Another Thing the Debate Told Us: The Media are Liar Propagandists


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
An Army of media follow Biden’s every move. A lot of them get to personally talk to him.

And do recall when the media was raising concerns about Joe’s mental health?

They couldn’t coverup for Joe at the debate, and now so many clueless Leftists are acting shocked and surprised. Whether their reaction is real or fake, the fact they are at best clueless to what we’ve all known for years is most telling.
An Army of media follow Biden’s every move. A lot of them get to personally talk to him.

And do recall when the media was raising concerns about Joe’s mental health?

They couldn’t coverup for Joe at the debate, and now so many clueless Leftists are acting shocked and surprised. Whether their reaction is real or fake, the fact they are at best clueless to what we’ve all known for years is most telling.
The world has seen this. It was showing itself in 2020. It has been shown on the world stage where world leaders try to give him cover. The fact that they still promote this as "one bad night, one bad debate" tells you how diabolical they are.

They have convinced Americans that the GOP are the evil ones. Meanwhile many in this party and their friends in Europe are some of the most corrupt, most knee bending, elite-loving people on earth. Much at the expense of Western liberty.

Here was the startling situation that I noticed and which foreign adversaries clearly must have seen. Go and watch the end of the debate when Joe and Jill go to Dana and Jake to shake their hands. BOTH moderators look intently at Jill and speak to her while Joe stands silently in the background.

Have you ever seen the President of the U.S meet with ANYONE and those people speak to their wife while he is not saying a word?
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