Another Trump disappointment: Sessions bringing back the War on Some Drug Users

Drugs and addiction are medical issues, not criminal issues. Get the lawyers out of the way. Cut the cost by 90%. Start boot camps for addicts and legalize.
These are active gang members whose activities reach far beyond drugs. Yet, it's just insane to see how much users will accept just to protect drugs. They will accept sex slavery, murder, kidnappings, torture. Users will let drug addicts create carnage on the streets and highways. They seem to have a particular affinity for those who die in the streets with the needle still in their arms.

If you legalize the drugs, you will have more drug addicts, more death and far, far more violence. This is just acceptable to users. Their lives revolve around the next high, the next fix. Why shouldn't every one else's lives revolve around drugs too.

I disagree. I think overall more drug addicts would come clean and seek some kind of help in controlling their addiction. Fewer OD's and far less violence and crime.

Your specious attack on our countrymen is noted. It seem you want to denigrate them to the point that their lives are worthless. Would you prefer death squads or gas chambers for them?
Drugs and addiction are medical issues, not criminal issues. Get the lawyers out of the way. Cut the cost by 90%. Start boot camps for addicts and legalize.
We have way too many liberals now. Legalizing dope will create millions more.
I'm not happy with Sessions' stance on "legal" marijuana, but I don't think he should be criticized for re-focusing on harsh punishments (within the law) for drug offenders. Whatever they have been doing for the past 8 years, it's not working very well, eh? Can't keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result.
Last 8 years? We've been doing the same thing for the last 60 years with nothing but wasted resources, ruined lives, and a corrupt law enforcement community to show for it.
You seem surprised for some strange reason...

I am not. Sessions is a law and order guy, and until the laws are changed by congress he will enforce them.
----------------------------------------------------------- yep , Sessions is anti drug . Sounds like he is going after drug sellers as his main target as i just heard him a minute ago .
That's just one of the myriad indications that the war on some drug users is full-bore bullshit. How are you going to have a set of laws that criminalizes selling a product but not buying the product? Is anything else like that? Imagine it were illegal to kill someone for money, but legal to pay someone to commit murder. It's insane.
From the Washington Post:

The Sessions memo marks the first significant criminal justice effort by the Trump administration to bring back the toughest practices of the drug war, which had fallen out of favor in recent years with a bipartisan movement to undo the damaging effects of mass incarceration.
Of all the very serious issues out there, THIS is what Sessions puts out there? The stupid, unwinnable, unjust War on Drugs.



Not sourced! No specifics of the "tough" practices!

You are truly the troll of the trolls.

I doubt he is talking about weed, but heroine and meth are becoming sweeping epidemics in this country. You are proof thereof.

We need to combat it so numbnutz like you don't rob old ladies for a fix.

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You are boring and uncouth. Ignored.
Trump ran on tougher drug enforcement. You may be dissapointed he won but that's how it works. I do not believe drugs are harmless, they are devastating to society.

the Trump drones are on FIRE this AM !
Yeah brainchild, the wall should be up by now.
Actually, it is the laws against drugs that are devastating to society, just like the laws against alcohol were an utter disaster on every level. Here is our logic for the War on Some Drug Users: We believe if you take these drugs it will ruin your life. Therefore, if we catch you taking these drugs, we are going to ruin your life.
You seem surprised for some strange reason...

I am not. Sessions is a law and order guy, and until the laws are changed by congress he will enforce them.
----------------------------------------------------------- yep , Sessions is anti drug . Sounds like he is going after drug sellers as his main target as i just heard him a minute ago .
That's just one of the myriad indications that the war on some drug users is full-bore bullshit. How are you going to have a set of laws that criminalizes selling a product but not buying the product? Is anything else like that? Imagine it were illegal to kill someone for money, but legal to pay someone to commit murder. It's insane.
---------------------------------------------- ok , so drug users will also be scooped up . Sessions is anti drug , same as Trump from everything i have heard . Drug users should just be prepared , switch to Pabst maybe CNelson
From the Washington Post:

The Sessions memo marks the first significant criminal justice effort by the Trump administration to bring back the toughest practices of the drug war, which had fallen out of favor in recent years with a bipartisan movement to undo the damaging effects of mass incarceration.
Of all the very serious issues out there, THIS is what Sessions puts out there? The stupid, unwinnable, unjust War on Drugs.



