has a child, refers to it in terms of "convenience". It is a life changing decision in every way. It is the most life changing decision a woman can make - whether or not to have a child. It's not convenience.
You're nucking futs.

Let's also add that if a woman needs an abortion the man who made her pregnant must automatically be castrated. Share the burden a bit.
Wow ...

That's a really fvcking sick post.

Any questions about Leftism being a mental disorder?

Folks you can't make this shit up.
It's fucking sick to place it all on the woman when it takes two to create the problem.
does the man have a say in the babys death when the mother aborts it??

or does he have the ability to not be held responsible and kill it without the mothers say so or not pay child support if she keeps it??

Doesn't matter. He made her pregnant. He bears very little burden beyond financial which often times can be quite minimal. No physical burden, no health risks, etc.

Guess he should have kept his pants zipped right?
if you want to cut his nuts off he does,, and that small burden can end his life if he doesnt pay it,,

youre dbl standards are just pathetic,, but beings its you its understandable,,,
There is no death penalty for failing to pay child support.
but there is life in prison,, which is what happens if you dont pay,,,

if a women has 9 months and 4 days to decide not to be a mother the father should have the same option,, equality and all that,,

Where do you get life in prison for failing to pay child support?
youre not a man so you wouldnt know,,

if a women has 9 months and 4 days to decide not to be a mother the father should have the same option,, equality and all that,,

What I bolded is the only part that matters - you aren't a woman. You can't possibly conceive of what it means to have your body/health/decisions controlled by some one else against your will. You wouldn't know.

Aside from that...she doesn't have 9 months to decide (unless you mean she could choose adoption) - elective abortion is very regulated and rare after the second trimester and once the fetus is viable...third becomes a birth unless there are severe birth defects that end life.

The mother takes ALL the risks - physically. The father none. Find a way to share that then we can discuss the "same options".

Here's a better idea. You know what is REALLY unfair? The way courts are biased towards mothers and against fathers when it comes to custody.
Nothing to do with your body.

Pregnancy has nothing to do with my body?
Correct. It also isn't "healthcare".

Texas lawmakers keep trying and you don't denounce them.
Why would I denounce them.

The murder of unborn children is murder in the real world.

I suspect you don't understand that coming from the party of science and all but, back in the real world .... a woman murdering her unborn child is indeed murder.

Why would I deny that reality.
I don't understand why people elect politicians like the ones in this article and the Texas government.
Because they’re authoritarian conservatives who want to compel conformity and punish dissent.

The authoritarian right seeks more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.

But you knew that already.
your premise is a lie,,

read the news for once and you wont be so ignorant,,
It’s a fact – conservatives seek to use the authority of the state to compel women to give birth against their will through force of law, in this case subjecting a woman and her doctor to criminal prosecution.

Such is the hypocrisy of the right; conservatives need to be consistent and realize that ‘small government’ is far more than just tax cuts and deregulation.

You aren't confused. You are fucked up.

An adult who inconveniences you is...ok to kill. Because that is what it is - an inconvenience (not a death penalty crime).

A fetus who "inconveniences" a woman must be born to term, against her will, and with all the attendent risks and costs.

Which brings up another bit of irony...the concept of "inconvenience".

Conservatives seem to consider the decision of whether or not to have a child a matter of "convenience". On the SAME level as wearing a mask (how dare they "inconvenience" me and force me act in ways which might save lives!).

Yet no one I know of, who has a child, refers to it in terms of "convenience". It is a life changing decision in every way. It is the most life changing decision a woman can make - whether or not to have a child. It's not convenience.
I don't understand why people elect politicians like the ones in this article and the Texas government.
Because they’re authoritarian conservatives who want to compel conformity and punish dissent.

The authoritarian right seeks more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.

But you knew that already.
your premise is a lie,,

read the news for once and you wont be so ignorant,,
It’s a fact – conservatives seek to use the authority of the state to compel women to give birth against their will through force of law, in this case subjecting a woman and her doctor to criminal prosecution.

Such is the hypocrisy of the right; conservatives need to be consistent and realize that ‘small government’ is far more than just tax cuts and deregulation.
biology compels women to give birth not conservatives/republicans,,

thats why your premise is a lie,,,

and dont forget a lot of democrats are against abortion too,,,
I'm beginning to think Texans have issues.

Isn't this the state that lets you run over protesters now?
If you're blocking the road and preventing me from getting somewhere, you're not a protester. You're denying my freedom and rights. Dumb fuck.
Ironic isn't it?

Consider this.

These are the people who consider pregancy to be "an inconvenience".

Yet they want to run down people who block the road - an "inconvenience".

And they have complete meltdowns over the "inconvenience" of wearing a mask for short while.

But if a woman is "inconvenienced" by a pregnancy - she has NO RIGHT to end it so say those who believe they have the right to run down protesters.

You can't make this crap up.
You're very confused. Allow me to inject some common sense. A human being in the womb is helpless and totally innocent. An adult that chooses to deliberately deny me my right to move freely is breaking the law. Anything else?

You aren't confused. You are fucked up.

An adult who inconveniences you is...ok to kill. Because that is what it is - an inconvenience (not a death penalty crime).

A fetus who "inconveniences" a woman must be born to term, against her will, and with all the attendent risks and costs.

Which brings up another bit of irony...the concept of "inconvenience".

Conservatives seem to consider the decision of whether or not to have a child a matter of "convenience". On the SAME level as wearing a mask (how dare they "inconvenience" me and force me act in ways which might save lives!).

Yet no one I know of, who has a child, refers to it in terms of "convenience". It is a life changing decision in every way. It is the most life changing decision a woman can make - whether or not to have a child. It's not convenience.
You're nucking futs.

Says the person who feels it's ok to run down a person blocking the street because it's an "inconvenience".
I'm beginning to think Texans have issues.

Isn't this the state that lets you run over protesters now?
If you're blocking the road and preventing me from getting somewhere, you're not a protester. You're denying my freedom and rights. Dumb fuck.
Ironic isn't it?

Consider this.

These are the people who consider pregancy to be "an inconvenience".

Yet they want to run down people who block the road - an "inconvenience".

And they have complete meltdowns over the "inconvenience" of wearing a mask for short while.

But if a woman is "inconvenienced" by a pregnancy - she has NO RIGHT to end it so say those who believe they have the right to run down protesters.

You can't make this crap up.
You're very confused. Allow me to inject some common sense. A human being in the womb is helpless and totally innocent. An adult that chooses to deliberately deny me my right to move freely is breaking the law. Anything else?

You aren't confused. You are fucked up.

An adult who inconveniences you is...ok to kill. Because that is what it is - an inconvenience (not a death penalty crime).

A fetus who "inconveniences" a woman must be born to term, against her will, and with all the attendent risks and costs.

Which brings up another bit of irony...the concept of "inconvenience".

Conservatives seem to consider the decision of whether or not to have a child a matter of "convenience". On the SAME level as wearing a mask (how dare they "inconvenience" me and force me act in ways which might save lives!).

Yet no one I know of, who has a child, refers to it in terms of "convenience". It is a life changing decision in every way. It is the most life changing decision a woman can make - whether or not to have a child. It's not convenience.
You're nucking futs.

Says the person who feels it's ok to run down a person blocking the street because it's an "inconvenience".
why are you lying about what he said??
I don't understand why people elect politicians like the ones in this article and the Texas government.
Because they’re authoritarian conservatives who want to compel conformity and punish dissent.

The authoritarian right seeks more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty.

But you knew that already.
your premise is a lie,,

read the news for once and you wont be so ignorant,,
It’s a fact – conservatives seek to use the authority of the state to compel women to give birth against their will through force of law, in this case subjecting a woman and her doctor to criminal prosecution.

Such is the hypocrisy of the right; conservatives need to be consistent and realize that ‘small government’ is far more than just tax cuts and deregulation.
biology compels women to give birth not conservatives/republicans,,

thats why your premise is a lie,,,

and dont forget a lot of democrats are against abortion too,,,

Biology also compels a woman to end a pregancy as well.

Nature is full of examples.

The majority of Americans support legal abortion, with some restrictions.
I'm beginning to think Texans have issues.

Isn't this the state that lets you run over protesters now?
If you're blocking the road and preventing me from getting somewhere, you're not a protester. You're denying my freedom and rights. Dumb fuck.
Ironic isn't it?

Consider this.

These are the people who consider pregancy to be "an inconvenience".

Yet they want to run down people who block the road - an "inconvenience".

And they have complete meltdowns over the "inconvenience" of wearing a mask for short while.

But if a woman is "inconvenienced" by a pregnancy - she has NO RIGHT to end it so say those who believe they have the right to run down protesters.

You can't make this crap up.
You're very confused. Allow me to inject some common sense. A human being in the womb is helpless and totally innocent. An adult that chooses to deliberately deny me my right to move freely is breaking the law. Anything else?

You aren't confused. You are fucked up.

An adult who inconveniences you is...ok to kill. Because that is what it is - an inconvenience (not a death penalty crime).

A fetus who "inconveniences" a woman must be born to term, against her will, and with all the attendent risks and costs.

Which brings up another bit of irony...the concept of "inconvenience".

Conservatives seem to consider the decision of whether or not to have a child a matter of "convenience". On the SAME level as wearing a mask (how dare they "inconvenience" me and force me act in ways which might save lives!).

Yet no one I know of, who has a child, refers to it in terms of "convenience". It is a life changing decision in every way. It is the most life changing decision a woman can make - whether or not to have a child. It's not convenience.
You're nucking futs.

Says the person who feels it's ok to run down a person blocking the street because it's an "inconvenience".
I never used the word, you did. I said if you block me from moving freely then you are deliberately denying me my Constitutional rights. Lying jackal.
Any possibility you folks could use a select quote and break the string?

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