Is that where we're at? Are we embracing the lawlessness?
I wonder if that's how our higher grade citizens feel?
We want to compromise, make concessions and tailor our laws to better fit our lowest grade citizens?
I may be I missing something here?
My post simply states there are a whole shit load of more pressing concerns. Why you gonna go after some kid from a broken home at the bottom of the stack and bust his life up while George Soros is literally destroying the country, intentionally, and isn't going to stop. Which is more important. Make sure that kid doesn't make a few hundred dollars dealing meth to his broke friends, or shutting down the vilest most dangerous creature on the planet, a powerful and evil man operating outside the law who desires your destruction? Fucking investigate and incarcerate that pile of pig shit. Leave the kid alone.
This isn't a war on drugs. It's a war on violence.

Just like alcohol prohibition, the laws themselves are the cause of the violence. You're right though, it's not a war on drugs, it's a fascist policy-war on American Citizens who use non-government approved (non-taxed) recreational substances. Unlike Prohibition, the violence is mostly in other countries that the US press doesn't cover, so there is hardly any US outrage over that violence.
Plus, prescription drugs kill way more people every year than illegal drugs, but they have teams of high-paid lawyers on K Street running up and down the halls of Congress, so the fucking government actually PAYS BILLIONS FOR the more dangerous drugs and hands them out to medicaid recipients and everyone else, but these drugs over here, who don't have lobbyists , and are less dangerous, and people WANT to take them, and will pay for them themselves, the fucking government SPENDS BILLIONS to lock those people up in fucking cages (which have their own armies of lawyers on K St making sure the lawmakers create more lawbreakers, i.e., customers.

It is so sick and corrupted people don't even know. But 98% of the population grew up seeing the government's this-is-your-brain-on-fried-eggs propaganda and that's as far as it goes. Like robots. DRUGS. MUST. BE. ILLEGAL.
There can be no doubt that Jeff Sessions prefers taxpayer funded PILLS over POT for kiddies...

since he voted in 2004 to socialize senior drugs... which many of us at the time said would result in those taxpayer funded "FREE" pills ending up all over the place, including in schools....
This isn't a war on drugs. It's a war on violence.

Just like alcohol prohibition, the laws themselves are the cause of the violence. You're right though, it's not a war on drugs, it's a fascist policy-war on American Citizens who use non-government approved (non-taxed) recreational substances. Unlike Prohibition, the violence is mostly in other countries that the US press doesn't cover, so there is hardly any US outrage over that violence.
Plus, prescription drugs kill way more people every year than illegal drugs, but they have teams of high-paid lawyers on K Street running up and down the halls of Congress, so the fucking government actually PAYS BILLIONS FOR the more dangerous drugs and hands them out to medicaid recipients and everyone else, but these drugs over here, who don't have lobbyists , and are less dangerous, and people WANT to take them, and will pay for them themselves, the fucking government SPENDS BILLIONS to lock those people up in fucking cages (which have their own armies of lawyers on K St making sure the lawmakers create more lawbreakers, i.e., customers.

It is so sick and corrupted people don't even know. But 98% of the population grew up seeing the government's this-is-your-brain-on-fried-eggs propaganda and that's as far as it goes. Like robots. DRUGS. MUST. BE. ILLEGAL.
--------------------------------------------------------- i just watch news from areas like Denver Colorado and all i see is dopers [legal] and that can't be good for the USA except for the legal store owners and the states tax collection . Doctors and their over prescribing is also something that should be stopped CNelson .
A buddy of mine's wife used to tell him: "don't forget to smoke your birth control"....reefer shrinks your nuts, dumbass. I mean, look at heavy users....they're pretty much female. :gay:
I don't know about that. In the hood, there isn't a person over the age of twelve who isn't high as a kite every waking moment, and the females all got a half dozen bastards clambering over them.
This isn't a war on drugs. It's a war on violence.

Just like alcohol prohibition, the laws themselves are the cause of the violence. You're right though, it's not a war on drugs, it's a fascist policy-war on American Citizens who use non-government approved (non-taxed) recreational substances. Unlike Prohibition, the violence is mostly in other countries that the US press doesn't cover, so there is hardly any US outrage over that violence.
Plus, prescription drugs kill way more people every year than illegal drugs, but they have teams of high-paid lawyers on K Street running up and down the halls of Congress, so the fucking government actually PAYS BILLIONS FOR the more dangerous drugs and hands them out to medicaid recipients and everyone else, but these drugs over here, who don't have lobbyists , and are less dangerous, and people WANT to take them, and will pay for them themselves, the fucking government SPENDS BILLIONS to lock those people up in fucking cages (which have their own armies of lawyers on K St making sure the lawmakers create more lawbreakers, i.e., customers.

It is so sick and corrupted people don't even know. But 98% of the population grew up seeing the government's this-is-your-brain-on-fried-eggs propaganda and that's as far as it goes. Like robots. DRUGS. MUST. BE. ILLEGAL.
--------------------------------------------------------- i just watch news from areas like Denver Colorado and all i see is dopers [legal] and that can't be good for the USA except for the legal store owners and the states tax collection . Doctors and their over prescribing is also something that should be stopped CNelson .
A good deal of the news out of Denver has to do with being the first state in the country to legalize pot, so it makes sense they are showing pot users for the b-roll. Significantly, the news coming out of Denver is NOT about runaway violent crime, nor is it about how society has collapsed since drugs were legalized.
If these drug addicts worked a job and paid for their own drugs fine, but they don't, they rob and steal and commit crimes against law abiding citizens to feed their habits. So tough shit, go to jail, go directly to jail.
If these drug addicts worked a job and paid for their own drugs fine, but they don't, they rob and steal and commit crimes against law abiding citizens to feed their habits. So tough shit, go to jail, go directly to jail.
Rob and steal? Go to jail for robbing and stealing. Where's the problem? (Btw, if drugs were legalized and sold at CVS next to the aspirin, that might have a positive impact on the crime rate, don't you think?)
This isn't a war on drugs. It's a war on violence.

Just like alcohol prohibition, the laws themselves are the cause of the violence. You're right though, it's not a war on drugs, it's a fascist policy-war on American Citizens who use non-government approved (non-taxed) recreational substances. Unlike Prohibition, the violence is mostly in other countries that the US press doesn't cover, so there is hardly any US outrage over that violence.
Plus, prescription drugs kill way more people every year than illegal drugs, but they have teams of high-paid lawyers on K Street running up and down the halls of Congress, so the fucking government actually PAYS BILLIONS FOR the more dangerous drugs and hands them out to medicaid recipients and everyone else, but these drugs over here, who don't have lobbyists , and are less dangerous, and people WANT to take them, and will pay for them themselves, the fucking government SPENDS BILLIONS to lock those people up in fucking cages (which have their own armies of lawyers on K St making sure the lawmakers create more lawbreakers, i.e., customers.

It is so sick and corrupted people don't even know. But 98% of the population grew up seeing the government's this-is-your-brain-on-fried-eggs propaganda and that's as far as it goes. Like robots. DRUGS. MUST. BE. ILLEGAL.
--------------------------------------------------------- i just watch news from areas like Denver Colorado and all i see is dopers [legal] and that can't be good for the USA except for the legal store owners and the states tax collection . Doctors and their over prescribing is also something that should be stopped CNelson .
A good deal of the news out of Denver has to do with being the first state in the country to legalize pot, so it makes sense they are showing pot users for the b-roll. Significantly, the news coming out of Denver is NOT about runaway violent crime, nor is it about how society has collapsed since drugs were legalized.
--------------------------------------------------------- they look like bums all over the streets and i imagine its the same in other states where pot is legal . One state that i'm thinking of has a small town , maybe 15. 000 people and there must be 20 - 30 legal weed shops in town , maybe more , Can't be good for the USA a nation of dopers CNelson .
If these drug addicts worked a job and paid for their own drugs fine, but they don't, they rob and steal and commit crimes against law abiding citizens to feed their habits. So tough shit, go to jail, go directly to jail.

Is that all? Shit, I've worked my entire life I don't think I've gone two weeks without some kind of job. I have no problem jailing anyone who robs, steals, and commits crimes against others regardless of their rationale for committing those crimes. Being intoxicated is no excuse either.

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